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Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Communication - Future Endeavors Empty Communication - Future Endeavors

Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:12 pm
The news of Gonk passing would be a difficult one for Dracoso to swallow. He had talked with Gonk only a month back and discussed future plans for growth and ability. Dracoso felt like with Gonk's passing the state of Kiri may worsen in the near future. With a heavy heart for his home, as his family had already made it clear that they may not be safe here, Dracoso would head to the Kage's office and speak with the secretary on staff. She would seem rather frail at the time, and he would offer compassion and caring and a willing ear as she would share her suffering and concerns. Dracoso would talk with her on what the future plans were for Kiri and they seemed rather unsure. 

After a long discussion, Dracoso would discuss on how to reach other villages to possibly travel there. The secretary would look quizzically at Dracoso before offering him the names of the other kage and how to send them messages, as this knowledge would have been attained for specific purposes. Dracoso would take up a pen and some paper and head into the office of the kage. He would close the door behind himself and walk into the silent room.

The weight of the office would settle on him as he would wonder what direction would take him next. With how silent Kiri had been since he had become a ninja, it seemed as if it was coming to a final rest. He knew that so much of the history and culture would be lost if it was dealt with the same way the Akatsuki had done so many years ago. He had read through the history and wondered what truly lasted the test of time. With a soft shake of the head, he sits down in a chair by the window, overlooking Kiri, as he would begin to write out letters to be sent to the kages he hoped would return his notes, Dracoso would feel the weight of grief settle over him.

Letter to the Hogokage:

Dracoso would then write "To the Hogokage" on the front and attach the letter to a quick moving delivery messenger bird and send it out.
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