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- Uchiha MadaraCitizenSurvived 2021You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Mission Name: Dark Envoy
Rank: S-rank
Mission Location: Anywhere
Challenges: ~
The world has become saturated with chakra usage. Between this fact and the alignment of our planet with the distant most planet in our solar system, the barrier between our realm and the spirit realm has been weakened. While thus far, this has only manifested in the spirits of those we recognize and have since passed on from our world, the events have drawn the attention of something deeper. Something darker. Something that now has become aware of our distant world and the natural stores of chakra that permeate its surface. An agent has been sent to investigate, and it is your duty to deter them.
Using your Spirit Stone, you cross the boundary to the spirit realm that overlays with our reality, and while here, you will meet this dark envoy and deter them from drawing their master to our world. Whether this is through diplomatic treatment, deceitful coercion, or brute force, your pending success could have deeper, much more far-reaching consequences. Failure is not an option.
The success of this mission allows any participants to turn their Spirit Stone into a Soul Stone, consuming the Spirit Stone in the process. The user may keep their Spirit Stone if they wish, but do not gain a Soul Stone if they do.
Word Count Requirement: 5,000
Reward:10,000 Ryo / 50 AP
Character Requirements: All participants must have a Spirit Stone.
Character Exclusive: ~
Link to Legacy Mission: N/A
Return to the Mission Directory
Madara took her spirit stone and crossed the boundary into the spirit realm that overlays with our reality. She met with the dark envoy and tried to stop them from coming over, but instead of stopping them she was shoved aside. She got warped away to another reality and before she knew it she was living another life, with the memory of her old reality locked away in the back of her mind. She woke up a new woman in a different body, unsure of what was going on. But it all felt right. She was at home. Could she escape?
What felt like weeks passed by in the blink of an eye. Obsessing over the thought of becoming a ninjutsu user was a regular occurrence as of late. She thought, “why am I bothering learning all this space time business when I could be living an exciting life, teleporting around the world or setting monsters ablaze? Someone who can change their appearance on a whim never has to worry about becoming ugly. Someone with the strength of ten men would never have to worry about where their next meal is coming from.”
When Madara got home she had to dunk her head in a bucket of water to get all the magician thoughts out of her head. She wondered what happened to herself. “I used to spend my time dating and lusting over sexy men. Then I got into thieving and now I’m thinking of magic. Get it together. I’m no adventurer, I’m barely even a thief. I’m this old yet I feel like I’m doing nothing with my life.” She felt tears seep from her eyes and into the bucket. This was as close to having a mid life crisis as Madara had ever gotten.
“Something’s got to change. I don’t know what, but something has to change,” she said to herself. She cleared her tears and wiped her head dry and tried to ignore all of her negative thoughts. She had started the day with the intention of testing her drilling idea and she intended to follow through with it no matter how sad she was.
The young thief took a close look at the tool for the first time. It appeared to be adjustable so she fiddled with it and played with how wide she could make it go. “Probably better to make a small circle. It’d be faster, wouldn’t it? I just need to go through the lock and break it, and those aren’t that big.” She decided to set it as small as it would go and shove it against one of the 1” thick blocks of wood she’d just bought. Handling the tool was difficult and she realized that she ought to look into woodworking if she was ever going to do this in any reasonable amount of time. She found it difficult to focus on both applying pressure and turning the drilling tool at the same time and didn’t even know that it was important to keep it perpendicular to the surface of the wood. However her efforts wouldn’t be for nothing. Eventually she did manage to put a hole through the block, though it took her an hour to do so, with many breaks of course.
Madara hadn’t intended to become a master at drilling holes in the span of one afternoon. She had only intended to see if drilling through a door was feasible. Now she knew that yes, she probably could put a hole through a door if given enough time. She was sure it could be done a lot more quickly and was surprised at how quiet the process was. Drilling the hole sounded nothing like sawing which was what she had feared the most when the idea had popped into her head. She had little worry about anyone hearing her drill through a door. The only worry she now had was whether or not the drill could go through a locking mechanism. Drilling through the wood was fairly pointless if the lock was still going to be fully functional.
Madara opened her closet which was packed full of various practice locks, including some that she had salvaged from piles of junk. The junk locks were still attached to wood which made them perfect for what she wanted to try out. She placed the drill onto where she estimated the locking mechanism to be and then she drilled and drilled and drilled. The wood was a lot easier to go through than the block she’d purchased, mostly because the practice lock’s wood was so old by now that it had begun rotting.
When the drill made contact with the metal of the lock, that’s when things got difficult. The drill no longer produced a quiet scratching sound as it had against the wood. The sound against the metal was different and much louder. The sound of metal scraping against metal was very distinct and it worried Madara to know that she would have to work extra hard to keep such a sound quiet. Drilling through the metal was also basically impossible for her to do in any feasible amount of time. She simply lacked the strength to push the drill hard enough. She ended up having to give up because her arms were simply so tired.
At the end of the day Madara still wasn’t completely sure if her drilling idea was a practical one. She now knew that it was at least possible, if she was able to get a little stronger and build up some competence in handling her new tool. Perhaps drilling was best left to situations where she would have a lot of time alone with the lock. She remembered an occasion where she’d broken into a home and had been unable to pick a locked chest. If she’d had her drill, she could have brute forced her way through. There were also a lot of homes that had secluded rear entrances that she could likely get away with drilling. Her final thoughts on the matter were, “it should be a useful technique. One that I would seldom use, but definitely useful should the proper occasion arise.”
Not too long ago, Madara had her first experience with recreational drug use. She’d purchased some weed and had decided to eat it raw instead of smoking or cooking it. The end effect had been that she didn’t experience any high whatsoever, as the drug requires elevated heat to activate the “good stuff”. Madara knew none of this so she found herself back at the same drug store arguing with the shopkeeper.
“You sold me bad drugs. They didn’t even work!” she shouted. She wasn’t so upset that she’d wasted money, she was more annoyed at her own incompetence and was looking for anyone to blame rather than herself.
“No, I wouldn’t do that to you miss. Tell me how you used them and I’ll see if I can help.” The shopkeeper bore a frown on his face but one could tell that he had experience dealing with this sort of customer. It was hard to be afraid of Madara because she wasn’t intimidating in the slightest. Even with her face contorted in anger she was still a thin woman who didn’t look capable of doing any harm. It helped that the shopkeeper was over six feet tall.
