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Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client Empty The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client

Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:59 pm
A-Rank Mission:

The basement area of Konoha Hospital reminded Zunair of catacombs. Dank, dark, and overall creepy. And this is coming from the tough-as-nails Hyuuga. Considering that he hated dead bodies, it's impressive the profession he's in. Oh well. When he gets scared of something, he fights it. Most people stand aside and let themselves get killed. These are the two types of people who react to fear: Kill the source or kill yourself. You can guess which he is. Anima led Zunair down the dimly lit corridor to the morgue. After a few moments, she stopped in front of a door with a window made of clouded glass. Give the dead a little privacy. Considerate. Anima fumbled around in her pocket for a second before coming up with a silvery keychain with God knows how many keys on it. She selected an old-fashioned chrome key and inserted it in the keyhole. The door creaked open, and they stepped inside. There were several empty gurneys out of their separate freezers.

Waste of cold air. Most freezers were closed, but only one was locked. Bingo. Anima took another key from the almighty keychain and unlocked the freezer he pondered about seconds ago—trying to avoid looking at another burn case for as long as possible. Zunair skirted the room and put the gurneys back in the freezers, taking his own sweet time. By the time he was done, the offending gurney had been rolled out and a body bag placed on it. They had waited for him. Shit. 

"Are you finished, Zunair?" Anima said in an impatient tone. 

"Quite. Alright, I'm just waiting for Onabi to get here" Zunair sauntered to the slab and held his breath - he could smell the burnt flesh through the heavy plastic. Zunair was waiting for Omabi to help him with one of the cases he's been working on cause he needed a little help with everything that was going on.

Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client Empty Re: The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client

Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:08 am
Onabi was quickly putting on his clothes as the heir of the main house hold sent for him. Onabi didn't know what was happening other then the fact that Zunair Hyuuga needed help at the hospital. Onabi rushed out of his door sprinting toward the general Konoha hospital. The crowd had a life of its own, the vibrant clothes shine in the morning light and the people move like enchanting shoals of fish. There is chatter between sellers and buyers, old friends catching up, new friends made. It's busy for sure, but the hustle and bustle brings a life to this hidden village he wouldn't want to be without. Onabi inconspicuously slips into the crowd like a shadow. he wouldn't trade this anonymity for anything. You can keep the podiums, he could only feel safe so long as he hid in the tow of the party line. Give him the shadows and a thousand faces that look just like every one else. He wove his way through street merchants and curious citizens. Onabi eventually found himself in the cold lobby of the general hospital, there was a quiet kind of "cheerful" in the entrance the soft kind that comes as a quiet river on a sunny day. It is a way of being that allows others a positive space to open up into, a space that is ready to support their emotions and needs. There is of course a time and place for the loud kind of cheerful, yet here in the hospital it can have the effect of closing people down - after all it is challenging to express sad feelings to a person who appears so far removed from those emotions. peacefully and respectfully he finds nurses and receptionists alike to lead him to his elder that had been working here in the hospital. Eventually he had been lead to the basement area of Konoha Hospital, at first glance the halls were ever winding and a maze at the perspective of a mouse but with help from staff he went from one hall to the next until he found him self at the foot of a cold entrance way. Onabi poked his head inside to see two people hovering over a black body bag. The smell was putrid the aroma of cooked flesh permeated the surrounding stale air.
"Hello? I'm looking for Zunair Hyuuga I heard that he was somewhere down here."
Onabi did a quick scan of the two people soon realizing that the boy in the room was the person he was requesting for. Onabi waves at him to try and get some sort of instruction on what to do next.

Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client Empty Re: The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client

Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:50 am
"Good Onabi, right on time. Before we begin-" Zunair tossed his little cousin a lab coat that was several sizes too large, rubber gloves, and a mask. Zunair was already decked out and ready to go. "You're gonna be my medical assistant for the day," Zunair said as he believed this was his first official mission. Zunair couldn't get any assignments for them to do together but offered this one so maybe he could get some practice. "Let's take a look at her, shall we?" Zunair said as he noticed Anima's hand starting to shake. "Let's." Anima slowly drew the zipper down the bag and flung it open. "Holy shit!" Zunair gasped.

The corpse was completely burned. He couldn't even tell if it was a woman. Being the weird-minded person he is, he wondered how Anima came to know what it was. He decided he didn't want to know. Fanning at her mask, Zunair approached Anima. "If you'll get us a tray of utensils and vials, you can go. We'll take it from here." Anima nodded and left the room. She returned a moment later with a tray of surgical tools and an assortment of different jars and syringes. "Thanks. You can leave now." She left, closing the door behind her. "Now then, let's see what we have."

Zunair formed the hand signs, and his hand began to envelop in mint-like chakra as he created a chakra scalpel and drew blood from her. Before Zunair started working on the world's most sunburned citizen, he asked, "Onabi, can you run this down to the lab? It should be down the hall, the last room on the right." As he hoped Onabi would take the sample, he would turn back to the spokeswoman for Konoha Fried Corpses and made a midsagittal incision from the head of the sternum to the navel. He made several more incisions, thankful that this skin wasn't harsh or thick but delicate and flimsy. The fire made her more fragile in death than in life. He still didn't doubt that she was weak in any sense. Suddenly, He thought he heard someone crying. Zunair looked up from his work and glanced around the room. A child… that's what it sounded like. A child was weeping.

