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Soma Yuki
Soma Yuki
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Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]  Empty Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:42 pm
They said rain makes a day look gloomy and sad, as if the gods are unhappy with there creations; but the rain has never looked so peaceful and calming as today. The small drizzle of rain that poured out of the cloudy sky was a fresh of breath air, the small rain droplets hit the ground soaking the dirt beneath Soma. He stood in the center of the training facilities as the drizzle soaked him, but this didn't seemed to bother him at all. Soma looked around the area as large tress filled the edge of the back of the facilities wall, at the other side the entrance and more of the training arena. 

Soma walks towards the tress his hands in his pocket his black eyes looked at a dry area where the rain was pouring less. Soma sat down under tree tress that were quiet close to each other where the branches collided with each other, this location gave a spot to dry up for a bit and relax before starting a bit of training specially learning how to manipulate water release. Soma closed his eyes as he focused a bit of chakra throughout his body. 

Soma took a deep breath as he clapped his hands together as he picture the flow of water running through his body. He used his chakra to image it as water to see if he could figure out how to learn and manipulate the element of water. 

Word Count: 245 WC

Last edited by Soma Yuki on Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]  Empty Re: Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:12 pm
Dracoso had taken on the role of a teacher almost a month ago, yet few individuals had come forward since then for training. He had taken on missions recently and found himself itching to teach others some of the techniques he had been learning. With all the time he had spent in the academy and out in the field, he figured he knew at least a few things people might benefit from.

The training grounds had been created originally to allow for a more concentrated method of preparing ninjas for combat and mission work. As Dracoso stepped through the gate onto the grounds wearing his R&D armor with the helmet as his hip, he took in the sight for the first time. Having areas specifically set up for different battleground types allowed those training within to practice with any element or specialty they chose. While most of the areas were empty, Dracoso spotted an individual sitting under a cluster of trees on the woodland battlefield setting. As the young man concentrated, a pond sat roughly twenty meters west of the young man where small flecks of water were beginning to levitate off the surface. 

With a fond chuckle to himself, Dracoso began to make his way over towards the young man. Memories of his days back at the academy came to mind. It had only taken him a week to learn how to control water, after many mistakes and injuries at home. His mother still tells him to be careful whenever he is in the shower for the fear of him breaking one of the pipes again. Dracoso shook his head with a chuckle as he remembered his teacher yelling at him to be careful when using chakra freely. As he gave off a fond sigh, he hoped that he could be as much of a teacher to those in Kiri as his old teacher had been to him.

The details of the young man sitting under the tree became clearer as Dracoso approached. What caught Dracoso's attention as he came within five meters of the man was the lack of body temperature that came off him. It was even colder than most that he was used to and tipped him off that they might be of the same kind. He sent a gentle sensation back to Sutsui, an image of himself and the man overlayed with two images of a birds flying together in a similar pattern. Sutsui sent back an image of herself hiding from said birds, preparing to jump at them, and what felt like a mental smirk. He sent back a picture of candy being tossed in the trash and Sutsui responded with the picture of a skull. 

Dracoso chuckled softly to himself as he figured the individual before him would pick up on Sutsui's body temperature aside from his own. He motioned Sutsui to appear out of the armor through the space around his neck. As he did so, he stepped up to the man and said, "It looks like we have more in common than most. My name is Dracoso Hehane and I am one of the teachers in Kiri. You must have graduated from the academy recently." Dracoso held his hand out to the young man and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you." 

As the young man would hopefully introduce himself, Dracoso would gesture over at the still floating particles of water over the pond. "It looks like you were practicing weaving water. I don't know if you intended to cause the effect on the pond, but you seem quite attuned for it. It reminds me of when I was first learning at the academy myself. If you are open to it, I am more than happy to help get you up and running on it?"

{WC = 635}
Soma Yuki
Soma Yuki
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Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]  Empty Re: Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 7:29 pm
His chakra surge through his body and through his veins moving around all the nerve in the system; Soma tried to meditate as he channel chakra through his body. The calmness and mind set of meditating help him with trying to learn how to manipulate a foreign element that should come out naturally for someone of the Yuki Clan. His mind was empty of all unnecessary thoughts just how to envision water on a molecules level and water particles, how to create water not just as a liquid and a solid but it's properties it's function. The root of the elemental construct of converting water into chakra and chakra into water. Soma imagined a endless void of pure nothingness, then he picture a droplet of water falling endlessly for eternity; until reaching the end as it crash into nothingness it shattered into multiple fragments of itself yet at the same process it created a ripple into nothingness. Then suddenly the rippled made nothingness move as waves where created from the shattering of a single droplet of water; Soma stood at the center of the ripple hands together like a prayer, His mind finding a solution into how to manipulate this element. 