“I ate them like you said I could,” Madara went on.
“Did you cook them? I specifically said you could cook it. If you don’t do that then it doesn’t work.”
“Of course I cooked them! Do I look like an idiot?” Madara lied. Unfortunately she was a terrible liar and her expression gave her away. Her look of anger turned to one of dreadful guilt.
“Cooked them? How exactly,” The man pressed.
“I uh, I put them in a soup,” Madara poorly improvised. She thought she had the man in checkmate but he smirked.
“Alright, well if you put them in a soup then the effects are diluted across the whole soup and you’d have to drink a lot of it to get it to work. What’s this really about anyway. I don’t believe for a second that you thought to cook them in a soup, that’s the silliest idea I’ve ever heard. Nobody could be that dense.” The shopkeeper sighed and wondered if Madara was just the type of customer to complain about bad product just to weasel out some extras.
Madara didn’t have a good comeback. She stood there awkwardly and her attitude quickly cooled off. “I honestly did not feel any effects,” she said, which was the truth. “What’s it going to take to get some more so I can try it right this time?”
“It’d take money. If you want more powerful stuff it’ll cost more too.” He waved to the wall full of various different herbs.
“And if I’ve got no money, is there some other way I could pay?” Madara asked.
“Heh, like what you want to sweep the floors?” said the shopkeeper.
“No, I thought I’d let you take me out on a date. I’m good company you know,” Madara said sarcastically. She didn’t think he was her type in the slightest but it wasn’t like she had anything better to do today.
“Yeah, a date huh? That’s exactly what I need, a date with a crazy woman with a temper who’s so clueless she boils drugs.” The man elevated his voice.
“Oh so I’m not good enough for you? I’ll have you know that I am a highly sought after woman!” Madara said back even more loudly.
“So what, you a whore or something? This is probably the worst marketing I’ve ever seen.” He scoffed, “And no, I’m afraid that’s not going to be an acceptable form of payment. You have to pay with coins, that’s all I’ll accept.”
Madara was angry again. She’d just made the date offer as a joke but the shopkeeper had taken it seriously and basically called her a whore. She wanted nothing more than to walk over and push him over and knock down all his fancy herbs but she knew that there was no chance she was strong enough for that. She said, “no, I’m not a whore, but thanks for that. No need to get all mean. Alright I’ll pay for some more, let’s just get this over with.”
Madara made it out of there with a small bit of weed, which she’d begrudgingly paid for. She hated that shopkeeper so much that she would have just stolen the drug had she known how to identify it. She recalled the wall of herbs and how she couldn’t tell any of them apart. She then thought about how she was going to go about cooking the weed. She didn’t know how to cook, this was how she’d gotten into this mess in the first place. She had totally forgotten to ask the man how to smoke the drug but she didn’t want to go back and talk to him ever again.
“I wonder if a chef would cook with this stuff if I ask them to,” Madara said to herself as she spotted a restaurant not too far away. She walked in and smelled meat cooking which was just perfect. Surprisingly the cook agreed and before long Madara munched on tender pork belly that had a strange aftertaste to it. It wasn’t bad by any means but it was very noticeable. She spent a good half hour or so at the restaurant eating her fill of other foods that suited her fancy before deciding to get on with her day.
“Now what was I supposed to do again? Oh yes, I was supposed to meet up with the trainer at the gym. Which way was that again?” Madara noticed how hard it was to focus on multiple things at once. Even standing felt like a new sensation as the weed’s effects hit her in full force.
“This way then,” she said, not even remembering where she was headed. She walked down the road for what had to be a whole break. She got easily distracted by things that were happening around her. She observed people going about their day and before she could formulate a proper thought something else would distract her. It wasn’t until she reached a park that she wondered why she was here and not at the gym. The thought of circling back around to the gym popped into her mind so that’s what she did. This time she remembered to stop at the gym before going in.
Madara had long since missed the appointment she’d had with the trainer, who was now too busy with his next appointment to give her any attention. Madara felt bad about wasting the man’s time and especially bad that she had already paid for it in advance. She was left to do some exercises on her own. She made her way to a secluded area of the gymnasium and did all sorts of made-up stretches. She extended each limb and tried pressing on them in weird ways because the drug made her sensations feel funny. She also did some push ups. Those were the only proper strength building exercise that she knew how to do properly so she did as many of them as she could before lying flat on the ground in exhaustion.
“This isn’t so bad,” she thought. “I’m so easily distracted I can’t even focus on how tired I am.” She giggled to herself because she thought her observation was hilarious. She kept giggling and went back to her pushups using very poor form. Then she thought about how silly she must look and laughed even harder. She drew some glances from fellow gym-goers and one of them came over to talk to her.
“Are you okay?” asked a woman.
Madara, who was still laughing uncontrollably, responded, “I’m fine, why do you ask?”
“You’ve been laughing like that for a while. Are you on drugs or something? I remember the last time you came here you were not like… this.”
“I did have a little something. It’s some good stuff this weed, you should try some!” Madara went back to her pushups, which she couldn’t really do any more of but she still tried. She would only get a few inches off the ground but her mind told her that she’d actually pushed herself all the way up.
“You poor girl. You need to get out of here before you hurt yourself. Here, I’ll help you get home.” The woman helped Madara to her feet and led her outside.
The effects of the drugs lasted for many hours. Once Madara got home she was somehow content with just sitting on a chair and looking out the window at the foot traffic outside. Before she knew it the sky was not so bright and she felt cold because she’d forgotten to keep the fire going. When the high finally subsided she finally realized just how much of an idiot she’d been at the gym. Also, the pain in her chest from doing all those bad-form pushups was finally becoming apparent. She didn’t care though. She felt as calm as ever, and giddily happy to do it all over again soon.
The sky was dark as Madara crept around in the early morning. She kept to the alleyways as she walked down to a store that she had gone to two times before. She’d had a shouting match with the shopkeeper at a drug store a while back and Madara wanted to have the last laugh. She hadn’t determined what manner of revenge that she would take out on the man; she couldn’t make up her mind without doing a bit of intelligence gathering. Her plan was to find out when the man went to work and also what kinds of security measures the shop had in place. She also wanted to know where the money was stored, but that was not something she intended to figure out today.
