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Senshi Sotenki
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:22 pm
Ash stood by Toshiro while Zunair explained the situation. While he knew the village was low on shinobi he didn’t know that they needed them to pull what basically amounted to a triple shift. Pulling out another cigarette Ash lite it and took a deep puff releasing it into the air above everyone's head. “Well might as well get started then” he would tell the other two. Debating with himself on where to start, Zunair had made a good recommendation with running through the inner and outer rings first. Since they were mostly clear with being so well traveled by shinobi and guards alike. Which would leave the outskirts and the slums for last, when it was starting to get dark. Making that more difficult, since they would be more likely to be attack at that point. However, the same could be said to the people that would be attacking them. Since they would be able to move around must easier as the sun went down. 

“That sounds like a plan to me, Zunair. You want to take the lead and get us to the first patrol” Ash would ask.

WC-190 TWC-999
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:00 am
The path was finally decided and honestly Toshi was okay with what was going to happen. The patrol gave the three a first hand look at how the village was as far as the people. Many had been misplaced and even lost after the subjugation of Kiri and because of that it brought crime back into the village as a while. With that this patrol could also help them find key points to stop and slowly curb the crime, with the village back on the path of becoming stronger there was no need for anyone to do that...not that there ever was to begin with. He would follow whoever would lead them to the destination of their first patrol, opting to stay silent until they had arrived. During their trek to the outer areas he did pay close attention to their surroundings and more so to the people that were around them. It was always nice to people watch and see how the civilians and people off-duty behaved themselves. It was no surprise that many were happier now that Konoha was on the precipice of becoming whole again, and from the sounds of things it could only get better from here. Being a shinobi at this critical point was important because that had also instilled a sense of pride and protection for some. To see the small becoming larger meant that Konoha would once again be the force that they once were, but only one step at a time.

When the three arrived to the mission area, Toshi would do a quick lookover of their general area before pulling out another small booklet and his pen," Nothing out of the ordinary so far but its nice to see things are becoming back to normal slowly...if there ever was a normal to begin with here. So how would you two like to address this?," he'd ask as he dated his observation and looked over to them. He wasn't too picky with how this would pan out, but more so he wanted to assure that they got the full effect of patrolling and also also that they made sure the missions was fully completed. If they were going to stay as a group and walk around he would not object, just the same as he would not object if they had to split up just for this one. Being one of the more safer areas he didn't particularly worry about being attacked or ganged up on, but seeing things from another's perspective while they patrolled was also nice as well. For the moment he would wait for a decision to be made and move with the flow.

445 WC
TWC 1528
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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Ryo : 216000

String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:41 am
"Uh, I suppose I can," Zunair smiled towards Ash, he didn't really think he would be leading the group but he guessed he could do it. Shaking his head, and nodding for them to follow, Zunair would head into the residential areas of the village with Ash and Toshiro would be following him. The mint-eyed Hyuuga rested his hands behind his back as he walked and his long hair flowed in the wind. Patrolling through the residential area, the air was chilly with the sun resting at what seemed one o'clock'. He watched as people were walking down streets, they seem almost happy now that the leaf was being rebuilt. People were laughing, smiling, seemingly having a feel-good attitude towards them. "Doesn't this feel good that people seem to be happy, rather than depressed like they used to be," Zunair asked the duo trying to break the silence between the trio?

As they ended on the edge of the residential area, he watched as Toshiro take out a booklet and started writing things down, must be the reports on their patrolling. That's when he heard the lavender-eyed male speak, and how he wanted them to address it. "Well, everything is calm here in the residential area with the minor rebuilding of the homes, so I can say we can check this one off the list and most likely head to the outskirts of the village and hopefully make it to the slums before nightfall." Whether what they say, he would start leading them towards the outskirts.

