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Jak Lee
Jak Lee
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Remedial Training Empty Remedial Training

Thu May 25, 2023 4:40 pm
Another day passed Jak Lee by as she spent her time in the Konohagakure Ninja Academy. She was the slowest, the weakest, her scores were low in everything, and she seemed overall unfit to be a ninja. Graduation was coming up, and she absolutely had to do whatever she could to graduate. Currently, she knew no jutsu and her hand to hand skills were extremely lacking. To pass the genin exam, she'd have to pass a physical exam and jutsu evaluation. The jutsu wouldn't come in a day, so she decided to take today to train her physical attributes. Today was the weekend afterall.

Jak Lee took a jog from the academy to the training grounds. Upon arrival, she found it to be mostly empty, aside from a few upper rank shinobi casually chatting. It must have been the aftermath of their squad training, and the Genin had gone home already. First on her agenda was to practice her strikes. She'd find a nice, empty spot and set up a training dummy to practice on. She picked one that had a leather coating, something that would do well with her fragile hands.

"100 face punches! Yahh!!"
She'd assume a wider than shoulder width stance and tuck her arms to her sides, assuming some sort of martial arts stance. She'd methodically throw each hand towards the dummy's head. She'd throw the left hand first with a loud exhalation, and then as she retracted after her left fist made contact with the dummy's "head", she'd immediately follow up by throwing her right fist out. She'd continue doing this in a cycle until she had punched the dummy with each hand a hundred times.

After a hundred repetitions of face punches, her hands would become slightly reddened. It only took her about 5 minutes to do this many reps, and her arms felt okay. She wasn't too terribly fatigued after this, and she wasn't really even sweating. This was just the warm up, she had just started. She continues throwing punches for the next hour, trying to remain disciplined as she kept firm in her stance. It was already after school when she started, and with the hour that past, the sun began to set on the horizon. It wasn't that hot, but the increase in her body temperature caused her to sweat profusely as she trained. Her hands were a bit more reddened at this point, and she could feel the slightest annoyance of pain in her knuckles. But this was still nothing!

Another two hours passed as Jak Lee had continued to practice her punches on the training dummy. At this point, her arms were visibly shaking and her breathing was intensely labored. She had actually stopped sweating, a sign that perhaps she was overworking herself. Everyone else on the training grounds had vacated the premises at least an hour ago, yet there she was still training. She punched and punched until she couldn't punch anymore. Eventually, she would collapse due to fatigue, hyperventilating as she lay on the ground with her eyes closed. She was done for the day, clearly. She slowly slipped into unconsciousness, and dreams of failing the physical evaluation of the Genin exam would cross her mind as she lay there. She would wake up in about another hour and head home.
Jak Lee
Jak Lee
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Remedial Training Empty Jutsu request

Thu May 25, 2023 5:56 pm
TWC 500

5 strength (500/500) leading to 25 strength total (I went from 13 to 20 in another post)

500 to Leaf Gale D-rank
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Remedial Training Empty Re: Remedial Training

Thu May 25, 2023 6:32 pm
Jak Lee wrote:TWC 500

5 strength (500/500) leading to 25 strength total (I went from 13 to 20 in another post)

500 to Leaf Gale D-rank

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