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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Doin' Labour [P, Mission] Empty Doin' Labour [P, Mission]

Sat Jul 30, 2022 4:34 am
Mission being done:

”Look at this place….”

Flaking paint, rotting wood and broken windows.

Overgrown pavements, cobwebs everywhere and cracks across the concrete.

Any animal in this shelter would be better off fending for itself in the wild, Yazui was sure.

As a matter of fact, he could clearly hear several of the animals whining and hissing from within the rackety old building. It looked like it could collapse at any moment, and it seemed like the animals were aware that they were only one strong wind away from being buried under rubble.

Which, to be honest, wasn’t really Yazui’s problem.

The missing-nin was just about to move on when he saw something moving towards him from the corner of his eye. A stray mutt, brown shaggy hair concealing most of its face. Behind the animal, what appeared to be one of the workers at the shelter desperately tried to catch up with it. Luckily for the man, the dog’s path of escape lead him right by Yazui. And with the dexterity and agility that came with being a shinobi, the Tenka casually whisked the dog off the ground  as it tried to run past him.
Carrying the whimpering, shaking runt in his arms, Yazui waited for the worker to catch up to him. Once he had arrived, the man bent over trying to catch his breath. After some panting, the man thanked Yazui and took the dog from his arms.

”Y’know, we could use a few good strong hands around here. This place badly needs fixin’, as you see. Me and some of the other workers are gonna do some renovations. Mind joining us? There’s some ryo to be earned!”

Yazui was just about to blow the man off and had, as a matter of fact, turned halfway from him before his ear caught the word “ryo.”

With these words, Yazui felt the stiffness of his body. How long ago had it been since he slept in a decent bed? Some money in his pocket sounded good right now. So Yazui shrugged his shoulders and accompanied the worker to the shed next to the animal shelter. There, he was handed a couple of nails and a hammer and was sent to work.

What happened next was rather uneventful. Yazui nailed down several wooden boards back in place, closing many of the gaps from which the animals could escape. Just when he figured he was done, another task came to his attention. Apparently many of the animals had escaped and were now running around the grounds.

Well, that wasn’t a problem for a shinobi.

Yazui performed a short string of handseals and focused his chakra into four identical copies of himself. These replica’s had no actual mass, but Yazui was counting on a couple of dogs being spooked enough to run from them anyway. This proved to be the case; the clones herded the dogs back into the building and into their respective cages. Perhaps this wasn’t the method PETA would approve of, but it got the job done quickly.

After all this was done, Yazui and the staff of the shelter gathered outside to admire the fruits of their labour. While Yazui was catching dogs and nailing boards back in place, the rest of the staff had been fixing other parts of the building. Windows had been replaced, paint had been reapplied and the bits of rotting wood had been taken out and replaced with fresh lumber. Finally, the place had been scrubbed thoroughly, removing all the dust and cobweb. All things considered, the place now looked like it could easily last for a couple of more years.

It still wasn’t exactly a palace, but what could you expect in this impoverished part of the shinobi world?

The animals seemed a lot quieter as well, feeling safer in this more welcoming environment without the constant threat of rubble collapsing in on them. And with the fresh count of paint and a new sign, the place almost looked inviting. Already the building was catching the attention of a passers-by who might be interested in adopting a canine or feline.

Yazui accepted the slip of money and sauntered off. It was a decent pay for a few hours work.

AP Cost

WC: 705

Claiming +7 speed stat

Claiming 1000 ryo and 5 AP mission reward

705 WC going towards Genjutsu Binding (1514/1500) - Previous Training
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Doin' Labour [P, Mission] Empty Re: Doin' Labour [P, Mission]

Sat Jul 30, 2022 11:55 am
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