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Stat Page : Isido of the Boiling Sea
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P) Empty Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P)

Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:09 pm
Mission Status =

WC Cost = 1000
Stat Page : Isido of the Boiling Sea
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P) Empty Re: Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P)

Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:36 pm
"Damnit! What do you mean you want me to do a mission? I've already captured that piece of crap for you and now your telling me some blacksmithing clan needs my help? Who the hell do you think I am? I am no ones lackey!"

Isido had just gotten done capturing a weak missing ninja from his village when one of the jounin popped up on him. The fool decided to ask of another favor from the genin ass soon as he had returned from handling the missing ninja. Of course Isido was pissed, But the cash reward did seem nice. 2000 ryo would be able to make his parents rent for the next couple months untill he could save up and move them higher up in Kiri's food chain. He sighed and stared at the jounin before nodding.

"Fine, I'll do it. So where the hell is this Kageta, Kaketa, Kabecka clan anyway?" The jounin couldn't help but want to smack the life outta this boy. But he was one of their own and from what he heard of the lads exam finals made him smile. Perhaps the lad could be a strong one someday and to think he came from the slums. Isido nodded as he heard the jounin tell him where the clan was located, He didn't really care about the mission details at this point. The ryo was all he could hear at this point. As he sprinted through Kirigakure trying to locate the Kekada clan's compound. He stopped as he came across a big factory looking building. Isido stopped short of the door as he noticed one of the family members posted by the door. Isido believed they were a guard and decided to just walk up on the poor sap. 

"I believe this is where I am supposed to come to help you with your needs?" Isido would say to the guard who quickly turned in the lads direction. The facial expression that came from the guard when he heard Isido's words was as if he was talking to an angel. "Oh Dear Boy! Please, I am so glad you are here you must get to work at once! I am two days behind on orders of Senbon for our hunting unit, The faster you get done the more of a good word ill put in of you!" Isido's left eye began to twitch. They wanted him to help them make senbon? He wasn't the blacksmith in his family. That was his mother, Why didn't they just ask his mother to help them. Isido grunted as he thought of this, But a mission was a mission. And perhaps he could even get his mother to help. Isido nodded at this so called clan member of the Kekada. "So be it, I shall ask of my mothers help. She is a well known blacksmith and if you like her work perhaps you can make her one of your clients. She is amazing if I do say so myself." The Kekada member would smile as he listened to Isido's proposal. He would have to see of their work and if they were good enouth he might have to take credit for all of the work. The Kekada clan member smiled even wider as he thought of this. Sending Isido on his way.

Isido quickly ran back to his moms workshop as fast as he could, Not once slowing down as he was able to keep a good pace a majority of the run. As he finally made it to his mothers workshop, Isido would barge inside with no care. "Mom, Mom! I have no time to really explain, But I'm on a mission right now. You ever hear of the Kakeda clan? Yea well me either. But anyway they need our help to create and sharpen Senbon for Kiri's Hunter Unit." Isido's mother said not a word but smiled, walked up close to him and smacked the living fire out of him. "BOY! WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE RUNNING UP IN MY SHOP LIKE THAT? I KNOW FOR A FACT I TAUGHT YOU BETTER THEN THAT!" Isido winced as he took the smack, But he still looked up to his mother with a look that begged for help. His mother would sigh before nodding and Isido jumped up and decided to get to work with his mother. He would pay close attention to everything she did. Following in her footsteps he would begin to melt the ore down into a fine liquid, After doing so he would smelt the senbon out of the Iron ore, Thin but not too thin to where they were still heavy enouth too glide through the air. Speed and Precision was Kiri's way and so were their weapons. After making about a dozen senbon Isido was starting to get the hang of it. Each Senbon getting better and better with time. He didn't want to believe it but perhaps being a blacksmith was in his blood. His mother was very successful at one point so maybe it was in his genes after all. But that was not the route he wanted to go. Isido wanted to pave his own way and that is exactly what he was going to do.

After finishing up atleast one order of senbon for the Kekada Clan, Isido and his mother decided to take a break. They would stop by his fathers butcher shop to get some fish for dinner. After fileting and cooking the fish Isido and his mom would chow down, His father usually worked late and always made himself something at his store. Isido after finishing his meal would jump up.  "Alright mother! I have to go finish up this last order and I want to do it myself, thank you for all your help I'm off to finish these senbon and then im getting paid!" He would then kiss his mother goodbye and run towards his mothers shop, Using his key to open up and get to work. Isido began to do everything his mother had taught him about crafting kunai, perhaps he would have to learn how to make a sword. He always had a fascination with weapons and with his mother being a blacksmith he could always get them cheap. But his chakra was strong and thus he wanted to make it even stronger.

After finishing up the Kekada Clan's last shipment of Senbon, Isido would take all three crates back to their compound. Instead of the same person being outside the doors would be open as they awaited his arrival. Isido glared at the open doors before slowly making his way inside. As he entered the entire Kekada clan was staring at him and his crates of Senbon. One of the members would slowly walk up on him open one of the crates and nod towards what Isido assumed to be their leader. Who answeared his question real quick.

"You have done well my boy, The senbon are very much satisfactory for them to be sold, A deal is a deal I shall ask of your mothers schedule and see if she would like a job. As for you I suppose you are free to go..Your work here is done." Isido nodded as he delivered the crates and went apon his way. Exiting the compound and ran back towards where the Jounin last talked to him. Isido grunted as he held out his hand for payment. The jounin smirked and payed the lad what he owed him. Isido then smiled as he folded the wad of ryo into his pocket and proceeded on his day.

(Exit, Claiming Mission Above Complete, WC = 1278, Ryo Claim: 2000 AP Claim: 20 Stat Claim: 12 +5 to Vigor, +5 to Strength, +2 to Chakra. Jutsu Claim: 1000 For Fire Piercing Darts, C Rank 200 for Fire Lash, D Rank Fire Piercing Darts Learned!

Last edited by Isido on Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Nagisa Honemushi
Nagisa Honemushi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P) Empty Re: Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P)

Sat Jun 18, 2022 9:33 pm
Hayato in disguise... Looks good mostly, please select what you're putting the stats into you're putting the stats into in this claim once the edits are done mention it here or let me know on discord. I'll approve you after that
Stat Page : Isido of the Boiling Sea
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P) Empty Re: Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P)

Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:01 pm
Nagisa Honemushi
Nagisa Honemushi
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P) Empty Re: Sharpening Of The Senbon. (P)

Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:01 pm
approved after edits
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