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Sebastian Loghain
Youta Shinkou
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Typhon Sepsus
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Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:09 pm
Ty found the spot that Loghain had told him about and sure enough he was there with two other shinobi. The young genin was glad there would be others involved in this undertaking. He was obviously a little nervous but would try to appear sure of himself when he approached the group.

"Hey gang. Sorry I'm late." He would turn to Yuuma who he hadn't met before and would extend a gloved hand to shake, "I'm Typhon, sorry we're meeting under deadly circumstances but such is the life" He would say lightheartedly.

Assuming one of the others would fill him in on the plan so far Ty would be surprised at the amounts of utility some of the members brought to the squad. Yuuma could lay traps and assist in healing, and Youta was capable of applying powerful seals to them before they even put themselves in danger. It was something he hadn't even thought of before, but being prepared would definitely increase their odds of survival.

The group still hadn't decided on what approach would be best, but thinking about the array of abilities they were bringing to the table, Ty felt like they were well suited to hitting the bandits fast and hard. "My specialty lies in large areas of denial. If there are a lot of guards I could likely clear them out with virus gas, it would be fast but it definitely wouldn't be quiet." He shuddered to think about how a scene like that would play out. The effects of the Gift on non clan members was horrific and he did not take joy in the power it let him weild. Ty had never used his virus to kill another person, but he knew that the day would be coming soon and so he couldn't hold himself back with fear. "If that unity seal can protect you guys from my attacks then I might even be able to keep us at a constant advantage by surrounding us in poison constantly."

He would throw out his ideas hoping someone else would have some input. He would definitely be open to any approach that the team agreed on.

(WC 361)
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:09 pm
“Thanks Seb, you think I deserve a promotion? Thanks man I hope so. I think it would help deter people from invading again. I think Typhon would be great. I guess I can go get him real quick.” He would continue as Yuuma would walk up and introduce himself and call Sebastain sir which would throw Youta for a loop. He would laugh a little as Sebastian would say not to worry about such formalities but Youta could not let that go uninterrupted or for free. “He might be able to help with Genjutsu I am not sure of his abilities. Sir!” He would give a very overzealous salute and laugh for a second. “I have learned a new one. Do you want to see it?” He would have a sinister look on his face “come on give it a try! I have not been able to practice it since I created it. But cat eyes, I have never heard of that one. That Genjutsu, I know. But I will be right back I am going to go get Typhon. I guess Sebastian you can talk to him about the puppy bowl. Mission Puppy Bowl. I mean wolf’s den.”

He would start to run towards the entrance when Typhon walked in. “Oh Your ears must have been burning.” They would start to head back towards the group and say “I found him, man do I do good work. I can give you guys some Fuinjutsu to aid in our mission. I think this other guy, Yuuma, will be joining us. He just does not know it yet. I bet by the end of the session Sebastian will ask. Had he given you any clues what we are doing?Today we are preparing and Sebastian said I could try my new genjutsu out on him. Can I try it on you too? You know practice makes perfect.” He would then wait for Typhon to answer then say “Well, why don’t we let our fearless leader explain. I think the mission should be called mission dire wolf or mission puppy bowl.” He would laugh a little and then wait for Sebastian to explain what was going to be the mission.

Sebastian Loghain
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Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:13 am
The wolf would listen as Youta asked if he thought that a promotion was deserved, to which he would nod and offer, "Prove yourself in this mission and I can make a good case for it." After that answer was out of the way, his full attention would be turned to Yuuma. He figured that it might be best if they go over the various techniques after all parties arrive, just in case any of them can learn from one another. He expected Youta to be gone for a bit to reach Typhon's home, but Typhon would approach the group. "I am glad you decided to join us, Typhon." 

