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Kouga Hinomatsu
Kouga Hinomatsu
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 2000

Patrol basics [solo] Empty Patrol basics [solo]

Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:31 am
Mission: Patrol Training (E-rank)
Stat page:

The sun shined brightly over the village, providing some much needed warmth for everyone in the middle of winter. The main street leading to the village gate was full of busy people, some packing into shops, others hurrying along to their goals, and a select few just lazily walking around. In the teeming crowd a luscious ocean of red hair was flowing around and between the residents of Konoha. The man it belonged to seemed to be lost in thought.

Kouga got assigned to Shikako Nara, a gate guard Chuunin, to learn the basics of patrolling. As he dodged around people to get to the gate, he was thinking about what type of person Shikako might be and what there was to learn about patrolling anyway. It seemed like a fairly trivial matter. One would need to learn the routes he supposed, but otherwise you just go around the village and keep an eye out. As he arrived to the square before the gate he slowed down somewhat. He felt anxious as always before meeting someone. He was told to look for a long, black haired kunoichi, but now that he thought about it, that description would fit most female ninja he knew of. So he just hoped there wasn’t another one of them on gate keeping duty today.

He reached the gate, stepped out of the village, and looked to the right. A definitely short haired guy was looking at him questioningly. He looked to the other side and the person he was looking for was already on her way towards him. “Are you Kouga?” – she asked drily. “Yes, Shikako?” – came the counter question, while offering her his hand. “That’s me.” – she shook his hand. She had a surprisingly firm hand. She turned around. “Haruki, it’s a mission. I’ll be back in 15 minutes.” – she shouted to the other guy. The guy just looked at them and gave a barely visible nod. “Follow me, I’ll tell you everything you need to know on the move.” – her voice was cold and calculated and jumped up on a tree. Kouga followed her.

“Remember the way we are going. This will be your patrol route.” Luckily navigation and remember things never were hard for him. On the other hand he didn’t really like getting ordered around, but what can you do. “Do you understand?” – she demanded. “Yes, of course.” – he tried to keep his annoyment out of his voice and failed spectacularly. “Good. Now when patrolling you should keep a low pace. Your main goals are to be hard to spot, but in turn spot anyone snooping around.” – Shikako started her lecture. Easier said then done. “If you spot someone, stop and don’t get closer. Try counting them as quickly as possible and report back to your superior.” – these were at least useful informations. Maybe she’s not that bad. Shikako suddenly stopped and Kouga stopped right beside her. The kunoichi gestured towards a part of the forest. “You should take care not to go too far that way. That forest is said to be cursed.” – to him those trees looked the same as every other tree they passed until this point. He had to check it out later.

The rest of the round was pretty uneventful. Shikako did say a few more things, but nothing he didn’t already know and just as the woman predicted they were back at the gate in 15 minutes. And with that Kouga Hinomatsu was patrol ready.

[twc: 580]

- 1000 ryo
- 5 ap
- 580 wc towards crafting Korei(623/2500), already had 43 from here.
- 5 to chakra stat
Yurei Shinkou
Yurei Shinkou
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Portfolio of a Phantom
Mission Record : -
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : -
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Patrol basics [solo] Empty Re: Patrol basics [solo]

Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:18 pm
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