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Hotaru Shinkou
Hotaru Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Enough is Enough!  Empty Enough is Enough!

Sun Dec 26, 2021 1:03 am

It was morning, the day after a successful, if not interesting journey. One that she could remember in perfect detail, from the strange tasks to the intimate conversation between herself and Morio. It was heavy in her heart, he was the half brother to Vaenar. Someone that Hotaru did not trust, not after the rebellion that he and his brother evoked. She knew then, in that moment that her words left him with a heavier heart than usual. She was safe in her thinking…in that it pained her to see that side of him. Morio has come to be someone that Hotaru trusted, someone that she could confine in. Nothing like Toneri would only saw her for her body and status. She would sigh at the thought. 

Yet, as she stood before the large mirror within her bathroom she learned that upon her return, she did not come back empty handed. Two things came of that day. The first, as she closed her eyes and exhaled slowly — opening them to reveal beryl eyes instead of crimson. She had unlocked another stage to her Doujutsu. As to how, she was still hazy about. “A gift…a well-deserved one.” And the second, with a low distorted voice that sounded like many speaking at once, rather than one individual. Hekate has been more engaging now that Hotaru has awaken said ‘gift’ upon her return. 

You say this as if you bestowed it.” Her eyes looking off to the corner left of her mirror. There she could see a silhouette of a shade-like figure. Much more than what she could see before, which was nothing more than a cloud. “It does not matter if I did. That does not take away from the gifts that it grants you with.” It spoke in half truths, and riddles. Never really answering the questions that it is asked. Shaking her head she would ready herself to respond. 


The door? The figure would fade away almost immediately. Hotaru would find her way to the door of her room. Before she could reach it she would notice a letter that was slid beneath into her room. She paused for a moment. Eventually kneeling to pick up the paper and opening it right then and there. A mission it would seem, but not just one…two of them. Her eyes would revert from emerald to amber as she used them to trail and read the summary of the assignment. One was for patrol training. Something that she was familiar with, that one didn’t strike her as odd. It was, however the other mission that did. She was to bring food to one of the places of worship within the village. That one was quite the task. Those of the Cloth did not take too kindly to those of the Headband. It would strike her as ludicrous if not for the fact that her mother more than likely had a hand in this. 

The people of the cloth balanced the shinobi military might within the village. One could not exist without the other. She knew this much to be true. 

Gathering her things, she made sure not to wear anything that would associate her with shinobi tactics. She wore a black Lolita with her pale blonde hair into a bun. She would head towards the door of her room before stopping and looking at the framed picture of her father, Yasaki Uchiha. She looked at it tenderly for a few moments. “A good man, even better killer.” That voice abruptly said. This caused her to place the frame down and scuff. “If you know what’s good for you, specter. You will silence yourself when it comes to my father.” She would leave the room and make way to the location she was with meet with her training officer for the patrols. 

[TWC: 641/3000]
Hotaru Shinkou
Hotaru Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Heiress of the Shade
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Enough is Enough!  Empty Re: Enough is Enough!

Sun Dec 26, 2021 10:28 pm
Looks like the place.” said the Shinkou, staring up at the facility to which she would undergo her patrol training. How lol g has it been since she did one of these? Months? Years? She recalled doing one before she set out to take on the outpost protection. “This place looks childish.” Hekate, again voicing her unwanted opinion. Hotaru would merely roll her eyes as she didn’t care to answer the question. “Try to ignore me all you want, young Shinkou. But it will not last.” 

Pressing forward, entering the building the young noble would look around, familiarizing herself with the layout. She was then flagged down and approached by a man, thick mustache and brown hair. “You must be Hotaru. Welcome, I’m told that you are familiar with this method of training.” He stood tall, posture presentable and correct. “That I am.” She would reply. 

With a gesture, the man would usher towards a desk, taking his seat he offered her to sit. She did so. She would notice a few files and sheets of paper on the desk they sat at. The man moved his hands to organize these things. While taking out a file that had her name on it. She acknowledged this, but said nothing as she didn’t want to presume. 

“Alright, I’m going to run you through a few things before I give you the ok to patrol.” He said, opening the file and reading the inside. “Well, seems like…like this will be a waste of your time, but still I have to do my job.” He looked up at her with a smile and continued to read her file before closing it. “let’s begin.” He stood and beckoned her to follow. They would walk to a room where she would watch some videos and get the rundown on all the do’s and don’ts of the job. She couldn’t remember the last time she was so bored. 