Then he sensed heat signature his body auto pilot his awareness, alerting him of someone's presence, then another one cold be felt; it was colder almost frozen but there was heat coming from within. Soma open his eyes as he turned his head towards a tall man, covered in plated armour and a helmet by his hand. The Man introduced himself as Dracoso Hehane; and that he was a jounin teacher, Soma looked at him almost blanked out. "Huh? That's all that he could mustered out, recently leaving his meditation. The man pointed at the pond of water across the medium size patch of trees, Soma didn't even notice there was a pond around; but as he looked at it the pond water particles like bubbles floated in place then popped as they rain down on the pond; Soma's eyes open widely. Then the line

  "It looks like you were practicing weaving water. I don't know if you intended to cause the effect on the pond, but you seem quite attuned for it. It reminds me of when I was first learning at the academy myself. If you are open to it, I am more than happy to help get you up and running on it?"

this snapped Soma attentions back towards Dracoso, quickly standing up straight. "Sorry Sir, uhh I mean Drocoso-sama; I'm Yuki, Soma. I was trying to concentrate on manipulating water but I didn't really though I could actually do it.." Soma said as he gave him a big dorky smile.

"Did you just said that you would be happy to help me!" Soma said shaking his head in acceptance "You have a deal" Soma said happily. Soma gave the man a good look and then he noticed some there was a weird white spot on the neck of the armor, it looked directly at Soma. He stared at it for a moment "It's that a snake on your neck!" Soma said excitedly. 

Word Count: 533
Total Word Count: 778
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]  Empty Re: Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:02 pm
Dracoso chuckled warmly at the Soma's smile, giving him a firm handshake. "Nothing to be sorry for, Soma." he said as he held up his hand with the palm face up. A few particles of water formed in the air and slowly began to freeze. "I imagine you are looking to learn it somewhat for our clan element as well as the flexibility it can provide in combat. There is plenty to learn-" As Soma pointed out Sutsui on his shoulder, Dracoso would nod with a smile as he let the flecks of ice drop to the ground. "Yes, this is my snake familiar, Sutsui. I met her during one of my missions when I was helping at the adoption center. We bonded through an emotional connection and have been pretty much attached at the hip, or neck in this case, ever since. She has quite a bit of skill with sensing and tracking the opponents we face." 

Dracoso ran his fingers along the top of her head and down her back. She made a soft vibration along her body similar to purring as she slipped back into his armor and disappeared. After making her presence known, Sutsui decided to return to being as antisocial as she always was. Dracoso gave a shrug and said, "she rarely takes to people quickly. A young boy found her injured out in the wild and brought her to the adoption center. From her injuries and natural behaviors, she may see most as a potential threat, or at least as a neutral existence. I sometimes question if I am just a mobile hiding spot for her..." He paused for a moment, then chuckled and shook his head.

"Anyway, back on the topic of training for using the element of water." He gestured for Soma to follow him as he began to walk towards the pond. "A few of the basics you may already know is that more often than not, each of the base elements require you to have a source of that element to draw from. The most common are earth and wind, as they can be found commonly in some form in most places. Whether that is a refined form of earth or just the breath of those around you." As Dracoso reached the edge of the pond, he turned to Soma and said, "as you and I are both Yuki, we gain great strength through our clan's innate abilities to connect with the elements that we train with. When we focus on water, we draw from a source nearby, such as you had done with the pond before. When we practice and refine our focus, we can draw water from the very air around us to create techniques. One example is the Hidden Mist technique. Once you learn it, if you refine your ability when using it, you can use the very vapor within the air to create a sudden mist around us."

Dracoso would keep an eye on Soma as he explained and, as he came to a good point in his mind, he asked, "do you have any questions so far? We can step into the more specific steps for understanding water and how to use it next if you would like?"

{WC = 544}
Soma Yuki
Soma Yuki
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Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]  Empty Re: Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 9:02 pm
Soma chuckled as well stroking the back of his head. Dracoso lifted his arm and hand creationwater particles from the air; Soma deduced that he must have used the vaper of the mist to manifest water to create it. Suddenly the water orb began to freeze turning into an ice ball; Soma's eyes flicked wide as his mouth open slightly impressed by the act. Soma looked at Dracoso with sparkles in his eyes "So this is what a elite shinobi can do" Soma thought. The whute snake that was poking out of Dracoso's shirt was Sutsui a familiar; she was a good friend of Dracoso, she helps him by tracking and spotting enenmies and allies alike. "So she's yours ears to an extent; that very useful. Understandable who know what she might be thinking, at least so far you guys get along" Soma said smiling raising his hands behind his head.