[TWC: 700]
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client Empty Re: The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client

Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:15 pm
Onabi grabbed the over sized lab coat, rubber gloves and the mask. He fumbles fitting the large sleeves over his kimono top and fashioning the gloves and mask to him self. Onabi looked up to see Zunair all decked out and fitted well, it only made sense that the heir to the hyuuga clan was already doing his best to help the people of the village. His older cousin then went on to say that onabi would help him through out the day here at the hospital. Zunair went on to the large, thick and black plastic body bag, The older woman unzipped it slowly reveling a awful odor and a visage that was indescribable. Onabi caught the glimpse of the completely recked corpse and ran up closer to the body with wide eyes. "Woah!" 
Onabi was fascinated in things that he had never seen before. Onabi couldn't see any of the skins original pours as the burn scarring levels over the entire person, Parts of the flesh bubble and fizzle when being released into the cold environment Onabi looks over the body in horror and in awe. Zunair took in a gulp in air swearing when seeing it. Onabi then realized that this was a person before whatever happened and immodesty lost the awe of the new sight. The woman eventually left and brought back medical utensils, she was shaking. Onabi was confused he thought to himself and wondered if this was her first burn victim. after being released by his older cousin she left with the wind under her feet. zunair turned back to the corpse using some sort of chakra control where energy that looked like his hair formed into a sharp and small scalpel and cut into the body slowly drawing dark crimson from the vessel. Zunair put some of this persons life essence into a vial and requested Onabi to leave and bring it to some sort of laboratory. 
Onabi took it and swished it and watched the stained red liquid swirl around. Onabi then left the room with out saying a word running down the halls following the directions that Zunair gave him down the hall and to the last room to the right. Onabi opened the heavy door to another cold room with people that had faces of stone. "e-excuse me sir this is from the body Zunair Hyuga is working on at the moment he had asked me to give this to you." Onabi handed over the vile to the man he was talking to he looked as if they were dead, he was especially thin, pale, and bony he looked Apathetic. The man took the vile and walked away with out saying a word. Onabi slowly backed out of the room where he heard a little child crying. Onabi's head snapped to where the sound was coming from and he ran back to the operating room where he found his elder looking up listening to the same sound onabi heard. "Zunair? should we do something?"

Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client Empty Re: The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client

Tue Jan 25, 2022 7:07 pm
Zunair watched Onabi enter the room and ask if they should do something about it, "No, let's finish up here," Zunair said as he waved Onabi towards him. The sound left as abruptly as it came. Zunair felt a chill, and as a sense of slight paranoia crept into my mind as he hunched over the corpse again. Zunair had to cut through the remains of a men's tie. Either this was a very ugly man on estrogen medication or just a very confused (and still ugly) woman. Zunair decided on the latter.

Then Zunair heard it again. A child crying. He looked up again, but saw no one but Onabi, and he wasn’t crying. So, feeling thoroughly paranoid now, the mint eyed Hyuuga returned to bis work. Zunair finished his incisions and decided to open her up. He took two pairs of rat-toothed forceps and slowly spread the flesh apart. A wave of flesh-smelling steam hit his face, making his eyes fill with tears and his stomach shudder. Zunair turned away and coughed violently for a few moments before he looked at her innards again.

“That was atrocious,” Zunair said to Onabi.

There was nothing. The only thing inside of her was just a bunch of soot and ash. Zunair shook his head and took a few steps back from the gurney. No way, Zuniar told myself. There is no way that this can happen. It wasn't spontaneous combustion; there would be nothing left but ash altogether. I don't know… He looked at the corpse's face. In life, she had worn what looked like several pounds of makeup, most of it now melted to dribble down her high cheekbones. Her mouth was contorted in a silent scream, and her glassy brown eyes stared up at the ceiling endlessly. But she was burned.
Like hellfire was loosed upon her…
Then Zunair heard the crying again, louder.

"Screw it," he said aloud. "Whatever's crying had better have a good reason for interrupting my work and scaring the shit out of me, or I'm gonna give it a real reason to cry. Let’s go Onabi" Zunair wasn't scared, or paranoid anymore, just royally pissed off. He stormed out of the morgue and down the hall. The crying got louder. It seemed to wail as he passed the storeroom, so he stopped and pressed his ear to the clouded glass window. Yep, the crying was coming from in there. Zunair tested the doorknob; unlocked. He went in and hopefully Onabi followed suit. 

