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Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:45 pm
Flower Picking:

Valuable Assets:

Leafy Greens:

Give a Dog a Bone:

Patrol Intern:

Patrol: Residential Areas:

Patrol: Village Outskirts:

Patrol Slums:

Link to Legacy Mission:-
The sunrise from behind the mountains as the rays of light consume the darkness. The clear blue sky spread widely with no clouds to cover the magnificent view that the morning brought upon Konoha. With the change of scenery, the night guards changed with the morning guards as everyone began their morning routines. A peaceful morning was like no other, calming and tranquil Zunair couldn't ask for a better way to get his start. He walked towards his kitchen as he was wearing a dark, slightly turquoise-tinted uniform, the uniform has longer, looser sleeves that are more reminiscent of those of a kimono than of the standard cuffed uniform. Upon arrival in his kitchen, he turned off the stove letting the teapot calm down from its boiling point. Zunair looked around his cabinets until he found his teacup and a bag of apple tea. He poured the water into the cup ripping the plastic around the tea as he grabbed it by its string and began to dip it on his cup.

Zunair was on his way into the village to meet at the Yamanaka flower shop. He first passed the training grounds as the radiant sky formed overhead, with the sounds of clashing steel and fists in the background, as the training grounds were especially lively on that particular day for reason Zunair was unaware of. Zunair took in the smell of an untouched grassy field, like a faint version of freshly cut grass. It was a small piece of nature that people in the Leaf Village had grown accustomed to. Hardly could one walk a step in the village without seeing some lush, green plant growth. Whether they be trees, flowers, grass, or that strange fungus on grandpa's foot, the Leaf Village certainly had no shortage of flora. 

He was given a string of assignments to do and he had a mission partner this time. He never worked with anyone on a mission before so this was new-found territory for the mint-eyed Hyuuga. The recurring gentle breeze kissed his face, which was usual for any space in the Land of Fire. As he entered the business district, The breeze was carried with the scent of cooked food, smells of different types of dishes as the day had begun for most restaurants. The streets started to fill as people started proceeding about their days. Taking a sip of the tea that he took with him, he approached the Yamanaka Shop. 

Taking a seat outside of the shop on a wooden bench. He then proceeded to wait for his companion to appear. He wondered what mission the other was wanting to start with. Zunair had no problem with whatever they decided to do.


Last edited by Zunair Hyuuga on Tue Nov 30, 2021 11:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Tue Nov 30, 2021 2:14 pm
It was another day of missions, and not fun or exciting missions, it was more of the dull, plain boring mission. While he knew that the village had to take it slow and allow them to grow on their own, he felt as though he was far ahead of this level of missions. However, there was nothing that he could do about it and decided to just run with it. At least this time, he would have a partner to help get this stuff done faster. Making sure his black pants were tucked tightly into his boots, and that his wraps were tight and covering his face from the bridge of his nose to his chest. Ash picked up his black long sleeve shirt out of the laundry basket and put it on. Walking over to the door, he grabbed his light black jacket and slid it on. It would be enough to stay warm in the cool morning, but not burn him alive once the sun got out and really going. 

Ash made his way to the Yamanaka flower shop where he was supposed to meet his partner for this string of missions. He found, sitting on one of the benches, a young man wearing black and an off green with loose clothing. The strange part was his eyes mint green, Ash had never seen eyes like that before and wondered if it was some kind of doujutsu. Either way, this had to be the guy he was supposed to meet.

I’m assuming you are my partner for these missions” Ash would ask, offering his hand to shake. Regardless if the Zunair accepted the handshake or not, Ash would continue. “My name is Ash and I think if we want to knock this out as fast as possible and get back to whatever we were doing beforehand. It would be fastest if one of us took care of the trees while the other picked the flowers. That would knock out two missions at one time, and from there we can run that dog meat over to the Inuzuka clan and then drop off some supplies for the poor.” Ash’s tone would be confident in his plan and his voice smooth yet deep.

Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Tue Nov 30, 2021 8:39 pm
Toshiro had been sitting idly in the library, his feet dangling just barely above the ground as he committed himself into studying more into the bloodlines of the world as well as basic medical information. The abilities that his brother had demonstrated made him curious about the world of Medical Ninjutsu so he wanted to learn all that he could about it. The day was still young so he had no real plans on doing anything shinobi related, with the village being in a state of peace and rest it wasn't required but he still needed to make money for his books and livelihood among other things. Closing the book he would place it back into the area that he had retrieved it like the good little bookworm he was. Walking out he would put the hood on his head and head on out to the mission area. The walk itself was quite peaceful and he wasn't exactly bothered by the conditions of the weather, but when he arrived it looked as if some missions had been undergone and needed another member to assist. With that he tilted his head and pondered on what he should do. Without hesitation he would take up those missions and inquire where he should meet them. Of course he would be met with a pleasant smile and given the information before he left out. His stride would get the best of him as he headed out, trying to be punctual so that the others would not be waiting for too long. It wouldn't take him that long to get there before he saw the other two and gave a small wave," Hello... Toshiro here. I am joining you all on these missions, hopefully I wasn't too late?," with that being out of the way he would wait for how they would be doing the missions and go from there.

