- Mia AburameCitizen
- Stat Page : Mia Aburame Stats
[b]Total Stats:119
Earned Stats: 19
Remaining Stats: 0
Health: 100
Chakra: 25
Vigor: 34
Speed: 32
Strength: 28
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3500
Lost Puppy(Mia Aburame/Youta Shinkou)
Fri Feb 18, 2022 8:57 pm
- Find the missing puppy:
Mission Name: Find The Missing Puppy
Rank: D
Mission Location: Hoshigakure
Challenges: -
Task: A resident's puppy went messing some days ago. It is suspected that it may have been stolen by another member of the village, but this has not been confirmed. Locate the puppy and return it to its owner.
Word Count Requirement: 1,000
Reward: 2,000 Ryo / 10 AP
Character Requirements: Hoshigakure shinobi
Character Exclusive: -
Mia was sitting in her room, the time about 11a.m, only a hour left to noon, for days Mia had trapped herself in her room focusing more on her mental training and research on different jutsu to increase her arsenal, eventually she was going to have to go out into the world and face other shinobi, but until then she needed to train herself and prepare for the task as much as she could, obviously including her home.
She was reading a particular old clan scroll, she had two beside her but the other was something she had already learned, except there seemed to be more to it and she was investigating that, but for now her focus was caught by the fact that her clan had four paths that Aburame usually diverted too after there basic training, the scroll given to her by her mother and father a few days ago. Reading the scroll at first she didn't get it, but after reading it a few times she understood on a very basic level what she was reading and it was that her insects weren't like her mothers or fathers, no, her insects were a type called Kidaichu. Reading the scroll it all made sense now after all the turmoil and depression she suffered at the hand of her sickness. Her insects, a breed called Kidaichu was a unstable type of bread that multiplied rapidly or grow to incontrollable sizes if her chakra regulation wasn't correct. Naturally training at a young age like all her clansman she couldn't regulate her chakra good enough years ago, it was only due to her training she managed to do so now, which would explain why her body was much better now in addition to the medicine.
She sighed and felt her body tension fade, she didn't know she needed to know, but the knowledge that she wasn't just defective and that in fact there was a very reasonable explanation for her sickness and pains was good to hear. Immediately her head turned though as she noticed a shadow come at her window, a messenger bird with a letter for her, a official symbol meaning it was from the mission office. She had requested to be sent a mission around this time, noon and it seemed it was here. Rolling up her scrolls, Mia got up and opened the window, taking the letter from the birds neck to read it. Looking over the details the mission was her highest one yet, find a missing puppy that went missing days ago. According to the letter the owner suspects another villager took it but the letter gives no confirmation if that was a fact or a opinion so Mia chose to see it as such, an opinion of a worried dog owner. Additionally she was going to need a partner, one that was provided for her and they could go meet at the park near the owners house to get a picture of the dog so they could start searching. "Simple enough."
Closing the scroll, Mia was already dressed in preparation for the letter, so after the bird leaving she hoped out the window, closing the door and made her way to this park to meet the owner and her partner as well for the mission.
- Youta ShinkouChuninSurvived 2021You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
- Stat Page : Link
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906
Re: Lost Puppy(Mia Aburame/Youta Shinkou)
Sat Feb 19, 2022 9:50 pm
Youta’s alarm would go off on a typical work day morning. Youta would get dressed and put on his wristbands and a normal shirt and pants and not worry about putting on armor yet when he does not even know what the mission would be for a day. He would eat his breakfast and head towards the door where a small academy student was running up to hand him a letter with todays mission.
He would open up the letter to read the mission. He was to help a recent graduate of the academy and make sure they were truly ready. It was locating a lost puppy who may have been stolen or just run off there is no telling with Hoshigakure. It also says that Youta should let this new kid Mia do most of the work. He was to make sure that this new Aburame Genin does not get hurt and completes the mission to the best of her ability. He can help in small ways but she should run interrogations and Youta should only step in if it leads to combat that the new genin might not be ready for. It says that they are to meet up at the local park with the owner of the stolen dog.
Youta was not sure if this was some sort of test or something. Youta never really thought of being a team leader so he hopes this is more of just a one time thing and that this whole babysitting gig is not going to be a recurring thing. He liked where he was and is mostly looking to do missions and help the village.
He would leave and head to the park and meet up with his partner for the day. “Hey, is there a Mia Aburame around here?” He would wait for an answer and see a young Genin. He would walk over to her and he’ll say “Hello there, Mia, my name is Youta Shinkou, it is a pleasure to meet you. I will be helping you today but I have been ordered to let you run this mission and be your back up. So what is the plan? Have you seen the owner yet? If not let’s look around, she has to be around here somewhere. But like I said earlier, you are gunna run the questioning, however if you have any questions or need any help I am here.”
