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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Tue May 17, 2022 10:53 am
Grisly Encounters:

It was another routine day for Saturn, an up and coming ninja of the Hidden Cloud. Wake up, train, find a mission, find a meal, perhaps visit the Drunken Kage Bar to meet some oddities the village has to offer. Life in the Hidden Cloud was getting routine for the young man. He had just about forgotten about his Buddhist horse Dione, who had left him to meditate in the mountains, leaving him feeling distraught at the infamous bar just a few nights ago. Since then, he had completed a grand total of one single mission, when he had unwittingly gotten a vulture killed trying to retrieve a purse for a client. His mission today involved yet another animal. This time the culprit packed significantly more mass. A bear, possibly an escapee from the training grounds, or an adventurous wanderer from the woods around the village, had been wreaking havoc in the town, terrifying locals as it scavenged through all their trash.

This time, Saturn was assigned a partner. He had never worked with a partner before, discounting his four legged companion Dione. This was a first. He was not particularly keen on working with others, but as a maturing adult, Saturn was receptive towards the idea in order to find his footing in the community that he had been leaning on for survival since the time he fled from his abusive household in Konoha as a child. Holding no expectations, the man was sat at the rendezvous spot - on a rock at a certain small hill overlooking a community of local villagers where the bear was supposedly spotted. He carried with him a large backpack and a standard sized paper where he had sketched the plan that he had formulated. He was always calculated and crafty - although his plans do not always go smoothly, he always has one before he makes his move. Drawn untidily on the sheet of paper was a sketch of a menacing bear, wandering towards a dumpster. Inside the dumpster, would be a man in waiting, meant to represent Saturn. As the bear peers inside, the bear's eyes become spirals. Arrows were then drawn to indicate how the bear would then walk back to the mountains while the dumpster, with Saturn's body inside, would be pushed by the as of yet unknown companion alongside to ensure that the bear remained in range of Saturn's technique. The last part of the mission, where Saturn would abort the bear's body, and the two would have to make their getaway without being followed, was not yet formulated. A contingency plan had not been drafted either.

Saturn looked up at the sky, seeing the angle of the Sun behind the clouds to gauge the time, as he waited for the shinobi that he was supposed to meet. 

WC: 468
Goro Chinoike
Goro Chinoike
Stat Page : Ninja Card
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Re: Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Tue May 17, 2022 2:16 pm
Arriving at the scene was Goro Chinoike. A boy with crimson red hair that was just a little over 5 feet tall, and looked 10 at the youngest, but 15 at the oldest. He didn't seem to walk there but just appear. He stands with his hands on his hips displaying his clan garbs with a sense of pride and smirks, looking up to the sky like some sort of superhero. "Introducing..." He says as he switches between dynamic poses, and spreads his arms like a bird before stamping his feet on the ground repeatedly, and now slowly raising his arms above his head. "Genius Cloud shinobi and future Raikage..." Now walking on the tips of his toes, raises his right arm above his head and points to the sky, and taking his left arm and points to his side, making a 90-degree angle, and puts one leg up, bending it like a crane. "Reporting for his very first real shinobi mission..." Finally, he spins around 4 times and finalizes his pose. "Goro Chinoike!" He stands completely still in this pose like he's waiting on some kind of reaction, thinking that he looks super cool right now. Instead, he looks rather foolish.