"So, what do you guys think about our missions today," he asked them? Wondering if they have the same thoughts about the mission as he does. Zunair sighed as he looked towards the sky as he saw the blue sky starting to get darker. Were they walking that slow or was it just his imagination. He just hoped nothing happened at dark, but if it did, he knew he could handle himself but he wasn't for sure about the other two because he doesn't really know them. Well, maybe he could get to know them but he didn't really like asking almost intimate questions. Maybe he could ask them a simpler question.

"So, um...what do you guys like to do," he asked them, as his face almost turned to blush rather than his normal stoic look. He was definitely shy, but he could hide will by trying to act stern, but asking someone about themselves seems almost foreign to him. Rather than they answer, he noticed that they were approaching the outskirts. After this patrol, only one more for them.

[TWC: 1,755]
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:04 pm
Ash followed and kept looking around to see what people were doing while they patrolled through the inner districts. He could notice a huge difference in the people since when he first came through here just  a few months ago when Jax had brought him back to the village. Ash noticed that the streets were cleaner and there were not so many shady figures in the ally’s. Showing that all the work they had been putting in was for something, as the people looked happy. With the ending of their patrol through the residential’s, it was time to move on to a more dangers area. The outskirts of the village was still filled with most of the unsavory type people that had been kicked out of the inner and outer districts. 

While walking, Zunair asked the group what they liked doing. Ash, unsure on if he meant shinobi wise or just in general, decided to answer both. “Well I like drinking, smoking, and reading when I'm not training, but as far as shinobi arts. I tend to lean more into weaponry and combining it with my ninjutsu” Ash would answer. 

With their conversation coming to an end and the group learning a bit more about each other. It appeared that they were coming up on the outskirts of the village. “I say we travel in a V pattern with Zunair at point with his byakugan allowing him to cover us while Toshiro and me cover you from the rooftops. It should allow for a solid visual on everything while also watching out for attacks from our flanks” Ash would offer up as a suggestion. His tone letting them know that he was open for suggestions as well, if anyone had a better idea.

WC-293 TWC-1292
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Fri Dec 03, 2021 10:02 am
"It certainly does. Its better for morale and better for the people to feel that way. It means people are less likely to defect from the village and put more into keeping it together. A likely success thanks to our Hokage. Hopefully we can maintain our home as such for the foreseeable future," he'd answer honestly to Zunair's question. Toshi believed that this was the era of peace that the village needed to get itself back together and back on its feet.. After being dealt blow after blow it was good to finally be able to see that the village could have the potential to do better, but it was up to all of them to continue to the trend and keep the village up and running. The first area they patrolled went without a hitch and everything seemed okay. While they were there Toshiro did manage to get a chance to speak with those that lived there, just getting their opinions and taste for the current climate in Konoha. It seemed people were happy with the change and hoped that it could remain this way for years to come. Sliding his booklet back into the dark recesses of his hoodie, he would walk to the left of the group looking around as the sky began to change and so too did their surroundings. He didn't feel as if they had been doing this all day, but with the amount of missions that they had taken it would lead to the day going by pretty fast. As day became night, the three continued walking until they found themselves conversing with one another. Upon asking what did they like to do, Toshi would let Ash go first before speaking," I like reading and spending my time learning about the past and the knowledge of the world. Some would call me a walking library because of the amount of books and knowledge I have up here...Other than that I like being around natures and my families cats," he didn't have much else to say on the matter though his likes were pretty streamlined.

When they arrived, Ash had recommended a beautiful idea that would help cover any blind spots," You know that's not a bad idea. With the Byakugan you could cover the general area below while we can look for anything above. Given the closeness of each building we should be able to keep a tight formation and get through this without any injury or fail. Very tactical...very clean. Good thinking," Toshi would say before realizing that he may have given more praise than he usually did. Feeling no reason to take it back he would wait for any objections before taking the left side, applying a modest amount of chakra into his feet before walking up the buildings side and hopping up onto the top. From there he would wait for Ash to take their position on the right and once everyone had been ready he would move with them looking around the general area in a left to right arc motion to make sure he could provide the best coverage.

