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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

 Nearly the edgiest D rank mission ever Empty Nearly the edgiest D rank mission ever

Sun Jun 19, 2022 12:36 am

Well here we go again. It was another late dark night as Hikari found herself standing on top of the same 10 story building in Haven. It hadn't been even a day after Lady Maria had asked the Akari assassin to return her precious pet to her when she was then asked by another noble if there was a way that the Nova could ask for Hikari to find and return his pet dog that had been missing for nearly a week. As much as Hikari hated these late nights, at least she didn't have to worry about being called in by the Hogokage while doing these late night jobs.

The Akari assassin was once again in her black latex Nova uniform. Honestly, the Kunochi hated wearing this, but Valen had enjoyed it back when he was Hogokage, and the outfit sort of stuck with her. She no longer had a blinding seal hidden in her cleavage, but she did have the ability to shoot out blinding lights in case any perverts where not paying attention to the fight.  Underneath her mask, her blue byakugan scanned her surroundings in order to attempt to locate the target. Her golden eye remained inactivated in order to conserve energy underneath her eye socket. Like last night, the Kunochi was under the effects of Dustless Bewildering Cover. The kunochi didn't know why she was in cover like this, but figured it would be awkward trying to explain what she was doing walking around so late at night to any queensmen or shinobi. Last night, it had felt quite refreshing to look down at the city of Haven. However, tonight she found herself slightly annoyed rather than grateful. She wanted to get back and be part of the community. She wanted to be back doing missions that meant something rather then these random chores and tasks for nobles. But at least for now, she would be stuck waiting for the Hogokage to call her back. Looking around the village and its surroundings it would take the Kunochi a few hours of searching. A few stray dogs had distracted the Power of Haven for a while, but nothing yet had been the actual hound that the girl had been waiting for. That was until....

In the far outskirts of the city, Hikari noticed something. There was a golden retriever with short well combed hair. Or at least, significantly better than what most of the other stray dogs looked like. Focusing her vision on it, she could confirm the red collar with the word "Jackson" written on it, confirming that this was her target... however... there was something else more interesting that caught Namikaze's attention.

Wonderland of Space and Craziness would activate as the Saint of the Stars lightly hopped off the building she perched on. Falling at incredible speeds, the Kunochi would manipulate gravity in order to push her to fall toward the direction she was heading. This was different compared to last night though. Hikari wasn't screeching across the village, jutsu in hand, ready to attack. No, this time the kunoichi moved more leisurely. There was no reason to assume that the dog was going to make a run for it. On the contrary, if the Kunochi was seeing this right she was pretty sure she wasn't going to need to bring the dog in.

Taking a step down onto the ground, Hikari would land about 5 meters away from the dog's location. Looking down the Kunochi could confirm with her golden eye what her byakugan was now seeing.

..... Early the next morning....

The noble had put up an argument about not coming to the slums of the city, trying to come up with every reason in the book as to why he shouldn't have to go to the slum, but the Kunochi explained that she was unable to return the target to the noble's home, and wanted for the noble to explain why. When he explained he was scared of being jumped, Namikaze assured him no pick-pockets nor bandits would be able to hurt him while the Akari was around. She also requested that his spouse and their children would join the pair of them. The nobles would eventually relent, and accompany Hikari to the slums of the city. After nearly a 20 minute walk, the family would find their dog hiding underneath an abandoned house. Surrounding the dog one would be able to find quite a large number of...

"Puppies!!" The children of the noble would say as thy ran and made their way toward the offspring's of their beloved pet. The daughter would instantly go down and pick up one of the smaller cuter ones, where as the boy would try to bear hug tackle 5 of the bigger ones at once.

"Wha.... Ms... Ms. Namikaze, what is the meaning of this?" The noble would stutter.

"Seems simple enough to me." The blonde would answer "I would say that Jackson had probably been sneaking out a lot more than you knew. Probably for at least the past two or three months. Found a girl he had been enjoying, and decided to have a family. Doesn't surprise me honestly."

"Well... yes... but with a stray?" The noble would ask, quite surprised at the turn of events.

"Is that a problem?" The Kunoichi would turn her head, raising an eyebrow as she did.

"I mean... there is just so many of them... and we need to keep the house more in order." The noble would continue on.

Hikari would pause for a second thinking about the qualm. "Well... I'll be honest Sir. I'm not in your shoes so I can't tell you how to live your life. There is an adoption center being set up on the north side of the city right now if you don't wish to keep them. But I will say I think Jackson won't be the same dog going forward if you get rid of his children."

Taking some time to mull over those words, Hikari would watch as the family eventually started picking up the puppies in order to bring their new family home.

WC: 1028
9,000 Ryo (2,000 for mission, + 4,000 for rank X 1.5 due to Hoshi's victory bonus)
10 AP
123 Words to Vector Plate at max stat discount, completing the B rank version of it.
97 Words to Sage Art: Reduction at max stat discount completing it at B rank.
808 Words into Phoenix Flower at max stat discount.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

 Nearly the edgiest D rank mission ever Empty Re: Nearly the edgiest D rank mission ever

Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:44 pm
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