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Kumo Escape Room

Noboru Kaito
Ichigo Sato
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Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Kumo Escape Room Empty Kumo Escape Room

Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:09 pm
Truth Part 2:

Truth Part 3:

Having successfully taken out both guards standing at the front door there were a couple of different opinions on how to proceed with their little investigation. The Kumogakure group would discuss their options before coming to an agreement, a consensus easily found after considering all of the available choices. After Kaito suggested to take on the role of cultists together with Ichigo the Raikage moved over one of them before putting the outfit over his own. "Right behind you boss". That being said the Deputy followed the Kage's example and underwent a change of attire. Checking the surrounding area once more he then made the final preparations to officially begin Operation Whatever The Hell Is Going On Here.

Assuming Meika and Ryuzaki were ready as well the Drunk waited a little bit longer to make sure everyone was good to go. "Everyone, remember what Lord Raikage said. Keep an eye out for opportunities, and watch each other’s backs". Looking at each one of them the now disguised Ichigo would knock on the door, hoping it didn't take long for another cultist to show up and let them in. And just as he thought, a cloaked individual carefully opened the gate, looking up and down at Kaito and Ichigo who had dressed up as guards. If of the same mind then both Kumogakure men had covered their face with the hood attached to the cloak, making it impossible for the other Jashinists to figure out they weren't one of them.

Giving the man a quick nod the Drunk was relieved the moment he saw the door being opened. "That's the easy part" he'd think to himself. Walking in, his steps taken slowly to allow everyone entrance into the building, the son of a blacksmith started looking around, an ominous feeling coming over him the further he went. Upon hearing the gates being closed the Drunk figured it was time to activate his best acting skills that were kept a secret til now. "Oh brother, what a glorious day it is for us. I hope we aren't too late for the show? Hail Lord Jashin!". Perhaps a bit over the top but considering they were surrounded and among a whole bunch of lunatics he figured it wouldn't hurt. 

Just as the dressed up Deputy expected the cultist replied in a manner befitting of one worshipping Jashin. Placing his hand on Ichigo's shoulder, the Drunk ready to knock him right out of his clothes if it wasn't for the fact he had to remain calm in order not to blow their cover, the man explained the ceremony hadn't begun yet before giving Kaito and Ichigo directions which would lead them to the altar. "Thank you brother, our savior Jashin will be pleased with the sacrifices this time as well". With a slight bow he would then head to the stairs which would in turn lead them to the room where the events were going to take place. "Everyone still following?", assuming the Kumogakure group was still complete Ichigo slowly made his way up, wondering what or who they'd encounter. 

(WC: 516)

Last edited by Ichigo Sato on Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:54 am; edited 1 time in total
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Kumo Escape Room Empty Re: Kumo Escape Room

Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:38 am
Hopefully, the plan had been agreed with, though he would be open to anyone’s opinion or adaptations. He wanted to get to the bottom of this situation, but he also wanted to afford everyone here an opportunity to shine, even if it might not be remembered. The discussion could go either way, but Ichigo agreed with infiltrating alongside Noboru, and as such the two went through the process of stripping the poor sods watching the door and wearing any necessary garments. Noboru put the parts of his armor that wouldn’t suit the occasion; greaves and gauntlets, as well as the balaclava and respirator. He bore the cloak and cowl of the cultists, as well as a medallion with Jashin’s symbol which would allow them to blend on the inside, as well as the boots of the man on the floor. With any luck, no one would come across the bare feet sleeping beauties at the door.

Ichigo, already prepared, gave some final encouragement to the two others. The redheaded Kage nodded in agreement as he strapped the boots on firmly, before rising from his knees and adjusting the cowl and robes. “Operation Whatever The Hell Is Going On Here is a go.” Guards dragged out of sight, Ichigo went ahead and knocked at the great oak doors, the sound resounding within, and before long a metallic click gave way to the parting door, from where another cloak and hooded figure stared at the duo before them that they could see. Hopefully the two besides them would take this opportunity to enter, so as to attract as little attention as possible and avoid getting the door closed in on them. Yet, Ichigo showed a bit of a dramatic entrance, making his entrance slow so as to allow for the others to walk in between them. Noboru followed the lead, and took slow steps with enough of a gap to allow others in.