As Madara walked she noticed that there were already people walking the streets. She couldn’t see too well in the dark but she could hear the occasional door slamming. “What could someone possibly be doing up this early?” she wondered. The reason she had come so early was so that she wouldn’t be spotted. Nobody in her neighborhood was ever up this early, but she supposed there might be businesses that needed to get started as soon as possible. She also assumed that there were probably some guards patrolling the streets, though she didn’t know if that sort of thing happened around here.
It didn’t take long for Madara to realize that her plan wasn’t very well thought out. It was indeed too dark for her to see much of anything, even after she found the shop she was looking for. She was forced to sit around and wait for the sunlight to come. She did not want to be seen poking her nose around suspiciously so she hid herself in an alleyway across the street from the drug store. She knelt behind a large ceramic pot, one of several that had been put there so they weren’t on the main road. Madara peeked right over the top of the pot so that only her eyes and hair would be visible to anyone who happen to look her way. Also, if she did notice someone approaching she simply ducked down so she would be even more concealed.
She felt like a spy for a good half hour but after that she got very bored of staring blankly into the darkness. Keeping still was also fairly annoying. She would occasionally adjust her position and that caused the pots to make noise as they shifted. Keeping quiet and still for such a long time was clearly a challenge to her, despite usually being able to keep herself hidden. The young thief found her eyes wandering and her focus waning more with every passing minute until eventually she decided to just pop her head out every ten minutes or so instead of constantly watching.
A few hours later the sun finally started to shine and a lot more people walked the streets. It was basically impossible for Madara to spot the shopkeeper in the crowd so all her hard work was basically for nothing. When she finally made the realization she made her way to the shop’s window and looked inside. She didn’t see anyone and when she tried the door it was still locked. She took a moment to observe the door’s keyhole and then hurried back to her hiding spot.
The lock hadn’t looked like anything special at first glance. She knew exactly which tools she would bring with her when she inevitably tried breaking into it. They would be basically the same as the tools she currently had in her pocket except a bit thicker to deal with a lock clearly designed for a thick key. She smiled upon realizing that she was probably good enough of a thief to break into shops instead of homes. Nowadays she found that the hard part about larceny wasn’t the actual theft, but instead it was pulling it off without getting caught.
She felt like a spy for a good half hour but after that she got very bored of staring blankly into the darkness. Keeping still was also fairly annoying. She would occasionally adjust her position and that caused the pots to make noise as they shifted. Keeping quiet and still for such a long time was clearly a challenge to her, despite usually being able to keep herself hidden. The young thief found her eyes wandering and her focus waning more with every passing minute until eventually she decided to just pop her head out every ten minutes or so instead of constantly watching. That was the fun part about her alternate reality in her opinion.
A few hours later the sun finally started to shine and a lot more people walked the streets. It was basically impossible for Madara to spot the shopkeeper in the crowd so all her hard work was basically for nothing. When she finally made the realization she made her way to the shop’s window and looked inside. She didn’t see anyone and when she tried the door it was still locked. She took a moment to observe the door’s keyhole and then hurried back to her hiding spot.
When she’d sat down behind the ceramic pots, she thought that she would check on the store every hour or so until she could pin down a time. However, she yawned and came to the conclusion that she didn’t need the exact time so long as she was out of the store shortly after sunrise. She didn’t consider the possibility that the shopkeeper’s time of arrival might vary on a day to day basis. She also didn’t consider the importance of getting a disguise so that she wouldn’t be recognized if she did get spotted.
Instead of working out these details Madara dozed off for a while because she had gotten up so early.
“Wake up, wake up!” shouted a very loud voice above Madara’s head.
Madara scrambled to her feet and tried to run off but a strong hand grasped her shirt and kept her firmly in place.
“What in the world do you think you’re doing with my pots?”
Madara turned her head and got a good look at the short man with thick forearms. His expression was that of bewilderment, not anger.
“I fancied myself a nap so I took one. I didn’t break anything I swear,” Madara said. “now let me go, I’ve done nothing wrong here.”
The man frowned and let her go. He didn’t know what to say since he’d never found someone sleeping by his pots before. “don’t let me catch you sleeping here again,” he shouted threateningly as Madara jogged down the alley and out of sight.
“I guess my hiding spot wasn’t as good as I thought it was,” Madara said to herself with a laugh. She wasn’t sure exactly what the man could do to her for sleeping in an alleyway. It wasn’t illegal to her knowledge to be homeless, but perhaps the merchants paid the guards to keep the riffraff off the streets. It wasn’t like she had intended to fall asleep; it’d just happened.
“Now what,” she wondered aloud, “guess I better check the shop to see if he’s there yet.”
Indeed the drug shop was open when she arrived. She entered it and spoke to the shopkeeper, “hello again.”
“Oh, you again. You looking to throw another fit? I certainly hope not,” he said back.
“No, I just wanted to look around this time. No fits, I promise,” Madara said with a sigh. The two didn’t say a word for a while after that. Madara just looked around at all the various herbs that the man had for sale. She sneakily glanced around to see where money or containers of drugs might be stored but she couldn’t see anything in plain view. The shopkeeper watched Madara with a close eye the entire time she was there and was just waiting for her to leave.
After several minutes of perusing Madara asked, “where do all these drugs come from? Do you get them from someone else? Do you grow them?”
“A bit of both. I grow what I can and procure what I can’t.” He said plainly.
“Is it hard to grow this stuff? It might be nice to have an endless supply of weed.” Madara said playfully. She wanted to change his opinion of her but she could tell that it was going to be hard work after their relationship had soured last time.
“No, it’s not so hard if you know what you’re doing. I suggest not trying to do it yourself because you’re likely to mess it up. Remember we are talking about someone who tried to boil weed into a soup. Doesn’t sound like the kind of person who would be able to take care of a plant.”
“Ouch, nice one. Seriously, is it doable? Could I just buy seeds off of you?” Madara asked.
The man sighed and shook his head, “no, I wouldn’t sell you anything like that. I wouldn’t have a business if I taught all my customers how to grow their own drugs.”
“That’s a good point,” Madara admitted, “alright I’ll get out of your hair. It was nice talking to you.”
“Bye,” was all the shopkeeper said as his customer left the building. He was glad to be rid of her.
