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Aihara Kuni
Aihara Kuni
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Oh No! It's Too Scary! (Part One) Empty Oh No! It's Too Scary! (Part One)

Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:45 pm


We all f l o a t down h e r e

Aihara skipped along the path, each footstep leaving a small and tiny thud, humming as she went along; she had just stopped at the local bakery and with her very small allowance she managed to save up enough to get a medium sized bag of bon-bons, she loved the bon-bons from the local bakery, they had the most incredible taste. She had the widest smile across her face as she unwrapped the sweet candy, placing it between her lips. As she munched along, she took note of a few of the villagers gathered up in a ruckus. Aihara took a quick gander towards them, listening careful, her bright pink eyes watching their lips move.

As she listened to them, they made mention of a mysterious figure… Someone had been terrorizing the modest sea port settlement. Aihara furrowed her brows as she listened more, they spoke of him running off going inland through the forest… Aihara knew that Grey didn’t like her running off to far on her own… But Grey was busy muttering something about a village hidden in the sand; and she ran off to go inside of town to get candy… He wouldn’t even notice her missing for another couple hours. She smiled, nodding as she had just convinced herself to go exploring in the woods.

Without a second thought about her actions, Aihara took off in the direction of the Forest; her pink hair bouncing as she bounced, the two tight piggy tails high up on her head as she skipped along the beaten path, this path brought whoever used it to one of the major villages, she knew she couldn’t go to far as she was considering a missing shinobi; and if people found out; she could be forced away from Grey; she didn’t want this of course. She needed to keep her eyes and mind on the prize. As she reached forty minutes of walking in the forest, she came across a bunch of broken branches and blood… At first hesitant; considering to turn back around and get Grey… She waited a moment, only to hear a cry; distant and faint… but that had to have been a cry… Right? She felt her body stammer for a moment, trying to find the courage in her petite body to run forward. Just as quick as the stammer happened, she lunged forward, heading down the broken branch pathway that had been recently created.

Her small legs becoming weaker as she felt as if the running would never come to an end; finally she reached a small clearing in the forest, in the middle of the clearing she could make note of a small altar, with a large symbol on the ground surrounding it… The symbol.. Was made out of something… Red? Her eyes narrowed as she came closer to it, crouching onto the ground she touched the circle, the liquid that was used was sticky… Semi sweet smelling… As she rubbed it between her index finger and her thumb, her eyes widened as she saw the way it stained her fingers… She quickly rubbed her hands down the long dewy grass in a futile attempt to get the blood off of her fingers. She couldn’t help but begin to feel queasy as she looked around, there was evidence of… human sacrifice, but no body or no mysterious man… Aihara stood up, her legs quivering as she tried to move away from the symbol.

As she tried to walk out of the symbol she found herself stuck, almost as if the symbol had invisible walls, she had become trapped as it began to glow very brightly… She knew she shouldn’t have gone about it alone… This was a mistake, she wasn’t sure what was going to happen, all she knew that no matter how hard she tried to cry for Grey, that she wasn’t going to be successful.

The bright light began to glow almost white; Aihara franticly tried to cover eyes as the pain from seeing the brightness over took her… It felt only like moment before she lowered her hands to check out the area; only to discover that it was now night, and she was no longer in the forest… Her confusion, and temperament grew, she walked towards the brightly lit town; she had to get Grey, she needed to tell him what she found for certain. He would be able to do something about it, her big brother could always fix anything! As she marched into town, she noticed other children, around the same size as her… She took note of their costumes… Some dressed as pirates, some as vampires, a few caped heroes… Witches, Wizards… Aihara paused in her moments of thought as she watched groups of children knocking on doors, asking for candy…

What was this? She walked down the path, she had never seen such a sight before… She couldn’t help but notice as she passed a shop, her reflection in the window… Atop of her was a pointy hat, with a thin bow wrapped around the base of it, she wore a large cloak, with fur at the top of it; her hair usually in high pony tails was lowered, a single bow on the left side stood out… Her eyes gazed at her reflection for quite some time as she couldn’t help but admire the person starring back at her…. “That’s… Me…” She whispered aloud, smiling as wide as possible… She was dressed like the other children, before Aihara could begin to notice the group approaching her, the leader of the group spoke up; “Aren’t you gonna go trick or treating?” Aihara turned to look at her, she was dressed similarly to how she was… The pointy hat, the long cloak… “I… I’ve never been.” Aihara stammered over her words, a might red flashing across her face, embarrassment was something Aihara was use to… She hadn’t experienced the normal things kids would… She felt almost shame as the words came out of her mouth.