Ichigo spoke up with a flair for the dramatics, one which Noboru joined. “Hail Jashin”, he proclaimed at the end of Ichigo’s speech, something the other cultists replicated in disconnected tones. As Kaito looked around, there was one individual who stood out from among the rest. They wore the robes, but their face was uncovered, revealing pale golden locks of hair and ivory skin from where two purple eyes faced some robbed person they were chatting with. Yet, Noboru couldn’t help but feel apprehensive as his eyes went down and then back up this individual. There was something unnaturally dangerous about them, as if their very presence invoked a sensation of surrender from the murderer-in-chief. His eyes went to dart back and forward the rooms and halls in eyesight as some other cultist informed Ichigo of a ceremony taking place in the building, and how to reach it. There was another individual who did not wear a hood. While their hair was dark as the moonless night, the skin was pale, and though they leaned against a wall alone with a glass of wine in hand from one of the tables around, they took appeared so confident in their position in the world, one couldn’t help but hesitate in looking into their eyes even with a hood on. When the cultist distanced themselves from Ichigo, Kaito turned around and whispered “beware the ones without hood”, before following Ichigo’s lead.
WC: 560
Stat Page : Ryu
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Kumo Escape Room Empty Re: Kumo Escape Room

Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:03 am
Ryu had activated bot hof his doujutsu, the Byakugan was active in his left eye and the 3-tomoe Sharingan active in his right eye. Although the uses of both eyes overlapped slightly it was still worth having both active. The chakra vision of the byakugan was superior in detail, range, and scope. However, the Sharingan allowed for genjutsu protection as well as a benefit in hand-to-hand combat. The foreshadowing of the 3-tomoe allows for split-second reactions to attacks. Lastly, Ryu formed two distinct handselas and chakra started to flood throughout his system, his pores became partially blocked and his scent became all but undetectable unless someone had extrasensory abilities.

The two senior village ninja had started to disguise themselves behind Ryu as he used the Byakugan to look through the big wooden door that currently blocked their entry into the compound. Once the pair had fitted the robes over their current armor and/or clothing he stepped back allowing for the two who were in front to do what they needed with the door in front of them. Then the group was ready for what came next, The drunk deputy rapped his knuckles strongly against the door. 

After a short while, there was an answer, that short while felt like an age, although in reality was probably only seconds. Ichi and Nobo responded and Ryu held his breath, a bladed stance prepared to jump into the defense of his seniors if this went wrong. Once again the second between the greeting and the response was like torture to Ryu not knowing how this social deception would play out. He wanted to get into this line of work but was currently in the unknown about his position within the village, due to his recent failures, and that impacted upon his confidence and had made his social anxiety return. However, the pair were greeted and allowed entry. Ryu took his position in between the pair hoping that the fourth member was following their lead.

The group would then enter the compound, as soon as they were out of earshot of the initial inner guards, and Nobo had warned of the cultists not wearing hoods, Ryu backed off from the group and made it to the wall. Using the extended range and the ability to zoom in on details with the Byakugan he took in the pale-skinned cultists with greater detail. One of them was very curious of the group or perhaps of something else a miss, he could tell that he had an ability to use smell to a higher degree and was making his way towards Ryu. Ryu activated his surface walking ability and scaled the wall next to him, and flipped over a banister at the top to get onto a concourse that overlooked the entryway. Ryu dropped into a kneel and put his back against the banister, hoping that the man below would lose interest or hope that he is mistaken.

Now that they were inside the place appeared to be an abandoned church that had been repurposed into a den of evil by the cultists.  The smell of dried blood was in the air, clearly, a lot had been spilled within this building. The noises of braying rituals rang out around the vaulted ceilings, surely the group was in danger now, they would have to tread carefully from now on. Ryu would follow for this heightened position and take the lead of the group below, they could either burst into action now that they were in or continue with the stealth approach until they gained roe information on what was going on here or until they found the leader of this particular cult.

WC: 616
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Kumo Escape Room Empty Re: Kumo Escape Room

Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:15 pm

Their mission continued as the Deputy took out the two guards by cloaking himself with one of his unseeing abilities. The two guards being out of commission gave them the opportunity to use their clothing as a disguise to gain entry. Both Ichigo and the Lord Raikage grasped that opportunity and continued to dress within the guards' attire. The other lad within the party mentioned Meika’s genjutsu possibly being discovered, and that two should use invisibility to infiltrate the building as the others use the guard’s attire.

