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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Rokuro Masamune
Hafuma Pendragon
Shikami Shinkou
Gael Uchiha
Uri Jintori
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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] - Page 3 Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Mon May 09, 2022 2:32 pm
Time to get down to the bottom of this.  

Firstly, he was given permission to do missions and to essentially come and go as he pleases as a Kiri sponsored Vagabond of the village.  The quote is listed below.
Murata wrote:Murata allows Niento to do missions and such as a Kiri-sponsored vagabond and bids him farewell, goes on to do paperwork and stuff.

The claim that his looking elsewhere is not mentioned.  Niento is was playing a game with his gaming partner and was inside of the vicinity as I stated in the ruling above.  He happened to look to see someone heading to the kage office, and arrived at a time to hear parts of the conversation.  Where that is listed is after the arrival of the last person (Hafuma).  

I am not understanding your claim on #3, but with 4 I do.  However the claim from his originaly stat page versus his new one, are not only months apart, but I do understand where you are coming from, but this is mostly two parties acusing eachother and a disagreement that has blown up.

The next claim(s)
Kareem/Gael wrote:{He has a guilty conscience so he's been saying I'm metagaming so he affects people ooc. Metagaming 4.}
{He's spent the whole week metagaming and secretly edited his page because he's afraid of my genjutsu as a genin. May 3rd he made no update to master release.}

Next claim.
Kareem/Gael wrote:{his view makes no sense, as he'd see the clones and they would see him as hakuma is not a giant oompa loompa for ibari to control. hes saying my view is blocked but my clone is the one using it and i vagued the first round where ibari never said he was avoiding looking. his first post, he does not say he's not looking, so i made him.}

Next Claim
Kareem/Cael wrote: {no one had problems with my clones before and show proof in a past topic that forgetting ap voids post when the jutsu's clear}

Next Claim(s)
Kareem/Cael wrote:{you can't say the monkey has the umbrella when i already said u have it still as you were the 1 holding it and never put it away}
{i didnt say the cigarette is always in ur hands, just in transit. the umbrella and the lighter are in your hands.}

Next Claim(s)
Kareem/Cael wrote:{how are you stopping people from leaving if you stepped out of the way, psychic power? wheres it say you still aren't looking?}
{you dont have sensory and chakra sense skill is not that strong.]
{metagaming people are staying for someone under genjutsu.}

Remaining Claims
Kareem Cael wrote: how is hafuma blocking your view when he's 4'9", niento's 5'10", and my gael is "5'7"

""With the room currently how it is, Niento had been directly behind Haufuma, so unless Haufuma was shorter than Niento or transparent how would Gael see him?" im quoting niento's post directly. hafuma is shorter so is niento just lying ooc?

In Closing

This was something that could have been dealt with in a group chat to see if any edits may be allowed, however as with rules stated above and the right to request a Battle Mod, and this has been settled.  The clones do not happen, therefore the jutsu they used and activation of Sharingan is null and void, Gael is still sitting in the chair and full view of the Kiri sanctioned vagabond is not available.  Niento cannot use Genjutsu Release for the remainder of this thread and he still has his umbrella and is standing in the doorway...

Forgot to mention. Following this post. The order of posting will start with Niento and then Cael can reply before this continues further in the thread.

Hikari Namikaze likes this post

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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] - Page 3 Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Mon May 09, 2022 9:14 pm
It was good to be back. Gonk’s stay in the capitol had been long and arduous, so he was glad to be back in Kirigakure. Throughout the course of his mission, Gonk had sent progress reports to the Mizukage, but he thought it appropriate to give a final, in person report on the state of the capitol when he left it. Gonk was wearing his full ANBU outfit as he walked into the administrative building, and he immediately walked up to the secretary. 

“Is the Mizukage available?” Gonk inquired. 

“A-about that…” the secretary started nervously, “agent Maku, I’m afraid lady Mizukage hasn’t been seen in several weeks. She left the village without a word.”

“And?” Gonk replied, slightly perplexed. “Last I checked, that was fairly typical and perfectly acceptable behavior for the Mizukage.” 

“Yes I certainly agree with you,” the secretary answered earnestly. “H-however, there appears to be several people who do not, as a large number of shinobi have gathered in the office.” 

“WHAT???” Gonk responded, his voice starting to rage. “Do you know their intentions?”

