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Stat Page : Heroshi's stat page
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 4000

Helping an older lady, why not Empty Helping an older lady, why not

Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:00 am
Dinner Arrangements:

Heroshi was meandering around the village on a warm summer morning not really knowing what to do with himself. He decided he would go look into what missions were in store for him. He went to the mission board and discovered it had been picked mostly clean, he needed to step his game up, but he found a few that he liked, but he found some he knew no one else would want to do because they were so easy and boring, but he wanted to help wherever he could so he took the one to help Tsumisi sama the elderly woman who lived in the shinobi part of town but was born in Hoshigakure. She did belive in a weird religion Heroshi didn't comprehend, but to each their own, which is exactly how Tsumisi sama lived her life, so Heroshi thought he would do the chores he was asked to do by her, the mission was very vague it just read, "Help Tsumisi sama with whatever she needs help with." And Heroshi was eager to help. 
Heroshi would show up to Tsumisi sama's house relatively early, but Tsumisi sama was already full bore in the kitchen and trying to clean the house at the same time, Heroshi admired her multitasking abilities. He walked inside carefully to not get in her way, and asked, "Tsumisi sama, how can I help?" He was given a list of items she needed and the ryo to buy it. "Now, go I need those before noon." She said as she pushed him out the door. Heroshi would look through the list and realized most of it could be carried by hand and some he could put into his little pocket storage dimension so he wasn't very worried about the quantity of items. But he would have to travel around the village and different parts of the market district to get everything. Also the problem was that she built the list in how she found what she needed, not what was close to each other, so Heroshi rewrote the list so he would remember what to get as he got to it, he also wrote the list so it would be a big circle back to Tsumisi sama's house and his time would be spent efficiently. Heroshi ran around the village like a chicken with its head cut off. Most vendors were out or had a very low quantity of the items he needed. He would have to visit a few vendors sometimes just to get a few items. But Heroshi was diligent and persistent and he was able to get all the items on the list. 
When he returned to Tsumisi sama's house she had more chores for him to do. She had a second list for him to do, but this time it was household chores, again she listed them as she found what needed to be done and not by what area of the house they were in, so Heroshi again reorganized the list and got to it. It was easy enough for a shinobi that could make two of himself and split the work up, but the work never stopped coming. Heroshi was up to his ears in chores, but he was able to get it done relatively quickly. Tsumisi sama didn't seem impressed, she was too busy to care it seemed. Heroshi didn't need praise or anything, but he did want to be affirmation that he was doing an acceptable job. He wasn't going to get anything from Tsumisi sama. When he finished his chores he approached Tsumisi sama to let he know he was finished cleaning and if she didn't have anything else for him he'd take off. She stopped him and told him there would be important people coming to her celebration and she would need him to be the coat check boy and waiter. Heroshi had never done these things before, but he was willing to give it a try, she also informed him that while these people don't care either way about ninjafolk, maybe having a shadow clone activated probably wouldn't be the best. So Heroshi would have to try to be in two places at once for the rest of the night. This should have been a d-rank is what Heroshi thought to himself. He would sit outside for a few minutes before guests arrived to collect himself. This job wouldn't be that hard if he could do things his way, but a shinobi's job duties don't involve easy tasks all the time. Heroshi would go back into Tsumisi sama's house recharged and revitalized and renewed. He was now ready for whatever she wanted to send his way, Heroshi then had a thought, how many people did Tsumisi sama invite to her celebration? He hoped it wasn't too many.
A few minutes after Heroshi entered the house again, the first guest arrived. "May I take your coat?" Heroshi would ask every guest as they came in. Soon Tsumisi sama would ask Heroshi to start serving the appetizers, he would oblige and walk around with a tray of appetizers, and when that one would empty Tsumisi sama had more trays with more appetizers ready to be served. Heroshi was impressed with how quickly Tsumisi sama was able to get everything ready. Her guests would ask Heroshi why he decided to help Tsumisi sama with her tasks for the day. Heroshi would explain that he felt as a Shinobi for the village hidden in the stars he felt it was an honor and a privilege to serve Tsumisi sama and her guests. This seemed to impress the guests, they told him if the rest of the shinobi in the village thought this way and was as dutiful as him there would be a vast change in the village. They were doing their part to change the views of the shinobi in Hoshigakure, it would take both sides coming together. Heroshi felt a sense of pride being there. When dinner had started Heroshi served the table, and then was surprised when the guests and Tsumisi sama had him prepare a plate for himself, and had him sit. Heroshi would enjoy the dinner and help Tsumisi sama clean up afterwards, she would tell him he did a great job and would sign his ledger saying he had done a satisfactory job working for her. Heroshi would leave with promises to return to help her or just to sit down and talk. Heroshi would return to the administration office to turn in his ledger and receive his reward, he was proud of himself.

Wc: 1103

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Ryo: 1000
ap: 5

stats 11


one handed seals 1103/2000
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Helping an older lady, why not Empty Re: Helping an older lady, why not

Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:44 pm
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