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Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit] Empty Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit]

Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:11 am
The Laughing Monk has not had much time in port. Immediately after its return from Tea, it has been prepared for another excursion to the Land of Fire, one that Murata now prepares to board. Gael Uchiha had been promised a place in the retinue, but an unfortunate scheduling conflict means that he may have to join up with them at a later time - hopefully soon, as Murata intends to travel briskly. She has heard word that some members of the village would like her to purchase rare materials while she is in Konohagakure, so she lingers at the gates for now, giving them some time to find her and make such requests.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit] Empty Re: Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit]

Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:28 am
When preparing for a long trip, it is imperative that one ensures that all members of their traveling party are well prepared for the trip. When murata approached the gate, it would be a lucky coincidence that it was Sayas day for gate duty. A lucky coincidence that seemed to reoccur every time someone tried to come in and out of the gate. Ok, it was a bit wierd that people only really showed up at the gates when Saya was about, but it wasn't a negative experience, so it wasn't really something she'd given much thought to. Dressed in the regalia of the otter brook clan, Thick rich leathers that appeared like torso armor, but for the sake of not having to apply an armor that would be useless was not actually torso armor wrapped tightly across her chest, flowing into a long black and grey skirt.

Her hair was pulled back into a thick mesh of braids adorned with carved runestone beads and various animal bones, keen eyes glanced about to find any trouble up to the point that the Mizukage appeared, and as usual Saya was accompanied by her team: PupAIT, the Coach puppet, Freyja, SayaAI, and Ai--wait. It wasn't usual for the two sisters to be seen together like this--or at least the real version of the two sisters. Of course they always traveled in pairs with their puppet counterparts, but having all four girls who looked exactly the same in one place was an oddity.

"HEY SUGI!!!!"

"Lady murata"

"Lady Mizukage"

five voices echoed differently in the cool air, Saya excited to see her new friend as both Ai's and the Saya puppet corrected her more casually, and Freyja offered a more formal correction. It wasn't unlike the small girl to forget formality. She loathed it so, but still it was important for her to remember that this was a person of import, and so the entirety of the huge group gave Saya a look of frusteration when she made the choice to call her by the first name offered before they realized they were talking directly to the Mizukage that day.

Saya was excited beyond belief at the potential for her to pick up the fabeled senju wood. She'd read in "puppet weekly" that it was all the rage as a fashion accessory, both for small detail work as well as jewelry and even hand bags. THe more she considered the potential, the more She shifted about in the small seat provided at her post with excitement. Despite being a senju herself, She never actually thought she'd get the opportunity to buy some, and here they were--with Murata offering to kart a load of cash over to the Hokage building and place a mass order. It was like the services she used to get puppet parts before creating her own wood, or clothing for her own sewing endeavors, but even better because she was certain there was no chance of delayed shipping or the item coming in broken or incorrect.

(TWC 506)
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 44250

Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit] Empty Re: Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit]

Mon Dec 13, 2021 1:55 am
Word had come out that Murata had come back from the Land of Tea safely. She was there for a Kage Summit with some of the other great nations. Their reason for the summit was unknown as well as the outcome. Ban had been worried for her friends safety on this trip due to her suspicions of the other nations. Ban was raised with the idea that the other nations weren’t to be trusted and a Kage was more of a show of strength. Of course this was only what she was told to her by her parents who had no experience with a real kage summit. But who could blame them? The kage summit happened behind closed doors. Very few knew the truth behind what went on.

Even though Murata had just come back, there was more word that she was planning on leaving again. It spread through some shinobi that were told because she offered to get them some material only found in Kono. The Hozuki thought maybe she’d put in a request, since it would be rare for her to get another chance. However, Ban figured that she would request something better.

The Hozuki reached the ports where the Laughing Monk was dock. Ban admired the beauty of the ship for a moment as it was a very fine ship. As to be expected from a ship of the Mizukage. Saya, her clone Ai and their puppets were already greeting Lady Murata when Ban arrived. Ban had come with all where ninja equipment (excluding the tight sight). On her back she wore her Odachi and in her hand Ban held her new Maul. 

“Morning,” Ban greeted Saya and her group with a gentle bow. She turned to Murata with a smirk. “It’s good that you kept your promise. Sounds like the Kage summit was enertaining. I’ve come this time to join you to Kono.” She swung her maul over her shoulder with confidence, holding the large metal hammer behind her. 

Wc: 333
Goro Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit] Empty Re: Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit]

Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:06 pm
Goro was hesitant to bother Murata when she was about to leave the village- generally, the prissy advisor dudes didn’t seem to care for him much at all. He found her surrounded by people- well, four people, anyway. He didn’t have much need for rare materials or whatever, but he at least wanted to see Murata off before she left. He didn’t get the opportunity at the Kage summit, after all.

He held back a bit, awkwardly. Normally, he was exuberant, but with larger crowds it became harder to make his voice heard, and it was easier to just not talk at all than not be heard.

After a few moments of mental preparation, he shuffled forward and pressed a folded piece of notebook paper into her hands. Should she open it and successfully be able to decipher his barely legible handwriting, she’d find a simple letter.

“Good luck in Konoha! I didn’t get to say bye before the kage summit so im writing this thing now.