Unfortunately Meika didn’t have the ability to make herself invisible, this left her to continue with her illusion genjutsu until she can gain access to a vulnerable cultist or discarded uniform.

The two dispatched guards were taken care of and out of sight, and Ichigo announced himself with a knock upon the door. Lord Raikage took the time to give them a word of encouragement that the operation was a-go just before the door opened up. At the door was another cultist. He looked over the two guards in disguise, with little to no interest in her or the lad that had disappeared in his own way of invisibility.

Meika took this chance to get through the door, as Ichigo and the Lord Raikage captured the scene with their greetings. As long as the kunoichi entered with a confident posture and attitude, she shouldn't be easily questioned as someone who didn’t belong.

Ichigo announced a praise to the Jashin leader from behind her upon his slow entry. Everyone seemed to follow suit with the praise as in union. With that Meika made sure to mutter the words as well, like a good little cultist should. “Oh hail Jashin.”

The lass found it easy to slip through the crowd until she was able to find a discarded outfit in a room within the back. At first she was confused as to why the outfit would be so easily discarded like that, until she had slipped it on at the note that no one was within sight to notice her. Meika was disgusted at the discovery of a red stain upon the cloak. Fortunately it was a wine stain.

The lass returned to the ceremony. Her small figure always came in handy when she needed to slip in and out of scenery. A towering figure would easily capture more attention than a small, frail being. Ichigo and the Lord weren't far from where she left them. The kunoichi made her way back to them, with a glass within her hand. She was close enough to hear a low warning from the Lord, as her attention was easily grasped by the simple sound of his voice. Some of the members inside seemed more dangerous than the others, and they were to steer clear of them.

The cultist had finished leading the group to where the main event of the ceremony was taking place, when he turned his attention to the lass. He went to speak, as if about to question where she had disappeared to, but stopped short as his eyes fell onto the glass within her hand. The stain of wine upon her cloak only complimented her unspoken, but seemingly obvious, excuse. “My my. . . what a very impatient fletching we have here. Couldn't wait till after the ceremony for a drink?” The cultist ended his joke and continued to escort them to the stairway. Her eyes briefly scanned over the unhooded strangers to make sure none of their attention had been drawn. So far so good.

They made it to the ceremony, the lass not too happy about the risky adventure she had to take, but happy that the cultist leading them didn’t seem to notice any difference besides her greediness of wine. Now she wasn’t relying on her genjutsu as a disguise and was the real deal.

The door to the ceremony opened as if to be inviting for the party. But the smell that hit them was far from inviting at all. Meika did her best to not scrunch up her nose in disgust, as the overwhelming scent of blood washed over them.
{TWC: 690}
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Kumo Escape Room Empty Re: Kumo Escape Room

Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:11 am
Taking the warning from Kaito in mind Ichigo made note of those walking around without a hood covering their face. It wouldn't be that far-fetched that in a cult like Jashin there were ranks among the worshippers. Perhaps those completely clad in a cloak were the errand boys whereas the ones showing and revealing their pale skin could be consired higher up the ladder of hierarchy, capable of giving out orders to the lower members of their evil group. "I guess it's safe to say they are the ones who'll give us the most trouble" the Drunk spoke under his breath only for those closest to him to hear.

Ichigo witnessed how Meika took an example of his own acting skills as the kunoichi pulled of the appearance of a fellow cultist, glass of wine in her hand to top it off. "A true Kumogakure shinobi" the man thought to himself, the village's tradition of bringing forth talented forces capable of holding their own in both battle and drinking. Assuming Ryuzaki wasn't far from them, taking his role as shadow to the utmost precision, the Deputy continued making his way to the aforementioned location, not stopping unless necessary. It looked like the ceremony was about to begin, an event the Kumo crew couldn't miss out on.

If they all followed behind, each of them would have started to notice the smell of blood filling the compound by then. Another ominous feeling coming over him as such a scent was never a good sign. Maybe the Jashinists were in the process of making yet another sacrifice or they were using it for whatever other wicked reason one could think of. Either way, Ichigo doubted the end result would be of a positive kind. Up to them to change the outcome and save what's left saving. However, the circumstances were strange, even for the situation they were in.

