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Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Last Tower

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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:23 am
So far he didn't have any real weight on the others. One he knew from the training grounds with one....Masashi? A name he barely honestly remembered due to the single interaction he had with them. The other, Fu, was...interesting to say the least. He didn't have many interactions with Kunoichi so he was definitely not a ladies man, but she respected his wishes and that was good enough for him. The other, the one he had dubbed bloodhound, was probably better off as the team leader though he was definitely an interesting one. Whoever he was the fact he could smell someone's laundry and find out where they had came from was useful. None the less as he worked he tried to focus as closely as he could until he heard the loud crashing of an object behind him. Slowly his head would turn as his eyes looked from the ground where the object was and trailed up to Fu before shaking his head," You're fine just don't break anything else please," he wasn't going to reprimand her or anything because it wasn't his and he honestly did not care. When he finished however he would hold the papers firm in his hand and point them at Fu," I am not lazy...I'm tired. I run a business as well so its natural for someone who is working day and night to be tired at some point. None the less good. We have a point of origin and we know where they were coming from. If they had any dealings with someone it looks like Iwagakure was the place," he would look over to Seb would had offered a choice of what to do next.

Tapping his chin they could just leave it to the local police, but also if this was in a village that was not only deserted and destroyed but also would be better for the shinobi to do it. Shrugging for a moment he would push all of the unimportant papers to the floor and proceed to look for a map," If Iwa is the destination then....Aha found it," he would exclaim as he slammed the map onto the desk and trailed his finger from where Hoshi was to Iwa," This would be the path and it would be quite long. It would do us some good, IF, we were going to pursue this to get some things in order and then go from there. The travel there may be a little long, but the routes are relatively...tame. I once traveled them with the person I guess you could call a "Father" figure to me, but I do not know how much has changed there in two or so years. With that being said, what say you all? I personally don't care," he would state that plainly as he removed his finger from the map and waited on their respones.

484 WC
TWC: 1224
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Tue Dec 07, 2021 9:41 pm
Youta would see the thing that broke on the floor and turn to one of the local police “I am sure they did not mean to do that.  We are sorry if we have disturbed your crime scene. We will try to get out of your hair as soon as possible.”  He would say in a apologetic tone to just probably a low ranking officer who probably did not care but how was Youta suppose to know. He had not seen the guy who was in charge for a while now and he was not going to look for him just to apologize because something fell off the shelf.  He would then turn to Fu and say “if anyone asks it was not a big deal.  Which is probably true but I know the police already did not like the fact we were going to be here let alone we messed up their crime scene.” He would then turn to Morio “Oh ya what kind of business do you run? Anything I might be in need of.  I am always looking for a good deal.  But either way what did you find.  How do you know it’s from Iwagakure?”  He was genuinely curious but then Sebastian would enter and say he found the scent.  “That’s great, just let me know when you want to leave.” Just then a great flurry of papers were thrown on to the floor and a sudden aha got Youta’s attention and Morio would point out a trail that was the most likely way to where the merchant was off to whether or not it was by force or not was to be determined.  Youta thought it might have all been faked so that he might be able to get a clean get away but who knows.  But he would stop thinking about what ifs and turn to the group and ask “we should probably take care of this in case they actually cross over into Iwagakure.  So I guess if you guys have everything you need or do you need some time to gather stuff for a journey. I guess let’s meet at the gate as soon as everyone is ready. I think I have everything I need.”

They would either all meet a little later at the gate or if everyone has what they need leave straight from the crime scene. He would follow Sebastian's lead down the trail every so often asking “Is this the right way, do you still have the scent?”  After what felt like an eternity of traveling to Youta he would find the group at a crossroads “I do not remember this being on the map. Morio did you happen to bring the map with you?”  He would then turn to Sebastian “ can you figure out which way they went?”

WC 472 
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
Stat Page : Loghain's Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Wed Dec 08, 2021 6:26 pm
Loghain would find himself listening as the others spoke up, Morio seeming to have a good idea of the path best utilized to get to Iwagakure. The wolf looked at the map presented and watched as the journey was pointed out. It was... far. "I travel light, and I don't think that I have any pressing business waiting for me either." He would shrug, then nod. "I'm ready whenever you folks are." The wolf would step outside and stretch out, readying himself for the hike that was about to come. 