521 WC
TWC: 2049
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Fri Dec 03, 2021 11:34 am
"Yes, I do believe our Hokage has really brought together peace and sanctuary to the village now, since we are now beginning to prosper," Zunair agreed with Toshiro as they then started to both explain what they like. Toshiro, the white-haired nin, seems like a smart person from the way he detailed what he liked, Zunair was sure they will get along just fine. Now to the mysterious Ash, he seems to be like the typical men: drinking, smoking, training. Maybe they can train together or whatnot. "I have yet to experience the luxuries of drinking, but I would like to try one day," Zunair stated as they moved down the street.

That's when Ash came up with the plan to move in a V-like manner and the Hyuuga uses his Byakugan to scan the ground. It is better for him to use it anyway as the day became night as the sun now hid behind the rocky mountain above them. "Alright sounds good," Zunair said as he then activated his Byakugan. The world instantly became black and white as he gained his 360-vision and widened his visual reach. He could see chakra flow from all the people he passed and even those indoors. Street lamps came on, giving the outskirts an almost eery look to them. As he continued down the road, all seemed quiet now and nothing going. Except the seeming silence was interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream. The noise snapped Zunair out of his trance as his vision hasted around the area and then focused. That's when he saw a body lying in the back alleyway, chakra depleting from their body.

Zunair rushed to the back alleyway and saw an already dead body of a man and then a woman with a stab wound to her stomach. Rushing into immediate acting, Zunair saw her breathing was getting shallow. "Just hang in there ma'am," he said as performed the hand signs Snake > Ox > Tiger > Ram > Rat then his hands started to glow bright green color as he placed his hands above her stab wound, sending chakra at an accelerated rate to heal her wound. Zunair then scanned the area and saw who must be the culprit jumping from roof to roof.

"I see who done this," he said as his head was tilted up to the sky watching the person get further and further. "You guy's need to track them down, and once I get her healed and to safety, I will join up with you," Zunair said hopefully no one was gonna argue with him. Well, maybe we shouldn't send the white-haired nin since he was nervous about helping with the trees. Maybe he should get this woman to safety.

"Well, Toshiro, how about you get this woman to the hospital or find someone to take her. Ash and I will go after this murderer, and you can join back up and help if we need the backup," Zunair said as the wound closed on the woman and her breathing returned seemingly to normal. Let's him take her if that's what he wants to do. The person almost out of Zunair's vision, he proceeded to jump on top of the roofing and hunt down this person. Hopefully, Ash would follow and Toshiro would get the woman to safety.

[TWC: 2,306]

Current Health Bar: 300
Vigor: 100
Chakra: 100
Speed: 75
Strength: 25
AP: 1,245
Mystical Palm -40
Byakugan -5
Total AP: 1,200
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Sat Dec 04, 2021 9:22 am
The trio walked down the path talking, chatting with each other as they headed towards their next destination. “Maybe one day soon we can go and get a drink” Ash would tell Zunair as apparently he had never had a drink before. The mood suddenly shifting however as the group started to walk in the shade of the mountain as the sun fell behind it. The trio closing in on the outskirts now, and there was a clear change in the feel of the village. While the inner and outer rings of the central village were happy and cheerful. The outskirts were nothing like that, being dark and moody to the point that you could almost smell and taste the death and destruction of the area. 

Once they got to the outskirts, Ash was able to see that even the buildings were shells of their former selves. Several having holes in the walls and windows knocked out. It was definitely a point that they needed to work more on this section of the village. With the trio agreeing to Ash’s plan, both Toshiro and Ash got up on the top of the buildings on each side of the road. While Zunair walked down the street with his byakugan active. Ash’s head would be on a swivel as he paid close attention to every movement, as well as trying to keep an eye out for both Zunair and Toshiro. Since they didn’t know the capabilities of anyone within this area of the village. It was quite possible that there could be an ambush or someone using some kind of ninjutsu to catch them off guard. 

