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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 4000

Before Daybreak Empty Before Daybreak

Fri Jun 17, 2022 1:35 am
Poor, unfortunate souls:

The voices echoed down the hall of the warm building that most of his family and those who shared their faith would call “home”. Hizamura was awoken to the aroma of burning incense and eggs being fried. He loved his family, but he knew there had to be more out of life he could get, he was sixteen years of age and he had only left Hoshigakure once in his life. He yarned for adventure and he had met several shinobi in the market, not all of them were evil. He had started hardening his young heart to the teachings of his people because they were too controlling. He just wanted to go out and go learn what the world had to offer, why didn’t religion preach how to live life as to not worry about what happens when you’re dead? Let your dead self worry about what will happen to you when you’re dead. He would think time after time, he would always hear his parents talking about him when they thought he was out of earshot. He wasn’t worried about anything until the day the elder came up to his parents and had a meeting with everyone he wasn’t allowed to be a part of. The last time this happened his friend Juiwe had gone missing, but Hizamura had found out they killed him, in the night, and buried him in a grave with no marker. He was in deep, and he needed a way out. He had seen a little ninja boy running away from a mob of those who hated his kind, but they were the only ones who could help him in his hour of need. While the boy was on the roof, Hizamura had asked him to ask the Hogokage to get him out of there. The boy said he would. Hizamura was hoping that help would come soon, he was placing a lot of faith in the boy, he was like 5 or something, but he was wearing the Hoshigakure headband that only shinobi wore. He would get out of bed, trying to find the strength to force a smile as he might be seeing his parents for the last time. “Hey mom, hey dad, what’s going on?” He would ask as his parents couldn’t look him in the eye and his mother started to cry. “What’s wrong mom?” He would ask as she ran out of the room. “She just loves you son, well, we both love you so much son.” His father would say holding back tears and also forcing a smile. “How are they going to do it, are they going to make you do it, so they have complete control over you? Or are they going to make me dig my own grave?” He would ask the an that procreated him. “You’re my dad, and you’re not going to stand up for me? What if this is bad and they’re all wrong?” He would start to talk loudly. His dad waved his arm, and that meant for his son to shut up and listen. “I don’t want you to die, neither your mother or me do. We have contacted someone outside of our group, he became a shinobi and he’s going to get the Hogokage involved. I don’t know how, but you will be getting out of here within the next two days.” His dad would say with a slight smirk, but tears were at a strong flow down his face. “We won’t be able to go with you, we’re stuck here, I wish we could, but in order to not raise suspicion your mother and I will stay behind and say we buried you outside of the village in an unmarked grave. Do not speak this to anyone, and for the love of God son, act natural.” His dad would say letting out a hearty laugh out the kitchen for all to hear throughout the building. “Ha ha dad, that was a funny joke, I love you so much.” He would say back almost robotic. “I should go perform my daily duties then, you and mom are the greatest parents.” He would finish as someone would walk by and say, “Teenagers these days are so weird.” And continue walking. The two would embrace each other for what could be the last time and he got to work around the building. After the meeting Hizamura was not allowed to leave the building without an escort or a chaperone, he found that most of the “Family” was watching him when he would go outside to do chores. It was worse when he found out that the whole congregation was doing a watch to make sure he wasn’t leaving in the night. He went to the restroom in the middle of the night and saw people were guarding the doors and watching him carefully. How was he going to escape this place? I hope whatever shinobi they send is ready to fight their way out. He would think to himself while he was laying back down. Sleep did not come easy for him; was tonight the night he would be saved? He fell asleep sometime in the morning hours of the new day. He didn’t want to stir out of bed, sleep was his only solace avoiding people and responsibilities was his only goal for the day. The what ifs flying through his head were giving him massive anxiety. He decided that he was sick today. They don’t stress over someone who can’t move out of bed for a day, someone will come in and pray for him, and then he’ll get to sleep the day away. He was sure they would leave him alone because he was marked for death. “Ah, Hizamura, I’m sorry to see you’re sick. I hope you’re better before tonight, we’re having a feast to honor you tonight.” The church elder would say with a grin spread across his old withered face.  “To celebrate me?” He would ask as the elder nodded. “We feel you have been going above and beyond.” He would chuckle and leave the room. So it would be tonight.

