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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Rokuro Masamune
Hafuma Pendragon
Shikami Shinkou
Gael Uchiha
Uri Jintori
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Uri Jintori
Uri Jintori
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] Empty Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Thu Apr 28, 2022 12:28 am
It was a raining day, very dark indeed, it was such dark that it were the 3:00pm, but it seemed like 5:00pm, puddles were forming down the street from to the hill that he was walking up, little rills were leaving him back till Uri reached the top of this hill where was an actual plane place, the place was very spacious in front of that huge build, well at least was huge to Uri who was accustomed to those of his town, whatever as it was, the matter was not its 45 meters of height and it 96 of wide, no, that was no the matter, the matter were the huge amount of rooms that it had, actually were enough how to have the inhabitants of his whole old town inside.

There was the front of it had good-looking some flowers here and there, trees around the area some were barely a few meters above of the height of a person, but as well there were some so huge that almost reached the half of the building, but they were few no more than 5 of them was what he could count, also there were some trees around the building as he could see when he was walking up the hill, while thinking in that, he walked below a tree, Uri would decide that there will be where he would wait for Gael how was instructed, he dislikes being instructed things however this time he wouldn't be stubborn, no this time.

Though the rain gave its warn when the huge amount of clouds that were gathering, he didn't bring umbrellas, because that he was just getting wet while walking, it was very annoying the fact that while he ran for cover below the tree he actually had to walk, since there were puddles in front of the building huge and deep enough how to make fall someone, the worst part was that the rain was more intense than when he got out of his house, even thunders started to crumble his bones as they resounded in the sky, and it seemed that there would be a huge amount of them this day.

Finally, when he was in cover, he became aware  that the building have a good amount of windows that he didn't see for the mist, well that wasn't very important probably they were in not very important rooms or in few necessary rooms like that of the Kage, well we all need sunlight time to time, there was as well a good sight to the central lagoon it would be a good sight if it not were for the fact that there was mist. Uri would say something about the facade if he could appreciate those details, it was blue... it had some water waves design... it has some decorative marble fishes, it would be all what he would say if he would have to, whatever it was, Uri just waited there hoping to not catch cold.

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Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:51 pm
How long had it been, a Year or more? Shikami walked into the Kages office to report his failure to his kage on his search for his clans final power that he could obtain. That was when the Kirigakure Jounin saw something he had not seen or heard of in some time. People not the kage gathered in the office. "So what is the meaning of this gathering?" Shikami looked between the two inside of the office at the time. He did not recognize either of them at this time. He wondered where was Aloide. The Kage he knew about. And from the things he looked around at the office and it seemed a different kage had been put in place since even Aloide. However he looked at the other two in the room and stood awaiting an answer.

The Shinkou was upset over his failure, but this was a little more upsetting to come home too, however there were events going on that Shikami was not privy too, which this was a chance for him to learn, but he would keep a close eye on things, since after all, he is a Kirigakure Jounin after all and could not let things go to hell if the Kage was missing in action.
Uri Jintori
Uri Jintori
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Fri Apr 29, 2022 11:16 pm
Seeing how Gael greet him with a white smile, even whiter due to the mist, he just would rise his hand with a slight smile and a little head ascend, he actually was a little nervous, so he not felt like to speak very much, since he received that letter, he just could think repeatedly "I gained a gold chance" but as well he knew that this was kinda dice roll, Due to that he meditated if to go to the reunion spot or report that letter to the village, to finally after 3 hours of pros and cons he arrived to the conclusion of "This is worth it". And in front of him was the man who wrote that letter asking for the help of someone one hundred weaker than him, what was weird, because that weirdness Uri thought that he was called a meat shield or pawn, he didn't care after all this was a mutual benefit relation so was normal that he would have to give at least something, since this man was an Idiot but a clever idiot, what was expected from him. Actually, the only thing that Uri would obtain of this would be contacts with someone possible huge brass, and since th Mizukage was doing nothing practically he knew that this would shoot the thievery and population of missing ninjas, and bandits, due to his ninja path, this can't be allowed, and well Gael was better than nothing.

