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Six Feet Under and Deeper in Debt[Solo] Empty Six Feet Under and Deeper in Debt[Solo]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 9:47 am

A hotel was a new experience. Yuri had always lived in on route to somewhere, or in more humble abodes. So the idea of this big grouped up living quarters that was meant to host both a massive quantity of people with a high quality of life was something she wasn't familiar with. Even with her doubts of Yugakure she was at least curious when her partners had proposed the idea of taking a night here to figure things out later. 

Though reality was often disappointing when you excited and idealized the things you envision. So it was with a great pain her ideals for the place had crashed to the ground, and then went subterranean as she went to see her room. It was big, definitely big. Massive even, with a towering roof and lots of space but it also had a sort of ambience to it. A vague feeling of abandonment. The outside had seemed empty but there was a receptionist inside at least but still things felt in that slight disarray you could only get by abandonment. 

Cobwebs everywhere, decorations just slightly off, the feeling of neglect, the absolute disinterest in the spindly looking receptionist's eyes, and the distinct lack of any other people. It only got worse when she went to her room, the dust was almost chokingly thick. Hacking and coughing just from entering, disturbing the who knows how old room. Who knows how abandoned too. Trinkets and baubles, all gripped by dust lay everywhere, a film over the room and she was even scared of going to sleep in her bed for fear of releasing another wave of the noxious particles. She was wondering why her team had decided to stop here when she paused. 

Who was her team again? Taking a moment to think about it she couldn't remember, she had the feeling she came here with people but when she tried to remember nothing came up. Unsettled, she slowly closes the door and gets ready to sleep. It was a strange situation but just running out into the night wasn't an option. It was, technically, but it wasn't actually feasible. The click reverberates louder than it should as the door shuts tight. 

After that, came the price of beating the dust out of the bed so as to get ready to turn in for the night. Though that was when things started to get odd. All the baubles around the room, the decorations and paints, would move around. Not so boldly as to do so in front of her, but cowardly. Shaking in the corner of her vision, switching places when she turnt away and looked back. Cowardly, they would move around her room and make the hairs on the back of her neck stand up on end but that wasn't all. 

There was something dancing at the edge of her vision, following the odd phenomenon. Whenever she saw it, weird things occured. It turned what should have been a few minutes of bed fixing into half an hour as everytime it would show up, something would move, and Yuri would fix it. Not out of a sense of obligation to keep the room in a certain order though. It was just a nerves thing, she came to have the room like this and if nothing else was changing things if should stay like that unless she changed it. It was order, it was power, and a sense of control, but no matter what she did things kept moving. 

Almost working herself into a breakdown she takes a deep breathe and recenters herself. With a 'nothing to be done about it.' attitude and a fake smile as she climbs into the bed. Tossing and turning, the stress of the weirdness of this hotel and the poor tidyness had kept her up, but once in the bed itself she crashed properly as she enters a deep and dreamless sleep. It didn't long though, a pressure in her throat giving her the vague omen that someone was strangling her in her sleep. The young girl thrashes around, rolling out of bed and slamming into the ground wrapped in bed sheets as more dust is kicked up from the carpeting and the antique sheets. 

Hacking and coughing, she fumbles in the spread before climbing to her feet, drowsy but strung out, as she tries to come to attention. Her leg hand finding its way around her throat as the feeling of being strangled vanished into the wind as it gently cools her skin. Then she realized, the window had been opened but she hadn't opened it. So who did. An ominous wail giving her the answer she was looking for as on the other side of the bed, glowing a spectral green was the sad visage of a ghost holding a duster. Letting.out a shriek as she leaps back and almost crashes into the wall the bed was right against. Staring at it like it was a pariah as she murmurs. 


The ghost drifts up and down, it almost felt like the sorrowful grimace deepened at her fear. 

"Yeah. What about it?" 

The ghost asks, it was jarring to have it actually respond to her, blinking as she tries to act casual and mind her manners. Since it didn't seem like it was here to harm her at least. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I'm just the housekeeping." 

The spectral duster in the ghosts hand did confirm that at least a little bit, but that only made the situation more surreal, though it felt like it did explain why such a poor job was done. 

"Then why do you look so sad?" 

After all, they looked tormented. It was almost painful to look them in the...eye? There was just empty holes where the eyes should be after all. 

"You would be too if you worked for this kinda pay." 

The ghost drifts upwards, clipping into and through the ceiling before they were gone, but at least the room wasn't so noxiously oppressive with its dust. Her sleep was a bit more peaceful this time, though she was more than happy to leave when morning came. Though she found herself actually waking up, once she managed to sleep peacefully in this hotel's bed.

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Six Feet Under and Deeper in Debt[Solo] Empty Re: Six Feet Under and Deeper in Debt[Solo]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:13 am

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Six Feet Under and Deeper in Debt[Solo] Empty Re: Six Feet Under and Deeper in Debt[Solo]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 4:33 pm
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