315 WC
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:18 pm
As Zunair took another sip of his tea, he heard a deep-richened voice speak out to him. The Hyuuga looked up from his teacup and saw a rather tall male in front of him as he stretched out his hand. Not to be rude, Zunair stood up and shook the male's seemingly stern hand. Having to look up at this person, Zunair felt small as the man in front of him seemed like he was a whole foot taller than him. The mint-eyed Hyuuga tried studying his features, but he couldn't get anything out of it besides his hair was black and his eyes are green because of the bandages that were covering his face. That's when Zunair heard him introduce himself as Ash and started talking about how he wants to approach the mission. This guy is right to the point.

"Well, I'm Zunair Hyuuga an...." Zunair stopped mid-sentence as he noticed out of the corner of his eye someone waving in their direction as well as walking towards them. The long-haired genin turned his focus on the white-haired boy coming. He seemed to be around Zunair's age but he wasn't entirely sure of that, but he was a little taller than him so that is why he would make that assumption. Looking into white-haired nin lavender eyes, as he would introduce himself as Toshiro and that he was joining them on their missions. 

"Well, I didn't know we were going to have another one with us, however, I'm glad you're able to assist us in the missions. Well, I'm Zunair Hyuuga and this is Ash. We were discussing our plan of action on accomplishing these missions. Ash thought that one of us should get the flowers for the Yamanaka's and while the other one took care of the trees and then we can regroup and finish the last two. Anyway, the flower that we are looking for is the rare Gardenia flower, Gardenias usually are in full bloom when the sun is out and grow near humid areas. So, I was going to use my Byakugan to see if I can find them near the river, along the tree line. If that's okay if you take care of the trees, Ash? Toshiro, you can come with me if you'd like or can help Ash?" Zunair finished by asking Toshiro who'd he liked to help. Zunair hopped the other two didn't think he was bossy, cause of how his wording came across. Whichever Toshiro did, Zunair would then start heading in the direction of the river.

[WC: 427]
[TWC: 879]
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:57 pm
After no sooner than the introduction and the start of the discussion for their plan of attack. A new member of the team showed up. Ash, seeing Zunair looking past him at someone, he turned around as well to see who or what it was. Turned out to be another person walking up to them waving. Dressed in all black with white hair and lavender eyes, Ash thought he had hit the jack pot today for weird eyes. His green eyes while rare was nothing compared to mint green or lavender, they had to be one in a million. Ash waited for the guy to speak, telling them his name was Toshiro and that he was to be joining them on their missions today. While last minute additions to mission groups was not unheard of, it normally required some pull of some kind to get it done. Telling Ash that this guy knew someone and that it was probably a good idea to not piss him off. 

Taking a step back to stand beside Zunair as he spoke to Toshiro. Ash would pull out a cigarette and light it while Zunair filled in the newcomer. Once he was done, Ash would pat him on the back of his shoulder, “Couldn’t have said it better myself” he would say. “Do either of you two have any skill at locating this Gardenia. If so, I’ll let you handle it while the others deal with the trees and stuff.” He would add, taking a puff of his cigarette and blowing it up into the air where it wouldn’t get into either of their faces.

WC-271 TWC-644
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Tue Nov 30, 2021 10:23 pm
So it seemed like these two already had a plan of attack for the missions, though having someone like Toshiro do the logging was...odd. Wanting to interject he would wait until all parties were done and he would then speak," If I may be a little frank, I am in no physical form to be helping with the trees, but I do have an extensive knowledge on the plant life and local fauna of our village. Spending a lot of time inside of our libraries made me quite the purveyor of useless and otherwise uncanny knowledge. If you wouldn't mind, I could go and find the Gardenia and bring them to the shop while you two take care of the logging. It could go a lot faster and we could move onto any other missions that you may want to do. Using your Byakugan would be useful in sort of endeavor but your talents could be more useful to Ash here than my noodled arms ever could," he would of course wait for any interjections and if there were none he would smile and turn on his heels. It may have been a moment before he left but once he was ready, he would begin to stroll out toward the eastern half of the village more so near the forest of death. The flowers did enjoy being by rivers and moody or dark lighting, especially areas where they could flourish with just a little sunlight. There had been many areas within the village with that qualification, but Toshi did enjoy going toward this area for its tranquil nature. It was also closest to the area where the Nara had still taken care of their habitats for other animals as well, but that was another story for later. Toshi walked rather slowly so it did take him a minute for him to get there, but once he did he began to walk closer to the edge of the forest and looked around.