WC 405
He would open up the letter to read the mission. He was to help a recent graduate of the academy and make sure they were truly ready. It was locating a lost puppy who may have been stolen or just run off there is no telling with Hoshigakure. It also says that Youta should let this new kid Mia do most of the work. He was to make sure that this new Aburame Genin does not get hurt and completes the mission to the best of her ability. He can help in small ways but she should run interrogations and Youta should only step in if it leads to combat that the new genin might not be ready for. It says that they are to meet up at the local park with the owner of the stolen dog.
Youta was not sure if this was some sort of test or something. Youta never really thought of being a team leader so he hopes this is more of just a one time thing and that this whole babysitting gig is not going to be a recurring thing. He liked where he was and is mostly looking to do missions and help the village.
He would leave and head to the park and meet up with his partner for the day. “Hey, is there a Mia Aburame around here?” He would wait for an answer and see a young Genin. He would walk over to her and he’ll say “Hello there, Mia, my name is Youta Shinkou, it is a pleasure to meet you. I will be helping you today but I have been ordered to let you run this mission and be your back up. So what is the plan? Have you seen the owner yet? If not let’s look around, she has to be around here somewhere. But like I said earlier, you are gunna run the questioning, however if you have any questions or need any help I am here.”
WC 405
- Mia AburameCitizen
- Stat Page : Mia Aburame Stats
[b]Total Stats:119
Earned Stats: 19
Remaining Stats: 0
Health: 100
Chakra: 25
Vigor: 34
Speed: 32
Strength: 28
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3500
Re: Lost Puppy(Mia Aburame/Youta Shinkou)
Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:39 am
Exiting the window of her room Mia did ponder something, such as why she needed a partner to undertake the type of mission she was doing, if she recalled missions of this difficulty could be taken solo and although she was okay with the idea she didn't really need a partner to find a lost puppy, in either case she didn't feel it was necessary to argue and at the end of the day she still had a mission to complete.
Upon exiting the widow Mia made her way to the location on the mission, while running via rooftops the holes in her body began turning black as her insects began to pour out, some crawling over her skin and others taking to the air as the number of bugs around her grew due to putting a instable amount of chakra causing the very few she initially summoned to reproduce rapidly, she was trying but it was going to take awhile to get the chakra level to pass onto her insects right. Using the increased number of her bugs, Mia stopped running for a moment as her insects noticed something, paw shaped marks along human footprints, Mia paused before continuing her way to the park.
Making it to the park Mia was alone still, she waited since she was a bit early anyway, while waiting however she kept in mind the dogs paw print she saw earlier, the park was only about half a mile so while she waited she allowed her bugs to continue exploring the area around her to check for more possible clues then an initial one.
At one point Mia has closed her eyes to focus on her bugs senses but with some in the area she opened her eyes again to turn her gaze towards them, a boy about her age walking up to her, white hair and red eyes, the red and gold lining jacket he wore matching his eyes, a white scarf and black undershirt leading to his long sleeve shinobi pants made him stick out, obviously another shinobi. "Yes I'm Mia, Aburame." She answered as the guy kept calling out her name, Mia approaching them as her insects shifted about the area still. Walking up to each other the greeting was simple but it revealed some hidden facts Mia didn't know about, apparently he was here to make sure she did most of the work so in a way she felt like she was being tested, she wasn't expected it but it fit the pieces of the puzzle she had been forming in her head. "I haven't seen the owner yet either but I have been searching, if you know about my clan you know we use insects, mine have been scouting the area in a half mile radius since i got here. I found dog and human tracks but I couldn't find anymore since this area has a lot of traffic. The dog at the very least is still very close by and I would hate to suspect a neighbor but..it might fit.
Right after saying that though one of Mia's many insects landed on her shoulder, her head moving slightly as it communicated seeing a homeless older man with a black and reddish fur coat, the dog had a nice leash and collar, it was odd so they reported to her, "I think I found the dog but I won't know until the owner verifies. After waiting another minute the owner finally did show up, giving them a picture of the dog and asking them to find it, "Don't worry mame, we already did. We will go get them right now." Following her insects directions they lead them straight to the dog and the homeless man, after hearing his story the dog got loose from the owner house and he found it but since he didn't know where the owner lived he kept it safe, in the end Mia was moved enough to give the homeless man a good portion of money for his troubles, after returning the dog to it's rightfully owner as she watched them leave. Turning to Youta, "I believe that means the mission is complete right? Shall I go turn it in or is that your job as well?" In either case Mia would say her goodbyes and did wish him farewell and for them to meet again.
