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Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Drifter
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Game Night is Off [P, Mission] Empty Game Night is Off [P, Mission]

Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:18 pm
Mission being done:

It was a crisp evening and Yazui strolled through Yugakure no Sato. He had only recently arrived in the area, but already he felt like he had seen all there was to see. The place was nearly a ghost town with the remaining population preferring to stay indoors and being incredibly mistrusting to anyone they didn’t recognize. Admittedly, the atmosphere of the place didn’t do much to help boost town morale. Rundown houses with boarded-up windows and rotting hovels everywhere.

Suddenly among these dull and dreary buildings, something drew Yazui’s attention. A colourful flyer stuck to the wall of a dilapidated tea house. On it was an interesting message in bright orange letters.

“Poker night at Sakou’s Tavern. Price: 1000 ryo! Starts at 8 in the evening.”

Yazui was surprised to find something like a poker night organized in a place like this. This was apparently an effort by the owner of the tavern to give the locals something to look forward too. Some nice, quality time spent with neighbours to give them a sense of comradery and allow them to forget these difficult times for one night.

Well, Yazui was exactly the right person to ruin all that goodness. He didn’t play poker, but 1000 ryo sounded too good to pass up. The village also seemed devoid of shinobi, so if he were to use his skills there most likely wasn’t anyone around to do anything about it.

Since it was almost 8 o’ clock, Yazui decided to head over to the tavern and enact his plan to score an easy wad of cash. Arriving at the tavern, Yazui ducked into a nearby alleyway. It was a dusty, narrow thing filled with overgrown weeds. The missing-nin had to squeeze himself in between two wooden fences. This was both a blessing and a curse. He was hidden from vision from both sides by the fences and the alley was too dark to spot him from the entrance. Just as he thought this, a couple of early birds passed by the alley and headed towards the tavern. None of them even considered looking into the alley.

“Perfect.”, Yazui thought. He extended his arms, grabbed the top of the fence and pulled himself up and over it. Like a sunglass-wearing tomcat he landed in the backyard of the tavern with both feet on the ground. Next, he dashed towards the shadow of the building. From this safe point he scanned for an open window or other entrance. As he scanned, he found nothing. “Damnit.” The missing-nin was about to think of a plan B when a door opened a few meters from him. A portly man with a brushy moustache entered out of the back door, carrying a few trash bags. By the time he had put the trash in the container, Yazui was already behind him with a big rock aiming for his temple.


The man fell to the ground. Unconscious or perhaps a bit more. Yazui stared down at him. He took his time memorizing his features, clothing and whatever small details he could make out in the dark. Except for, you know, the bleeding wound on his head. He then performed a short string of hand seals.

“Transformation Technique.”

A few minutes later Yazui, perfectly disguised at the moustached tavern owner Sakou walking into the tavern’s common room. By now most would-be participants had already arrived and looked at him expectantly. The Sakou look-alike threw his hands in the air. He smiled sympathetically and said in the most apologetic tone he could muster “So sorry, but game night is off. I’m afraid I’ve caught the flu. I’m gonna have to ask y’all to come back next week.”

With that, he left the room and exited through the back door. The remaining crowd looked confused. moans of disappointment resonated through the building. The disappointed villagers slowly began leaving the tavern, their prospect of a nice night out ruined. Little did they know the real Sakou was lying face-down in the mud. In the backyard, Yazui undid the transformation technique and bolted away, prize money in his pocket. By the time poor Sakou would regain consciousness, Yazui would be kilometres away counting his money. And with no one having ever seen his face, it would be impossible to pin the crime on anyone.

All things considered, it was a very productive night for a missing-nin with enough of a lack of consciousness to rob a poor old tavern owner of what little he had.

AP Cost:

TWC: 754

Claiming 1000 ryo and 5 AP mission reward

Claiming +5 speed and +2 vigor

500 words put into Yumehi Hoin - Dream Light Method and 250 words into Cutting Board Style
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Game Night is Off [P, Mission] Empty Re: Game Night is Off [P, Mission]

Mon Aug 01, 2022 9:26 pm
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