With his resolution up, he carried his puppet which was brought in his back from the beginning and placed in his hand with the threads already connected to that hand he patted his pockets there were 1 kunai and 2 shurikens in each giving a total of 2 kunai and 4 shurikens, he was following Gael nearly, no more than 3 meters of him, he in all moment was searching for enemies while holding his puppet in from of him like some kind of granny who holds a crystal sphere in front of her to show the future, since his puppet have a small size without being in combat mode it was like 1 foot of height, a little less than 3 inches of wide and 6 lb so wasn't specially difficult to carry always that it as its wings withdrawn. However, this wasn't necessary since they arrived safely to the place.

When they arrived, he closed the door as was told after 3 long minutes of tension. Uri waited until Gael would finish of arranging the things, when immediately he gave Uri a letter, it was funny since he was about to ask what Gael had for him, so it was this, even at the moment that he was grasping the letter he was in combat stance with his puppet pointing towards the door in his hand and with his free hand getting the letter. When they were intruded at the moment that Uri was about to ask what was it. Uri just stood there seeing all the actions of that strange, his intentions were unknown, however unknown was enough how to be on alert, and since he was no powerful enough how to low his guard and act naturally to not rise suspicious, sparing in defense, he putted himself in combat stance broadly.

Wc first post (I forgot, sorry): 503
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Mon May 02, 2022 12:35 am
It was quite a day for the young Senju Ghost. He has a lot to do yet he was too lazy to do it. Having mastered his wood style and whatnot. He truly was a powerhouse now. But for the life of him, he just did not see the point. Of being a ninja anymore. After defeating his cousin to avenge his lover. Ghost would check in on his baby sister. She was sound asleep, and this was a good thing. As she tends to hold him. back from going outside. Ghost would look at this as the perfect chance to do what he has to do. Just as he would think that he would. Suit up to put on his ninja gear. He was all set. 

As he walked out of his apartment. He would make his way to the late office. As he appeared outside of it. A smile would come over his face. "Well, then I would be damn. Here I was thinking there were any more fools here to want to take this job." Soon enough he would then walk inside. It seemed to be on the muted side of things and no one here to protect the place. As he made it up the stairs he would look on and see the door. He would go to open it and as he looked in. He would see that three people were there. "Well then what do we have here? Looks as if I was not the only one invited to this party."
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Mon May 02, 2022 12:57 pm
The jounin took off the coat with fur collar to reveal to those in the room, the Jounin Vest underneath, The Kirigakure symbol proudly shown," Gael huh? The Names Shikami Shinkou, Jounin of Kirigakure, I have been on a year long mission to discover the final step in my clans lineage, however, I ran low on rations and felt like I needed to return home, rather than start to hunt to survive, it had been long enough, I needed to report to Lord Aloide, and begin my village duties again, Might I ask, if anyone know where he is? Or maybe why I can see faint evidence that there was another kage after him. " That is when the 'Acting Kage' would give his explanation of current events and the why he was attempting to appoint himself as acting kage.

Shikami would listen to the man, he had kept his eye on the new one who had entered after him and on the kid who was on high alert and was also informed not to rush into death so willingly. Shikami took a seat but he was not exactly on ease, the acting kage had his attention as Shikami faced towards him, his eyes ever darting around the room however, never looking in a single spot for any length of time, he was trying to acess the situation. After a moment he would ask the man at the deck "If that is the case, than might I ask, why you as Acting Kage, as a Jounin of Kirigakure, I do have the rank to fill the shoes until a time when a vote by the public or a previous kage steps up, or Deputy Kage, You are what? Chuunin at best? This almost feels more like a gathering of students with their jounin teacher at this time. Also and Lastly... Shikami had kept a neutral tone till that very moment when the word left his lips and he would ask sharply "How do I know you are telling me the truth and you did not poison or get the drop on the previous kage in order to attempt such a coup"