No screams, calls for help, nothing. Only the smell of blood but no sound of people in need for a savior, not counting the freak going by the name of Lord Jashin. There was only one true Lord and he went by the name of Noboru Kaito. Were those being sacrificed in a vegetative state, possibly drugged which could explain the lack of noise or in the worst case there were simply no more people left to shout and cry for help. With the ceremony about to start the Kumogakure boys and girl would soon find out what it would be and who they were going to be dealing with.

With the smell of blood growing stronger by the minute the Drunk realized they couldn't lose anymore time than they already did. Standing there would just be a waste of precious minutes, even seconds, that could've been used saving whoever was still left. A single door was the only thing separating the Cloud and the Cult, nothing else inbetween both groups that could avoid the inevitable clash between each party. The Deputy could only hope everyone was ready to play their part. "Going in guns blazing won't cut it. We'll blend in after I made sure how many of them are present and we move from there" the man said to the others before activating his Byakugan.

Using the lilac eye of the famous dojutsu belonging to the Hyuuga the blacksmith's son looked through the door and into the room, scanning the area to know how many cultists they were dealing with. To his surprise there were more than he had accounted for but it made sense in a way. There were hardly any cultists when they entered the building, meaning they had to be gathered somewhere else and the Drunk seemed to have found the place where they were all holed up. No less than fifteen worshippers in the room, some of the lower ranks covering their faces while others were comfortable showing their pale faces.

To the Deputy's relief it appeared the Jashinists would be the only ones inside, no sacrifices whatsoever. "There are a couple of troublemakers similar to the ones we saw earlier" he voiced, referring to the pale looking individuals. From the looks of things it seemed the errand boys kept themselves busy while the stronger looking cultists would be seen guarding a single individual who'd be sitting in the middle, surrounded by a handful of skillful individuals. Once Ichigo made sure he got all the information regarding the current situation the man relayed the message to his fellow members.

Thinking how to best move forward the Deputy shared his thoughts with the others. "Lord Raikage and myself will enter the room, blend in while figuring out just how nuts these freaks are. Once we made sure the evil bastards are planning something horrible we'll act. Keep an eye out for the sign I'll give, which is this". He then simply removed his hood, letting them know the second he repeats the same action inside the room would also be the moment for them to act. "Ready? Don't forget to watch your backs, there are still some troublesome figures on the first floor". That being said, the Drunk opened the door as he entered the room.

Upon making his appearance Ichigo simply nodded at the other worshippers, making his way deeper into the room in an attempt to get as close to the man who seemed to be the leader as possible. Hoping Kaito did the same the Drunk realized it would only be a matter of time until the sign could be given. There was no reason for him to believe those people were doing an innocent roleplay, his thoughts of evil deeds only getting confirmed the longer he spent inside. "Brothers", with a motion of the head he'd be nodding once more, knowing it was almost showtime.

Slowly pulling up his sleeves, revealing the tattoos on both his arms Ichigo would throw his cloak down in true superhero style before finally removing his hood and thus giving the sign. "Now". Operation Whatever The Hell Is Going On Here: work in progress.

(WC: 1014, TWC: 1530)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Kumo Escape Room Empty Re: Kumo Escape Room

Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:49 am
The plan had gone off without issue so far; although Meika had to switch her plan from becoming invisible to simply become an acceptable visage, taking on the appearance of a cultist just as Noboru and Ichigo had done. Although he could see through the Genjutsu if he chose to with the help of his Sharingan, it was enough that his Hiyu cells buzzed around to inform him that the world around him was not as it seemed. He also decided to conserve his chakra and he didn’t enable the Byakugan, as both Ichigo and Ryuuzaki were equipped with one from his own stock, and the Raikage trusted that at the very least Ryuuzaki would take advantage of his camouflage to operate the eye without revealing the ninja art. Moreover, he had taken perfect advantage of the opening created by the trio and was able to slip inside the compound without alerting the guards by the door. It was good to see his ninja, famous around the world as brutes and drunks, take such sophisticated steps in completing key points of the mission, in this case, infiltration.