He would let the canopic introduce himself to Yuuma and then they would begin some basic training as Yuuma would go over a few techniques, the first of which brought a grin to the face of the wolf. It was very much like his own Hunter's Sight technique tied to his heritage, though poorly named after a cat. The feline themed name wasn't something that he felt was befitting of such a useful technique, but he wasn't the person to name these things. It was a simple enough technique, and something that he had already been quite familiar with through his own efforts so picking up on this went fairly smoothly. 

The next was a medical technique, one that the wolf wasn't familiar with but quickly took mental notes of. The ability to cleanse yourself of unpleasant toxins and the like was incredibly useful, especially considering that he has so little information on the local fauna of the area. Mystical Palm was useful, but having something that wasn't as demanding and more directly suited for the removal of such things would be an asset. 

The final technique was that of a genjutsu, the False Surroundings Technique. It was something that the wolf was familiar with, as he learned it early on in his expansion of his abilities. He also drilled such into the repertoires of his team, for it was a low demand jutsu with a high payoff if used correctly. The ability to implement stealth and deception effectively can easily turn the tide of a battle you might otherwise lose. 

Typhon shared some of his capabilities, to which the wolf had first hand experience. The man's toxins were quiet powerful, and if he could blanket an area with them while avoiding the infection of his allies he would no doubt easily crush the enemy opposition. Loghain wasn't certain how the seal of Youta's worked or how long it lasted, but even if it wasn't a constant effect the cleansing technique that Yuuma showed them may come in hand if there is any accidental exposure. "That might be a useful tactic, as those toxins of yours are quite formidable. I doubt many could withstand such an assault. It would seem hard and fast is route leaned towards, and without additional stealth measures I must agree that it may be the best course of action."

When asked about the Wolf's Den, Sebastian would nod. "Yes, it is a bandit outpost, formerly a Hoshi stronghold. I seek to rid the stronghold of these criminals and strengthen Hoshi's presence on the borders. I am aiming to deter and disband this criminal element to allow our borders to be safe once more." The wolf would look at Yuuma, noting his willingness to assist. "Are you seeking to join us in this conquest?"

"Youta, please ensure that everyone has the seals that will assist in this endeavor." When the Shinkou would ask about the new Genjutsu, the wolf would simply shrug. "If you feel that it will be beneficial to practice it prior to the mission and the others are willing that is between you." 

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:18 pm
Youta would ask what seals they would like and they would all answer and Youta would continue by saying “ok I can start applying the seals so do not let me bother your conversation I am listening and doing this, multitasking, or at least trying to.” He would then look look at Yuuma and say “ok first for you Chakra storage.”  Snake > Ram > Rat > Dragon then he would look at Typhon Bird -> Monkey -> Serpent the place it on the young man the barrier seal.  The look a Sebastian “ok buddy I need access to your neck for this one.” Hare > Ox > Dragon > Rat “ok everyone the first round of Fuinjutsu seals have been placed. I will start the second round shortly. Are there any questions or explanations needed before I start my second round of Fuinjutsu?”  
WC 150

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:40 pm
Then he would continue saying alright let’s start on the next set of Fuinjutsu. He would say “well Yuuma I have something special for you which ought to be fun for ya to use from the back with me.” Youta would make the hand seals Snake -Dragon -Horse- Tiger-Ram-Hare-Boar-Dog-Snake “it launches projectiles and can be a good first attack now Typhon I have a attack one for you too.” Would then make the hand signs Tiger->Boar->Ox->Ram and a seal would appear on Typhon “Just activate it and use the hand seal Ram and the projectiles will explode.” He would then Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Tiger → Horse at would place it on Sebastain and say as Sebastian would feel senjutsu energy flow in him. “Make a Tiger seal to activate it and get a little boost of senjutsu.”

