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Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty The Eyes of The Ancestors

Sat Oct 01, 2022 12:44 pm
The day had started off peacefully with the sun high in the sky. Dracoso made his way downstairs and found both his parents in a slight daze at the kitchen table. “Everything ok?” he asked them as they seemed to snap back to the present. “Just fine. I was… thinking about the next order I needed to work on,” his father said as he headed out the back towards his work shed. His mother looked to him and said softly, “I was just thinking about our recent talks on family, and the phase you are going through, and it almost felt like I could hear my mother giving me advice when I went through the same thing.”

Dracoso smiled, thinking back on his time with his grandparents when he was young. He had never gotten to meet his grandparents on his father’s side of the family, or most of his family, as they were rather scattered throughout the lands. He had met his mother’s grandparents when he was still a child and they both had loved to spend time with him. At least, from what he could remember. Most of his memories of them included asking them questions and they would respond either with clues or riddles to help him figure it out on his own. 

They would always bring a new toy or contraption for him to play with or try to figure out how it worked. His mother would give oddly concerned looks, which made far more sense now that he knew about the phase of passion his family went through. Looking back now, it seemed more like his grandparents were encouraging the phase, rather than worrying about it. He asked his mother about this and she simply gave a soft sigh.

“Your grandparents always thought that by encouraging the passion, the phase would progress in a more healthy pattern. The issue was that many of our family members ended up hurt or overdoing it with the heavy amount of encouragement they received. I was worried that the way they spoiled you would cause you to go overboard with your passion.” His mother explained. Dracoso waited for her to continue and asked, “and do you think it did?”

His mother seemed to hesitate and said, “well… I am still not sure if your passion for knowledge as a child was your phase or the current drive to be a ninja. If it was your passion for knowledge, it has lasted longer than most I have heard of. If it is your drive to be a ninja, it has been very delayed compared to most…” Dracoso scratched his head and simply said, “well, at least I have not injured myself yet doing so.” His mother simply gave him a smile and a nod as they ended the conversation.

{WC = 469}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty Re: The Eyes of The Ancestors

Sun Oct 02, 2022 11:46 am
Dracoso had been thinking about what he had talked about with his mother yesterday when he began hearing from his neighbors about strange occurrences. Some were finding odd pockets of hot or cold air around the village which caused them to feel light-headed or off balance. Some mentioned hearing whispers from those nearby them, but no one was sure where they had really come from. Most people were simply saying it was a change in the weather or the seasons as it moved into Autumn.

Stranger though was the fact that people seemed to occasionally zone out whenever they found a peaceful place to relax. It only seemed to be for a moment or two, but people would quickly snap back to awareness shortly after. While most of this could be shrugged off, animals were becoming more easily frightened as time passed. Dracoso stopped by the academy and sat down with his old teacher and mentioned some of the things he had seen around town and asked him for his thoughts.

“Well, things have been peaceful for a rather long period of time. Perhaps people are beginning to simply shift out of the old mindset of preparing for combat and are instead simply letting themselves relax?” Dracoso weighed this thought in his mind and responded, “It might explain people zoning out and finding it easier to let go of their tension, but not these air pockets and how the animals are responding.” His teacher rested his chin in his hand and thought for a minute before responding.

“While the weather could explain some of the air pockets, the symptoms people are displaying from them is unusual. Perhaps something is being released nearby which is causing slight shifts in peoples’ homeostasis? It could also be causing animals to be more on guard and reactive.” Dracoso nodded as he considered what possible air-borne threats could cause that kind of influence over creatures. They discussed a few other possible reasons, but could not pin down a specific reason they could be sure of.

Dracoso left the academy a bit frustrated, unsure if there was even anything he needed to respond to. He shook his head and figured that until something presented itself, there was nothing he could do for now.

{WC = 377}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty Re: The Eyes of The Ancestors

Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:55 am
Little by little, the stories about strange occurrences were beginning to increase. Some of the kids he had taught at the academy had found him and told him about a strange creature they had seen. “It was just out of the corner of my eye, but I totally saw this little tiger-colored dog!” the boy exclaimed. Dracoso looked at the children with a raised eyebrow and asked them, “a tiger-colored dog? Where did you see this?” 