Madara didn’t really learn anything useful inside the store. She supposed that she was going to have to settle for stealing the drugs that were on display if she ever decided to break in. She knew that the chance of her finding where the money was kept was next to impossible if she came in at night because she didn’t have a light source. And even if she did, she would be too scared to use one because it would be obvious that she was robbing the place. Plus, after her conversation about growing her own drugs, she wondered if it would be a better use of her time to learn how to do so. It couldn’t be that hard, all she needed was the right books from the local library. Madara went home a woman who couldn’t make up her mind about what she ought to do.
Breaking into the store was the bullet she needed to bite to escape this reality. Though she did not know it, this was all a test of sorts. A test to see if she could be convinced to accept her new reality. But Madara was not easily swayed. She broke into the store that very night and was greeted once again by the dark envoy. He was the store keeper. But how?
“I sent you to this reality. Do you not like it here? You’ve always dreamt of being a thief and now you are one in this reality. Just let it be, accept your fate and we can both have what we want.”
Madara shook her head as memories of her past life filled her head. “No, there’s ryo on the line. And I have a promotion that I want to apply for. I can’t let you in!”
4425 wc
- Spoiler:
- Name: Madara Uchiha
Rank: Genin
Power Rank: B
V1 -
V2 -
Full Beast -
Clan: Uchiha
KKG: Sharingan
Tomoe 1 obtained here
Tomoe 2 obtained here and here
Tomoe 3 obtained here and here and here
Mangekyou here and here and here and here
Clan Specialty: Genjutsu
Current Stat Points: 250+50
Current Health Bar: 300
Bonus AP: 1000
Vigor: 50
Chakra: 100 + 50
Speed: 99
Strength: 1
Specialties: Genjutsu (Primary), Sensory, Space/Time
Element(s): Fire, WaterJutsu Unlocked
1) Dustless Bewildering Cover
2) Space Time Barrier Void
3) Devouring Sphere
4) Space Time Clone Creation
Clan Slotless) Subjective Presence
Pureblood Slotless) Terrible Death
Village Slotless) Twilight Sphere
Autosuggestion (speed)
Shackling Stakes (Mastered)
Sharingan Genjutsu
Minds eye of the kagura
Temple of Nirvana
Paralytic Sting
Demonic Illusion Mirror Heave and Earth Change
Cat Genjutsu
Silence Orb
Genjutsu Binding
Tree Binding Death
Hiding with Camouflage
Demonic Illusion False Surroundings Technique
Chakra Displacement
Genjutsu Choking
Demonic Illusion Flower Garden
Genjutsu Amplifier
Chakra Mask
Third Eye
Elemental Detection
Yellow Wallpaper
Sharingan Copycat Technique
Temporary Paralysis
Phoenix Flower
Seal Sense
Ninjutsu Amplifier
Breath Seal
Summoning Technique
Surface Walking
Chakra Flare
Hangover Cure
Storage Displacement
Mass Shift
Spine Chill
Mist Servant
Debuff Bolt
Body Flicker
Mastered Genjutsu Release
Mind Read
Fear Pull
Skills Unlocked:
Clan Pureblood obtained here
Chakra Sensory (slotless)
Chakra infusion (slotless)
Display of Power (slotless)
Chakra Suppression (slotless)
Aluminum x1
[/url]Crystal singing blade
Silver x1
Omnistone x1
Sakura Corps Loyalty Coupon
B Rank Canon Jutsu Scroll
3 Enhanced Soldier Pills
x1 carbon fiber
x3 travel token
C rank jutsu scroll
x1 refined jade
50% discount coupon
B rank canon jutsu scroll
D rank hunter skip (used)
Tinkerer's Toolkit
‘Escape Rope’
x1 Christmas Lottery Ticket
Material Demagnetizer
Shinogami Body Armor [50 health]
x9 Senbon [20Health]
x12 Shuriken [30 Health]
x14 Kunai [50 Health]
x2 Smoke Bomb [20 Health]
x2 Item Pouch [50 Health]
x2 Exploding Tag [50 Health]
+1 Shark Fin (B-Rank Augmentation Material)
+1 Pirate Cutlass
+1 Shark Scales (A-Rank Augmentation Material)
+1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch
130 tickets from the beachside event
1 Jar of dirt Free
1 Forged Papers - 100 tix
1 Escape Rope -20 tix
1 Travel Token -20 tix
1. Spooky Doll - Completed
2. 1,000 Ryo - Completed
3. 500 WC - Completed
4. B-rank jutsu scroll - Completed
5. Kamifuda x2 - Completed
6. Summon Voucher* - Completed
7. 5,000 Ryo - Completed
8. Firecrackers x2 - Completed
9. 1,000 WC - Completed
10. Heaven or Hell Dice - Completed
11. A-rank jutsu scroll - Completed
12. Yokai Yum-Yums x3 - Completed
13. 10,000 Ryo - Completed
14. 2,000 WC - Completed
15. Spirit stone - Completed
Your Story: mission spam +53 AP, +35 chakra, +10 vigor, +5 speed, +10500 ryo +1 chakra +30 vigor +22 speed +1,000 Ryo +, 3AP, +1x Aluminum +2100 Ryo +10 AP +20 speed +2,100 Ryo +10 AP + +27 Speed (now I’m max stats) +10 AP with remaining WC +4,100 Ryo + 80 AP + 1x Silver + 96 AP +40 AP + 4100 Ryo + 1 Onmistone +hop ticket +30 AP +7500 Ryo / 40 AP / 1 Tinkerer's Toolkit +10100 Ryo / 50 AP / 1 Material Demagnetizer +13 AP + christmas lotto ticket +75 AP +30 AP +6000 Ryo +30 AP +60 AP (from wc) 2700 WC goes to Mangekyou Sharingan +26000 Ryo + 261 AP +6,000 Ryō +30 AP +60 AP (from wc) +20 tickets +6,000 Ryō + 30 AP +60 AP (WC) +20 tickets +4,000 Ryō + 20 AP +42 AP (from wc) +15 tickets +1000 ryo + 5 AP+10 AP (from wc) +5 tickets +1000 ryo + 5 AP+10 AP (from wc) +5 tickets + 2,000 Ryō +10 AP +20 AP (from wc) + 10 tickets + 2,000 Ryō +10 AP +20 AP (from wc) + 10 tickets +4,000 Ryō + 20 AP +40 AP (from wc) +15 tickets +2,000 Ryo +10 tickets +4,000 Ryo +20 AP +15 Tickets +6,000 Ryo +20 tickets + 4000 Ryo +15 event tickets + 4000 Ryo no event tickets (forgot to claim) +1 Pirate Armor Set (Includes 1 each of the "Pirate Hat," "Pirate Boots," and "Pirate Jacket" items), +30 event tickets,
Mission Name: Dark Envoy
Rank: S-rank
Mission Location: Anywhere
Challenges: ~
The world has become saturated with chakra usage. Between this fact and the alignment of our planet with the distant most planet in our solar system, the barrier between our realm and the spirit realm has been weakened. While thus far, this has only manifested in the spirits of those we recognize and have since passed on from our world, the events have drawn the attention of something deeper. Something darker. Something that now has become aware of our distant world and the natural stores of chakra that permeate its surface. An agent has been sent to investigate, and it is your duty to deter them.
