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Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

Elder Fraud Empty Elder Fraud

Sat Feb 05, 2022 3:02 pm
Thats not snake oil!:
Walking through the hokage tower Onabi spotted an elderly woman from his Hyuuga district. "Grandma? " The old woman turned her head toward the young boy the expression in her face was pure rage Onabi recognizing this looks down and sees that his grandmother was holding a small black vile that had a label stating that it was a potion of eternal life. He looked up at his elder and saw that she had red dyed water staining her lips. Onabi narrowed his eyes. "where is the guy who sold this to you?" The elderly woman ended up describing a tall man in a very nice suit and tie that carries a traveling cart that holds a dozen oils and bottles stating that they grant eternal youth. Onabi pivits his entire body storming out of the tower. Using his byakugan his sight pierces through the stone walls of homes and shops alike. his vision searches dozens of chakra networks until he spots a man hauling a cart around moving into the Uchiha district. Onabi moved at his top speed weveing through the croud of konoha. The crowd had a life of its own, the vibrant clothes shine in the afternoon light that the setting sun was giving off and the people move like drones of bullet ants all making there way home. There is chatter between families and friends, old friends catching up, sons and daughters whining that their not home. It's busy for sure, but the hustle and urge to get home before the sun sets brings a life to this hidden village he wouldn't want to be without. Onabi hastily slips into the crowd like a shadow. Onabi rushes toward the Uchiha district like a bull being taunted with a red cloth. The crowds parted like the Red Sea when people saw the young hyuuga boy with bulging pre orbital veins storming his way to the Uchiha gate. The young hyuuga spotted his prey, it was a tall man with slicked back black hair, black rectangle glasses that glare in the natural light of the setting sun. his prime and proper grey suit coat was buttoned up still showing his black dress shirt. "You! The man selling those faulty oils those.. elixirs and your horrid universal remedies!" Onabi stormed at the man. The man perked up and his mustache swayed when his head turned toward the enraged Hyuuga. Onabis forehead showed a bulged vein in his forehead and when he opened the first gate he ran forward and yelled "Never come here again!" onabi using his new Taijutsu he learned with a strike of lightning flowing through his fists he performed a quick uppercut lifting the con artist slightly off the ground, Onabi did a light jump up making themselves level with the con man and follows with another strike, with both his hands and feet, all nine strikes infused with lightning chakra. when onabi reached the 10th hit, instead he landed and turned to the mans cart and he performed a two-handed smash attack that smashed the cart in two and walked to every bottle and smashed them with his wooden clogs. Onabi picked up the man and dragged him away.
[twc 533]
[533/2000 breath]
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1000 ryo
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