One of the unhooded figures seemed to have taken interest in the group, taking a sip of their drink before approaching. Enabling his Byakugan in a flash to see what might be going on, he noticed both Meika and Ryuuzaki taking divergent steps: Meika to an empty room, Ryuuzaki up a wall. Quick, a distraction! Nobo cleared his throat, trying to distract the possible displaced steps of Ryuuzaki with the rumble from his throat, yet by the time Meika arrived, glass in hand, the cultist that had taken charge of leading them seemed distracted by her and her glass of wine, commenting on her impatience. The blond unhooded cultist seemed to be appeased by this, and took another sip, before flashing a disturbing smile at the group and going back to the lass he had been speaking with. Hooded or not, her frame wouldn’t lie. However, something troubling was now dancing before Kaito’s eyes.

When the cultist smiled, his tongue and teeth were stained red.

Noboru didn’t know of any wine which would stain one’s teeth and tongue so vividly, as if it were thick as blood. Yet, the smell triggered something in him.

He was back at the hospital, Ghost SinnSage Hyuuga’s face mere centimeters away from his as blood filled his mouth from the brutality of the wound the then Jonin inflicted upon his criminally charged student. The sight, the smell, they were the same. The blond cultist wasn’t enjoying a glass of red wine as Meika did, he was enjoying a glass of blood. Taking advantage of his low hanging hands, Kaito executed four hand gestures that any Kumogakure ninja trained in the battle sign language of the Kumogakure would be able to observe and understand.

Night. Crawler. Blood. Drinker.

Meika might have difficulties in seeing it in this setting, however if Ichigo and Ryuuzaki had their Byakugan enabled -- which Noboru did not know only Ryuuzaki had at the time -- they may have been able to identify the message of the Raikage.

Escorted by the cultist through corridors of old stone and rotting wood, the smell of blood was apparent in this as well, yet, unlike the fresh blood of the vampire’s glass, rich and vivid as if on one’s hands as they lean over the sink to wash what won’t come off of their souls, the blood in these halls and walls was old and dried, and save for the difference of the cold and dark night, it almost brought back memories of the Warmonger’s Arena, whose grounds drank blood thirstily and allowed it to cake the earth and dirt that needed raking to prevent lumps and rot. So that was the feeling Noboru felt before. Not fear or paralysis at the sight of the dangerous creatures he now assumed were vampires: he felt ecstatic, yet his body was forced to hold still, hold back the violence he nurtured and adored. He yearned for the chance to face the creatures in bloody combat, but the mission required him to stifle his emotion and lay low. As it turns out, the distance between fear and courage was a short one, vaulted only by action.

They were led through a door, and from there, another corridor to a final door. Troubling, he thought. Ensuring he held the door long enough under the guise of allowing Meika to pass, he allowed entrance to Ryuuzaki as well, who may need to keep his cover for a while longer given their lack of knowledge of what was to happen beyond the door at the end of the corridor. Ichigo mentioned going in guns blazing may not cut it, and it confused Noboru as he had no clue what a gun was, but he nodded anyway. As Ichigo looked through the door, Noboru took a few steps back behind his team and weaved a few handseals, and kneaded chakra in his stomach, turning the acid within into mud, which he then expelled and vomited it onto the middle of the corridor: from the mud, a wall of earth rose and blocked off the entrance onto the corridor, slowly but surely taking form so as to not create a disturbance. “That should buy us some time”, he announced in a hushed tone.

When Ichigo was done investigating, he relayed there were a couple troublemakers similar to the ones they had seen earlier. “They might not be regular people. Do not take them lightly, separate them from the group, and don’t hold back if you have an opening.” Ichigo seemed to ponder further on how to proceed. He then laid out his game plan: Noboru and Ichigo would go in and blend in with the rest while assessing the situation, and if they could ascertain that something evil was taking place, they would be allowed to engage. It was as sensible a plan as Noboru himself could come up with, so he nodded along to the instruction, as well as when Ichigo performed the call sign he would use to indicate the mission was going to start.

