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Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 145700

You want me to find what? Empty You want me to find what?

Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:22 pm
This mission

Continuing with his recent string of missions Ty was starting to actually feel like a productive member of society. His job this day was an incredibly simple one. He had to help an elderly person set up for a dinner party. There was a religious holiday coming up and even though he himself didn't celebrate those holidays he would be happy to help someone else who does. Besides, helping older people was his specialty ever since his father's injury. 

"Let's see here...Margaret, a woman in her 80s. Sounds about right." He would say looking over the request papers. He would head straight there and see what she needed him to gather. Her house was close to the center of the village. Ty figured the woman must be pretty affluent to live in a nice area like that. Upon arriving his suspicions were confirmed. The house was quite large with a well kept grass lawn. Somewhat of an uncommon site in the desert of Haven. He went inside and was greeted by a butler of sorts. The man was really well dressed and handed Ty a shopping list for what they needed. He tried to think of a reason for why a rich religious woman would hire a ninja instead of using her own workers, but thinking wasn't what he got paid to do. He would just need to get to it.

Heading into the market the young ninja would run down the list. It looked like the ingredients were fairly standard, except for one. There was a picture of an odd fruit that the recipe required. It was unlike anything Typhon had seen before. A red fruit with sharp swirls all over the skin. He would need to ask around and see if anyone around here knew what it was. 

(WC 300)
Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
Survived 2021
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 145700

You want me to find what? Empty Re: You want me to find what?

Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:09 pm
It took Typhon a good while to find even the name of the missing fruit the dish needed. Even then it seemed like there was no place he could find one. He considered going back without it but that left a bad taste in his mouth. It would feel like he didn't really succeed in the mission. He would press on and keep searching. Hoshi was full of stores and stalls filled to the brim with exotic goods. If he searched hard enough there would have to be at least one place. Otherwise why would they send him out to find it?

He searched until the sun began to set. It was getting late and he needed to get back quick. There was only one place left he had to search. A back alley market that some kind man recommended as he asked around. It was his last hope of completing the job well. He stepped through the cobbled alleyway and walked into a dimly lit shop. There was a large bearded man and shelves with several odd looking fruits. Some were triangle shaped while others had bright colors and patterns. It was a shock to the young man who'd never seen or heard of any of the fruits he saw. He asked the shop owner for the fruit he needed and was pointed towards a shelf by the door. There sat a single red swirly fruit that looked to match the description.

The shop owner laughed strangely as Ty purchased the fruit but he didn't care at this point. He needed to rush back and make the delivery. Running at a full sprint he made his way back to the nice house the woman Margaret lived in. It took him a few minutes and he was severely winded at the door, but when he knocked the butler looked pleased. He smiled a little awkwardly and thanked Typhon. 

As Ty walked away the butler shouted out, "Good work today. We may see you again soon."

It wasn't that weird to hear after a mission but something felt a little off about the whole job. He wasn't sure what to think. Either way it was a mission complete and he would make some okay money on the day. It was kind of nice receiving lots of mission requests. The young shinobi was starting to feel much more confident in his abilities.

(WC 400)
(TWC 700)

+1000 ryo mission reward
+5 mission AP
Claiming +5 speed
+2 chakra

500 words to learn Biohazard breath (D)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

You want me to find what? Empty Re: You want me to find what?

Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:27 pm
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