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Arathel Anbura
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The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III Empty The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III

Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:26 am
Mission Info:

One second he was at the borders, next thing you know, he's in the village. All the thanks to the vanish jutsu. Looking around, the sun hung deep in the sky, allowing soft rays of white light to kiss those basking in it ambience.  While at the borders there was a raging storm, here it was sunny. Letting Lynn off of his shoulders, he placed her on the ground. Giving her a soft pat on the head.

"Well, I'd say that was rather eventful. I guess we better go tell the Kage about our mission and then head home. Right?" He said with a smile when not even ten minutes ago, he decimated an individual with ease. Turning away from her, he started walking towards the Kage Tower. Thinking back to the town on fire, he noticed it was rather beautiful. Zunair loved fire. He loves the way it dances. It swirls and sways and he loses herself just watching it. His father does not approve of the way that he sits there just to watch it. He never sees anything in the flames but he likes to watch them regardless. Zunair falters with the fire and rises with it. The times in which he can sneak away and allow himself to be lost in the fire are his favourites.

His times with his mother used to be at the top of that list but she is gone now. Zunair's mother's fire has gone out, her candle is finished. But Zunair's mother will always burn. Fire never stops burning until it has nothing left to burn with. That's one of the reasons he loves it. Fire will falter, it will dim but it never goes out.

Zunair wishes he could just spend all her time with the fire. It captivates him, has him enchanted in a way nothing else does. Fire is his biggest love. It is also why his father hates him. Well - he hates him for other reasons too but he hates Zunair for this the most. Because Zunair is not fiery enough for his father. He cannot see the captivating spark in him. He cannot understand that is his heart more than anything else that burns, that flickers and dances. Perhaps he thought the fire would have consumed it by now, burnt it out. But the fire leaves his heart. His heart is made of fire.

It is not enough for his father. Zunair is never enough for his father. He does not know why he tries to make him proud. It will never be enough for his father and Zunair knows it. It makes him cry - let out water. The young Hyuga's father thinks it's because he is weak. Zunair knows it's not. He cries because the flames are so strong, heis body tries to extinguish them with water. Sometimes it works. Only for a little while though - Zunair's flame is not ready to go out any time soon.

And therein lies the problem. Zunair cares for his father. He burns for him but he doesn't burn for Zunair. He did once and he cannot forget that. Fire does not forget. He loved him and Zunair loves him. But he doesn't love him anymore and Zunair doesn't know how to put the fire out. Sometimes he wishes he didn't burn, wishes he could be his perfect son. But he's not and Zunair is too timid to put his own flames out so he lets himself burn. How could he stop the fire?

Zunair is not the wisest but he is wise. He knows there is no point in trying to fight them. People often believe what they want to believe. What can he do? Until they chose to open their eyes, nothing. Zunair might be the flame of a candle. But people run away from the forest fire and keep the candle close to them. Idiots get burnt not by the forest fire but by the candle flame. Zunair knows a great many idiots.

Zunair is the gentle, unassuming candle flame. The candle flame you protect because it helps you. It is a transaction, a mutually beneficial agreement. Zunair's flame is not one people wish to extinguish. Even his misguided father only wishes for it to grow larger. But people are afraid of large fire and Zunair does not wish to be the most powerful or to be feared. Zunair wishes to be kind. But he was feared. Especially when he killed that man. All he saw was fear and Zunair still ended his life.

Looking back at Lynn, he wondered what she thought about fire? If she loved watching it as much as he did. Maybe that can a topic for a different time, if they ever were to meet again. Surely they would. They both are in the same village. She was such a unique individual too, really admired that about her. Even though she thought of herself less than, she still looked danger in the face and stood up too it.

Yelling out, "Lynn, I hope we can hang out again," he said with a bright smile. She probably thought he was weird but you know, all the best people are. She's a little weirdo too.