Dracoso began to speak almost like a drill sargent; he looked like he was quiet intrigued to teach him how to manipulate and use the element of water, Soma looked at him walking towards the pond of water. Dracoso began to give inputs and details about his knowledge about the matter; Soma listen quiet well to his world and he took out important details of everything that Dracoso quotes. First think was that Soma wasn't even aware that wind releases was a common element, thats probably why he learn it first as a kid. The second was about there clan affiliation, it was innate for them to manipulate these elements specially from a source unless skilled enough to use the vapor from the air and create water and even mist. Soma took in everything he could as he began to create and make his opinions on the matter in his head. "So use a source to focus my chakra into to manipulate. But what if I don't have a source... hhmmmm...." Soma was in process of thought as Dracoso spoke about if there was any questions. Soma rubbed his head he contemplated about how to figure it out. But he looked at Dracoso "In a situation in which one does not possess a source of water to manipulate and is not misty as his here, how would I go and create water?" Soma said his arms crossed now his head tilted backwards to look upward towards the sky but the tress covered everything.

Word Count: 408
Total Word Count: 1,176
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]  Empty Re: Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 10:55 am
Dracoso would smile softly as Soma seemed quite deep in thought. It reminded Dracoso of when he was younger and would ask adults for all kinds of knowledge and information and then spend nights deep in thought contemplating how to apply the knowledge. He relaxed a bit and took on a more casual demeanor as they continued. "Well, there are a few ways." he would begin, hoping to catch the younger ninja's attention as he exposed the sealing bands on his wrists, "there are many tools which exist that we can purchase from the ninja shop. The first such item are these sealing bands. They allow you to store several ninja tools easily in your wrists and only require you to know the most basic of sealing techniques. From there, we can place certain items, such as a water summoning scroll-" Dracoso would run his fingers over the scroll and seallessly activate it, making a small scroll drop into his hand. "-which allows us to summon water from any source we may need.

Another choice for this is to use a jutsu which lets us create a water source upon its completion. For example," he would say and throw up two sets of seals, one on each hand, as he first spat out two streams of water from his mouth, creating a pair of clones of Dracoso. The third stream he fired off into the open grass nearby which expanded outwards and coated the area in a thick gel-like water. "Water clones, when created, come from a stream of water that you create yourself. When they disperse, they leave behind water which can be used for other water jutsu." He then gestured a hand towards the gel-like water nearby. "Another good jutsu might be the starch syrup capturing field, which is capable of restraining some opponents while also creating a difficult surface to cross. Once the jutsu ends, it becomes normal water for use. At higher tiers of strength, it can also be used as it is to enhance other water-based jutsu."

Dracoso would look to the other ninja and smile as he tried to see how much sense his words had made. He added, "we ourselves are made of water, so we are able to use many water jutsu from ourselves and enhance how much water there is around us. It may require a bit more setup than many other elements, such as wind and earth, but once there is water available, it has some of the best strategic value on the battlefield."

{WC = 424+
Soma Yuki
Soma Yuki
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Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]  Empty Re: Water & Wind: Two Frozen Hearts [Training/O]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 12:14 pm
Soma looked up at what the trees and leafs let him see of the dark blue cloudy sky, the rain from earlier was diminishing as time pass by. Soma turn his attention back towards Dracoso; as he spoke then lifted his right arm showing him a sealing band. Soma looked at the bands around Dracoso's wrist; ("there are many tools which exist that we can purchase from the ninja shop. The first such item are these sealing bands. They allow you to store several ninja tools easily in your wrists and only require you to know the most basic of sealing techniques. From there, we can place certain items, such as a water summoning scroll-") Dracoso said running his hand over the seal band as a small cloud appeared summoning a small scroll. ("which allows us to summon water from any source we may need. Another choice for this is to use a jutsu which lets us create a water source upon its completion. For example,") Dracoso finish saying as he tossed two scroll into the air and from them a stream of water poured down creating two water clones.

Soma's eyes widen greatly as he lifted his arms to his chest in a happy cheerful tone, but before he could speak another scroll was tossed into the air and a small pound of water was created; Soma smiled widely as he ran towards the starch syrup capturing field, as he noticed the sticky liquid sustains of the technique. Still listening to Dracoso he stood up then turned towards him, taking in what had been said so far; "So water release is quiet the intriguing element; I wouldn't even have known but that's interesting that we are made of water as well" Soma said crossing his arms again and wondering on how he could even learn this element. Unlike wind release he learn it very easily almost as second nature. But water seem more valuable in more than one aspect, Soma looked at the puddle as he still was in the middle of a tought.

Soma turned towards Dracoso and walk towards him looking at him. Soma was serious now with a deep look of determination; he uncrossed his arms as he bow in front of Dracoso "Please teach me, how to use water release and as well Ice release, I don't care how hard it will be or how long it will take. I need to become stronger" Soma said as the last word he lifted his head and look at Dracoso in his eyes.

Word Count: 428
Total Word Count: 1,604
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