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Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
Stat Page : Hafuma Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Bank closing Empty Bank closing

Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:57 am
E-rank mission:

It was just another day in Kirigakure, the civilians ran there local businesses selling and buying various supplies that allowed some semblance of peace to reign over the village, mothers and housewives traded stories and spread gossip, man worked hard all day while the children played, Hafuma watched all this with content as he appreciated the peace and stability a village had and maintained. A collective unit all working together to keep Kirigakure safe.

Although not Kirigakure born, Hafuma's mother was so this village was a part of his family history and now a missing shinobi turned Kirigakure he had a life obligation to keep it that way. So, Hafuma took another simple mission to help towards that overall goal, his mission included helping make sure a bank is properly closed. He spent most of his day training per usual but he made sure to stop early to take a nap before the mission, sun setting over Kirigakure Hafuma rose back up and got dressed, because the mission was of the lowest priority he doubt he would find any trouble but just in case he made sure to bring his tantos, everything else could be left behind. 

Walking across the village Hafuma got something to eat halfway during his mission and made the rest of the way arriving at "National Kirigakure bank" fancy name Hafuma thought to himself as he made his way in, the bank open for another thirty minutes. Coming in he would first catch a pledge over the wall, "Never deny service" as he walked past it towards the cashier's. "I'm sorry sir, we're closing soon unless you're here to deposit or withdraw. Come back tomorrow." Hafuma immediately chuckled, so much for never denying service.

"I'm not here for any bank service, but rather offer mine. My name is Hafuma Pendragon and I'm the Genin Shinobi assigned to the bank protection tonight." The women Immediately gasped, "So sorry Mr Pendragon, please go right through the door into the waiting room, there is extra food and drinks you can eat" she was a bit nervous he could sense, "Relax I'm not mad, thanks for the directions" Hafuma said half bowing as he moved towards the wait room.

The waiting room was..well it was a waiting room, the few good snacks and drinks aside he ate to abide his hunger for a little Hafuma read the newspaper articles, the ones they had recently and gave him something to focus on as he waited for the bank to officially close down.

He had lost track of time but sure enough the same women would come back notifying him the bank was closed, handing him a set of keys that locked different doors in the bank and he should finish basic cleaning or other things left undone. " Yes mame, good night too you. The night was just as about as eventful as Hafuma foresaw, despite the lackluster work ethic the girl displayed and the others were quite diligent in their work and Hafuma only had to basic sweep the floors clean as he checked the perimeter of the building then the inside areas locking the place up as he went and then returned home with a job well done.

WC 500
500 WC to Kensei no shudan and combining it with 884 WC I already banked into it on Hafuma Stat Page (1,384/2,000 WC)

Mission claims:
1000 Ryo(+100)
5 AP
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 97200

Bank closing Empty Re: Bank closing

Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:05 pm
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