Using your Spirit Stone, you cross the boundary to the spirit realm that overlays with our reality, and while here, you will meet this dark envoy and deter them from drawing their master to our world. Whether this is through diplomatic treatment, deceitful coercion, or brute force, your pending success could have deeper, much more far-reaching consequences. Failure is not an option.
The success of this mission allows any participants to turn their Spirit Stone into a Soul Stone, consuming the Spirit Stone in the process. The user may keep their Spirit Stone if they wish, but do not gain a Soul Stone if they do.
Word Count Requirement: 5,000
Reward:10,000 Ryo / 50 AP
Character Requirements: All participants must have a Spirit Stone.
Character Exclusive: ~
Link to Legacy Mission: N/A
Return to the Mission Directory
Madara took her spirit stone and crossed the boundary into the spirit realm that overlays with our reality. She met with the dark envoy and tried to stop them from coming over, but instead of stopping them she was shoved aside. She got warped away to another reality and before she knew it she was living another life, with the memory of her old reality locked away in the back of her mind. She woke up a new woman in a different body, unsure of what was going on. But it all felt right. She was at home. Could she escape?
What felt like weeks passed by in the blink of an eye. Obsessing over the thought of becoming a ninjutsu user was a regular occurrence as of late. She thought, “why am I bothering learning all this space time business when I could be living an exciting life, teleporting around the world or setting monsters ablaze? Someone who can change their appearance on a whim never has to worry about becoming ugly. Someone with the strength of ten men would never have to worry about where their next meal is coming from.”
When Madara got home she had to dunk her head in a bucket of water to get all the magician thoughts out of her head. She wondered what happened to herself. “I used to spend my time dating and lusting over sexy men. Then I got into thieving and now I’m thinking of magic. Get it together. I’m no adventurer, I’m barely even a thief. I’m this old yet I feel like I’m doing nothing with my life.” She felt tears seep from her eyes and into the bucket. This was as close to having a mid life crisis as Madara had ever gotten.
“Something’s got to change. I don’t know what, but something has to change,” she said to herself. She cleared her tears and wiped her head dry and tried to ignore all of her negative thoughts. She had started the day with the intention of testing her drilling idea and she intended to follow through with it no matter how sad she was.
The young thief took a close look at the tool for the first time. It appeared to be adjustable so she fiddled with it and played with how wide she could make it go. “Probably better to make a small circle. It’d be faster, wouldn’t it? I just need to go through the lock and break it, and those aren’t that big.” She decided to set it as small as it would go and shove it against one of the 1” thick blocks of wood she’d just bought. Handling the tool was difficult and she realized that she ought to look into woodworking if she was ever going to do this in any reasonable amount of time. She found it difficult to focus on both applying pressure and turning the drilling tool at the same time and didn’t even know that it was important to keep it perpendicular to the surface of the wood. However her efforts wouldn’t be for nothing. Eventually she did manage to put a hole through the block, though it took her an hour to do so, with many breaks of course.
Madara hadn’t intended to become a master at drilling holes in the span of one afternoon. She had only intended to see if drilling through a door was feasible. Now she knew that yes, she probably could put a hole through a door if given enough time. She was sure it could be done a lot more quickly and was surprised at how quiet the process was. Drilling the hole sounded nothing like sawing which was what she had feared the most when the idea had popped into her head. She had little worry about anyone hearing her drill through a door. The only worry she now had was whether or not the drill could go through a locking mechanism. Drilling through the wood was fairly pointless if the lock was still going to be fully functional.
Madara opened her closet which was packed full of various practice locks, including some that she had salvaged from piles of junk. The junk locks were still attached to wood which made them perfect for what she wanted to try out. She placed the drill onto where she estimated the locking mechanism to be and then she drilled and drilled and drilled. The wood was a lot easier to go through than the block she’d purchased, mostly because the practice lock’s wood was so old by now that it had begun rotting.
When the drill made contact with the metal of the lock, that’s when things got difficult. The drill no longer produced a quiet scratching sound as it had against the wood. The sound against the metal was different and much louder. The sound of metal scraping against metal was very distinct and it worried Madara to know that she would have to work extra hard to keep such a sound quiet. Drilling through the metal was also basically impossible for her to do in any feasible amount of time. She simply lacked the strength to push the drill hard enough. She ended up having to give up because her arms were simply so tired.
At the end of the day Madara still wasn’t completely sure if her drilling idea was a practical one. She now knew that it was at least possible, if she was able to get a little stronger and build up some competence in handling her new tool. Perhaps drilling was best left to situations where she would have a lot of time alone with the lock. She remembered an occasion where she’d broken into a home and had been unable to pick a locked chest. If she’d had her drill, she could have brute forced her way through. There were also a lot of homes that had secluded rear entrances that she could likely get away with drilling. Her final thoughts on the matter were, “it should be a useful technique. One that I would seldom use, but definitely useful should the proper occasion arise.”
Not too long ago, Madara had her first experience with recreational drug use. She’d purchased some weed and had decided to eat it raw instead of smoking or cooking it. The end effect had been that she didn’t experience any high whatsoever, as the drug requires elevated heat to activate the “good stuff”. Madara knew none of this so she found herself back at the same drug store arguing with the shopkeeper.
“You sold me bad drugs. They didn’t even work!” she shouted. She wasn’t so upset that she’d wasted money, she was more annoyed at her own incompetence and was looking for anyone to blame rather than herself.
