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Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
Survived 2021
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 145700

Dog Walker for the Day Empty Dog Walker for the Day

Sat Jan 15, 2022 5:10 pm
This mission

Tys ever-growing addiction to doing small, insignificant jobs would continue again. This time he was tasked with something objectively delightful. He would be walking a small group of dogs to allow the owners of the place to clean the kennels. The young Canopic was beginning to revel in the peacefulness of certain jobs. One would be highly mistaken to think that the village shinobi only participated in bloody, dangerous work. After all, since he had joined Ty had spent most of his time helping the people and running odd jobs.

There was a slight chill in the early morning air and so he decided to throw on the jacket he wore to snow country. Along with his standard mask and gloves Ty would be ready for the day. He would poke a head in to his father's room and let the old man know he was heading out. Stepping out the door into the crisp village air he would head down the road from his residential area and into the heart of town. The kennel was quite a large building and it looked like several shinobi were contracted for the day. Ninjas were heading out with groups of dogs towing them along. It was kind of a cool thing to see. Dogs everywhere hopping and prancing around, dragging people along with them. He went into the building and spoke to the woman running the event.

She was a kind looking old woman with white hair. She was barely tall enough to see over the desk she stood behind. She greeted Ty with a smile and said, "Well hello there deary. You hear to help out?"

"I am. Looks like it'll be fun." He would respond with a laugh.

The woman helped him get set up with some dogs. He was to lead a group of 5 small dogs of varying breeds. He was glad to not be tugged around by 100 pound large dogs. He greeted his little pack with a happy voice, "hi everybody, I'll be your walker for today!" The group yipped and jumped around like mad in the most adorable way. To think he was getting paid to handle a job like this was crazy. 

Ty walked the little ones around his neighborhood, he figured that nobody would walk their group out there and he was correct. The dogs would have all the yards and plants to themselves. As they went down the road a small kid from the neighborhood came running over. He asked if he could pet the dogs and Ty of course obliged. Both the child and the pups were excited for the occasion and the whole scene put a big smile on the Canopic's face. After about an hour and a half, and about 6 bags used, it was time to bring them all back home.

He returned the dogs to the lady behind the desk and she thanked him for helping out. Ty made it a point to mention they could ask him for help again whenever they liked. He would be glad to take care of the dogs again sometime.

(WC 519)

+1000 ryo for mission reward
+5 mission AP

500 wc to Rank up Jotun Grip from C to B
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Dog Walker for the Day Empty Re: Dog Walker for the Day

Sat Jan 15, 2022 9:37 pm
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