At those words Shikami leaned forward, his eyes scanning the room, mostly at the other two since they were also within his eye sight, however he did not know if these three jumped the last kage in a similar fashion to take over. He was on guard ready to defend himself if he needed to.
Hafuma Pendragon
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Tue May 03, 2022 4:17 am

Hafuma Pendragon

These eyes see more than lies
It had been nearly three months time since Hafuma last woke from his slumber, at least that's what the doctors told him. His meeting with the person that gave him the symbol on his body, Kita Hajime the scientist. Blessed with a new ability that allowed him to transform into a stronger version of himself Hafuma hadn't expected his first time using it to be so draining. Working on controlling his new ability Hafuma accidently used it for too long once and it had sapped him but almost all of his chakra, he had even gotten sick with the flu for awhile and he knew from the whispered tones in his sleep they thought he was a goner, until he wasn't.

Body reestablishing itself after so long Hafuma recovery was swift and he even began working out in his hospital room to retrain and tighten his muscles back to where they were, his slim yet muscular figure showing some signs of abuse were pretty built for his age.  Today he was being discharged so he was putting on some new clothes, his skintight suit was now covered by fur coating to keep him warm as the rain shot down from the sky all around Kirigakure. 

A step away from the door, Hafuma heard a distinct knock at the window, looking back he could see a messenger bird arrive and it was squeaking at him. Not one to ignore a summons, Hafuma walked back into the room and let it inside, taking the message but allowing the bird to sit inside and dry it's wings for a moment. Opening the letter and reading it the contents were a invitation to succeed a new Mizukage. Not deep into village politics Hafuma at least knew that they had no distinct Mizukage at the moment and the village needed a leader, it was a owner to be chosen yet still, Why did Hafuma have the right to come?

In either case the level of importance was top priority as he was still a chuunin of the village, so Hafuma began making his way through the rain and Kirigakure streets to get to the Mizukage office, the skies were particular dark and if he was one for the supernatural he would believe this was a omen, and despite not wanting to, he did in fact believe it was. Making it to the Mizukage office Hafuma made his way to the halls until he heard talking. Pushing the door open Hafuma was meant with the sight of three, no four people. Walking inside he really only recognized one person, "You..what is going on..I was summoned by a letter to help decide the next Mizukage..who is the superior officer here?" Walking in Hafuma eyes scanned the group, two of the four looked like fledging shinobi that just left there coop, Gael a man he encountered before was being pressed by a older male that looked suspicious. "Hafuma Pendragon, Chunin." Hafuma spoke to the one at Gael throat that looked like the most obvious superior out of them, "I don't know what's going on but a Jounin should have more poise, I don't think a genin poses any real threat to you.

A Dragon can be obsessive as they are cruel...
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Tue May 03, 2022 1:51 pm
Dreary and rainy days were always a sign of bad news in the world. His balcony window had been opening allowing the smoke and rain to mix and mingle on the outside area while the shuffling of a wooden piece was audible. Directly in front of him had been Wabisuke, one of the many Sarutobi Monkeys, that had been thinking on their next move in their current game of Shogi. Niento didn't think he was any good at this game, but apparently it had been something passed down through the Sarutobi blood...and he was kicking ass. He'd looked back down with his coal colored eyes to see Wabisuke looking back up at him just trying to figure out his next move. A small smile appeared on the Kiri Vagabonds face as he figured the other male could play this in his sleep. Taking the butt of the cigarette into his thumb and index finger he would let out a small chuckle as smoke poured from his lips," You keep that up and we will be here for ages. It seems that you have found that no matter what move you make I will win. We will just call this a gentleman's draw and get to our next task eh Wabisuke?," the monkey threw the piece at him which caused a laugh from both of them, the piece sitting firmly between his pinky and ring finger...nice catch.