“On our way home from the academy!” a girl responded. The children seemed very excited by what they had seen and were looking at Dracoso as if he could explain the existence of strangely colored dogs by simply staring at him. He cleared his throat and said, “Maybe one of the neighbors has a dog with that color of fur pattern. Some animals can come in all shapes and colors and some even change the color of their fur depending on the weather.” 

The kids looked at one another and the first boy grinned as he said, “well that isn’t even the coolest part!” Dracoso feigned curiosity at the boy as he asked, “and what was the coolest part?” expecting more details on the dog. “The dog turned invisible and disappeared! He even walked through a wall while he did it!” Dracoso paused as his mind ran through a dozen different techniques that might achieve this. Most of them would be a bit too strong for a normal familiar to learn, yet this animal sounds like it passed through a solid object. 

“So… it walked at a wall, turned invisible, and went through the wall all at the same time?” The children bounced up and down, nodding vigorously as the girl responded, “yeah! It didn’t even respond to us yelling at it!” Dracoso scratched his head, not really sure how to respond to this. Sutsui could make him invisible, but that was about as far as her abilities went. If it had phased through the wall, it would have still been mostly visible, at least from what he knew of time/space techniques. 

“Well, maybe it was just very well trained. It could have also been an illusion that someone used to play a prank on all three of you.” He suggested. The other boy piped up and said, “no way! We would know if we were being pranked. We pull plenty of pranks and no one could catch us off guard!” Dracoso gave a nod and said, “well then it may simply have been trained to do something known as phasing. I know some companions out there can learn very powerful techniques, so maybe it was just on its way home.”

The kids seemed satisfied with this response. After talking a bit more, they headed off while discussing if the dog was more powerful than their teacher. Dracoso simply chuckled to himself and shook his head as he headed back home. Though, it did seem strange that a dog with such powerful abilities would use them so freely…

{WC = 504}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty Re: The Eyes of The Ancestors

Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:35 am
Dracoso had decided to take the day off that day to simply rest and relax. After all the training he had been doing over the last few months, he only really seemed to rest when he slept at night or when the missions allowed for it. He was laying under a large tree near the academy when one of the parents walked over and tried to get his attention. “Dracoso, right? I wanted to thank you for the inspiration you helped to give my boy when he first started here. He has been pretty determined in his studies and hopes to learn some of the things you talked about back then.”

Dracoso looked up as the man spoke and gave a smile. “I am glad to hear it. There is plenty to learn and we can always use more skilled ninjas around the village. What specialties is he hoping to learn?” As they spoke, a slight chill spread through the air around them. The father patted his arms softly to warm himself up and looked around. Dracoso stood up as well, confused by the sudden drop in temperature. The fence along the exercise field suddenly shook as if struck, but there was nothing in sight that could have caused it.

The two were on guard and shared a confused look just as the chill passed. The father spoke up and asked, “any idea what that all was?” Dracoso shook his head as he scanned the nearby area. “I am not sure. I have heard strange occurrences have been happening around Kiri lately, but this is the first time I have actually experienced one. Most of the rumors were not this intense though. Just random sightings and changes in air pressure.” The father nodded as he shivered off the last of the cold.

“My son mentioned seeing something strange a few days ago as well. He thought he saw some strange mist moving across one of the main streets while the sun was setting. I know he is aware that we usually get mist in Kiri, but he swore that the mist seemed like it was alive.” The father explained. That was odd to Dracoso, as he imagined mist moving and controlling itself. With the strange occurrences piling up, he wondered if some other kind of force might be at work here. With a shrug, he simply said, “well whatever it might be, it seems like it is slowly growing in power. Once it manifests, then we can possibly deal with what is causing it.” The father nodded in agreement as he bid Dracoso farewell and headed off. 

As Dracoso laid back down under the tree, his mind was already considering multiple possibilities. With all he had to think about, rest would not be easily attained.

{WC = 465}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty Re: The Eyes of The Ancestors

Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:54 am
It must have been his imagination. That thought cycled through his mind over and over again as he played the incident back over in his mind. He had been returning late at night from volunteering in town when he had spotted from a distance what he thought were two elderly individuals heading into his home. For a second, it looked almost like his mother walking with her father, yet when he came closer, there was no one to be found. His mother was already inside putting the ‘children’ to bed and his father was sound asleep.