WC: 1027
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 4000

Before Daybreak Empty Re: Before Daybreak

Sun Jun 19, 2022 12:11 am
Heroshi would recall the events of the other day, a teenage boy asking him for help on a rooftop. He had let the Hogokage know of this, and was hopeful someone would be sent to go help, Heroshi would meander around the village find things to do, help a person move some heavy objects, he really didn’t know what to do with himself. Heroshi was about to head to the training area to get some training done when he received a note from an anbu shinobi, it read, “Heroshi, the Hogokage has recognized an individual that we need to secure, your mission is to go into the religious district and retrieve a boy. His name is Hizamura, he wants to leave the religion, but they’re very strict. Heroshi, his parent have been supplied with a seal that will make him seem dead, they will meet you just inside the religious district. They will say their goodbyes and you will take the boy to the gazebo. That’s an order from the Hogokage, once he’s been dropped off leave, your payment will come later, DO NOT speak about this mission to anyone! Signed the watcher.” Heroshi didn’t have to wonder what that meant. He was due in the part of town that tried to mob attack him the other day. Heroshi knew it he was going to need to scout out the rendezvous spot, then he would need to figure out how he could move the boy and himself without any detection. Heroshi would find a spot to observe the comings and goings of the religious district. He learned quite a bit after an hour of watching people come and go. They weren’t shinobi so they didn’t think like them, they had no love or trust for the shinobi, but their defenses screamed to Heroshi that if the shinobi left this village would be overran within a week. Heroshi knew there were other people in this area who weren’t as negative about shinobi as well, maybe he could use them as a resource. He wasn’t hopeful, but there was a gap where they could be spotted, and he needed to bring down the risk of anything happening to his charge. He could put down a few diversions just in case they were spotted, but causing random explosions around the village probably wouldn’t be acceptable. Heroshi would spot a good place to lay low until it was time to rendezvous, but he would need a few things from home first.
Heroshi still had a few hours to burn before his mission, so he would take his time in going over the plan. Heroshi would sit and wait for about an hour, it would give him more time to watch the district and make sure no one would see them, then he would acquire the boy and move him through the village, while they would be safer in other parts of the village, they wouldn’t be safe and his family wouldn’t be safe if someone spotted them on their way to the gazebo the mission would have been a waste because then the family could be called out, or his charge could be found later and brought back and life would be so much harder. Heroshi would make a few trips through the village, there was a few spots in the village that he could move through unseen. The shinobi of Hoshigakure use these routes to move around the village and confront threats unseen as to not disrupt the flow of the village on a day-to-day basis. There were a few pockets to be seen, but the risks were much lower, this made Heroshi feel much better about this mission, but he would drill himself on the route between the rendezvous point and the drop off point five or six times. Heroshi knew this was his first real mission, if he failed here no one would take him seriously for a long time. Heroshi was determined to get this done right. When Hiroshi got home his father was sitting there. “What’s up kid?” He would ask not showing any familiarity in his voice, it was as if he was asking that question to a neighbor’s kid and not his own. “Just grabbing a few things for my mission, I can’t really talk about it, you know only those involved.” His dad would wave his hands dismissively as Heroshi finished his explanation. “Okay, okay, don’t mess up, I would hate to be the father of an embarrassment. That would make me look like a failure, and I’m not a failure. You got that boy?” He would ask very aggressively to Heroshi. “I promise you sir, you and the village will not be disappointed.  I swear on my life.” Heroshi promised his dad and he knew the punishment for failing his dad, and he wasn’t about to feel his father’s wrath. “I’ll let you know how it goes in the morning.” Heroshi would say to his dad. As he grabbed his stuff and walked out, “So much for a conversation before my big mission.” Heroshi would say under his breath as he left his house he was upset, but he wouldn’t let it bring him down, in fact it would give him the drive and passion to complete the mission and make sure his charge would make it to the rendezvous without being spotted and he would get to live a life free to follow whichever religion he would want to. As Heroshi hurried to his hiding spot and wait he caught himself imagining a conversation with his dad, one where no threats of violence were involved, a conversation where he would invoke a sense of pride in his son, but he knew those thoughts would have to leave the front of his mind and he would have to focus on the mission at hand. Maybe going home before the mission was a bad idea, but he arrived to his hiding spot and all the other thoughts left his mind and he was ready to start the mission.