Assuming everyone was ready relatively quickly, the wolf would wait and once they were all back together begin the journey. Following the scent was simple enough, but as he followed the scent trail Eastward a familiar coppery smell would fill the air. Blood. He would immediately expect danger, though there were no other people in the area that he could detect. "I smell blood." He would say warning the others. It wouldn't be long before a body could be spotted in the distance. There was clear signs of blood on the clothes, though it was hard to tell if they were still alive from here. 

The wolf would keep alert for danger and point out the body to the group. "That smells like the merchant. I can't smell any other people, but stay alert just in case." If they approached and found that they were still alive the wolf would quickly weave seals for Mystical Palm in an attempt to mend the wounds. 

wc: 253
twc: 1810
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:14 pm
The white haired boy apologized on Fu’s behalf to a peon, but Fu was more focused on learning more about the lazy boy.
“I’m a business owner too! Now I know why you’re so tired…” Fu’s energy would go from high to low as her excitement from finding a commonality turned into a general sympathy for how much work goes into running a business. “My shop is called Smith & Seal,” with her finger, Fu would draw the outline of an and symbol in the air. “I sell armor and weapons along with Fuinjutsu seals, but my shop is in Suna. It’s been closed since I left, my clientel has probably moved onto my competitors by now…” Fu grew melancholy. She had almost forgot about her little shop in Suna since she had been gone for so long. “Hey! I have some stuff I’m trying to get rid of, I’ll give you a good price on them if you want it!” Fu was referring to her Chakra bodysuit and her crystal singing blade. Fu’s love of weaponry had expired as she diversified her portfolio, so she no longer had any need for the two items. She was in possession of the ultimate armor so her enhanced bodysuit needed a new home.  
Morio had finally found something! After following the paper trail, the tired because of too much work boy, had discovered that there was a link between the merchant that was missing and large sums of money coming from a neighboring village of Iwagakure. “Nice job busy boy!” Fu would say, “I wonder what Iwagakure is like! Can we go? Please, please, please!”
Morio would then devise a plan, identifying a path on a map that would most likely bring them to the merchant. “Yes! We’re going on an adventureeee!” Fu seemed much more excited than everyone else. “Nope, I’m ready to go!” Fu was always ready, she traveled light- except for when she’s with her Bear Archie, then she guessed she didn’t travel so light, but he wasn’t with her at the moment, so yeah- she was traveling light!
Everyone confirmed they were ready to depart, and the group would set out on their adventure to Iwagakure. If Fu was lucky, the Merchant would already be long gone, and the group would be forced to head there- giving Fu a chance to potentially meet some strange monsters along the way. Fu stayed towards the back as the group traveled allowing busy boy and the blood hound to do their thing. Eventually the group would discover the body of what Sebastian assumed to be the Merchant. “Aw man, found him already?” Fu pouted, more upset that their adventure was cut short than worrying about the wellbeing of the injured body on the ground. “Is he dead?” Fu poked her head over Sebastian’s shoulder, trying to get a good look.

WC: 479
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Last Tower

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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:43 pm
Morio stood in silence as the group tried to figure out what they were going to do. On one hand they could go to Iwa to investigate the claim or they could prepare and see what they could do at a later date. Maybe a few had a disagreement or two about leaving the comforts of the village, or maybe they thought they were not strong enough. Either way he was going to go with the consensus because he did not care either way. Since no one could make up their minds he would shake his head and take up the map," In that case why don't we wait. Clearly we cannot make up our minds and indecisiveness happens to be one of my pet peeves. So we can sleep on this and revisit it either when you all think you are ready for it or whenever you are stronger. Either or. I really do not care. With that, if no one has an objection, I will be holding onto the map until a time in which we are ready to do this. Anybody disagree?," he would ask as he stuffed the map into the darkness of his inner kimono. They might not have been ready for the task at hand and Morio might not have as well. But he would rather be decisive about the decision than skirt around it. For now he would wait on the others to make up their minds and if in that time they knew what they wanted to do. Sitting back down into the chair he would look over to Fu to sedate her curiosity," Iwagakure is a dead place, cratered by a farce between powers trying to grab it for themselves...or so the story goes." He didn't know much about the true downfall of Iwa, just the gritty heresay. If there was something about Iwa he wanted to know was its history and if it had anything in it that he could gain.