“No, I wouldn’t do that to you miss. Tell me how you used them and I’ll see if I can help.” The shopkeeper bore a frown on his face but one could tell that he had experience dealing with this sort of customer. It was hard to be afraid of Madara because she wasn’t intimidating in the slightest. Even with her face contorted in anger she was still a thin woman who didn’t look capable of doing any harm. It helped that the shopkeeper was over six feet tall.
“I ate them like you said I could,” Madara went on.
“Did you cook them? I specifically said you could cook it. If you don’t do that then it doesn’t work.”
“Of course I cooked them! Do I look like an idiot?” Madara lied. Unfortunately she was a terrible liar and her expression gave her away. Her look of anger turned to one of dreadful guilt.
“Cooked them? How exactly,” The man pressed.
“I uh, I put them in a soup,” Madara poorly improvised. She thought she had the man in checkmate but he smirked.
“Alright, well if you put them in a soup then the effects are diluted across the whole soup and you’d have to drink a lot of it to get it to work. What’s this really about anyway. I don’t believe for a second that you thought to cook them in a soup, that’s the silliest idea I’ve ever heard. Nobody could be that dense.” The shopkeeper sighed and wondered if Madara was just the type of customer to complain about bad product just to weasel out some extras.
Madara didn’t have a good comeback. She stood there awkwardly and her attitude quickly cooled off. “I honestly did not feel any effects,” she said, which was the truth. “What’s it going to take to get some more so I can try it right this time?”
“It’d take money. If you want more powerful stuff it’ll cost more too.” He waved to the wall full of various different herbs.
“And if I’ve got no money, is there some other way I could pay?” Madara asked.
“Heh, like what you want to sweep the floors?” said the shopkeeper.
“No, I thought I’d let you take me out on a date. I’m good company you know,” Madara said sarcastically. She didn’t think he was her type in the slightest but it wasn’t like she had anything better to do today.
“Yeah, a date huh? That’s exactly what I need, a date with a crazy woman with a temper who’s so clueless she boils drugs.” The man elevated his voice.
“Oh so I’m not good enough for you? I’ll have you know that I am a highly sought after woman!” Madara said back even more loudly.
“So what, you a whore or something? This is probably the worst marketing I’ve ever seen.” He scoffed, “And no, I’m afraid that’s not going to be an acceptable form of payment. You have to pay with coins, that’s all I’ll accept.”
Madara was angry again. She’d just made the date offer as a joke but the shopkeeper had taken it seriously and basically called her a whore. She wanted nothing more than to walk over and push him over and knock down all his fancy herbs but she knew that there was no chance she was strong enough for that. She said, “no, I’m not a whore, but thanks for that. No need to get all mean. Alright I’ll pay for some more, let’s just get this over with.”
Madara made it out of there with a small bit of weed, which she’d begrudgingly paid for. She hated that shopkeeper so much that she would have just stolen the drug had she known how to identify it. She recalled the wall of herbs and how she couldn’t tell any of them apart. She then thought about how she was going to go about cooking the weed. She didn’t know how to cook, this was how she’d gotten into this mess in the first place. She had totally forgotten to ask the man how to smoke the drug but she didn’t want to go back and talk to him ever again.
“I wonder if a chef would cook with this stuff if I ask them to,” Madara said to herself as she spotted a restaurant not too far away. She walked in and smelled meat cooking which was just perfect. Surprisingly the cook agreed and before long Madara munched on tender pork belly that had a strange aftertaste to it. It wasn’t bad by any means but it was very noticeable. She spent a good half hour or so at the restaurant eating her fill of other foods that suited her fancy before deciding to get on with her day.
“Now what was I supposed to do again? Oh yes, I was supposed to meet up with the trainer at the gym. Which way was that again?” Madara noticed how hard it was to focus on multiple things at once. Even standing felt like a new sensation as the weed’s effects hit her in full force.
“This way then,” she said, not even remembering where she was headed. She walked down the road for what had to be a whole break. She got easily distracted by things that were happening around her. She observed people going about their day and before she could formulate a proper thought something else would distract her. It wasn’t until she reached a park that she wondered why she was here and not at the gym. The thought of circling back around to the gym popped into her mind so that’s what she did. This time she remembered to stop at the gym before going in.
Madara had long since missed the appointment she’d had with the trainer, who was now too busy with his next appointment to give her any attention. Madara felt bad about wasting the man’s time and especially bad that she had already paid for it in advance. She was left to do some exercises on her own. She made her way to a secluded area of the gymnasium and did all sorts of made-up stretches. She extended each limb and tried pressing on them in weird ways because the drug made her sensations feel funny. She also did some push ups. Those were the only proper strength building exercise that she knew how to do properly so she did as many of them as she could before lying flat on the ground in exhaustion.
“This isn’t so bad,” she thought. “I’m so easily distracted I can’t even focus on how tired I am.” She giggled to herself because she thought her observation was hilarious. She kept giggling and went back to her pushups using very poor form. Then she thought about how silly she must look and laughed even harder. She drew some glances from fellow gym-goers and one of them came over to talk to her.
“Are you okay?” asked a woman.
Madara, who was still laughing uncontrollably, responded, “I’m fine, why do you ask?”
“You’ve been laughing like that for a while. Are you on drugs or something? I remember the last time you came here you were not like… this.”
“I did have a little something. It’s some good stuff this weed, you should try some!” Madara went back to her pushups, which she couldn’t really do any more of but she still tried. She would only get a few inches off the ground but her mind told her that she’d actually pushed herself all the way up.
“You poor girl. You need to get out of here before you hurt yourself. Here, I’ll help you get home.” The woman helped Madara to her feet and led her outside.
The effects of the drugs lasted for many hours. Once Madara got home she was somehow content with just sitting on a chair and looking out the window at the foot traffic outside. Before she knew it the sky was not so bright and she felt cold because she’d forgotten to keep the fire going. When the high finally subsided she finally realized just how much of an idiot she’d been at the gym. Also, the pain in her chest from doing all those bad-form pushups was finally becoming apparent. She didn’t care though. She felt as calm as ever, and giddily happy to do it all over again soon.