Zunair snapped on the light. It illuminated a rather large room, full of odds and ends. Shelves piled with surgical instruments; desks and chairs piled up in a corner, and a large bookcase directly across from him. Something strange caught his eye-skid marks. There were skid marks next to the bookshelf, like it was dragged to hide something. Or just a really poor mover who probably got his ass chewed out when the administrator found the grooves in the would-be perfect tile. The crying was emanating from the bookshelf. Zunair pulled the bookshelf away from the wall and looked inside. There was a set of staircases.

"Uh uh, Onabi," Zunair said aloud, "I know we’re not supposed to go down there. We don't know what's there!" The crying got louder. Zunair went down the stairs. The second he hit the landing, he saw a pit in the middle of the room. Well, not really a pit, but another staircase leading down to blackness. The dark. Zunair shuddered. He hated the dark with a vengeance. So, playing the resourceful scientist, he activated his Byakugan, and went back down the stairs and into the darkness. “Activate your byakugan to see, Onabi.” Zunair said. 

The all-seeing eye played on several doors when he got to the ground. Zunair tried them one at a time, working his way up the small corridor. They were locked. The crying seemed to get to an almost screaming pitch. Finally, he got to the last door on the left side. The crying abruptly stopped. He jiggled the handle-and found it unlocked but couldn’t see inside with his byakugan. Strange. 
Oh, no, Zunair…You don't want to do this…You want to go back upstairs…Don't do it…Please don't…
Zunair went inside.

The first thing he saw was a dead body.

TWC: 1,409
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client Empty Re: The Pathologist: A Poisoned Client

Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:31 pm
Zunair turned away from onabi after he asked if we should help the person or child that was wailing in the hall ways. Zunair told onabi that they should finish there examining the patient, Onabi approached the tall metal table with the amalgamation of early human parts welded together with flame. Onabi who was fascinated by the body in front of him didn't notice the sudden void of sound when the crying stopped. Onabi watched as Zunair cut through a men's tie.
"Didn't that pretty lady say that this um- was a lady?"
Zunair seemed to think about the same thing but carried on, in the midst of the sound of sharp chakra slicing through the scarred buy soften skin of the body the wailing started once again Onabi looked up and made eye contact with Zunair to show that neither of them were making the sound that they kept on hearing over and over again. Onabi watched as zunair chose to ignore the wailing and went back into the incisions. With a quick lateral cut down the torso of the being Onabi helped zunair attach metal forceps to keep the flabs of skin and flesh in a exposed state. the puff of steam that blossomed from the corpse was horrendous but caused infatuation in the young Hyuuga. Onabi watched in awe but his elder reacted very differently with a violent body reaction, with watery eyes and a coughing fit Onabi could tell that Zunair was very uncomfortable when he turned back to inspect the body. Why dose he want to be here in the more if he dosent enjoy it? Onabi thought to himself. Zunair turned to Onabi declaring what he thought of the situation. Onabi nodded and stood on the tips of his toes so he could get a clear sight on the opened chest cavity. but he saw nothing. nothing more then grit and ashes that were soaked in crimson liquids that smelled of iron oxidizing. Zunair took a step back in disbelief but Onabi showed his disbelief in some other ways, Onabi used his gloved finger to coat his finger in the soot. Onabi took it close to his face examining it. it reeked like vomit so he guessed that it was sulking in Gastric juice witch is made up of digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and other substances, the coloration looked like the blood that would come from his cuts from his awe he quickly understood why this was very gross. 
The crying started once again but louder...
Zunair vocalized his opinion in a crude manner. "Zunair you shouldn't swear your gonna be the head of the house," Zunair went on to show his anger about this distracting crying it was impeding on his work and thought process. Zunair told Onabi to follow him so he did. Onabis elder stormed down the cold dank hallways of the hospitals underbelly In some sort of rage. Onabi never watched someone from the main branch let their emotions take control. it reminded Onabi of his father. Onabi followed Zunair to a store room where they both abruptly entered. when they entered Zunair flipped the light switch and Onabi was almost blinded by the sudden source of light. a storeroom filled with massive old furnishings covered with dust. Onabis attention was drawn to the scraps on the floor. Onabi looked up and saw that the scraps lead to a old book shelf that was completely covered in a grey dust, Zunair approached the structure that held the texts trying to move it onabi ran to the other side of the shelf and helped his elder move the shelf off to the side of the room. behind the shelf they saw a dark hall way that descended down words, the darkness caught onabi off guard and instinctively onabi's pre orbital veins started to bulge as his byakugan activated. the darkness was frightening Onabi grabbed the back of zunair's lab coat and followed him into the dark. following Zunair down the stair case they walked till another landing. Zunair looked back at onabi and to him to activate the power of his eyes Onabi looked up at Zunair showing that it was already done. Onabis eyes tracked everything on the bottom of the stair case he saw several doors lining a small and ending hall way. Zunair went from door to door trying to open them. With each rattle Onabi shook with fright he couldn't see through the doors to the other side inside the rooms and the unknown was the only other thing that terrified Onabi. They eventually made it to the last door they hadn't tried and when Zunair rattled the door knob the Screaming fell silent and the door opened slowly with a creek. Onabi inside saw one thing. 
"Z-zunair are they okay?"

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