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Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Never too Late (Murata) Empty Never too Late (Murata)

Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:30 pm

At first there had been screaming and then silence. The sounds of the two had slowly faded out as all he could remember had been their smiles before they had faded from existence. His children. His...creations. Waking up in a cold sweat he would remember that it wasn't a dream. This was reality. Shaking his head he would run a hand through the charcoal black locks of his hair as he huffs," Another nightmare that wasn't a nightmare. Lovely," the voice would be a bit hoarse, perks of waking up as if he had been screaming. Those of his troupe would wait outside of the door before one of them peeked in and asked the question that they had all been wondering," Are you alright boss? You were screamin again..," the younger one would say as he peered into the door. Sitting up correctly into the chair, he would drop the bottle that had been in his hand and smile," I'm good...You know how I am. The show must go on right? Now don't be worrying about me, we have a show tonight remember?," they looked worried for a moment before smiling and taking off to get their tasks done, the door slowly closing and leaving him in the dark.

The sound of a match striking the box would sound before the fire slowly came to life and lit the cigarette that he had left on his desk and took in a deep exhale. He turned around almost as if he had expected to be scolded and yet he was not. He wasn't sober enough to deal with this, but he would have to trek on. Standing up he would begin to slowly grab his black shirt and slowly button it up to get ready for his day. Pushing his hair back into a disheveled mess and he was ready for the day. Stepping out of the room everyone would stand at attention on the deck before screaming in unison "GOOD MORNING". Even if he was not at his best...they always were. His family. They mourned the loss of his daughter and son, but remained strong for him as well. Niento gave them a small wave and smiled as he held the cigarette in his right hand," Good morning to you all as well. Continue to do well and live as if it were your last. For those who are still here. For those that are no longer here," with that he would begin to walk off of the dock and toward the inner workings of the village.

He had been here for what seemed like months and he had never met the Kage in person. He wasn't looking to join a village, it went against his lifestyle and his life in general but...even the Joker needed a palace to reside. As he walked he would slowly take in a drag as he looked toward the direction of the Mizukage's Estate, wondering what they would be like. He was lax and generally just chill, but would this go south? Or would it go into another way he would not expect. Either way he would continue on his path in silence. Moments pass as he finally stops in front of the estate doors and pushes them open, walking in and lighting one more cigarette before he arrived to the desk," Is the Mizukage in?," he would ask in a rather....gruff but soothing voice. Whether he was answered or shown the way, he would begin to walk toward the office, cigarette slowly burning down as he left it between his lips and walked. He'd find himself in front of the doors of the office as he knocked on it and waited to be let in. He didn't know her and likely she didn't know him, but this meeting could go well for the both of them...starting now.

647 WC
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Clan Focus : --
Ryo : 0

Never too Late (Murata) Empty Re: Never too Late (Murata)

Sat Jan 15, 2022 6:59 pm
The lanky, androgynous secretary sits at their usual spot at the desk, savoring a fragrant cup of green tea. At Niento's question, they give the visiting gentleman a quiet, judging scan before answering. "Third floor, down the hall on the right."

Niento's knock is answered with a friendly 'come in!' in a noticeable Wolf Country accent. The office is a modest, cozy affair. The dark-eyed young woman before him is seated in a comfortable-looking leather chair, a large window behind her desk facing the lagoon. The rest of the room is cluttered with various folders, scrolls, and knickknacks. A mammoth... blade...?... leans against the wall at the Mizukage's side, cloth over curious razor scales, and Niento might swear he glimpses it breathing under its wrappings out of the corner of his eye.

"You're one of my missing-nin," Murata notes, studying him keenly, though not unkindly. Her tone is as though it's an answer to an unspoken question, likely 'why has Nagisa sent a stranger up here on such short notice?' She can't recall his name off of the top of her head, which is just as well, it's more polite to have a normal introduction. "I'm Sugi Murata, third Mizukage. What can I do for you today?"
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Never too Late (Murata) Empty Re: Never too Late (Murata)

Sat Jan 15, 2022 8:58 pm
Eyes slowly scanned the room as he stepped in, observing the space of the Kage before eyeing a curious piece that caused him to chuckle under his breath as he took in one final inhale of his smoke and released it, crushing the butt and remaining cherry in his hand before dispensing it into the depths of his shirt pocket. He would inquire about the oblong blade itself later, but it was not apart of his reason for being here and thus it would have to wait. Upon the statement he would produce a set of cards out of nowhere as he performed a mild slight of hand trick and then nodded,” Not by choice I assure you. You can only have so many titles and names in this world and if you want to be free of a system you either die or… well,” his left index finger slowly slides out a joker card that disappears shortly after,” you become flexible. Semantics however they may be you would be correct,” after the Mizukage who had now introduced themselves as Murata, Niento would return the favor in kind.

“Niento. Owner and Ringleader of the Pantomime troupe. You might have seen the show or at least the byproduct of it in the village every so often. As for my reason for visiting you,” the trick would stop as the deck would disappear after its last shuffle and his butt being firmly planted into a seat,” Is to change the wheel of fate as it were. I’ve spent many years wandering these shinobi nations. Seeing life, death, war and other unpleasant sights. Im not a stranger to our lifestyle but maybe rules can be bent I. One’s own moral compass to… find a better life. The world is quite unkind to “missing ninja” and I am here today to…employ my services to the Hidden Mist,” he’d leave that there for just a moment as he watched for the signs on her face. He was versed in the ways of facial communication, he had to be to read if crowds enjoyed the shows and what they didn’t like. He didn’t distrust her but he was by nature weary of what could happen.

None the less he would offer some slight history about himself to better ease the tension,” You know I was around when Kiri was…More than a crater on the ocean floor. Back in its heyday my family often fought for the village on top of providing it trade. During those times war was always on the brink until one village idiot decided to piss off the then fire nation. After the destruction of Kiri I traveled as a merchant/mercenary of sorts fighting for villages like Tengakure during its time and many others who have fallen to story and memory. It’s good to see a definite change to the villages state after no longer having a byproduct of war and aggression running the place,” a comment made specifically to describe Xyxer. He wouldn’t mention the name but it could be picked up on.

511 wc
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Clan Focus : --
Ryo : 0

Never too Late (Murata) Empty Re: Never too Late (Murata)

Mon Jan 24, 2022 11:53 pm
Murata allows Niento to do missions and such as a Kiri-sponsored vagabond and bids him farewell, goes on to do paperwork and stuff.
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Never too Late (Murata) Empty Re: Never too Late (Murata)

Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:12 pm
Making exit and claims.

Vagabond of Kiri and all words toward at 25% wc so 1158/1500
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