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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P) Empty disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P)

Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:43 pm
There was a rush through the winding streets of Kiri. Things being knocked over, People yelling to slow down, the subtle sound of wooden or cloth constructs being torn asunder by a speeding bullet and her three puppets who for the purposes of this description I will also call speeding bullets, it could only mean one thing. Saya was up early. She found the path to the Large kage building fairly easily. She'd been there before. It still surprised her how much larger the building looked after her renovations. It shouldn't have. One of the changes she'd made was literally making the entire building taller, but to the tiny terror, the structure loomed so high and large that it seemed impossible that she could ever make it to the top. Hopefully she didn't have to.

Taking a step into the lower levels she'd head directly towards the check in desk, or whatever means generally people made towards getting an audience with the Mizukage. SHe'd heard that Miss Sugi was back from her trip and that could only mean one thing: A whole boat load of Senju wood would soon be hers!

"Excuse me! I'm Sayatria Lenoria Senju, Genin--" She was cut off as her sister stepped forward to immediately correct her. She simply stated that she was a chuunin now before stepping back. "Right. Chuunin. I always forget. Uh. I need to speak to Lady Su--I mean The Mizukage please. I would like one impromptu Mizukage meeting. Like today. Or now. Now would be great but yanno. Like Soon if thats a possibility cuz I need to discuss matters vital to the functioning of the village with her. " The way she spun her tale was flawless. It actually impressed the Ai puppet lovingly called Puppait. Technically it was true. As a member of the village her ability to protect herself was vital to the village--even if because it gave her added ability to protect the rest of the village should something happen. Still it was a stretch and Saya knew it. Thankfully her beaming smile showed no suggestion that her important discussion was less about a danger to the village and more about getting a huge bag full of goodies.

(TWC 370)
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Clan Focus : --
Ryo : 0

disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P) Empty Re: disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P)

Sat Jan 15, 2022 7:07 pm
The secretary, Nagisa, inclines their head to the side... where an entire shipping pallet of top-of-the-line Senju Wood awaits pickup, with a few extra sweets from Goro's requested shopping run sitting on top for Saya. "For this?"

[Giving Saya 14 Senju Wood from inventory.]
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P) Empty Re: disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P)

Sun Jan 16, 2022 10:17 pm
"That... That is specifically the matter vital to the functioning of the village. Yes. I mean Yanno I was gonna say hi and stuff too cuz it would be so rude to just walk up to the leader of the village and be like 'wheres my stuff'. Imagine. That would be such a crazy thing but uh. Yes. That is... That is exactl--THANK YOU!!!" In moments she would finish her awkward rambling. SHe formed the seals for her storage displacement technique as the two puppets standing behind her shifted from shaking their head in embaracement to slowly gathering the large pallet of items. Meticulously they split the wood up into small piles that would be much easier to carry back. Unfortunately they didn't have the coach puppet's hollow body to just toss the stuff in, giving the pair the impression that they would have to heft and haul the mass back to their home. As usual Saya had other ideas. 

"No no. Put it back on the pallet. Geeze. Sometimes its so hard to find good help am I right?!" The joke was aimed at the secretary, thought it maybe came off more rude than she'd meant. "Well. In this case uh. Can you give her this please?" Reaching into the expanse of blackness, she would pull a bag with 10k ryo from the storage space, setting it on the counter. "Let her know this is my thanks for the travel an aquisition of the materials! I feel that it's important to pay Lady Sugi for the headache that it took." 

It wouldn't take very long for the puppet duo to finish stacking all the senju wood back up on the pallet. As they finished the last couple of pieces, Ai realized what was going on. Just like with the large rolling garment racks that she often stored full of outfits she'd made for people, A pallet of senju wood was one item. That meant it was literally easier for her to displace in one large stack. Placing a hand on the stack she would transport the pallet into the jutsu, finally releasing it. 

"Thank you!!!!!!!" As quickly as she appeared, unless stopped, she would be gone a bit of ryo lighter but with a truely excessive ammount of resources. 

(TWC 750

-10k ryo 
+14 senju wood
putting 750 towards great pacifist 2nd hand seal mastery (1757/5k) previous training

exit unless impeeded! )
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P) Empty Re: disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P)

Mon Jan 17, 2022 8:09 pm
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Clan Focus : --
Ryo : 0

disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P) Empty Re: disregard mass destruction acquire Senju wood(P)

Mon Jan 24, 2022 11:53 pm
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