He checked for any fresh footprints and even had Sutsui do a scan for any traces, yet all she could find were some odd disturbances in the passive chakra that hung around their home. It almost seemed as if a living wind had moved through their property and gently touched the threshold of their door. Dracoso sat in the kitchen and began to think through the rumors he had heard recently. 

There had been stories about random sightings late at night of apparitions appearing and entering peoples’ homes. Yet, when the people living in those homes were asked, they had not seen or heard anything. Travelers were beginning to see this ‘living mist’ appear randomly around the roads leading to and from Kirigakure. It would cause those strange changes in air pressure and temperature for people which made them feel somewhat light-headed or off balance. A few older individuals were claiming that pictures of those who they had lost were beginning to move slightly and even wave.

There were few explanations behind all this, and Dracoso was struggling to put the pieces together. It could be some form of mass genjutsu mist that was beginning to create illusions and issues. The problem was that it was affecting the sensory ninjas in the village as well and they could not detect any genjutsu placed on them. It could be a new type of poison invented to disrupt the body and mind slowly over time. Yet, the medical ninja in the village had also considered this and had found that no negative influence was over those who touched the mist outside of their equilibrium being slightly distorted.

The more he thought about this, the further his mind moved from natural causes and headed towards the supernatural. It felt as if something was trying to reach out from another dimension possibly and put itself into their own to interact with them. He tapped the table softly, trying to give himself some kind of kickstart to his thoughts as he pondered over this. At that point, his mother walked in and glanced at him with curiosity before beginning to put together a pot of tea for the night.
“Mom,” Dracoso said, “have you noticed any strange occurrences lately?” His mother glanced at him again before speaking, “yes, you have been around far more often than usual.” Dracoso hung his head and sighed in soft exasperation. “Not about me. I mean strange occurrences around the village. Odd sightings, seeing or hearing strange things around you?” She thought for a moment as she filled the kettle with water and placed it on the heat.

“Well… the boarlings have seemed rather tense at random times of the day and have needed far more attention than usual. The neighbors have also been talking a bit about this mist that seems to make people fall over randomly. Some people misunderstood and thought it killed people if you touched it. Good thing we cleared that up.” His mother chuckled softly and said, “as for me personally, only one thing stands out. I thought I spotted my father standing outside looking around the yard as if he spotted something. I wiped my eyes as I figured I was seeing things and, by the time I had finished, there was no one there.”

Dracoso sat back and let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He had been researching the possibilities of resurrection recently and knew that people could be brought back if done so in a short amount of time. Yet, this did not explain the appearance of people who had been gone for several years. Was it possible that something was creating a connection? Maybe this was simply the greatest prank of all time that someone was masterminding? He decided that he needed to get some sleep before his mind ran off without him and asked his mother if she could tell him more about her father tomorrow. She agreed just as Dracoso headed off to sleep.

{WC = 765}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty Re: The Eyes of The Ancestors

Thu Oct 06, 2022 1:14 pm
His father was out in his workshed crafting weapons and the boarlings were still sound asleep up in his parents’ bedroom. Dracoso and his mother sat in the living area sipping their drinks in the early morning light. “Where to start, where to start…” his mother said as she tapped her chin in thought. Dracoso had an odd inkling that many of the sightings lately were somehow connected back to those who had passed away, he just was not sure how. He thought that by talking about them or thinking about them, the strange occurrences might become more frequent in that area.

“My father was a very caring man. He was very much like you, but far more strict on himself in regards to communication with family.” Dracoso sighed as he realized that his mother was going to continue on until it felt like he had a radio system built into his head that his mother could call at any time. She gave him a quick smirk before continuing, “his passion had always been the honor of our clan and family. He felt that by building a strong name for ourselves, we would have a secure place in this world. So, he put in a lot of work as the head of the guard in the town we lived in when I was growing up. It was one reason I knew so much about working with the guard when I became a ninja.”

Dracoso listened intently, as he had learned little about his family growing up. Most of it had been focused on understanding the pride of his family, being strong and reliable, and also caring for those in need. “He was silent around those he felt that he did not know and observed them to avoid making any mistakes. When he was comfortable, he had a very strong presence which could make you feel either very confident, or very cautious.” His mother had a fond smile as she imagined her father. “He loved to spoil me when I was little and even gave me suggestions when I was going through my phase on how to express myself. Looking back, some of them may have been a bit more extreme than I thought at the time.” 

