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Kirara Rose
Kirara Rose
Stat Page : Lunar Tears
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 8

Sakura Mochi  Empty Sakura Mochi

Wed May 18, 2022 3:09 pm
The pastel pink ball of fluffiness that was carefully held between her fingers, tasted almost magical with each bite. The semi sweet taste of the red bean paste that hid inside the cloud dessert, was something that the Vagabond craved often. She was finally allowing herself to satisfy that craving. Even though the satisfaction would be temporary.

Kirara sat just outside of Konohagakure's famous noodle shop, occupying one of the benches that allowed passersbys to relax and enjoy the weather, which was marvelous today. The perky warm climate was finally suitable for the sundresses that the Vagabond was usually seen in. Although even when it was cold, the woman wasn't bothered much by it.

Her sundress today was made from some sort of soft, velvety fabrics and she adored the pastel pink shade of coloring that it possessed. The sundress left her shoulders exposed and was quite short, but the lass also had white shorts beneath. Within her lap was the platter with three more sakura mochi snacks amongst it. Her fingers delicately found one of them and gently pulled the mochi ball apart, before placing a piece between her lips.

Kirara wasn't in no hurry to get much done today. She was very well content with enjoying her morning like this. Might as well say that she was bird watching, as she enjoyed her simple snack time. Seeing the feathery little bodies flutter around each other as they danced in the warm air. One of the birds ended up perching a little ways from the bench, and Kirara took the initiative to toss a small piece of her mochi in its direction.

Soon there was only two mochi balls left, and the woman was beginning to grow thirsty. She moved the plate aside and tugged a little at the bandage wrappings that was wrapped around her left arm and leg. Sometimes she wished to go without the bandages, but didn't have the confidence to do so. So Kirara continued to endure them. Maybe she will look to find a way to turn these horrible markings into something beautiful.

But first she would need to find the blacksmith of this village, perhaps sometime later today.

Kirara wondered to herself about what intentions she had, or what she planned to do here. For now the Vagabond planned to lay it low and try to be comfortable for once in her life.

A soft gust of wind caught at the strands of her platinum hair, and she turned her face towards the sky. A sudden glimpse of dismay appeared upon her face as the wind stole away the Moon blossom from her hair.

{WC: 441}
Stat Page : Senju, Shiroyasha
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Sakura Mochi  Empty Re: Sakura Mochi

Wed May 18, 2022 4:57 pm
A fine days worth of weather meant that Shiroyasha wold travel the village after training. Usually he would head home to rest before carrying out priestly duties along the Shinrin Yoku Trails. When he had the chance though, Shiro loved to get himself some candy to munch on at home. 

Sweaty from shadow clone boxing with himself Shiro stepped into the candy shop. He wore his usual gentleman's garb, a black tuxedo. It was all dusty but he didnt care and went to eye goggling the various jars of candy. Shiro loved sour gummies and got himself a big bags worth of edibles. They were all different flavors and shaped like whatever fruit juice they were loaded with. After paying Shiro left the store, his black dress shoes clicking at the door step. 

Shiro walked to near a bunch, munching on the baggie of candy. The delicious sour sweetness pulled at his teeth, and Shiro swiped his tongue behind his molars to collect it. He loved candy. 

As Shiro was sitting down he noticed a female sitting on the same bench. Usually friendly and talkative, Shiro paused for a moment to swallow his candy before introducing himself. It took a minute for him, what with the whole handful he had just chomped down. When he was done chewing and swallowing Shiro looked in the woman's direction and waved. His smile revealed translucent pink gummies stuck to his teeth, and Shiro looked a little silly in his dirty tuxedo. 

The ninja introduced himself. "My names Shiro, Senju. Pleasure to see you here today." Shiro smiled gleefully and grabbed just one piece of candy. He stuck it in his mouth and let it melt as the woman introduced herself.

WordCount: 287
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