But after a few hours, 2 at most she was able to finish her training and was awarded her certification. “There, all done.” The man would say. “Never again, this was annoying.” She would remark and step out of the facility on to her next task. 

[WC: 368]
[TWC: 1009/3000]
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Last Tower

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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Enough is Enough!  Empty Re: Enough is Enough!

Mon Dec 27, 2021 1:22 pm
The forge had been closed for the day as Morio had spent all of his time after his "dream" forging a weapon that would change the way he fought. Talking with Hotaru had definitely opened up his eyes to many things about the life he had been living and with that...maybe it was time for a change. A small sigh came from the male as he sat down his forge hammer, his eyes turning back to catch Cassian as he started to form," I am starting to get the hang of when you are starting to form...Almost as if you are intrinsically linked to my chakra. What do you want now Cassian?," the male would say as he turned fully to see the eye floating there looking at the male. The eye said nothing but instead just floated there as if it was assessing the male. Cassian had not formed in some time after his return from whatever that was...maybe it was a dream, maybe it was not but this was the first time he had seen the specter. The two shared a gaze before it moved toward the blade that had been sitting there in pieces and uttered something...Something he could not hear. The blades pieces began to glow and pulse with an eerie black surge of power before it stopped and then finally Cassian spoke," ...Fine piece of work yet your father's blades were better by far. Keep it up," as if it had known his father in his lifetime. That was earlier.

Now Morio had been walking the streets in his usual attire, sword latched to his back as he stuck his hands into his jacket pockets in thought. What had he meant by that...and who was he before to know his father? Such troubling thoughts plagued his mind until he found himself walking outside of an area and at the most auspicious of times he cam into sight of one of his teammates- Hotaru. Looking over to her he would give a small wave," What're you up to?" he'd ask as he would stop in his tracks.

355 WC

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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Enough is Enough!  Empty Re: Enough is Enough!

Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:01 pm
What was he doing…humanitarian duties were listed in the damn dossier that Ayato gave him, which the younger Miyamoto would have done many times to further along relations with shinobi and the church members/civilians but this was…over the top.  He was to deliver some blankets to the church for their annual winter quilt drive.  He had been tasked with seeing to an import of cloth recently and the merchant had no ryo so he was paid in goods.  Since he was no longer living at the Terumi residence it was a necessity to gather up his own belongings, but even after taking one…he had five more quilts left and he was going to sell them…if it was not for the friendly reminder that he needed to stick to his new life.  “One fucking day Ayato…I will repay this…kindness.”  He thought to himself as he had a smile on his face, dressed in civilian clothing, giving one of the deacons of the church the blankets as there was an audible “oof” when the weight was finally added up.  Afterwards, Yamato was exploring the grounds as he helped out frequently whenever it looked like there was something to do.  Eventually another deacon came up and asked him the important question, who he was and where he was from.  “I am Shinrei and I am born and raised here in Hoshigakure sir.  I have had a rough go of it the past couple of years, but with a recent job helping a clothing merchant I have had better luck as of late so I am just passing it forward.”  He said with a straight face, adding a small smirk to add to his lie, but there was something behind the deacon that caught his eye, but it was not something…but someone.  He waved her on over.  “Hotaru, how nice to see you here, I have not seen you at the shops in a while now, how have you been?”  He said with that same beaming smile that would help with the story being woven.


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Hotaru Shinkou
Hotaru Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Heiress of the Shade
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Enough is Enough!  Empty Re: Enough is Enough!

Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:35 pm
Spiritually inclined…that is what your people call the seekers of absolute truth and knowledge. That is a new one, I must admit.” Hekate slithering back into the mental of the Shinkou. Her voice, which was once annoying at a time was now tolerable. Hotaru found that it was wiser to get use to her, than to be bothered. “They are the holy and righteous, a pillar of right within our walls.” The warrior would remark, entering a shop. 