He could hear the water flowing toward the right of him, that being a good sign that he was on the right path. Slowly he would move over toward the area, taking in the sights as he did until he had found the flowers in question a mere ten meters in front of him. It was such a shame to take the flowers from their natural habitat but such was the supply and demand. As he moved over toward the flowers he would begin to take them slowly, making sure not to damage the flowers, but also making sure something was left so they could bloom once more. Take but always make sure you could give back was a good mindset to have for the young Senju. Once he had what he needed he would head back to the Yamanaka Shop where he would wait for the others to arrive. Hopefully they would be done with their assignment as well.

491 WC
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 216000

String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Tue Nov 30, 2021 10:45 pm
Zunair smiled at the too as he felt Ash pat his back, and listened to the two while they conversed. Zunair looked at Ash as he was smoking his cigarette and thought maybe he would want to go out for a drink sometime, can never have too many drinking buddies. That's when Toshiro said that he was going to go find the gardenia because apparently, he is a botanist.

"Okay, good luck to you Toshiro," Zunair said as he then spent the next couple hours tending to the trees, getting the Inuzuka's their meet, and helping to poor. He now felt humbled and he believes he made some new friends with the giant Ash and Toshiro. Once they completed the work he will go turn in the missions.  

[WC: 128]
[TWC: 1,007]

Last edited by Zunair Hyuuga on Tue Nov 30, 2021 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Tue Nov 30, 2021 11:08 pm
Ash was fine with the newcomer Toshiro to the group to go and find the Gardenia, wishing him luck as he walked off to where ever the plant grew. Ash would help Zunair with the trees, trimming them and picking up the debris while they worked. Once done with the trees, Ash would help with hauling the meat for the Inuzuka’s dogs, as well as dropping off some stuff for the poor. Once they were all done, he would return to their meeting spot at the Yamanaka shop. 

With all of them back together, Ash would walk as a team to the mission building to turn in their missions and get paid. When the staff told them that there were more missions that could be done if they wanted to continue since they got done so early in the day. Ash would look at his companions and see what they thought. “I’m good to go on more if you two are” he would tell them.

WC-165 TWC-809
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Ryo : 44000

String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:40 am
Toshi sat on one of the benches outside of the shop waiting for the others to arrive, pulling out a small booklet and a pen. Slowly he would begin to write down some information on the Gardenia in the small section he had for flowers. Average height, smells, color patterns, and anything else he could splurge on the flower before he could see the visages of the other two coming up. Tapping the pen on the top of the booklet he would look up from it and smile," I take it your jobs were completed without issue? I just got here not too long ago and decided to do some research on the flowers they have and update my booklet as well. Shall we head back and turn in?," of course if the other two would be heading back to the mission center he would slide the booklet back into the deep pockets of his hoodie and traverse with them. Once they had arrived back, he would look around just curious until he had heard that there were more missions to be done. Looking back to the other two he would nod and give a half smile as he approved," Yeah i'm definitely down if you guys are. More money for us right?," it wasn't the only motivator but it was a good one all the same. Looking at what they picked up he would point to the patrol mission first," Seems like this would be a good start for us. Work on the easiest and work our way out to the bigger ones. What say you all?," he'd wait for any consensus before doing anything else.

277 WC
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro] Empty Re: String of Assignments [Ash & Toshiro]

Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:23 am
As Zunair walked back to the meeting spots, with mission details in his hand, to find his new comrades. Not only were they expected to do more missions this day but apparently a total of eight missions on total. Zunair knew the village was low on shinobi considering what transpired with Kiri, but he didn’t think he would be cram-packed at this point. However, the first couple missions the group did were easy but now the next ones are a little more difficult, if not dangerous as well. 

The group will be patrolling some of the residential areas and into the outskirts of the village before proceeding to the slums. Zunair sighed as he brushed his hair out of his face. Zunair saw the ghostly-haired genin sitting on the bench where they all first met and walked up to him. With Ash and Toshiro beside him, he knew the were wanting to go on more missions but these might needed to be proceeded with caution. 

“Alright, guys, you know village is lacking in the shinobi department, so we have been ordered to a patrol mission. Well, a series of patrols. We have to patrol the residential areas and then to the village outskirts and head towards the slums. However, residential areas and the outskirts are relatively safe, I have heard rumors that the slums have been picking up criminal activity since the resent decline of shinobi, so when we head their we need to be cautious. Plus, I believe when we reach the slums it be nightfall at the point so we need to be extra careful. So that being said, I believe we need to get going and patrol the inner and outer of the village before going to the slums.” Zunair stated to the other two Genin, waiting to see if they had any objection to what he was saying. 

[TWC: 1,319]
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