Oh, you must be new to town!” The other girl exclaimed, grabbing Aihara’s hand, “You can join us new girl. We’ll show you all the good houses!” Aihara felt something off about this grab, the girls skin was… Cold, unnaturally so. In these moments she truly wished for her big brother… Something about these girls didn’t seem safe… But she decided that she would play along, collecting candy as the other children did. Aihara found herself walking across the street multiple times, doing something known as ‘house hopping’, as the other children explained to her. They would only go to houses that gave out full sized candy bars, bon bons, and other delicious and sweet treats.

As the girls walked along, and the night grew darker, something began to change about them, the way the spoke and the way they acted was slowly becoming… Darker itself, one of the girls suggested to smash a bunch of pumpkins, which Aihara protested, saying that since it was her first time doing this, she wanted to have a pleasant experience. She waved her hand and motioned to more houses that they hadn’t gone to yet, showing the desire to keep going helped push the girls into the right direction. As she moved further up the path and came to the very last house; the night was almost over, it was most dark out and the street lamps had turned on.

Aihara made note of how two the girls, dressed as werewolves began to exhibit signs of real fur growing on their faces… And not just the marker that was once there before. Part of her wanted to bolt out of there right away, where as the other part of Aihara wanted to help them… She couldn’t understand what was happening to the other girls and why they were changing the way they were. As Aihara sat with them, trading around candy and chatting; she learned that she was in Yugakure no Sato – And from her understand, she was a long ways away from Grey… She felt sick, and was unsure of what to do about how she got here… But she had a feeling it had something to do with that symbol on the ground back by the port town… She sighed, as the girls waved goodbye and went home… She was able to keep them from mischief tonight, something had told Aihara that if something happened tonight bad… She wouldn’t be able to go home… And she very much so wanted to go home. As she sat there contemplating what she could do at this point, she noticed a few kids taking the chance of the clearing streets to attempt to throw eggs at a house…

In this moment Aihara took off; her legs far faster then when she took of running for the crying voice this morning… It was almost as if something was magically enhancing her abilities to be able to run. As she found herself skidding across the grass in front of the ground, she recognized a few of the girls that were in her group from before. This time their faces were contorted into horrible versions of their costumes, it made Aihara fear for herself with her own costume… She hadn’t noticed any changes yet, and hoped that was a good enough sign for her. “Please!” She cried out, “Please stop! We shouldn’t be doing things like that!” She threw her arms out wide, “They were kind enough to give us candy tonight! This could ruin it for next time!” She shouted. Apparently just loud enough for the people in the home to flick on the lights, and in that moment, the group of kids in front of Aihara scattered.

Taking this moment to realize the other children were gone, she herself took off running as well; she knew that even though she wasn’t doing anything wrong, she could still very well get in trouble… Although no one knew she was a missing shinobi right now, didn’t mean that she wanted them to find out. She found herself running back towards the fountain she had been previously sitting down at, her candy bag still there from earlier. A sigh of relief… She was really glad she didn’t lose that in the commotion. As Aihara sat back down to have a piece of candy, the leader of the group came back; stepping in front of her, “Do you have a problem?” She spat out towards Aihara, slapping the candy out of her hands, “I don’t. But I can.” She snapped back, looking into the dim eyes of the girl in front of her she made notice of her features… Far darker than earlier this evening. Aihara began to wonder if her eyes were starring to look like hers, she shook her head. Lost in her train of thought while the girl spoke, “I’m sorry but I don’t have time for this, I need to figure out where I’m doing tonight and how to get back home.” Aihara starred directly into the girls eyes once again. Unsure of where this was going at this point.

Finally a bit of light came to her girls eyes, “There’s always the hotel… it’s pretty cheap this time of year… I’m sure you could afford it.” Aihara felt nervous by the smile that the girl was giving out, it seemed almost twisted in a way that she could explain… It made her feel sick, and uneasy about life… She nodded; looking towards the ground, “And where it is?” She asked, glancing once more, hoping that sick and twisted grin was gone off of her face, but it wasn’t… In fact it was far worse than before… Aihara found herself gross at the thought of it… She listened at the girl gave her directions, telling her how to get there, and what the building looked like… She nodded as she listened, hoping that before the night tomorrow was over she would have her way home.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 35
  • Vigor 35
  • Speed 25
  • Strength 5
  • A P 350/350

Total Post WC 2005
Total WC 2005
Total WC Needed 1000/1000
  • 500/500 - Mission One (Complete)
  • 500/500 - Mission Two(Complete)

Active Skills
  • None

Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

  • 2000/2000 for Beloved Presence
  • 20 Stat Points from the 2000 WC
  • Claiming the extra 500 ryo from "Hit the Ground Running: Complete one mission.
    Bonus: 500 Ryo" + 2000 Ryo from the missions leaving me with 2500 Ryo.
  • 10 AP
  • 4 Tickets

Post Information
Mysterious Figure (E):

Trick or Treat! (E):
  • No One

you'll f l o a t too
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Oh No! It's Too Scary! (Part One) Empty Re: Oh No! It's Too Scary! (Part One)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:16 am
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