WC: 202
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Re: Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Wed May 18, 2022 8:15 am
As the head of an adolescent child emerged from the slope of the hill, Saturn would raise his brow and peer over the child's shoulder to see if his older sibling was the one he was supposed to meet. Seeing the child by himself, Saturn would gaze at him and then look away into the distance, ignoring the newcomer as he visualised in his mind how he would apprehend the bear they came for.
"Introducing... Genius Cloud shinobi and future Raikage... Reporting for his very first real shinobi mission...Goro Chinoike!" 
Genius..? Future Raikage? Saturn thought to himself as he turned to face the teenager, amused by his performance. After a brief pause and slight stammer, he let out a deep, heavy sigh and cracked a smile. He did not look at the childish teenager in a condescending manner, nor was he put off by his loud, energetic demeanor. To the contrary, Goro's upbeat attitude had enchanted the young man and he had taken a liking to him already.  "Nice to meet you, Chinoike. I'm Saturn. So, first real mission huh?" He smirked, unfolding the crumbled piece of paper in his hands, laying it on the slope of the large rock he was sitting on. "Here's my plan." Saturn grabbed a twig from the floor and pointed at his rough untidy depictions of the bear.
The first step showed the bear looking into a dumpster with a man - Saturn - inside it. "Bear scavenges dumpster." Saturn proudly pointed with the twig. "Step 2..Magic" The bear's eyes become spirals as stickman Saturn makes a weird handseal with his stick hands, not revealing the full nature of his own power to the Chinoike clansman. "Step 3... You push the dumpster alongside the bear while the bear walks back to its habitat in the woods." He hadn't planned out how they would lure the bear into a specific dumpster, nor what they would do if the plan goes wrong at any stage.
"Got anything to add, genius?" He smirked, visibly proud of his own plan and unconcerned about the missing details for now.
WC: 350
Goro Chinoike
Goro Chinoike
Stat Page : Ninja Card
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Re: Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Wed May 18, 2022 10:28 am
Goro looks at Saturn almost puzzled for a moment. This is likely the first time Goro has been met with an actual introduction rather than the nicknames he has grown custom to by this time, such as "Get away from us!" and "We hate you!" Goro smiles a genuine and warm smile before replying "Nice to meet you too, Saturn!" Goro reviews the plan with his pointer finger up to his lower lip while the thumb rests on his chin. He nods in agreement as Saturn explains how they're going to go about this, he seems pretty happy with the plan, because it is about as unorthodox and silly as he is, yet it sounds like it works, at least, on paper. "Hmmmm... Hmmmmmmmmmm... HMMMMMMMMMM... It sounds like a plan, but you forgot how we are going to lure the bear out, but don't worry, I have you covered! Everyone knows that bears love honey and fish, so my plan is that we make a trail of honey and fish, and lure the bear to the dumpster like that!" There we go, now he looks satisfied with the plan, as he can't see any notable weakness in it.

WC: 198
TWC: 400
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Re: Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Wed May 18, 2022 12:57 pm
Goro Chinoike wrote:"Hmmmm... Hmmmmmmmmmm... HMMMMMMMMMM... It sounds like a plan, but you forgot how we are going to lure the bear out, but don't worry, I have you covered! Everyone knows that bears love honey and fish, so my plan is that we make a trail of honey and fish, and lure the bear to the dumpster like that!" 

  "That's...." Goro's suggestion was met with a long blank stare from Saturn's distant light blue eyes - apparently judging him - for a brief moment before his pupils dilated and his expressionless face morphed into an ecstatic wide mouthed grin. "That's perfect!!" The older shinobi exclaimed, drawing a line of fish on the depicted bear's path on the paper. He looked back at Goro with a look of amazement in his face. "You weren't kidding about being a genius, Chinoike." He smiled, and placed his hands on his hip looking around the area for a little pond or bee's nest, and sure enough, on the top branch of a tree right next to the two Hidden Cloud shinobi, hung a massive beehive - buzzing endlessly with the sound of maybe a thousand loyal bees. Saturn cringed at the sight, not very keen on grabbing the hive himself with his limited abilities. He could perhaps possess the queen bee and lure the swarm away from the hive long enough for Goro to grab the honey super, but his chances of locating the queen without getting stung were currently slim. On the other side of the rock, just a few meters away, was a little pond where Saturn could see some rustling with the movement of the fishes swimming inside. Looking back over at Goro, the blonde raised his brow wondering if his colleague was on the same page.

"I suggest we stick to fish only." Saturn lowered his voice, growing progressively more serious as the details of the mission got worked out and the time to execute was fast approaching. Saturn smirked one more time, inviting the red haired shinobi to shine again - he had not disappointed him yet, "Unless you have some tricks up your sleeve."
WC: 293
TWC: 293+350+468 = 1111
Goro Chinoike
Goro Chinoike
Stat Page : Ninja Card
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Re: Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Thu May 19, 2022 12:19 pm
Goro smirks mischievously, before approaching the beehive. "Yeah, I got one..." He places a few twigs under the beehive, and uses them to start a tiny fire. Slowly, a mass of smoke begins to rise and shrouds the beehive. It looks like it even pacified them, as he reaches into the beehive and pulls out a bunch of honey! "Smoke masks the bees' pheromones that allow them to be alarmed. So right now, they think everything around them is friendly!" Sure enough, the bees seem completely fine with him taking their honey, and he is able to walk away with it, completely unscathed. A Raikage must always be quick, both on his feet, and in his head!" He says smugly, feeling like the smartest shinobi to ever walk the planet.