Standing up he would slide his Katana onto his back, wearing the Kirigakure Mist Armor was...odd for him. He was actually apart of a village now, but he still needed to get his paperwork fixed and notarized to "Jounin". Taking the Kirigakure headband he would attach it to this belt and head on out with Wabisuke to the Kage Office where he would speak with Murata to get everything taken care of. Taking out into the rain he grabbed an umbrella and pushed it open as he walked toward the Kage office. His walk didn't take too long to get to the office, he picked a rather close locale so that was convenient. He walked over just to see someone going into the office and thought to himself that Murata was quite the busy person today. Nonetheless he would begin to walk in after the person, asking Wabisuke to stay on the bottom floor and he would not be long. His companion understood and watched as Niento walked off and disappeared into the hall. Reaching into his right pouch he would pull out a cigarette and in the same motion grab his flinsteel zippo that he would light as he was a few feet from the door and once he was there (because the door was still open and no one closed it) to hear the last bit of the conversation. As he exhaled a thick stream of smoke he would chime in," Doesn't seem like Murata is in...but someone is trying to claim being the Mizukage in her absence...Quaint. Well this is an interesting time to be alive. So two Jounin, A chuunin and i'm assuming two wait three genin walk into someone's office. One's trying to take the mantle of Kage and the other higher ranks are trying to figure out what's going on. This joke already bad, but the point is someone needs to kindly remove themselves from that seat and put the hat down," the cigarette would be firmly placed into his mouth.

It didn't take him long to read the room and to get a grasp on what's going on. The one claiming to be "Acting" Mizukage whose name he would now identify an Gael Uchiha had two clones within the room. Troublesome but not an issue. Dealing with an Uchiha meant dealing with the Sharingan, but that wouldn't be too hard to manage. Now the others in the room, chakra wise looked...interesting. There was a chaotic imbalance in the other Jounin which was new to him...The Chuunin that had been in front of him had an interesting chakra, but not too high. Eh oh well. Now it would boil down to if someone would throw a fit or be reasonable and abdicate the seat. Seeing as he didn't reveal his name and would without a doubt be unknown to all present in this room he would finish his two cents by revealing his name," Silly me. Name's Niento. Appointed Jounin by Lady Murata.. By the way Haufuma. Anyone poses a threat when they are hungry enough to take something. That's human nature no matter if you are a shinobi or civilian."

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Uri Jintori
Uri Jintori
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Let's Fvcking do it [Protest] Empty Re: Let's Fvcking do it [Protest]

Tue May 03, 2022 6:06 pm
A little alternated for the fact that someone interrupted in a moment with so huge tension, he was just assuring for his life, how he said he was a little nervous, and he wasn't in mood how to have surprises, however he was not such idiot how to attack people who enter the room suddenly, he was just cautious for what they were doing, is well-known that in the proclamation of new kages there were people who were no to agree, due to it,  they tried to stop it with force,  it was the reason Uri was aware of his surrounding.

However, he was scolded by Gael, after Gael summoned some clones, Uri didn't like it, what right have Gael to scold Uri? However, it didn't mean that the scolding was unjustified, it seemed that Uri would attack the newcomer at any moment, so it was normal to be scolded due to be rash, and it seemed that this person was some village superior that was very above Uri in the power scale. So it wasn't the right option to attack him even if he attacks beforehand, Uri at least he doesn't want to die, then he was told to read the letter after he was scolded, in the few seconds of pause in the conversation he just would say without any denotation of respect or no respect, just a neutral voice -I didn't mean to attack him, I was just Cautious...

Hearing the words of the recently self-named Shikami and his proclaiming a jounin, Uri just slight moved his lips, this for him was considered a smile, he just laughed internally to his try to show hostility against him.

Then he just resigned to read the letter before Gael ended his explanation to the man's question, reading the letter it was nothing that he didn't know, he was ready to support Gael always that it would be convenient in any sort of way, and the cons would were few. However, it was Gael finished his explanation, he could hear vaguely it while was reading, and Uri thought that it was reasons more than enough how to have a temporal Mizukage, as said Gael. He returned to be 3 meters. 

Then one time again, they were interrupted by a new guy, this time Uri was defensive on that dude, since he had to have his concentration on Shikami that was the only one that Uri knew that had a little hostility, if the another man would become hostile he would arise his defenses, however that man that recently came said something about an invitation, maybe he was that senju which Gael was talking about maybe it was some clan, Uri actually didn't know many clans, so it was expected that barely he would know about that senju was a clan.