The sky was dark as Madara crept around in the early morning. She kept to the alleyways as she walked down to a store that she had gone to two times before. She’d had a shouting match with the shopkeeper at a drug store a while back and Madara wanted to have the last laugh. She hadn’t determined what manner of revenge that she would take out on the man; she couldn’t make up her mind without doing a bit of intelligence gathering. Her plan was to find out when the man went to work and also what kinds of security measures the shop had in place. She also wanted to know where the money was stored, but that was not something she intended to figure out today.
As Madara walked she noticed that there were already people walking the streets. She couldn’t see too well in the dark but she could hear the occasional door slamming. “What could someone possibly be doing up this early?” she wondered. The reason she had come so early was so that she wouldn’t be spotted. Nobody in her neighborhood was ever up this early, but she supposed there might be businesses that needed to get started as soon as possible. She also assumed that there were probably some guards patrolling the streets, though she didn’t know if that sort of thing happened around here.
It didn’t take long for Madara to realize that her plan wasn’t very well thought out. It was indeed too dark for her to see much of anything, even after she found the shop she was looking for. She was forced to sit around and wait for the sunlight to come. She did not want to be seen poking her nose around suspiciously so she hid herself in an alleyway across the street from the drug store. She knelt behind a large ceramic pot, one of several that had been put there so they weren’t on the main road. Madara peeked right over the top of the pot so that only her eyes and hair would be visible to anyone who happen to look her way. Also, if she did notice someone approaching she simply ducked down so she would be even more concealed.
She felt like a spy for a good half hour but after that she got very bored of staring blankly into the darkness. Keeping still was also fairly annoying. She would occasionally adjust her position and that caused the pots to make noise as they shifted. Keeping quiet and still for such a long time was clearly a challenge to her, despite usually being able to keep herself hidden. The young thief found her eyes wandering and her focus waning more with every passing minute until eventually she decided to just pop her head out every ten minutes or so instead of constantly watching.
A few hours later the sun finally started to shine and a lot more people walked the streets. It was basically impossible for Madara to spot the shopkeeper in the crowd so all her hard work was basically for nothing. When she finally made the realization she made her way to the shop’s window and looked inside. She didn’t see anyone and when she tried the door it was still locked. She took a moment to observe the door’s keyhole and then hurried back to her hiding spot.
The lock hadn’t looked like anything special at first glance. She knew exactly which tools she would bring with her when she inevitably tried breaking into it. They would be basically the same as the tools she currently had in her pocket except a bit thicker to deal with a lock clearly designed for a thick key. She smiled upon realizing that she was probably good enough of a thief to break into shops instead of homes. Nowadays she found that the hard part about larceny wasn’t the actual theft, but instead it was pulling it off without getting caught.
She felt like a spy for a good half hour but after that she got very bored of staring blankly into the darkness. Keeping still was also fairly annoying. She would occasionally adjust her position and that caused the pots to make noise as they shifted. Keeping quiet and still for such a long time was clearly a challenge to her, despite usually being able to keep herself hidden. The young thief found her eyes wandering and her focus waning more with every passing minute until eventually she decided to just pop her head out every ten minutes or so instead of constantly watching. That was the fun part about her alternate reality in her opinion.
A few hours later the sun finally started to shine and a lot more people walked the streets. It was basically impossible for Madara to spot the shopkeeper in the crowd so all her hard work was basically for nothing. When she finally made the realization she made her way to the shop’s window and looked inside. She didn’t see anyone and when she tried the door it was still locked. She took a moment to observe the door’s keyhole and then hurried back to her hiding spot.
When she’d sat down behind the ceramic pots, she thought that she would check on the store every hour or so until she could pin down a time. However, she yawned and came to the conclusion that she didn’t need the exact time so long as she was out of the store shortly after sunrise. She didn’t consider the possibility that the shopkeeper’s time of arrival might vary on a day to day basis. She also didn’t consider the importance of getting a disguise so that she wouldn’t be recognized if she did get spotted.
Instead of working out these details Madara dozed off for a while because she had gotten up so early.
“Wake up, wake up!” shouted a very loud voice above Madara’s head.
Madara scrambled to her feet and tried to run off but a strong hand grasped her shirt and kept her firmly in place.
“What in the world do you think you’re doing with my pots?”
Madara turned her head and got a good look at the short man with thick forearms. His expression was that of bewilderment, not anger.
“I fancied myself a nap so I took one. I didn’t break anything I swear,” Madara said. “now let me go, I’ve done nothing wrong here.”
The man frowned and let her go. He didn’t know what to say since he’d never found someone sleeping by his pots before. “don’t let me catch you sleeping here again,” he shouted threateningly as Madara jogged down the alley and out of sight.
“I guess my hiding spot wasn’t as good as I thought it was,” Madara said to herself with a laugh. She wasn’t sure exactly what the man could do to her for sleeping in an alleyway. It wasn’t illegal to her knowledge to be homeless, but perhaps the merchants paid the guards to keep the riffraff off the streets. It wasn’t like she had intended to fall asleep; it’d just happened.
“Now what,” she wondered aloud, “guess I better check the shop to see if he’s there yet.”
Indeed the drug shop was open when she arrived. She entered it and spoke to the shopkeeper, “hello again.”
“Oh, you again. You looking to throw another fit? I certainly hope not,” he said back.
“No, I just wanted to look around this time. No fits, I promise,” Madara said with a sigh. The two didn’t say a word for a while after that. Madara just looked around at all the various herbs that the man had for sale. She sneakily glanced around to see where money or containers of drugs might be stored but she couldn’t see anything in plain view. The shopkeeper watched Madara with a close eye the entire time she was there and was just waiting for her to leave.
After several minutes of perusing Madara asked, “where do all these drugs come from? Do you get them from someone else? Do you grow them?”
“A bit of both. I grow what I can and procure what I can’t.” He said plainly.
“Is it hard to grow this stuff? It might be nice to have an endless supply of weed.” Madara said playfully. She wanted to change his opinion of her but she could tell that it was going to be hard work after their relationship had soured last time.
“No, it’s not so hard if you know what you’re doing. I suggest not trying to do it yourself because you’re likely to mess it up. Remember we are talking about someone who tried to boil weed into a soup. Doesn’t sound like the kind of person who would be able to take care of a plant.”
“Ouch, nice one. Seriously, is it doable? Could I just buy seeds off of you?” Madara asked.
The man sighed and shook his head, “no, I wouldn’t sell you anything like that. I wouldn’t have a business if I taught all my customers how to grow their own drugs.”