“W-well none of them spoke to me, but there’s a group of three genin that seem to be together as well as two Jounin and a Chuunin, who I don’t believe are affiliated with them. It seems likely that the jounin wanted to speak with lady Mizukage, but the genin…”

“If they dare tarnish the good name of the Mizukage I will have their heads,” Gonk growled before turning on his heels and storming up the stairs towards the Mizukage’s office, where quite a scene beheld him. The two jounin, neither of whom Gonk recognized, stood outside the office. Within it Gonk saw a Chuunin who Gonk remembered completing a mission with, Hafuma Pendragon. If memory served him correctly, Gonk had been in his ANBU identity at the time, just as he was now. Lastly, inside of the office were the three genin, one of which was trying to jump out the window, and the second was trying to exit the room. However Gonk paid little attention to these two as he stared at the third genin, who had the audacity to put on the Mizukage’s hat!

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Gonk shouted at the gathering, his anger evident even with the mask covering his face. As Gonk made his way through the shinobi, he whistled three different tones, and once he was three meters away from Gael, he sent an invisible aura of chakra forwards, which would paralyze the young boy if he didn’t move out of the way. As these events progressed, Gonk made sure not to look at the boy’s eyes, as he had been a shinobi long enough to know that just about anybody and their grandma could have a doujutsu hidden in a seemingly harmless eye. 

“You will pay for your treachery,” Gonk said with cold anger as he plucked the hat off his head and placed it on the table. Then, he easily lifted Gael with one hand, and tossed him against the wall like a ragdoll, holding back enough to avoid seriously injuring the boy. 

“Now, who wants to explain what on earth is going on?” Gonk asked the group, standing behind the desk, but not sitting in the chair. He would await an answer from someone before making his next move.

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Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
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Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] - Page 3 Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Tue May 10, 2022 10:02 am
Everything had been going not in the favor of the male trying to claim themselves as Mizukage. The mass had spoken and did not want the overconfident Genin becoming Kage and for some reason he thought there were clones about, but instead he must have been dreaming. Removing the cigarette from his mouth he would blink and stand out of the doors away, enough that he had space to himself while the others were in front of it, eager to hear their thoughts on the matter. Looking over toward the desk he could see that the Uchiha had grown stiff, no movement since his last statement but what had surprised him was the body of someone barreling into the room shouting about what had been going on. Whatever silence that would fall upon the room would be shattered with the exhale of smoke as he watched the genin become a ragdoll for the other male. When the demand to know what had been going on was asked, the cigarette was put back into the corner of his lips and the umbrella would be placed on the wall," Well if you must know Mr. Mask, the ragdoll you have in your hand there was trying to claim himself as Mizukage. The others here were in opposition of the fact and well...I just came here to see Murata, but found myself in this debacle as well," there was no lie there but he did make sure to emphasize that Gael was solo in this little "Coup".
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] - Page 3 Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Tue May 10, 2022 7:38 pm

Hafuma Pendragon

These eyes see more than lies

Sharing a few words with Shinkou, mostly apologetic for his assumption Shinkou did offer him advice and Hafuma nodded taking it to mind as he began heading towards the door, turning to Gael Hafuma also offered his words outright saying Gael was not fit for leader with his level of experience and the whole event being shrouded in flaws to his ascension. Lady Murata had gave him a home, for that he owed her his future, Gael in which he knew next to nothing about paled in comparison and the thought of him taking her mantle was a thought he couldn’t digest very well. 

Making it known his vote was not for Gael he however had no hate for Gael himself and so offered him training sessions, perhaps in time he could trust him but not now based off of this specific day. And so just like he did with Shinkou, Hafuma turned to Niento to speak to him as well. But then Gael made a move of sorts and everything sort of fell silent. Hafuma not having the chance to talk to Niento yet he decided not to leave just yet as he stepped back into the room circling Gael’s body as he seemed stiffened in place. One thing Hafuma did notice was that everyone that entered was avoiding Gael’s eyes, he knew not why but when in a room of lions, best to become a predator or something of the like yes? So Hafuma began to avoid Gael’s direct eyesight as well as precaution to whatever everyone else was being so cautious about, pulling his hoodie over further to block direct eye contact. 

Hafuma thought for sure the days business here was done but just as he thought that a quick moving shadow moved to the front of the room, with a swivel of his head Hafuma instantly recognized the only other person he ever met with shark features, Mako, an impressive authority figure Hafuma recalled as he lead a mission of shinobi through a village in winter with Hafuma included. Seeing Gael with the Mizukage hat on Mako was less than pleased, in fact he took Gael's body by one hand and lifted it into the air dangling it as he asked what was going on while announcing Gael as what everyone was probably thinking at this point, a traitor. Niento explained what he could but Hafuma felt like could illuminate more. 