WC: 1012
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 4000

Before Daybreak Empty Re: Before Daybreak

Tue Jun 21, 2022 1:16 am
As the day was coming to an end the sun started to lower itself behind the mountains, and the cool breeze swept through the village like a shadow from an eagle. Hizamura felt uneasy, a touch of melancholy washed over him and dripped down his spine a sickly goo that made him want to hide under his covers like a small child. He couldn’t believe he was marked for death and that his parents would be made responsible for carrying out his murder and disappearance. He was filled with guilt that he would leave his family behind, and the anxiety that if he should get caught anywhere in the village his parents would suffer. He could hear footsteps approaching his room, it was a pair of footsteps and a low murmur between the two sources. They entered the room and looked at Hizamura with a sad smile, the kind you wear when you’re about to do something you aren’t ready to. Hizamura would begin to cry and apologize profusely to his parents, he couldn’t look them in the eye his shame and guilt were getting the better of him. “Shhh, it’s okay Hizamura, we’re going to be fine, and so will you, you’re going to be in good hands, who knows we may join you sooner or later.” His dad would say as he put a flask to Hizamura’s mouth and poured its contents down his throat. Hizamura would begin to lose consciousness, but as he drifted away, he could feel the warmth and softness of his parent’s lips pressed against his cheek, “I love you mom, dad.” He would mumble out before his vision turned dark and then he was unconscious. His parents would drag the body to the gurney they had placed outside the door of the room. “We’ll take him someplace, if he does get found it’ll be hard to put the blame on us.” The father said as he pushed the occupied gurney to the door. “Just don’t let anyone catch you, the penalty of getting caught is worse than his.” The man whispered to the dad. Hizamura’s parents would push the gurney to a secret stairwell that would lead outside the building, out there was a wheelchair that they could place the body on as to look inconspicuous to any passerby that might see them that late in the night. Their plan wasn’t flawless, but it was a good plan there were spots where luck would have to do and everyone involved would have to accept the consequences of failure. They carted the body to the meetup location set up by the Hogokage, and there they spotted a boy of about six or seven, “Little boy, are you lost? It’s awfully late to be out here alone.” Heroshi would place his index finger over his mouth to silence the inquiring parent. “We don’t have much time, I have the elixir to awaken Hizamura, I will do that now and then you will say a quick goodbye, after that we vanish.” Heroshi would say to the grief-stricken parents. “I know this is hard, but everything will be okay.” Heroshi would finish almost silently telling the parents as he opened the bottle with the elixir for the teenager. He would hand it to the mother to administer the dose to her son. Hizamura would wake up and see his parents and the boy from the roof standing next to him. “You’re-“ Heroshi would cover the teenager’s mouth with his hand. “Lower your voice Hizamura, we aren’t safe here.” Heroshi would nod in two directions each with a couple of people in the general area. Hizamura would quiet down and look at his parent’s both crying openly and furiously. Hizamura would let tears drain down his cheeks as he would hold both of his parents tightly. “I love you, mom and dad, I’ll miss you every day and I’ll think of you, and maybe someday you’ll be able to come to see me.” Hizamura would sob into their ears. Heroshi would motion that they needed to move. The parents would take the wheelchair and take it out of the village to time their role so no one would get suspicious. Heroshi and Hizamura would begin their trek across the village and to the gazebo. Heroshi had several routes to the gazebo in his mind’s eye, they would take the way most shinobi would use as it would be the safest. If a shinobi spotted them, it didn’t mean much, but a villager might recognize Hizamura, so Heroshi wanted to cut out as much risk as he could.
The pair would sprint down the lanes designated for shinobi travel; it would take about fifteen minutes at this rate if they didn’t have to deviate very much from their route. There would be little pockets where it would open up to a street that Heroshi would have to scout ahead, this is where having a doujutsu would really come in handy Heroshi would think to himself as he held up his hand for Hizamura to hold his position. Heroshi would see if there were any prying eyes and have Hizamura rush forward and into the next alley away from anyone who might try to get a glimpse of them. They would quickly get to the gazebo and Heroshi would have one last conversation with the teen. “Hizamura, I want you to know your parents will be okay, as soon as we relocate you and help you settle down, we will be going to be doing the same thing with them, if you wanted more to life than that religion this is your chance. You’re young, there’s a whole world out there. Make of it what you will. I’m happy I got to help you escape and into your new life.” Heroshi would extend his hand so that Hizamura could shake it. Hizamura would shake Heroshi’s hand, “Thank you Heroshi, I hope we can meet each other again soon.” Hizamura would say to the child shinobi. After a few minutes of waiting a couple of Anbu would appear, “We got it from here Heroshi.” They would tell the youngling. Heroshi would nod at the Anbu and at the teenager about to change his life forever. Heroshi would turn and head home, never to speak of this event with anyone ever again.
Heroshi returned home and would see his dad awake at the table, “They brought a sealed letter for you Heroshi, seems you didn’t fail. At least you didn’t disappoint me.” He would say holding the sealed envelope to Heroshi’s chest. Heroshi would grab it and unlock the scroll revealing its contents, all it said was “Mission complete, D rank, good job Heroshi.” Heroshi would be filled with pride at the letter. “Dad, I think I did well.” Heroshi would say as he held the letter over the lit candle on the table. The father and son would watch as the letter burned to ash on the hard oak table. “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you, tomorrow dad.” Heroshi would say as he headed to his room. Heroshi would feel accomplished getting the teen out of danger and into a safer environment to live life how he wanted.

WC: 1208
twc: 3,247


Ryo: 4500, 3000+1500 from boon
AP: 15

Stats: 32


chakra storage seal 1420- 3247= 1827 left to spend
Touch explosive 1750/ 1750
Surface writing method 2000-77= 1923 left to learn
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Before Daybreak Empty Re: Before Daybreak

Sun Jun 26, 2022 8:22 pm
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