Dracoso thought back to the example she had given him of what she had done to the guards and gave a soft shudder as she continued. “He loved his family above all else. If he wasn’t teaching someone how to handle themselves, he was figuring out ways to improve his own methods of teaching. The mayor of our town would ask him for advice from time to time and many around the town would seek his assistance. Whether it was for his connections or his knowledge, he always seemed to deal with things in a sagely manner. Even when he was young.”

He had seen images of his Grandfather and remembered his smile, yet Dracoso had never thought of the man as intense or sagely. He always seemed like a cheerful elder. “So Mom, why did we not see him and Grandma so often as I got older?” The smile faded from his mother’s lips and she settled back into her seat. She chose her words carefully as she spoke, “after you turned six, your grandparents wanted to have you come to visit them and stay with them for… extended periods of time. They were concerned that your phase had started a bit early and that it might begin to… consume you. Your father and I were not comfortable with how much they encouraged you to step past your boundaries, and sometimes the boundaries of others. We declined and my parents did not take it too well. We lost touch a few months later and the rest was history.”

Dracoso nodded as a short memory of his mother and his grandparents discussing in a heated tone in the kitchen when he was young. His father had noticed Dracoso watching sleepily from the cracked doorway and had carried him back up to bed. The pieces slowly began to click into place as he realized that this ‘phase of passion’ in his family seemed to hold a great amount of influence over their choices. His mother was looking solemnly out the window and Dracoso decided to drop the topic for now.

{WC = 725}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty Re: The Eyes of The Ancestors

Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:23 am
Dracoso had just returned home from a short trip to the academy when he found the house eerily quiet. His father was nowhere to be found and the boarlings were eating their dinner alone in the kitchen. The house was well-lit and he checked to find that none of the doors were locked. As he walked out into the backyard, he found his mother sitting on a small swinging bench near the edge of the yard. She seemed to be zoning out as he approached and took a seat beside her.

He gently rested a hand over hers and she came out of her thoughts to look at him clearly. “Welcome home dear,” she said, recovering her senses for a moment before asking, “how were things with your old teacher?” Dracoso smiled and responded, “it went well. He says the kids are still learning at a good pace, even with the ongoing distractions lately. A few students said that they had seen ghosts and wanted to learn jutsu for summoning them. It took a while to get them to calm down.”

His mother chuckled and softly said, “sounds like something you would want to learn.” Dracoso stopped his own thoughts before he even began to imagine a technique that could summon the dearly departed. He shook his head and asked her, “what are you doing out here, Mom? I rarely see you out in the yard.” She looked up at the sky and gently pushed off with her feet. The swing shifted forward and backwards slowly under them. “My mother got this bench for me when I was pregnant with you so that I could swing with you to help you sleep at night. After the disagreement, I didn’t really feel comfortable sitting on it. I also did not want to get rid of it since it was one of my few connections to them.”

Dracoso nodded, understanding how she wanted to hold onto those memories. “With all the occurrences going on lately, I keep feeling like they are closer though. I don’t know if they are ghosts or just illusions, but it almost feels like I can see or hear them again at times. Like they are just around the corner.” His mother was beginning to get that distant look in her eye again as Dracoso asked, “what if they could connect with us?” She looked at him, in concern at first which slowly turned into a confused curiosity.

“As the days have passed, more and more of these occurrences seem to be pointing at the idea that we are connecting with… something. I do not know if this is an actual connection to those who have passed on or just a reflection of them, but I cannot think of any other reason why this is happening.” He looked up at the sky and leaned back, trying to remember his grandparents' faces. As he imagined them, they almost seemed to come more and more into focus the longer he tried. His mother asked, “do you really think they would have any reason to connect with us after what had happened?”

“You know, you could always just ask us.” 

The bench they were swinging on came to a stop as Dracoso slowly lowered his eyes from the sky above. In front of them were two softly glowing outlines of much older versions of the two sitting on the bench. Dracoso went to speak, but the smaller outline simply held up a hand and said, “we can’t explain it much better than you can, dear.” Dracoso simply let his mouth close and stared at the apparitions that stood before them.