What kind of food do you think samehada likes? Whenever i get close it just sorta hisses at me so ive tried tossing princess’s snausages in its direction. Idk if they get eaten though

Can I have:
-sakura melon pan (theyre a thing in konoha i think? Thats what the lab dudes say and ones a sarutobi so he’d probably know)
-mikan gummies (do they actually have weird oranges there?)
-matcha candy drops
-muscat sour candy (i know we have these at home but i wanna see if theyre different)

Thank you! Any cool books are also appreciated.

from Goro”

Once the letter was in hand, Goro would awkwardly shuffle out of the crowd assuming nobody would interrupt him. He’d remain behind for a bit to see if there was any last minute activity before leaving with little fanfare.

(Potential Exit)
[WC: 306]

Claiming: +3 stats into speed
+306 words into Basic Sealing, putting it at 371/500. Previous wc here and here
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Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit] Empty Re: Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit]

Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:47 pm
"I've got a whole farewell party today," Murata says brightly, delighted at everybody who's come to greet her farewell. The sight of her eyes, now piercing yellow, will be a surprise to everybody present. It seems like her departure to the Summit had been quiet enough that everyone was loathe to let her slip away again without some words. The sight of their parts' premier puppet princess brings her to an obvious conclusion. "I imagine you need some things picked up, Saya?"

At the sight of Ban, she snorts, punching the woman gently on the shoulder. Her confident assertion that she is simply coming along doesn't elicit any resistance - Murata is happy for the company, especially since it seems Gael will be late joining them. "Told you I'd be coming back. Get on board, I'll follow you in a second."

Goro's chakra signature lingers at the edges of her perception, and she seeks out the boy with her eyes, lifting her chin towards him to invite him to say his farewells for the moment. Instead, he just presses a piece of paper into her hands, and Murata's own farewell consists of a warm smile to her 'younger brother'. As Saya presumably continues to speak, she unfolds the piece of paper, working on puzzling out Goro's handwriting all the while.

After getting Saya's requests and presumably the funds to procure them, she bids the puppet team farewell and heads to join Ban on the Laughing Monk. With luck, their journey will be swift and painless.

TWC 367
training 6 AP

Exit to Island Country Borders, giving myself and Ban permission to exit and passage thru Storm Barrier
Claiming whatever ryo Saya gives for shopping purposes
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit] Empty Re: Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit]

Tue Dec 14, 2021 12:05 am
There really was a whole farewell party. For a moment, on hearing the girl she believed to be ban through stories she'd heard weeks ago she considered the importance of the mizukage having a group for whatever she was doing in Konoha. THis could be an excellent opportunity for the puppet princess to show how much she's grown in the past week and get some praise and responsibility form the leader of the village! It was for this last reason that she would never consider offering herself as a traveling companion. Imagine: someone working hard just to get extra boring work. Couldn't be Saya.

"Yep! I mean. I happen to be the one on gate duty today so it's also a convenient coincidence BUT I mean. If you're going to konoha anyway I have one or two things i'd love if youd pick up for me? " She turned to the coach puppet, who weld a sign at face level that read 'is it time to get the stuff?" on it. How did he even have time to make all of these very specific signs?! It didn't matter. The answer was clear the moment she approached, popping open the hidden hatch between his shoulder blades. It took both girls and two additional puppets to hoist the large bag from within the coach puppet. It was a burlap sack with green dollar signs painted on the front and back, which she had to have taken time to either craft or specifically order form somewhere just for this exchange. For Saya, it was the little things that mattered most. She offered the bag to the Mizukage with a note detailing the list of items she needed. In an attempt to make it seem more expansive that it actually was, so the large money bag seemed a little less rediculous, she'd taken the time to write the single item down fourteen times. Below the list of repetetive ingredients was a total line which read '14 senju wood please and thank you! Will give you some extra cash when you get back with them'. If Murata checked the bag of coin, she'd fine two hundred and ten thousand ryo within, plus exactly four otter stickers to place on whatever she might want to jazz up at a later date.

With the exchange done and both Saya and Ai's pockets significantly lighter she would get onto her more direct duties. WHile she didn't feel any need to check murata's id--she knew exactly who she was, She would stop Ban just long enough to check her ninja ID and confirm her exit, ideally getting confirmation that she was in fact the girl in the bar that night as she did. WIth everything checking out she'd give the all clear for their exit, wishing them well on their trip before returning to the small seat inside the guard tower. She wasn't sure if it was a boon or curse that today was such a quiet day, but the gathering to see of the village leader definitely made it a bit more exciting.

(TWC 1022

-137800 ryo from saya (new total is 0)
-65400 ryo from Ai (new total 0)
-6800 from pinochio (given off screen and totally not secretly taken from his sock drawer new total 36800)

putting 1022 towards great pacifist (1022/3750)

letting the pair out of the village without having to wait 2 days, exit myself of course! )
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 44250

Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit] Empty Re: Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit]

Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:52 am
After getting permission from Murata to join her and Saya’s permission to leave, Ban would travel out to the docks and board the Laughing Monk. It was good to get back out onto open waters. It made her miss traveling with the Valkyrie.

Claiming village exit towards Kono
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit] Empty Re: Leaf in the Wind [Village Exit]

Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:36 pm
Approved at all
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