Mako, sir. The genin shinobi in your hand attempted to self-ascend themselves in the absence of superior leadership for the good of the village in their own words, the two Jounin came of their own accord while myself came here because I received Lady Murata letter seal but when I came it was only him and two genin supporters of his. Upon concluding his ascension was false we all disagreed to it but then he went stiff, then you came, and here we are.” Hafuma finished but then took a small breath to speak again, “Sir, I imagine this bold move cannot go unpunished but I employ you to spare his life with a less permanent sentence if the punishment for treachery is death, he can still be made into a fine shinobi and although our village power is not weak, we can use all strong and willing shinobi. Fledglings will make mistakes, some stupider than others. I have learned today that a shinobi must be more concise in eliminating threats, but when is mercy acceptable?” 


A Dragon can be obsessive as they are cruel...

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Ryo : 59500

Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] - Page 3 Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Tue May 10, 2022 8:22 pm
I guess we are doing this again.

Requesting battle mod!
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] - Page 3 Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Wed May 11, 2022 1:31 pm
Hello, friendly battle mod here.

After some deep digging, and realizations, as well as finding out Crow basically plagiarized his entire post from Temp. Cael Uchiha/Crow has been banned. His entire last post is void. His actions were not taken and as such he remains pinned to the wall and is now incapacitated for the remainder of the thread. I will not be addressing this further. Finish this out and get us a new kage already.

Travin Uchiha, Hikari Namikaze and Gonk like this post

Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] - Page 3 Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Fri May 13, 2022 3:16 am
Around the time that He was about to agree with Niento and help to make the chuunin a Kage . A new party entered, and was through the crowd of people around the door in a flash. Shikami blinked and heard a sound, he turned around to see what it was, a member of the village, his attire , particularly his mask, gave away his station, A member of the Anbu. Shikami had begun to wonder indeed about what had happen to all the higher ups, and how this mere genin could accomplish as far as he did. When the Anbu slammed the boy against the wall, the boy apparently fainted. Shikami would than hear the mans words and than Niento's at which time he would speak up .

"It is just as the man says, I came here looking to report my personal mission and its status to the kage, as well as to inform them of my return, I left while Lord Aloide was in office, This Lady Murata, sounds familiar from around the village before I left, but I never met them prior to them becoming the kage. That is when i found this genin, and the other who was attempting to leave as well, the third genin arrived after I did. But ultimately I asked why them in particular and not follow the order of rank, they never convinced me, and tried to oddly offer me the roll of Advisor. I was going to vote for the old kage to stay in power, but if a new kage was needed, I did not feel worthy due to my recent return to the village. Niento I believe he said his name was, than suggested this Chuunin, to which I could see the worth inside of this one, with some guidance, to which I was suggesting that if that was so he should take either Niento or myself on as an Advisor or Deputy to assist him in matters that he may not understand how to handle. But with you being Anbu, if you are wanting of it, My vote would have to go to you, due to your rank and devotion to the village as clearly seen rewarded with your rank. "

After he was done speaking he would than look to the other two "Any objections if he so wishes to have the seat?" upon which once answers was given, Shikami would look back to the Masked man and nodded. awaiting answers at this point from the addressed parties.
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] - Page 3 Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Sat May 14, 2022 5:50 pm
All three of the ninja gave their recounting of the story, with Hafuma being the most sympathetic towards the genin who had apparently tried to stage a coup and take the kageship. All three shinobi claimed they had opposed him, which Gonk had no reason to doubt. The first shinobi didn't say much about himself besides that he had come to see the Mizukage. The other jounin said the same thing, except he had apparently gone on a mission during the time of Aloide. As he listened to their stories, Gonk noted that none of the shinobi seemed to be offended by the fact that the seat was in question, rather, they were angry at who was attempting to take it.

Is Murata gone for good then?” Gonk wondered, but before he could ponder it more, he was shocked by something the second jounin said.

“Me, become the Mizukage?” He wondered incredulously. The Anbu agent was speechless, and his mind momentarily went blank in shock. His first reaction was conflicted, as while he would hate to steal Murata’s place, being offered the kageship was the biggest honor one could receive. But then Gonk considered it from an objective standpoint and realized what he had to do. “As an Anbu I’m one of the highest ranking shinobi in the village, and I’ve served the village faithfully for a long time. If they believe this is the best way to help the village then I should serve. However, first I need to get confirmation about Murata.”

“If you three think that I should become the Mizukage I won’t object,” Gonk told the group, “however, first I want to get confirmation about the status of Murata if you don’t mind.”

Gonk picked up the phone to the secretary and after a moment, heard the line connect. “Do you think you could send up Lady Chizu?” Gonk asked. After receiving affirmation from the secretary, Gonk put down the phone and turned back to the congregation of shinobi, waiting to hear their input on the proposal.

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