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Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

Shaking off Cobwebs [P] Empty Shaking off Cobwebs [P]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 1:35 am
Enrai had been lazing about in the Sand Village for a bit now, ever since he lost contact with his buddy Shin, but he was obviously out doing his own thing. Enrai figured that he should be getting ready to do his own things and advance in his life, and so he wanted to go ahead and get ready. He had recently had a breakthrough with his current power, and he could feel that he was becoming stronger, and his connection to the hearts that were inside of him was growing stronger. It seemed that the faces of these hearts were becoming one with his body, and so he was going to have to give them an outlet to break free sooner or later. Enrai simply made his way to one of the less populated parts of the village, which was technically just large plains where the sand was removed that was close to the training field that people often came to to spar when the training field was too full of people. It was essentially just a large salt flat that was within the village walls, and Enrai wanted to make a lot of changes to his lifestyle here. He was going to get stronger, and currently that meant tapping deeper into this own bloodline as well as the one that was transplanted into him previously by that strange young doctor that seemed to be a no fun allowed kind of guy. Regardless, Enrai decided that he was going to go ahead and get started on his training, although he did not know how the hell he should start it. How does one get closer to the bloodline within themselves? This was something that he was wondering for a while, and for a moment he had no idea, and just laid on the ground staring at clouds while he contemplated it. It was a beautiful sunny day outside and the weather inside of the village was essentially controlled, so it felt great all the time, a veritable paradise. This caused Enrai to slowly drift off to sleep in the middle of the salt flat, and in his dreams, he was given the answers he needed.

He quickly figured out that he was going to have to meditate, something he did not really like to do because it let his thoughts wander to when he was experimented on, the threads being forcefully put into his body. Enrai always felt that the threads had some sort of mind of their own, and this was further reinforced in his dream, which was that he was surrounded by a large amount of different colored masks. A lot of them were pure grey, but there were four of them that had colors. These colors were brown, red, yellow, and turquoise. The four colored masks seemed to have different personalities, and were talking to him about what to do next. The bloodline of the beast, is what they had explained to him, and he knew that the rage that he was feeling from time to time that was going to be placated soon were the cause of this strange bloodline within him. As he got more and more immersed in his dream, the dream slowly faded away, Enrai opening his eyes and looking around. He yawned a bit and stretched, before sitting in a lotus position so that he could immerse himself in meditation. It was difficult at first to connect to whatever was in his mind, but after a while he figured out how to lower the frequency of his wandering thoughts so that he could focus his mind on the little voices in his head. The voices of the masks. They were real, and he could slowly feel them becoming something on his back, the threads around the area quivering in what appeared to be excitement. Eventually something would come from this, but he simply kept trekking within the unknown for now.
WC: 659
Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

Shaking off Cobwebs [P] Empty Re: Shaking off Cobwebs [P]

Sat Apr 30, 2022 2:40 pm
As Enrai sat in the lotus position, he pondered about the strange voices that would manifest now and then, and wondered what should be done about it. He was getting rather impatient, and this cause his concentration to falter, meaning that the voices slowly started fading away. As the voices started fading away, Enrai tried harder and harder to contact them, but this was not the way. He needed to be in a meditative state, and he simply was not in one right now because he was actually trying too hard. Sometimes one must center themselves and make sure that they are calm and relaxed, and sadly Enrai was not either of those right now. He had lost his relaxation when he felt that the voices were becoming more and more corporeal, and so he wanted to rush things. He tried a few more times and for a few more minutes to get back into that state, but it was gone. Instead, he chose to go ahead and get up and stretch his threads. He stood up and did some stretching exercises, starting with yoga. Although the yoga poses were useless to him because of his unique body composition, it was not as if they were useless in all aspects. They still helped him relax and think about things, and so it was more a cathartic act than one that would actually help his body be limber. He had no need for any assistance in that area. After doing some yoga poses, including the not so flattering downward dog pose, he noticed some people giggling at him, but he paid them no mind at all.

He was a carefree and easy going individual most of the time, and so he simply ignored them and continued what he was doing. The yoga was done and he did not have anything else to do right now since he lost the muse for forming the masks, so instead he simply chose to go ahead and leave. He wanted to do something else for the time being, and this would involve going out to eat and maybe wander around in some of the more popular hiking spots around the village. He enjoyed simply being outdoors, and with his friend Shin still nowhere to be found, he decided that he would have to get stronger by himself if he wanted to continue growing in strength. With that, he decided to leave the area and head towards the monument for the nice views.


WC: 417
Total WC: 1076
Putting 1076 towards Beloved Presence 1076/1500 with max stat discount
Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
Stat Page : Frigid Blade
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 21270

Shaking off Cobwebs [P] Empty Re: Shaking off Cobwebs [P]

Sat Apr 30, 2022 3:35 pm
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