- Ciel UchihaGenin
- Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000
E rank
Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:08 pm
"Lets get this over with", He thought to himself, it had been a very long last couple of months for him and he could think of no better way to start his weekend off than with a bang , would be to get some basic E-ranked mission out of the way. They were extremely easy and often required no work at all to complete. He wasent in the need for money and often didnt care about the pay out of one , but he had to eat and keep up with his clothes and what nots. Since he was going to have alot of free time over the next couple days he thought it be best to take on some low ranking mission. As soon as he was done doing the normal things like brushing his teeth and taking a shower, Ciel wasted no time leaving his home and heading to the mission board to find something easy enough to start off with. He hadnt been a genin to long and he didnt want to bite off something more than he could chew. One thing about Ciel was tht he had a very good idea on how the world works, the weak die and only the strong survive. It didnt take him long t reach the mission board and since it ws his first time his slightly surprised on how many people were there today looking to grab a mission and earn some money.
The easiest one that caught his eye was one for dinner arraignments. “Ah what could be hard about this mission , perfect way to collect a some quick ryo” , he said to himself as he grabbed it off the board and made his way to the location. As he read the letter it has requested that the shinobi stop and grab a few things from the party supply store and then make their way to the house to help set up. “Right , let’s get this is over with and then head out for a good dinner” , he said as he quickly made his way over to the party supply store . As he made his way over there he couldn’t help but think what was the people who requested this mission going to be parting about and if they would have any good food there. It had been a while since he had been to a good party and had some real good food and maybe if he was lucky he could stay for it .
It didn’t take him long to reach the store and grab all the supplies , as he checked out with the items he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful the women at the register was but unfortunately was to shy to say anything besides the normal pleasantry’s. Once he left the store he quickly made his way to the home where the party was going to be held and upon arrival he notice how huge the building was and decided a couple clones would be best to get this done quickly. So after speaking with the owner , Ciel was able to quickly set up the party , unfortunately for him it was for senior citizens and something he definitely didn’t want to stay for so he left quickly.
Claims-1k ryo . 5 ap , save wc for later
"Lets get this over with", He thought to himself, it had been a very long last couple of months for him and he could think of no better way to start his weekend off than with a bang , would be to get some basic E-ranked mission out of the way. They were extremely easy and often required no work at all to complete. He wasent in the need for money and often didnt care about the pay out of one , but he had to eat and keep up with his clothes and what nots. Since he was going to have alot of free time over the next couple days he thought it be best to take on some low ranking mission. As soon as he was done doing the normal things like brushing his teeth and taking a shower, Ciel wasted no time leaving his home and heading to the mission board to find something easy enough to start off with. He hadnt been a genin to long and he didnt want to bite off something more than he could chew. One thing about Ciel was tht he had a very good idea on how the world works, the weak die and only the strong survive. It didnt take him long t reach the mission board and since it ws his first time his slightly surprised on how many people were there today looking to grab a mission and earn some money.
The easiest one that caught his eye was one for dinner arraignments. “Ah what could be hard about this mission , perfect way to collect a some quick ryo” , he said to himself as he grabbed it off the board and made his way to the location. As he read the letter it has requested that the shinobi stop and grab a few things from the party supply store and then make their way to the house to help set up. “Right , let’s get this is over with and then head out for a good dinner” , he said as he quickly made his way over to the party supply store . As he made his way over there he couldn’t help but think what was the people who requested this mission going to be parting about and if they would have any good food there. It had been a while since he had been to a good party and had some real good food and maybe if he was lucky he could stay for it .
It didn’t take him long to reach the store and grab all the supplies , as he checked out with the items he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful the women at the register was but unfortunately was to shy to say anything besides the normal pleasantry’s. Once he left the store he quickly made his way to the home where the party was going to be held and upon arrival he notice how huge the building was and decided a couple clones would be best to get this done quickly. So after speaking with the owner , Ciel was able to quickly set up the party , unfortunately for him it was for senior citizens and something he definitely didn’t want to stay for so he left quickly.
Claims-1k ryo . 5 ap , save wc for later
- Shinrei YamatoJouninSurvived 2021You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
- Stat Page : Yamato
Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0
Re: E rank
Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:12 pm
Cannot bank WC, update and we can finish the claim
- Ciel UchihaGenin
- Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000
Re: E rank
Sat Apr 22, 2023 5:03 pm
Claiming 552 towards 3 tomoe sharingan 5597/6k rest here
- FuJounin
- Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650
Re: E rank
Sun Apr 23, 2023 1:09 am
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