{WC = 609}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty Re: The Eyes of The Ancestors

Sat Oct 08, 2022 10:14 am
“Mom? Dad?” Dracoso’s mother spoke up, looking from one apparition to the other. The two nodded in confirmation as their glow increased. Their features became more clear and their bodies slowly formed as if drawing themselves into existence. “Who else would we be, Losha?” His grandmother asked his mother. Losha just sat stunned beside Dracoso. The two stared at the glowing figures of their dearly departed and found they had no words to say.

His grandmother cleared her throat, breaking the silence before speaking. “Like I said before, we are not exactly sure how or why this is happening, but we found ourselves drawn back to this plane. We had tried to visit the rest of the family, but most seemed too focused on their work or their passions at the time. We felt a tug coming from the village and came to find that you both were softly pulling at us to come visit?” She ended with an eyebrow raised, curiosity heavy in her voice. 

Dracoso’s mother was still struggling to find her words, so Dracoso spoke up. “Pull you to come visit? I mean… Mom and I were both thinking of you from time to time and I have been asking her questions about you and Grandpa-” his grandfather grunted at the mention of him. The man was turned slightly away, as if listening to the conversation without engaging in it. His grandmother leaned towards Dracoso and said softly, “he never was one to drop a grudge. He thinks that it was unfair of your mother to not give us a chance at raising you for a time.”

Losha piped up at this, “Well he didn’t ask! He simply came to me and said ‘Dracoso would do well back in the old family house. We are planning to take him with us to help speed up his phase.” She glowered at her father before continuing, “if he had asked and actually discussed it with me, I would have been more open-minded about it. The way he described it, I thought he was trying to separate Dracoso from his own parents.”

His grandfather regarded her over one shoulder for a minute before speaking, “yes, and you did such a fine job raising him. Now it looks like he has two phases he is dealing with at the same time and you cannot tell which is natural and which is family-born! You two showered him with attention. So much so that he would run off just to find others to give him attention and for him to berate them with questions!” Losha stood up, clenched fists at her side as she stared her father down. “That is far more than I can say for you! I needed to prove my worth to every single day! Having to ‘keep the family honor and pride intact’ was the only lesson you seemed to care about!”

Dracoso covered his face with one hand, embarrassed at the scene that was developing in front of him. Having his mother and grandfather fighting over him just made him feel awkward. His grandmother took a seat beside him and rested a hand on his back. “Are you doing alright, dear?” she asked him as they sat. He looked up at her, then glanced at the two arguing combatants before him. One gave off a soft glow while the other had a gentle mist of ice hanging around her. “I guess so. Was it like this when I was a child?” His grandmother chuckled softly.

“Those two have always had a tough history, especially with how caring your mother is. They both mean well by their family, they just look at things a little differently. Your grandfather wants the family to be strong and able to withstand anything that may threaten it. Your mother wants everyone to be healthy and safe and to do what they need to, even if it is not good for the family name. The one thing that they agreed on for a time was that you needed to be carefully tended to. As you started to grow up, they began to disagree on how it was you needed to be raised, and that is how they returned to arguing.” Dracoso gave a sigh as she finished explaining and he shook his head. 

{WC = 719}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty Re: The Eyes of The Ancestors

Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:40 am
The backdoor slid open as Dracoso’s father stepped outside to see what all the noise was. He was partway into the yard when he saw Losha and her father arguing. He went to interrupt them, paused as he realized Losha’s father was standing there, and instead turned towards Dracoso. He stopped upon seeing Losha’s mother and rubbed the back of his neck as he had no idea where to begin. Dracoso spoke up, “some strange event is going on Dad where Grandpa and Grandma have come to visit for a time. We were discussing the event until it… slowly devolved into this argument.”

Dracoso’s grandmother looked to the man and waved her hand at him, “Oh don’t worry Ral, you know they will wear themselves down in no time flat.” Dracoso looked back to his father, confused at the name his grandmother had called him. His father returned his gaze and explained, “my full name is Gralston, as my parents wanted me to sound strong in the hopes to be recognized as a craftsman. Kids would call me growl-ston growing up, so my friends took to calling me Ral for short. Your mother loved the name, so most of her family just calls me Ral now.” 

Dracoso nodded slowly, learning so much about his family in a short time. The other two family members were slowly calming down as they continued to argue. Dracoso caught the tail end of a few statements from his mother, “-and you thought teaching him to sneak in and steal books for information was a good idea!” His father was about to respond as Dracoso’s grandmother stood up and clapped her hands firmly. Everyone turned to face the wizened woman. “Alright, alright. We have had plenty of time for being reintroduced to one another. I think we may want to actually sit down and talk about what is going on.”