“That’s a good point,” Madara admitted, “alright I’ll get out of your hair. It was nice talking to you.”
“Bye,” was all the shopkeeper said as his customer left the building. He was glad to be rid of her.
Madara didn’t really learn anything useful inside the store. She supposed that she was going to have to settle for stealing the drugs that were on display if she ever decided to break in. She knew that the chance of her finding where the money was kept was next to impossible if she came in at night because she didn’t have a light source. And even if she did, she would be too scared to use one because it would be obvious that she was robbing the place. Plus, after her conversation about growing her own drugs, she wondered if it would be a better use of her time to learn how to do so. It couldn’t be that hard, all she needed was the right books from the local library. Madara went home a woman who couldn’t make up her mind about what she ought to do.
Breaking into the store was the bullet she needed to bite to escape this reality. Though she did not know it, this was all a test of sorts. A test to see if she could be convinced to accept her new reality. But Madara was not easily swayed. She broke into the store that very night and was greeted once again by the dark envoy. He was the store keeper. But how?
“I sent you to this reality. Do you not like it here? You’ve always dreamt of being a thief and now you are one in this reality. Just let it be, accept your fate and we can both have what we want.”
Madara shook her head as memories of her past life filled her head. “No, there’s ryo on the line. And I have a promotion that I want to apply for. I can’t let you in!”
4425 wc
Last edited by Uchiha Madara on Mon Nov 07, 2022 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total
The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message
- Uchiha MadaraCitizenSurvived 2021You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
- Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Ryo : 0
Madara formed handseals and she triggered the being into a genjutsu. If he thought it was so fun to trap people in a false world, she could do the exact same thing. Except he was not of this world so he could not possibly know the nearly limitless bounds of an Uchiha’s power. She trapped him in genjutsu after genjutsu and while he stood there stunned, unable to comprehend his situation, Madara used her sharingan genjutsu to make sure that he went comatose from the mental strain.
Madara stood there waiting for something to happen. She had expended her chakra in such a short amount of time so she was understandably exhausted. She looked at the dark envoy and saw him collapse to the ground. Great. Madara walked over to his body, took his sword, and then slashed his head off. She didn’t know what the hell his deal was but she was done with this false reality. It had been nice to live as she had lived and to see what she had seen, but she was done with it. It was time to go back to being a shinobi.
Madara noticed that the stone she had obtained earlier had started to glow. It seemed to come out from inside her body and then it floated right in front of her. Strange. It then morphed into a stranger stone which then went back into her body. The next day she woke up more or less the same as when this had all started. Except she was back in her old home and nobody seemed to know that she had gone through this great ordeal. She supposed that it did not matter all too much if she got credit for it. She did take the stone to the mission place to get payment for her hard work. They didn’t really know what the fuck she was going on about but they did give her some money to make her go away. Why was earning a living so effing hard sometimes?
Madara couldn't quite figure out what to do next. She decided to head to her local library and pick up a book because it was always a good idea to try learning another thing or two. Along the way she heard some commercials about a printing technology. Supposedly there was a new version of a printing coming out which was a weird thing to advertise. Nobody could afford a printer anyways right? That was the sort of thing that was used to make newspapers not something regular people could buy. Or was she mistaken? Fuck it sucked being technologically incompetent. She got to the library and found a book about a crew of people that spent time on a boat. They spent their time hosting guests on their boat but there was always drama. Recently someone got hired but they lied on their resume so everyone gave them shit about it. That's why Madara was so interested in it. She kept on reading and found out there was a lot of fuckin on the boat.cshe guessed that made sense. People fucked and people working on a boat were probably pretty fit. Fit fuckin. She giggled. There was a lot more stuff that she needed to go on and find something more productive to do but she was just too tired since she had just saved the world, basically. She didn't know what she would even use that mission money for but she was happy to know her wallet was full for once.
590 / 5015
Claiming 10k ryo and the soul stone
I will claim training gains when I get home tomorrow. I have no computer since I'm out of town. I just want to submit this before the deadline
Madara stood there waiting for something to happen. She had expended her chakra in such a short amount of time so she was understandably exhausted. She looked at the dark envoy and saw him collapse to the ground. Great. Madara walked over to his body, took his sword, and then slashed his head off. She didn’t know what the hell his deal was but she was done with this false reality. It had been nice to live as she had lived and to see what she had seen, but she was done with it. It was time to go back to being a shinobi.
Madara noticed that the stone she had obtained earlier had started to glow. It seemed to come out from inside her body and then it floated right in front of her. Strange. It then morphed into a stranger stone which then went back into her body. The next day she woke up more or less the same as when this had all started. Except she was back in her old home and nobody seemed to know that she had gone through this great ordeal. She supposed that it did not matter all too much if she got credit for it. She did take the stone to the mission place to get payment for her hard work. They didn’t really know what the fuck she was going on about but they did give her some money to make her go away. Why was earning a living so effing hard sometimes?
Madara couldn't quite figure out what to do next. She decided to head to her local library and pick up a book because it was always a good idea to try learning another thing or two. Along the way she heard some commercials about a printing technology. Supposedly there was a new version of a printing coming out which was a weird thing to advertise. Nobody could afford a printer anyways right? That was the sort of thing that was used to make newspapers not something regular people could buy. Or was she mistaken? Fuck it sucked being technologically incompetent. She got to the library and found a book about a crew of people that spent time on a boat. They spent their time hosting guests on their boat but there was always drama. Recently someone got hired but they lied on their resume so everyone gave them shit about it. That's why Madara was so interested in it. She kept on reading and found out there was a lot of fuckin on the boat.cshe guessed that made sense. People fucked and people working on a boat were probably pretty fit. Fit fuckin. She giggled. There was a lot more stuff that she needed to go on and find something more productive to do but she was just too tired since she had just saved the world, basically. She didn't know what she would even use that mission money for but she was happy to know her wallet was full for once.
590 / 5015
Claiming 10k ryo and the soul stone
I will claim training gains when I get home tomorrow. I have no computer since I'm out of town. I just want to submit this before the deadline
- Hiroki ShimadaChunin
- Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada
Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580
The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message
- Uchiha MadaraCitizenSurvived 2021You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
- Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Ryo : 0
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using 1875 WC (using 25% max stat discount) to learn S rank of
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- FuJounin
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Familiar : Archie the Bear
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650
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