They were about halfway through their patrol and everything had been going well. When Ash caught the scent of blood. It was thick in the air, and he could tell that someone or something had bled out recently and nearby. When Zunair yelled out that there were a couple bodies. Ash on the opposite side of the streets jumped down and ran over to Zunair, who had moved to the bodies. There was blood everywhere as men laying there were clearly dead having his throat slit open from ear to ear and blood sprayed over the wall while the women were still breathing at least. Zunair quickly made some hand seals and started to heal up the wounds. While it would probably save her life, Ash didn’t know if Zunair had the skills required to heal a wound like that. 

Snapped out of detective mode by Zunair, telling them that he saw the man running away. Ash turned in the direction that Zunair pointed and took off. Hoping that one of them would be following as well. Seeing how they didn’t need but one of them to stay with the women. It wasn’t long before Ash found the trail of drops of fresh blood covering the roofs. It seemed that the man got hit by a good chunk of the women's blood. Ash would follow the man, gaining ground as they ran till the man went to jump from one roof to the next only to hit a weak spot in the siding of the building and fall. Catching himself and pulling himself up, that wasted several critical seconds for the man, as Ash and whoever was following with him would be able to catch up. 

Ash would dive from the building that they were on, across as the man climbed back to the roof. Soaring through the air his arms stretched out he would spear the guy in the back slamming him into the ground. Knocking the air out of the man before rolling over and pulling a kunai out of his weapon pouch.

WC-619 TWC-1911
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Mon Dec 06, 2021 4:52 pm
This area had truly been something. He looked around from the top and he found himself wondering how things got so bad here. Most areas have been worked on and seen improvement, but looked like it was neglected. Pulling out his booklet he would quickly write down his dissertation of the area to pass up to his brother and from there the Hokage himself. If the entire village was going to heal then so too should this area as well, and for this to happen someone needed to say something. He was quick with his writing making sure to be concise with what he wanted to convey before putting the book up and sighing," Seeing the state of this area only means that we have failed a certain part of our home...i will make sure the Hokage is aware of this so that we can heal this area and show them that we care about them as well....This is almost a little irritating," though this was said to himself under his breath, luckily it was something that could be fixed going forward. Moving back to the patrolling he would continue looking from his area to see a few dots moving around. At first he had thought this to be some of the denizens of this part of Konoha until Zunair had called out to them. Realizing that something had happened, Toshi began to move quickly to Zunair's location and once he was above him? Toshi would slide down the side of the building still maintaining his surface walking until he had reached the ally. He could smell the copper in the area, that smell that could only come from an overabundance of blood...Someone had been hurt.

Looking over he could see Zunair doing some basic healing though the culprits were getting away. Ash had already started pursuing the ones that had ran off, and Toshiro was assigned a critical task: getting this woman to the hospital. He understood the assign me and carefully he would kindly and slowly scoop the woman up and nod before taking off into the street. Her condition thanks to Zunair was stable, but she was in and out of conscience which was at the moment either good or bad. Scanning his surroundings he would begin to calculate the distance between where he had been and the hospital so he could change his course of action if needed," Hospital is currently fifty meters north by northwest of me. If i keep on this current path i can make it there in roughly ten minutes, but...if i were to alter my path to go through the west instead of north I could cut that time down and get you there quickly for treatment...We can do this Toshi," he made it up in his mind he was going to make sure she was gotten there quickly. His tiny feet ran their hardest as he made a sharp turn, making sure he had a good grip on her as he altered his course and continued onward, taking to the rooftops to avoid the nightly traffic. Sure enough he made it there within the time that he figured out, explaining the situation to the nurse and doctor he had seen first before heading back out. He remembered the path he took to get here and now that he wasn't encumbered by the weight of another he could take off full speed.

Taking off onto the rooftops he would begin to move with swiftness to try and find the others as quickly as he could. With their paths unknown he would stick to the rooftops making it apparent he was there so the others could flag him down and bring him over...hopefully they had caught the culprit already.