Looking around and collecting a few things that were edible. She was to gather food for them, deliver it and be on her way. It was the least that she could do. “Righteous? Haha, Hotaru, I never knew you to be so naive. It’s cute on you.” Her brow would furrow at the taunt of her specter. She didn’t truly understand what she meant, she wasn’t taking be made fun at lightly. “Human-kind lost their way a long time ago. ‘Spiritually inclined’ is a spit in the faces of those that were true to their calling, to their thirst for knowledge. Nowadays humans use this so called calling of theirs to their own benefit and gain, stomping over the true meaning of it. Tearing down the very temples that were build to make offerings to the true gods to see that a request is fulfilled. They traded all of that for a false god and some false sense of purpose.” The words of Hekate sound as if she was speaking from a deeper emotion…was there more to her than what Hotaru believed?

Purchasing the food for her delivery, she figured that she would make it a hefty order. It was only right to treat those that help the poor and incapable. She would find herself walking down the street when she notice a familiar face, Morio. He was waving to her, which was unlike him, meaning their connections was fruitful. She smiled, waving back to him. “Good morning, Morio. I’m just making some deliveries to the church. It’s part of my mission. They made me go through patrol training over again due to my absence at the outpost for those years. What are you up to?” She inquired as the two continued towards the church. 

Yeah, things were pretty vivid, she recalled everything just as she thought. That was more than some dream, much more. She would notice that there was a line to drop off things to the church. Hoping that Morio wouldn’t mind she would stand and move as time allowed. “How has your training been holding up, you seem…different from the last time I saw you. Stronger?” She glanced him over. It wasn’t hard to notice, honestly. Morio has always been a man of strength. Powerful men are calm, he’s been much more calm as of late. She would suppose that she wasn’t the only one to grow, given the circumstances. She would wonder how Toran and Ty were fairing in their own way. 

The line moved forward and she would now be before the deacon to present her delivery. “Oh my, this is quite the offering. To whom do I have the pleasure of thanking?” She would take a moment before answering. Glancing over to Morio, seeing as he was empty handed. “Morio and Hotaru. We are grateful to the church for looking out for those less fortunate than us. This is our thanks.” She would hand over the food. The deacon nods graciously. Moving along she would walk away from him with Morio. “Apologies, Morio. I didn’t mean to overstep and add you to that without first talking to you. I just didn’t want the church looking at you in any way.” She was sincere in her apology. Though Hekate found the entire situation blasphemous as she snarled within Hotaru’s head, giving her a mild headache from which she winced from. 

Then she would notice another face. Pointing over to the man. “Is that…Yamato Sensei? I wonder why he’s here.” She would look to her friend and gesture for him to follow as they walked up to their Sensei. His greeting was warm. “Apologies, I have been busy with studies and such. My mother prioritize it over my actual duties. What are you doing here?” She would ask, quite curious. 

In the midst of their conversation a raven flew near them and dropped off a letter to each of them. Hotaru would open her letter and notice it was another mission. “Another one? Your society must hate you, or find you most reliable.” Hekate said. No one could hear her, unless no one was of another plane such as her’s. Hotaru would look to the other’s, wondering if they got the same mission. “Don’t tell me…archives?” She asked. 

[WC: 791]
[TWC: 1800/1334] [500 + 834 for Hotaru] [833 for Morio and Yamato to complete.]
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Last Tower

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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Enough is Enough!  Empty Re: Enough is Enough!

Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:30 pm
"Oh damn I am sorry," a small sound would escape from his lips as he slid his hands back into his pockets and walked over to be within hearing range," Hate to hear that you have to go through all of that again. Bright side is that they should be paying you for the waste of time it might have been huh? As for me I thought I would get out of the forge for a bit. I've been hammering out something new but the design will take some time and I need a breather," it was the honest truth, but as he spoke he could see the floating eye behind him. Watching. Judging. Not paying the eye any mind he would return his gaze back to Hotaru who had asked him another question," Hm? Oh I have been working on both my weaponry and my hand at space and time manipulation. I wouldn't stay stronger, but I have a better grasp over the basics...Know what we can say stronger then," he would let out a small chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck in slight embarrassment. He would walk alongside her as she went to finish her initial task that he had side tracked her from, his eyes looking at the line and waiting until they had arrived to the front. Watching the display he would pull out his right hand he would wave it dismissively to calm the notion down," I would have honestly preferred you do that then the Deacon silently judging me. You saved me a lot of headache so i'm not even mad at it...How's Hekate doing for you?," he'd ask in passing since it was apart of their previous conversation.