WC: 331
TWC: 1555
60 AP
12000 Ryo
1555 towarrd Nageki (Previous total of 630 found Here 2185
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:35 pm
Youta would walk up to the body that Sebastian had found and then with meigan activated he would look at the man. His chakra was barely moving a bit but it was still moving so he was alive for sure. “I do not think he is dead.  His chakra is still moving so my guess is he is still alive. So I guess let’s tie him up and head back towards Hoshigakure. Maybe we can get some more answers and get to the bottom of what is going on. I am sure the hogokage has someone to interrogate him or if you heal him well enough I can do it along the way.”  Assuming Sebastian would heal him a little enough to arrest him and to where he could walk himself back to the city to face prosecution.  Youta would talk to the others while Sebastian did the healing “iwakagure? I do not really want to go to iwakagure I do not know that much about it other then I was told not to go there.  It was a ninja village at one point but is now just criminals and low lives.” Youta had not known a lot about the village but he knew that he did not want to go.  “Morio it is probably good that you hold on to the map. I would probably lose it to be honest. I am not always the most responsible. I guess I could put the armory seal on it but it is probably just better that you hold on to it.  We would not want  to lose the best evidence we got. Right?” He would continue walking with the group with on the way back to Hoshigakure from the borderlands he would turn to the merchant “so where you taken or were you running? Actually it does not matter, we will get the answers eventually that we need.”   As soon as they reached the gates they handed over the merchant to the police who were waiting for us there. He would then go home and relax a little.


WC 347

1200+200 genin bonus ryo

34 AP training

Finish pure blooded 2000/2000.   where the first one was

Last edited by Youta Shinkou on Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
Stat Page : Loghain's Stats
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Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Thu Dec 30, 2021 7:35 pm
It seemed as thought the group consensus was that they were not ready for a trip to the country of Earth to visit Iwagakure's ruins. Probably for the best, as the wolf wasn't certain at the moment if such a risky mission should be undertaken with a group that isn't more familiar with one another and their strengths and weaknesses. He wasn't even sure what kind of shinobi Morio or the Kunoichi Fu had been or what their capabilities were, so in the event of an attack he would have to form a battle plan with practically no information. That wasn't something that he was particularly interested in doing. If a group of rogues took up refuge in the ruins of Iwa, the wolf didn't expect them to be going anywhere soon anyhow. 

"Yes, keep hold of that map. I have full intention to pay those ruins a visit here soon. I don't take kindly to rogues meddling with Hoshi affairs and business." Loghain would offer, chiming in with his two cents.

"Nope, not dead." Loghain would say as he approached body, confirming Youta's initial analysis of the situation. The merchant that was found not far from the estate seemed to be alive, and so the wolf would heal him to the best of his ability. His wounds sealed and his breathing grew deeper. He lifted the merchant and slung him over his shoulder to haul him back to the village for interrogation and jailing. 


wc: 245
twc: 2055

12000 ryo
250 ryo x2 (Chuunin bonus)
60 AP

40 AP (stat to AP training)

2000/2000 wc towards Whistle Trigger
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:51 pm
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:05 pm
Fu sighed, the merchant was still breathing which meant the group definitely wouldn’t be adventuring to Iwagakure today- although there were still some unanswered questions so she was sure there would be another opportunity in the near future- depending on if the village wanted to investigate the situation further. “Aww man.” Fu sighed and she shrunk away from the barely breathing lost, but now found, merchant. The hound healed the merchant, bringing him back from the brink of death, and slung the merchant’s body over his shoulder, which didn’t seem comfortable at all, Fu thought.
“I assume you can handle it from here Hound,” Fu insitinuated, suggesting that she would be departing from the group prior to the official end of the mission. “I’ll stop by the HQ later to get my reward.” Fu turned to the others, “It was nice working with you all! Hope to see you guys again, later!”
With that, Fu took off back towards Hoshigakure, cutting through the woods as opposed to traveling the beaten path back to the village.
WC: 175
TWC: 2254
12000 Ryo + 200 Genin = 12200 Ryo. 16900 New Total
60 Mission AP. 222 New Total Mission AP.
44 Bonus AP. 475 New Total Bonus AP.

2254/2750 A Rank Seal of Protection
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Mission Saga (Hoshi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Saga (Hoshi)

Tue Jan 11, 2022 10:36 am
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