628 WC
TWC: 2677
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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Ryo : 216000

String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Tue Dec 07, 2021 1:55 pm
Zunair watched as the silver-haired nin listened to him and took the girl to safety; however, the Hyuuga's eyes then followed Ash as he was in pursuit of the culprit with Zunair following suit. The mint-eyed genin watched as Ash slammed the man into the ground and pull out a kunai. Zunair smiled triumphantly as it seemed that Ash had apprehended the man; however, soon horror came to Zunair's eyes as he realized they were now in the slums, the sky was black with no moon to give a little light. In the slums, Zunair had no idea how people could live in such a disgusting way, he could never. He wondered how people ended up here. Actually, he wondered why Konoha had slums anyway, they should burn down the slums and rebuild houses that are actually stable. On the contrary, they probably could not since all the criminal activity that goes on around.

The mint-eyed Hyuuga was snapped out of his thoughts by six chakra signatures coming out of houses and alleyways. Zunair pinpointed each one of them and saw they had weapons. A gang is the first thing that crossed Zunair's mind, as they started to approach Ash. He assumed that they have not noticed Zunair, so he had the upper hand but should he warn Ash and reveal his location to everyone. With the minimum lighting from the street lamps, he was sure it would be hard to see for those men. That's when he saw another chakra signature coming towards him. Toshiro. Perfect timing, he's quick.

Zunair quickly jumped towards Toshiro, he would start explaining the situation to him. "Ash caught the culprit but now he is being surrounded by six individuals. I'm pretty sure they are some form of a gang, but telling how they have basically hand-made weapons and low chakra flow we should be able to take them with ease even with the dim-lit area. I'm going to try and attack them before they get him," Zunair said, seemingly inviting him to help as he jumped back towards where Ash was. He saw that one was still in the alleyway and had not been approaching yet. So, Zunair jumped down behind the man as his fingers began to crackle and spark with the lightning release covering his fingertips and giving off small blue lighting. That's when the man started turning around.

"Surprise," Zunair said as he struck the man's body with his Gentle Fist Overload technique, sending him into a paralysis state.

[TWC: 2,725/3,334]
Current Health Bar: 300
Vigor: 100
Chakra: 100
Speed: 75
Strength: 25
AP: 1,200
Gentle Fist Overload -30
Byakugan -5
Total AP: 1,165
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:33 pm
Ash stood up, kunai in hand, as the other man stood up as well. Staring at each other, Ash noticed where he was located. The man had made it all the way into the slums of Konoha, and he had a smirk on his face as well. Paying attention to his surroundings as the man set off almost every alarm, Ash had been trained to look for. He could hear the sound of metal on metal and footsteps hitting water and rock around him. He had been surrounded by this man’s friends or gang, he was not sure yet, as with the sun now down and the moon still rising there was very little light to see by. Seeing no way out but to fight, Ash flung his kunai at speeds far faster than the man could react to. The blade sticking deep into the man's thigh as he let out a scream of pain. About the same time that Zunair showed. Ash was only able to tell it was him due to the light blue light radiating from his palm, as he struck one of the men surrounding Ash. 

Ash pulled two more kunai holding one in each hand ready to fend off the rest of the men surrounding him now that he knew someone had his back he felt much better about the situation. He still didn’t know what to expect so took a defensive posture ready to block and slash anything coming at him. “Call them out” he would yell out to Zunair. Knowing that the darkness would not affect Zunair’s eye’s, thanks to his Byakugan. About the time he finished speaking, one of the man approached Ash from behind. Giving away his position and surprise by kicking a rock in the dark. Ash turned and sliced the man's arm that was holding a baseball bat, causing the man to drop his weapon. While continuing his motions, Ash would spin and catch the man in the ribs, hitting one of his lungs with the kunai in his other hand. 

While he waited for Zunair to give the positions of the others and details of how many. Ash would maintain his focus on the surrounding sounds, picking out any more details he could. From what he could tell so far, these guys were just normal street bullies with no training whatsoever. He hopped that it stayed that way, otherwise he might be in trouble if a few of them showed they had training and could see in the dark as well.

WC-423 TWC-2334
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