Seeing Yamato he would offer the male a wave and chuckle," Almost as if he was trailing us or something...How have you been Yamato?," he would say as he waited for the response. Seeing as a mission was dropped to Hotaru he would wait for her to say what it was," So tell the class what we got."

346 Wc
TWC: 701

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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Enough is Enough!  Empty Re: Enough is Enough!

Mon Dec 27, 2021 5:16 pm
Hotaru was the first to speak as she asked and apologized for lacking hier training as she asked what he was doing there.  With her was Morio, looking a little different, and a deacon of course that looked like they knew…too much, but then again it could just be his eyes.  Morio of course called him by Yamato and did not give him the honorific sensei…making Yamato chuckle a bit.  “It is good to see you both indeed, and I am here to deliver some blankets as a part of the humanitarian efforts of Hoshigakure.”  He then opened his mouth to say more, but a raven flew by and dropped a message for each of the shinobi.  The deacon then spoke aloud, likely in response to the sudden delivery and not anything else…which was of course the case.  Saying then that this organization valued someone…which was in regards to Hotaru more than he or Morio.  “Interesting…”  He said as he eyed the deacon over at the main area of the churchfor a moment, choosing to not take an account of the eyes that followed the raven...for now.  Opening the message he read quietly…really he had to go from a charity to filing for the archives.  He put the message away and looked at the two members of Team Winter.  “This…well the boss seems to think that we are at least good, hardworking individuals of note…I hope that is a good thing.”  He said as he was not overly fond of this mission they were given, but he was also not the one in charge on this one so he was going to leave it in the hands of Hotaru and he would sit back and observe for the time being.

“Well it seems as though my time here has come to an end due to a request to get a job done before I go back to help the cloth merchant.  Morio. Hotaru, I bid you both a good day.  Remember to train your bodies as well as your spirit as I assume that is what you are both doing here.”  He said as he dismissed himself, knowingly giving each of them a casual look that meant that he would meet back up with them later.  

Once he was away from the church he worked his way to the archives, he was still dressed casually, but in his pocket he did have the Hoshigakure headband and waited till he knew there was nobody from the church near him before putting it on his head, the manipulation fabric he used to make his clothes and the important pieces of clothing, he changed his upper body clothing so that he could at least have a different look and would not be identified if anyone was close by.  Once he made it to the gates, he leaned against the bars and waited for the other two to arrive.  He could have gone in for sure, but he did not need to, and the shinobi on guard duty just looked at him coldly, but made no attempts to stop him as he was not causing any sort of annoyance or trouble.

Hotaru Shinkou
Hotaru Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Heiress of the Shade
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Enough is Enough!  Empty Re: Enough is Enough!

Mon Dec 27, 2021 7:27 pm
She found herself smiling at his stumbling over his own words. It was refreshing to see this side of Morio. “So you’ve been at the forge tirelessly then? I can only imagine how that is. I’m not familiar with the forge myself, but I’ve always been curious to learn. I look forward to see the design of your work when it’s complete.” She would then hear the inquiry of Hekate. This made her feel…warm in a way. He cared? Morio may not know this, but he was beginning to show traits of someone she once knew. 

Hekate has been more active as of late. She’s manifesting more and her silhouette is depicting much more than just a figure. There is something more to her.” She can then see that silhouette forming from the left of her eye. She glanced at it for a moment before turning her attention back to him. “She is more talkative as well, she has a clear issue with the church. Something about ‘false gods and false sense of purpose.’ If you were to ask me what that all meant, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to answer that question. Not yet. But thank you for asking about her. How’s Cassian?” She asked tenderly, remember what she could about the conversation with Cassian as the topic. 

It would seem that Yamato was there to give his offerings to the church. But the moment they all linked up they would have to part ways as the ravens gave them the letters. Yamato was quite hasty in his departure and she wondered if it had something to do with his separate letter. She would nod at his departing words. She intended to do just that. 

She would look to Morio. “Looks like you and I are going to pay a visit to the Archives, Morio. They’ve recently had a expansion and need some organizing of their scrolls. I hope you don’t mind the company.” She would put away her letter and begin heading towards the building. Hopefully with Morio at her side. It would don on her that she never once visited this place, the archives. “Morio, have you ever been to the Yuki Archives? I personally have not, myself. Never had the reason to.” She would listen to his response as they arrived to the front entrance. They were met by a man in a scholar uniform. “You must be two of the many assigned to help out here. Welcome. Please help yourself into the building and following the arrows that will lead you to the room in which needs organizing.” He was quite quick at the mouth. Didn’t give them a chance to speak. But she would look to her friend and shrug as she entered the facility and followed the arrows. 