WC: 130
TWC: 530
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Re: Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Thu May 19, 2022 1:37 pm
"Yeah, I got one..." 
  Saturn raised his brow and watched carefully from a distance as Goro started a fire and shrouded the hive in smoke before reaching in to grab some honey. "Yeah, I'm not sure if that's.." The blonde blurted out and stopped, wincing as he watched. He had spent his fair share of time riding in the woods with his absent horse, but never had he seen anything like this himself.
"Smoke masks the bees' pheromones that allow them to be alarmed. So right now, they think everything around them is friendly!" 

 He seemed impressed and baffled as Goro pulled off his heist. Opting not to try it himself for the time being, he cracked a smile, and then coughed in the smoke. "That was incredible." Saturn grinned, waving off some of the smoke from his face, peering his eyes to see Goro without having the smoke blind and hurt him. Turning his attention to the pond, he swiftly snatched four medium sized marlins from out the water making them hit the ground and struggle. "Lucky strike.." He stared in disbelief, placing the marlins one by one into a large hemp bag that he happened to carry. He held out the open bag to Goro for him to drop in the honey super. "The locals must be praying for us to go save them, Chinoike."

"A Raikage must always be quick, both on his feet, and in his head!"

 Saturn looked at the smoke as it started to thin out, and then at Goro cracking a smile. "My lord.. Let's get out of here. I'll race you... to the bear!" With that, he took off down the little hill towards the little town nearby.

WC: 286
TWC: 286+1111=1397
Goro Chinoike
Goro Chinoike
Stat Page : Ninja Card
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Re: Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Thu May 19, 2022 2:23 pm
Goro is caught off guard by Saturn's challenge and isn't quite ready to race at the moment. "H-hey, wait up!" Goro follows behind Saturn quickly, but not quite as quickly as Saturn. When Goro realizes he isn't able to match Saturn's speed, he starts rolling down the hill like a ball!

WC: 51
TWC: 581
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Re: Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Sat May 21, 2022 1:03 pm
 As the two Genin sprinted down the misty hill, the slope flattened out gradually until the two abruptly reached the edge of a small Kumon town. Saturn hid behind the trunk of a large tree, and reached his arm over to his side to stop Goro as well, in case he ran all the way into the town in his balled form. The bear was already in sight. Standing from behind the tree about 10 meters from the edge of this particular town, the bear lurked on the street on the right hand side. A decent sized specimen, about one meter at the shoulder and two meters from snout to tail, burrowed through a large dumpster next to a medium sized house. Its snout was buried deep in the toppled over container of trash. The street was void of any civilians - the horrified townspeople peered down from their windows at the ravaging bear. Some screamed and threw random household objects at the animal fruitlessly, as their aim was way off.
 On the left hand side, there was another empty street, with an identical, untouched dumpster waiting to be ravaged soon enough. Saturn glanced back at his partner and raised his brow, handing him the large hemp bag containing their smelly concoction of fish and honey. "You ready? Maybe you should fight it a little and make it hungry..."
WC: 217
TWC: 1614
Goro Chinoike
Goro Chinoike
Stat Page : Ninja Card
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Bear With Us [Mission][IO] Empty Re: Bear With Us [Mission][IO]

Thu Jun 02, 2022 2:20 pm
Goro kind of just pauses and stares at Saturn. "I'm not sure if fighting it is a good idea. We have to capture it alive, and that might compromise the plan!" Goro Thinks long and hard for a few seconds "We might just have to be patient and wait for it to take the bait!" The plan was already perfect, Goro thought to himself, so why not just stick to it? He looks to Saturn again for his input.

WC: 79
TWC: 660
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