TWC: 5,781/5,750

Word Counts:
From PT I
From PT II

+10,000 RYO

5,000/5,000 to Secret Art Resurrection
781/1,000 to Chakra Absorption

Last edited by Zunair Hyuuga on Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III Empty Re: The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III

Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:14 am
The fact it took less time for them to get back home than it did for the mission to be complete really bewildered the young Uchiha, but at this point, what wasn't making her head spin? At the end of the day, everything that happened felt completely out of her control, and in retrospect, she didn't really amount to much in this mission other than being background noise. The only positive to it was that she helped save some of the remaining citizens with the direction of Zunair's orders, but after that, there really wasn't much to do otherwise. They didn't even get to patrol the entirety of their objective, but with what they encountered, she figures that'd be given a pass. 'Eventful' was not even half of what she'd describe the circumstances of their mission to be, but given she wasn't in the mood to be sassy or condescending, she didn't even respond to the Hyuga with words. Instead, she gave a simple shrug after she has jumped off his shoulders to dissipate her transformed state, bringing back the regular ol' Lynn that only a few people know, and no one loves. At least, that's how she feels at the moment.

Her own reflection brought forth a lot of questions, all of which she couldn't digest properly while she wasn't at home. A lot would need to be done before that, too, especially with how conflicted she felt with the admittedly traumatizing events that occurred, and the fact this information would be be very crucial to the mission reports. All these complications, and none of it would serve in her favor, except maybe the promise of a mountain of ryo, of which she wasn't really used to. Yeah, it's great and all to have a lot of money, but what was she going to spend it on, really? There's not much she's wanting for at this point in time, and she can't even begin to convert the brain power needed to find a solution for such a minor problem. Until the day was over, she needed to keep herself on auto pilot, so she'd be able to function without throwing a complete fit over everything. These feelings make her curl up a little while she stood, stuffing her hands into her pockets. Then there's the reminder she had, from looking at that doll...

Nagisa. Remembering her was bringing a lot of pain to the table. Walking side by side with Zunair, she secretly wished it was Nagisa with her instead. At least she'd be able to fully help her come to terms with her feelings. The emotional baggage she carried is just way too much to dump on a stranger, and as far as she was concerned, no one is more qualified to deal with such matters than her. But, she won't have the luxury of getting any comfort from her. That's something she has to live with, because she's the reason why that's the case, and there's not much more she'd ever say on the matter if it came up in conversation. Luckily, it never comes up at all. No one cares, as they shouldn't, since it's none of their goddamn business. Let Lynn be the introverted sad sod if she wants to be, right? At least she doesn't have to worry about breaking down yet, even if she rather would. The sun beating down on them as it begins to set is the only one that really understood how he felt at the moment, burning up all over the place. That's how she felt right now; a fire that endlessly burns, with a hair trigger with the capability of causing endless tragedy. How ironic that her clan holds the element of fire in such high regard, yet she detests it so bitterly. Hard not to when it reminds her of what she is.

In conclusion, this mission was a total wash, Zunair wasn't terrible, and she really was just hating her life right now. All she was worrying about was eventually going home, after she took care of a few more errands. Placing the diary that she recovered from the dead invaders into her backpack for later, she sighs quietly to herself in response to her Hyuga friend's hopeful exclamation, her evergreen colored eyes shifting towards him with a dull expression on her face. She attempts a smile, but it's half hearted, and she can't hide the lack of effort in it. There isn't enough energy in her body to do so, and she's out of social battery power for today. Might as well end it on a soft note and get it over with, though.

"Yeah... I hope so, too. Thanks for all your help, Zunair Hyuga."


Word Count Tracker:

WC Claims:

Last edited by Lynn Uchiha on Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Complying to approval proccess)
Hayato Yuki
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The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III Empty Re: The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III

Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:32 pm
Alright so according to site rules chunin cannot go on S-rank missions. I think the course of action here is to allow both of you to keep the word count, and only zunair claim rewards for the A-rank mission. 

Lynn cannot claim either rewards as she hasn't done the preceeding missions in the arc. You are both allowed to retry these missions in the future. 

Please adjust the claims and  consider the S-rank mission never completed IC, but the events themselves can be used for CD purposes.

Let me know when this is handled, and I'll go through the rest of the approval process.
Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III Empty Re: The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III

Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:39 pm
(I've done the edits on my part, sorry for the inconvenience)
Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
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The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III Empty Re: The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III

Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:44 pm
Approved for lynn
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III Empty Re: The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III

Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:49 pm
Fixed as well
Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
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The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III Empty Re: The Rising Sun and The Setting Moon pt. III

Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:05 pm
Approved for zunair
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