Once they were at the room she would look around. From the looks of things, there were more than room that needed it. Two to be precise. They so happened to take the one that did not have Yamato within it. “I guess I’ll start on that end and you can start on the other?” She would move out and begin her part. As she did some sorting and some placing she would look at one of the charts where the scrolls are listed alphabetically and she would notice something off. “Hm. Morio, may I barrow your eyes for a moment?” She would show him the chart and her expression would be fixed with puzzlement. “Am I wrong, or are we mission some scrolls? And each one seem to be rather important.” She would state. 

Turning to the shelf of which she organized her work there were some holes. She made sure to do each one alphabetical correct and yet she was still showing gaps and now she had more questions than she cared for. This was…concerning. 

[WC: 643]
[TWC: 2,443/1,334]

Mission Claims:
6,500 ryo
300 ryo bonus 
33 AP

Stats: 24
Vigor: 74 -> 88
Speed: 49 -> 63

Will make Jutsu claims later
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Last Tower

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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Enough is Enough!  Empty Re: Enough is Enough!

Mon Dec 27, 2021 8:04 pm
"Long hours and a lot of work, but its satisfying to see the finished result. You still haven't stopped by the forge by the way. So if you are wanting that first hand experience. I'm not the best when it comes to teaching but I was shown different techniques by the best in the village and he thinks I might have some potential at teaching...or he might be going senile," he could never forget the teachings of Mercurio and it was surprising that he had not gone to see the elder smith in quite a while. He was due a visit after all. He would make sure to show her the blade he had been making, its first debut would be soon but for now it would slumber in the forge for now. Hearing that Hekate was showing more of itself to Hotaru could only mean a few things, though what those things were...had yet to be seen," It seems you are evolving to a point in where she is showing herself more and more but one has to wonder causing the rapid evolution in her showing. As for Cassian? Still a floating eyeball though he spoke for the first time in a while...and did something to the blade I was forging. Whatever Cassian is...whatever it knows something is happening and I am both curious and a little concerned about what is to come next. Whatever happens though I am going to see it through," he was still thinking on the words of Cassian, but for now he would let those slip into the recesses of his mind for now.

As the two walked toward the archives he would shake his head, both hands going back into his jacket as he looked onward," Can't say that I have. Not that it hasn't interested me, but it feels as if it has no place for an outsider such as myself. Whatever is in there though...i'm curious you can say," he would leave it at that unless asked a little more but as the two walked in he would begin on his section and idly push books and scrolls where they needed to go. On his end he didn't see anything but when Hotaru called him over he would blink idly at the scroll and then to the areas," Hmm...Either someone has borrowed these or they have just poofed into obscurity. Who knew there would be a mystery in the archives," a small chuckle escaped his lips as he waited to for a response from Hotaru and then after that? A search.

431 WC
TWC: 1132
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Enough is Enough!  Empty Re: Enough is Enough!

Tue Dec 28, 2021 12:06 pm
When the two shinobi did not meet him at the gates Yamato sighed and turned to head in without giving it much thought.  “Sometimes it is best to not get between those that are somewhat connected.”  He said with a smirk before heading inside to see about completing the job given by raven.  With his hands in his pockets he was guided to the rooms…yes plural…and he was given one to go through and redo.  “Well, it is like patrol duty I guess…just gotta pay my dues like anyone else.”  He said as he walked into one of the rooms without much more to say.

It was nearly an hour later as the shinobi took his time putting things away he was beginning to notice there were files missing.  A noise from next door finally brought to his attention that the other two had finally arrived, but there was something amiss.  He was going to go and find out after taking notes of exactly what was gone.  After a half hour he finished and found there were a grand total of about six files total that were missing.  He stepped out and went to find the attendant that let him into the room so he could ask a few questions.


5,500 Ryo

Using WC to finish my training on Great Fireball

Proof of previous training
Discarding the remaining 62 Words to charity

Last edited by Shinrei Yamato on Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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