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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

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Sat May 28, 2022 2:58 pm
Gonk took a deep breath, it was go time. His long white robes swished behind him as he slowly began walking out onto the balcony. This was the hardest his heart had ever pounded while in relative inaction. Normally he would be completely cool and collected but today he couldn’t keep his heart under control. His breathing was slow and deliberate as his hand rested on the doorknob that would take him out into the eye of the public. In. Out. In. Out. Gonk turned the doorknob, and the crowd got their first look of the new Mizukage. 

The crown began to stir as Gonk walked towards the podium. Some of them recognized the face under the veil of the Kage hat, but many of them had no idea who the shark-faced boy they were looking at was. Gonk was well aware of this, and well aware of the fact that even the ones who knew him were questioning why a 15 year old kid was taking charge of the village. Gonk knew all of this and planned to address all of it with his speech. When he arrived at the podium, Gonk swept his eyes over the audience, then cleared his throat and began speaking.

“I’m sure you’re all wondering why a new face looks at you from within the Mizukage’s hat, so first let me say, I took this hat out of necessity, not choice.

"I returned to the village after a mission for the first time in months to find out that Lady Second had left the village to pursue her own future. A shinobi village without a kage is like a man without a head. It simply cannot function. I’ve served this village faithfully as a genin, jounin, and anbu, completing countless missions for the sake of the village.

"This is how it should be for every shinobi in the village, and this is the future I dream of for Kirigakure. Prosperity achieved through hard work, and safety ensured through competence. I want to follow in the footsteps of my predecessors and keep the name Kirigakure respected by those in every corner of the continent.

"My body and soul has been pledged to the village ever since the day I became a genin, and now I reaffirm that and announce it to the world. 

Today marks the dawn of a new era, and together, we will make it ours. Thank you.”

With that, Gonk turned around and walked back inside where he collapsed onto the first chair he saw. Never in his life had he been so nervous, not even when sneaking through an enemy camp or in the midst of heated combat. As he sat, Gonk tried to clear his mind and reflect on the past few minutes. His speech had gone without a hitch, but he wasn’t sure what kind of impact it would leave on the audience. Either way, he would probably find out soon enough. So for now, Gonk returned to his new office, and began completing the mountain of paperwork that now awaited him every day.

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

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Sat May 28, 2022 4:39 pm
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