WC 145


Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Thu Nov 03, 2022 4:58 pm
Through his explanation, Yuuma had revealed his hands from the depths of the blue robe that typically concealed such movement. A hand would reappear through the robe as Typhon approached and offered a handshake; the gesture was a little out of place among the typical Hoshigakure citizen, though it was widely used in the village Yuuma had grown up in and thus a welcome response came in the form of a solid hand grasp and a shake. The masked appearance of the latest edition to the group was notably regarded in stride by the monk- the appearance itself brought Yuuma back to that day in the library some months ago when he had taken on a number of apprentices, one of which had been of the same clan that Typhon was. An unfortunate lot this bloodline had been dealt, but the absence of fear behind the deadly virus was something Yuuma displayed on his expression upon meeting this new face. "My name is Yuuma. It is a pleasure to meet you. Rarely will one have the opportunity to meet outside of dangerous circumstances in our line of work, but I'll certainly be doing my best to make sure our brothers and sisters come home safe." Nodding, Yuuma would offer a small smile before his attention turned back to the others and absorbed their responses to what he could teach them.

Yuuma had not expected his offered techniques to be exactly what was asked for, though the small drop of guilt he felt at not being able to be more helpful. That was up until Sebastian made mention of him joining the group of them take on an old Hoshi military outpost on the border currently inhabited by bandits. In a moment, a spark flickered in his belly that he had felt only when he had tackled the problem of the graveyard vandal. "This group of three was going to take on this bandit fort all by themselves?" Yuuma pondered to himself. "I'd love to help," he said aloud when Sebastian spoke- perhaps with a little more enthusiasm than he had intended to portray. An opportunity to join a mission group and help keep them safe? Absolutely. An opportunity to atone for his failure to both Emi and Tsuna. A chance to prove that he could do more than stand on his own. A chance to make a difference. "Your tactics sound rather wonderous. Although I would not be among the fray of things, I can keep a healthy distance and manipulate the battlefield, and tend to injuries. If I have it my way, none of you shall befall a harm that you will not recover from, I promise." A solid nod punctuated his words, a deeper sense of energy layered over the top of his words than the typically mild-mannered medic showed.

His cooperation was offered to Youta as seals began to be applied, adjusting himself so that the lightning arc seal was placed on his right hand's palm, and the chakra storage seal was placed on his left pec just above his heart. "You have my gratitude for these seals, Youta. If you ever need medical supplies, please come to my shop down in the Old District and I'll ensure you have what you need. Ah! That reminds me..." Once the seals had all been applied, Yuuma would dig about in his bag and withdraw three cylindrical vials filled with a bright red liquid, offering one to each of them. "Here, please take this. It is my own creation- Starshine. It will heal your injuries to some degree when you ingest it. It's not as effective as a jutsu, but it could prevent grievous harm to yourself or one of your squad members." Typhon, Youta, and Sebastian would all be offered an elixir, and refusal or rejection would be met with insistence and assurance that the procurement of the potion was no trouble at all. Short of leaving it on the ground, each of them would be walking away with one of the vials.

Once all the seals had been placed, Yuuma would fix his attire and offer the group of them a small but energetic smile. "I'll retrieve my things and meet you at the village gate- I'll be prepared to depart within the hour. If any of you have loved ones to wish well before our departure, now is a good time." A bow of his head was offered behind these solemn words before Yuuma would turn on his heels and make his way from the training grounds and back towards his home- which also happened to be his shop- to make sure he had what he needed for this new mission.

[Exiting once seals are all placed.]

TWC - 1,715

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:19 am
Youta would then be like “Alright let’s get some more seals on you guys” would apply Chakra storage seals to Sebastian and Typhon and then give Yuuma a barrier seal. “Alright guys only a few more then we will be ready. To practice or do whatever else we need too.”
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:20 am
Then  Youta would apply a breath seal to Yuuma and say this ought to help you with any poisons or anything else.

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:21 am
Youta would then say to Yuuma “sorry but I can only give unity seal to three people and since you are more of a back line person hopefully you won’t be affected by any of our stuff.” And give unity seal to Youta, Typhon and Sebastian.

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:21 am
Then he would say ok for you Typhon I think this may help in case of a genjutsu user and for you Sebastian one last barrier seal.

[maybe exit]


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