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Otoko Senju
Otoko Senju
Stat Page : The Cowboy
Mission Record : Missions
Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3870

Shadow a Queensman Empty Shadow a Queensman

Sat Apr 01, 2023 11:03 am
Shadow a Queensman

Otoko has been given an opportunity to learn more about the history and traditions of Hoshigakure, as well as the role of the Queensmen in the city. Spending a day with a Queensman will provide an excellent opportunity to gain insights into their work and understand their importance in the local community. Otoko arrived at the Queensmen headquarters in his usual garb ensuring he was about 15 minutes early in case there were any preparations he needed to go through before starting his patrol. Otoko took a seat in the lobby area and waited patiently for his assigned Queensmen to arrive.

A boisterous man rounded the corner of the connecting hallway and stopped short of where Otoko was sitting, slammed his feet together, and cleared his throat. “Are you Otoko Senju?”, the man said in a commanding voice. Otoko leapt up from his seat to attention and nodded at the man addressing him, “Yes sir, I am Otoko!” The man smiled, “alright then follow me.” The man turned quickly and Otoko followed behind swiftly. “I am Takashi Hoshimura, i will be leading you in our patrol today, there are a couple rules you should know while we are making the rounds today:
Show respect and courtesy to everyone; It is important to treat everyone with respect and courtesy, as we occupy a position of immense respect in the community.
Listen carefully, not only to me, but to your surroundings as well; you should pay close attention to my words and actions throughout the day. This will help you gain a better understanding of my role and responsibilities.
Ask questions, even when you think it’s not important; you should not be afraid to ask questions about my work and the history of Hoshigakure. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the city and its traditions.
Be observant during the entire patrol; you should observe my interactions with others, approach to problem-solving, and attention to detail. This will provide valuable insights into my work and importance in the community.
Show gratitude to the villagers of Hoshi; At the end of the day, we only have a job because of the villagers.”

Takashi took a breath after he got done with his spiel, “any questions?” Otoko thought for a moment and then shook his head, “no sir i understand what is expected of me today and will do my best to follow you rules.” Takashi smiled back at Otoko as he maintained his brisk pace, “good, let's get started!” Otoko spent pretty much the entire day walking through Hoshi and observing Takashi thriving in his role that he took very seriously. The two assisted citizens in day to day tasks, cleaned up portions of the street, interacted with other shinobi and members of the Nova Corps, and helped with a theft investigation that they happened upon.

Overall, spending a day with a Queensman was a unique and valuable opportunity for Otoko to learn more about the history and traditions of Hoshigakure. By showing respect, listening carefully, asking questions, being observant, and expressing gratitude, Otoko made the most of this experience and gained a deeper understanding of the city and its people.

WC - 530

Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12750

Shadow a Queensman Empty Re: Shadow a Queensman

Sat Apr 01, 2023 12:34 pm
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