Whatever, he eased it a moment while the Shikami was talking, however he always maintained his guard ready to do a side or back jump how it were pertinent, though there were no actual threat there, never hurt to be a little cautious, and since the room was a little spacious and the desk had 8 meters in one side where there were almost no obstacles there were a little room to dodge. Though probably Uri was being paranoid, but since that time when Gael scared the shit out of Uri from nowhere, he promised to not low his guard even in front of village comrades.

He just heard the discussion carefully, though Shikami have a good argument it was actually relative, he didn't know Gael, well Uri himself barely knew  Gael, but Uri thought that a kage should be selected by his experience and capacity for charge, not for his rank before being selected, and above all for its capacity to think for the village, not simply someone who come and see that people is fighting for the vacant and just say hey I'm better for it because I'm jounin, this just made Uri to think of Shikami, as a slight idiot, just for those words, and regarding the possible assassination of the kage, this dude probably was a negligent asshole.

"How you can return to the village after sometime and don't even bother to search a little about what is up in the village?, if the old Kage was assassinated it would be at least in some document, even if it was hidden you are a jounin you have access to the most of the documents, how the first thing that you would do is go to report at the Kage office if you didn't even know the current context of the village after so much time without being in, even if some genins would poison the kage, medic ninjas would be suspicious of a premature dead, it would have to be a poisoning around various months to it seem a disease, but even so the news of the kage dying for an unknown disease would be in documents, and those documents are not there" 

Thinking that Uri would move a bit one of his eyebrow, he was slightly upset but at the same time happy because he remembered theater show that he  watched time ago, but may as it may, Uri wouldn't say anything, Gael is who should say something since he is who will be in the charge, so he needs to defend himself alone.

Then came another person, He said that that came for a letter, he was another of the people that came for Gael's call, Hafuma, well one person less to rise his guard, he just would wait there to see the interaction that will have all this people, he actually has no much to do here more than be a witnesser.

And finally a last person came, calling himself Niento, this person was smoking, Uri didn't like it, however a person that hurt himself like if is nothing can't be more than an idiot, Uri as well didn't hear anything of him coming for an invitation, and he seemed that just passed by, however he would be in alert of his movements, At that moment the Uri's eyes were going from one side to another like crazy, he was really nervous at this moment, however it only could be seen in the movement of his eyes and the fact that he had a little defensive posture ready to jump and escape like pigeon against a cat. However, this didn't mesmerize his control of his own puppet which was in waiting stance at his shoulder height ready to jump to everyone at least to make time.

From  in the moment of silent, At that moment he studied the room, it was a normal 20x15 room without very many things to mark like furniture, or walls color, the only things interesting in this room were the 7 meters of height which was a really weird height not normally seeing in building, maybe for this being a rich building was the reason of the height of this room, the door was made out of wood having into count that is the office of the kage it was little unsecure, as well as the low part of the walls like 1,5 meters of height were recovered on a fine wood as decoration what was pretty. The arrangement was actually very good in the superior left corner, there were some couches, that which was facing the door have space enough for like 1 person and that what was facing the kage desk could have 3 persons in it, in the left and right respectively of one and another was a single round table with carve wood resembling to the ocean, in the desk which was in the superior right corner, but a little away of it, there were three seats, one for the kage and another 2 for visitors, the desk had a rectangular form, but with a protruding curve in the side of the visitors, finally in the walls near the desk were various file cabinets, no more than 5, one of them being behind the desk and was bigger than the rest, what was a little imposing. Uri finally viewed every one in general, Niento was near the door a little more advanced from the of the door, the same was for Ghost, whose name Uri didn't know, and Hafuma, Ghost, and he were standing at the left of the door leaving Niento at the sight of every one, Gael was sat behind the desk at the opposite side of the room, and Shikami was sitting in from of him, Uri was just at the right of Gael, a rare arrangement if you ask Uri.

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