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Homecoming [Village Entry] Empty Homecoming [Village Entry]

Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:59 am
The Laughing Monk at last returns home, guided through the storm by the returning Mizukage.

[Exit into Kirigakure]
Goro Tanaka
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Homecoming [Village Entry] Empty Re: Homecoming [Village Entry]

Wed Jan 12, 2022 8:56 pm
He wasn’t sure if the ANBU babysitters were cycled, or if he was straddled with newer ones due to his relative unimportance compared to the current diplomatic clusterfucks happening outside the village.

Either way, he was with Puffer today- who’d bravely volunteered to take him to the port where Murata was scheduled to arrive. Puffer was predictably impassive, but he liked to imagine the ninja didn’t explicitly dislike his presence.

Meatball had come to the meet and greet, too, but he was way too slow (and not leash trained) to make it on his own, so he was currently being carried like a sack under Puffer’s arms. No matter how much the bird squirmed, the ANBU’s grip was absolute.

He was partly curious what Murata’d think. He’d stopped dying his hair, but whatever kind he’d brought must’ve been semipermanent or whatnot, because now it was more a lichen with white roots than like, an actual bright green like his sisters. Plus he learned how to feel chakra- which was something he was at least ninety percent sure she did really well.

The boat was already docked, and swarming with whatever port dudes or retired ninja or whoever did the secretary work for this stuff.

He wasn’t entirely sure what to do when he was actually permitted to approach. Puffer and Meatball alike stood statuesque at his side, no matter how much he stumbled over his own feet trying to get over.

“Hey! Do they actually have face rocks there? Did you get any soil samples?!” a pause as he remembered that social etiquette was probably important when he was being watched by at least a dozen people who were interested in how the reclusive and eccentric genin interacted with their military leader. “...Also, uh. Welcome.”

Gold star for effort, right?

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Homecoming [Village Entry] Empty Re: Homecoming [Village Entry]

Thu Jan 13, 2022 5:19 pm
The Laughing Monk entered port smoothly and without complications. The crew relaxed as they were prepared to vacate the ship with the cargo and important leader. Ban would help carry some of the heavy barrels containing clean drinking water. Her strength allowed for the barrels to be transported undisturbed onto the dock where the rest of the supplies were getting unloaded. "We got your vessel unloaded, princess." Ban teased Murata with a bow as she headed towards the gate of Kiri. 

There were the regular Anbu guards and a newbie to greet them at the gate. Ban normally left the guards to do their own thing and make a quick entrance into the village, but today she was in a playful mood. The Hozuki looked at Goro and pointed back at the heavy supplies on the dock. "Be careful when taking those supplies in. We don't want any food to go to waste." Ban knew that carrying those things would be a hassle, impossible for even some of the crew members to do without some help. She wondered if the genin would actually attempt to get the supplies as Ban waited to be accepted into the village. 

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