Upon exiting the widow Mia made her way to the location on the mission, while running via rooftops the holes in her body began turning black as her insects began to pour out, some crawling over her skin and others taking to the air as the number of bugs around her grew due to putting a instable amount of chakra causing the very few she initially summoned to reproduce rapidly, she was trying but it was going to take awhile to get the chakra level to pass onto her insects right. Using the increased number of her bugs, Mia stopped running for a moment as her insects noticed something, paw shaped marks along human footprints, Mia paused before continuing her way to the park.
Making it to the park Mia was alone still, she waited since she was a bit early anyway, while waiting however she kept in mind the dogs paw print she saw earlier, the park was only about half a mile so while she waited she allowed her bugs to continue exploring the area around her to check for more possible clues then an initial one.
At one point Mia has closed her eyes to focus on her bugs senses but with some in the area she opened her eyes again to turn her gaze towards them, a boy about her age walking up to her, white hair and red eyes, the red and gold lining jacket he wore matching his eyes, a white scarf and black undershirt leading to his long sleeve shinobi pants made him stick out, obviously another shinobi. "Yes I'm Mia, Aburame." She answered as the guy kept calling out her name, Mia approaching them as her insects shifted about the area still. Walking up to each other the greeting was simple but it revealed some hidden facts Mia didn't know about, apparently he was here to make sure she did most of the work so in a way she felt like she was being tested, she wasn't expected it but it fit the pieces of the puzzle she had been forming in her head. "I haven't seen the owner yet either but I have been searching, if you know about my clan you know we use insects, mine have been scouting the area in a half mile radius since i got here. I found dog and human tracks but I couldn't find anymore since this area has a lot of traffic. The dog at the very least is still very close by and I would hate to suspect a neighbor but..it might fit.
Right after saying that though one of Mia's many insects landed on her shoulder, her head moving slightly as it communicated seeing a homeless older man with a black and reddish fur coat, the dog had a nice leash and collar, it was odd so they reported to her, "I think I found the dog but I won't know until the owner verifies. After waiting another minute the owner finally did show up, giving them a picture of the dog and asking them to find it, "Don't worry mame, we already did. We will go get them right now." Following her insects directions they lead them straight to the dog and the homeless man, after hearing his story the dog got loose from the owner house and he found it but since he didn't know where the owner lived he kept it safe, in the end Mia was moved enough to give the homeless man a good portion of money for his troubles, after returning the dog to it's rightfully owner as she watched them leave. Turning to Youta, "I believe that means the mission is complete right? Shall I go turn it in or is that your job as well?" In either case Mia would say her goodbyes and did wish him farewell and for them to meet again.
+5 Vigor and +7 speed
1,283 WC into Destruction insects (Path of the kidaichu lv1 mastery) combined with Dinner Arragements(729WC) for 2,000/2,000
Mission complete: 2,000 Ryo/ 10 AP
- Youta ShinkouChuninSurvived 2021You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
- Stat Page : Link
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906
Re: Lost Puppy(Mia Aburame/Youta Shinkou)
Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:10 am
Youta would hear this new Genin talking about how her clans likes to use insects and bugs to do their bidding and use them similar to ninjutsu. To which he would say “That seems like it would be very useful and I hope it all works out but if you have located the puppy let go get the little trouble maker.” Apparently according to the insects the puppy is over there and with a homeless man. This man was not a unknown man in the villages however homeless is a little bit of a misnomer as much as he chooses not to have a house and is a well known drifter. He has a lot of friends and is overall a very good man. Works when he wants usually just enough to eat but the young woman would go and return the dog to the owner. The lady was very ecstatic and thankful. “You did good kid. I do not know why I am calling you kid. I can’t be that much older then you.” He would laugh a little. “You can go ahead and collect the mission and turn it in. It was a pleasure to work with you today. If you ever need anything let me know I will see what I can do for you. Hopefully you will get assigned a team soon and a good team will amplify you ability to train and do missions.”
WC 239
[EXIT] Claims
Mission complete: 2,000 Ryo/ 10 AP
14 AP
Judgement 744/2500
WC 239
[EXIT] Claims
Mission complete: 2,000 Ryo/ 10 AP
14 AP
Judgement 744/2500
- Shinrei YamatoJouninSurvived 2021You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
- Stat Page : Yamato
Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0
Re: Lost Puppy(Mia Aburame/Youta Shinkou)
Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:45 am
Exits, and Claims approved!
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