In unison, Losha and her father turned away from one another with their arms crossed. Losha spoke up first, “I will not work with my father if he cannot drop his insistent need to be right!” Her father gave another grunt and said, “and I will not work with her if she cannot even bend slightly to admit that my ways may actually work for the boy!” His grandmother rested a hand on her forehead and shook her head before standing and moving to stand by the two. Ral moved to stand beside Dracoso, cautiously watching the situation unfold.

“You two have always been like this, always fighting. Even now, with one of you back from the grave, you two still can’t drop this feud.” Grandma looked from Losha to her father and back and shook her head slowly. She gave a firm gaze to each of them before speaking. “You both love this family. You both want to see those in it succeed and be happy. You may disagree on how you do it, but that difference is what makes our family stronger.” The tension began to drain from the two as she continued speaking. “Yes, sometimes you need to take a lighter hand with things, otherwise people can get hurt.” At these words, Grandpa looked away. Memories of injured family members were still clear to his spirited mind.

“In other cases, you need to take a firmer approach. Otherwise, it may run rampant for years” she said to Losha. Dracoso’s mother returned his grandmother’s gaze and said, “Dracoso is a special case. His passion takes more time than others.” His grandmother gave a small smile and asked, “yes, but there have been times you needed to rein him in, wasn’t there?” Losha paused for a moment before giving a small nod. His mother and grandfather had calmed down, but both appeared to be sulking now. His grandmother clapped her hands again before saying, “then it is agreed. Family needs both love and limitations to be strong. Now both of you turn around and give each other a hug. This is not the time to be fighting. Especially not with whatever is going on.”

{WC = 680}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

The Eyes of The Ancestors Empty Re: The Eyes of The Ancestors

Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:10 pm
The two turned around and looked at each other for a minute. They both appeared to be holding onto their stubbornness as they embraced awkwardly. Mostly due to the older of the two still forming fully into existence. When they finished, they both turned to face Dracoso’s grandmother, but both refused to make eye contact with the other. “Like father, like daughter” Ral said nearby, shaking his head from behind Grandma. Dracoso stood and joined them as his grandmother asked, “so, where do we begin?”

Dracoso spoke up, “well, this seems to be happening all over. People have been encountering odd shadows and figures during the night while claiming pictures of people who have passed on are coming to life. Some people hear whispers, while others have actually felt something interact with them or the objects around them. I had the fence near the academy shake as if it was suddenly hit when I was down there.” The two sets of parents listened and nodded as his grandfather asked, “was there anything else?”

“People have been talking about the mist also seeming to come to life, both in the village and on the roads. There have been reports of people feeling light headed or that there is a strange pressure suddenly pressing upon them. Others have felt changes in temperature here and there along with pressure changes and it seems to be disrupting a person’s natural equilibrium. Medical ninjas can’t find a physical influence while sensory experts have not found any external influence.” Dracoso finished and looked from one person to another as they processed this.

His grandfather spoke up again, “so it is large enough to influence the entire village along with the outer roads. It is too much to simply be a jutsu or a small group of people causing this. With the number of changes and the sudden shift, along with…” he gestured as his own bodily composition, “other evidence, this may be beyond this world’s capability.” Ral nodded and said, “from my connections, I know that no party has stepped forward to claim responsibility. A lot of the higher ups believe that another dimension may be shifting past our own. Because of this, the interdiction seals are not able to do much as the dimension itself is the same size as our own.”

Dracoso struggled to imagine two entire dimensions overlapping and decided to drop the thought for now. His grandmother held up her hands to get attention once again. “So what we know then is this: some other strange force is overlaying the world and it is allowing passed away spirits to return. We do not know if this may be indefinite or temporary. Either way, until someone or something comes forward for us to decide anything further, we just have to accept it and deal with it.”

The rest of the group was a bit uneasy about this thought, especially Grandpa, but none could bring up an argument otherwise. “With that settled,” Dracoso’s grandmother said, “I think this is the perfect time to catch up.” Before anyone could respond, Grandma made her way to the back door of the house and let herself in. 

{WC = 530}
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