They went into the room calmly, all four of them now able to mingle and investigate. Ichigo circled the chamber towards the right, while Noboru went towards the left. At the center, four vampires kneeled as if each was at a cardinal position around one elder who appeared to be focusing chakra. Aided by the shade that covered his features, Noboru enabled his Byakugan, and the sensation of dread that tried to creep upon his senses finally was explained. A massive amount of foul chakra seemed to be funneled through a hole in the canopy on the ceiling, centered on the individual at the center, who must be focusing it for some sordid purpose. The four vampires appeared to be forming a rectangle shield around the man, each with their backs to a wall of their creation, which intersected with the others to seal them away.

It wasn’t long before Ichigo threw his sleeves up and his hood away, exclaiming NOW to the rest of the group. It was as much as Noboru needed. Grabbing the fabric of the cloak over his left shoulder with his right hand, he forcefully pulled away at the fabric which ripped at the seams whenever pulled between the strength of his arm and the immovable body, a rag within seconds to be tossed aside by the Raikage. “Worshippers of Jashin”, he called out, now two sources of distraction would further divide attention and cause the element of surprise to have greater effect, “the Worshippers of Raijin and Fuijin are here to deliver you to your master.”

WC: 1292
TWC: 1825
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Kumo Escape Room Empty Re: Kumo Escape Room

Sat Oct 30, 2021 12:54 pm
There was a moment that when the group was being led to the main event of tonight's crazy fuckery, that the kunoichi caught a glimpse of the Raikage's signal. She wasn't able to completely catch the phrase, but raised the cup to her lips for a slight second as an act, as she allowed her observing eyes to catch what had drawn the Lords suspicion.

Sure enough Meika noticed ome of the unhooded figures smiling in the direction of their group. The stain upon his mowl was obviously not wine. She felt a slight twist within her stomach. Her act of lifting the wine glass to her lips didn't allow for any of the liquid to taint her tongue. Meika knew that the glass within her fingers wasn't the same as the unhooded man's, she could smell the bitter sweetness of the wine within her's, but she still didn't completely trust the liquid inside to be safe. So her act will have to continue.

The corridor of death in which they was going through was beyond the image of a horrible nightmare. The dark stains of blood that painted the old interior was proof that horrible things were exercised within this ancient building. The thought of how many lives that might have faded within these walls unsettled the woman. This was not the place anyone would want to die within. This temple of ugly wasn't deserving of the passing of ones spirits.

The kunoichi was ready to make the bastards pay. She held her composure perfectly, she's been through plenty of chaos to know how to keep her emotions in check. But when they get the proof they needed to confirm their suspicions, all hell would surely break loose, and Meika had no intentions of holding back unless ordered to.

They stopped in front of the final door to their destination. The kunoichi knew that their mission was growing closer to the main assignment. They had so far been successful in infiltrating the cult. It was time to gather what they needed, to confirm that it would be right to shut it all down. Ichigo opened the discussion with what was about to follow. Him and the Lord were the two that were going to close around the main event of the ceremony, while Ryu and Meika hovered in the back at a safe distance. Their disguise and invisibility would allow them to keep a low profile as the two in the clothing of guards investigated the situation at full.

Meika gave no objections. She nodded to show her understandment of her part, and was sure that the one cloaked in invisibility was not far from them. The Lord of Kumogakure began the operation by creating a defensive wall to block off the path from which they came. This would keep out the unwanted company from below. The kunoichi would be blessed with the opportunity to see the Raikage in action.

Ichigo entered through the door of the main event, and the rest followed. Him and the lord went their own ways to come to the side of the room's center, where four cultists where positioned around one main man in the middle. The one in the middle must be the almighty that was in charge of all the fuckery.

Far within the shadows knelt the lower class of the cultists. As if patiently waiting for the main event. Meika joined amongst the lower class and knelt to the ground, but her attention never left the two that was closing onto the main event. All she needed was Ichigo's sign to begin operation execution.

Which didn't take long to happen. Ichigo raised his arms, exposing the tattoos that engraved upon them. His cloak discarded ontonthe floor at his feet, with the lowering of his hood. The signal was given. The Lord didn't hesitate to follow Ichigo's example of a surprise entrance with his very own. Everyone's attention would be captivated by the two infiltrators. Meika found the distraction a perfect opportunity. "Let's get this party started." {WC: 676 | TWC: 1,366}
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Kumo Escape Room Empty Re: Kumo Escape Room

Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:28 pm
Breathing in to calm himself for the battle to come the Drunk activated his Sharingan, the crimson eye quickly scanning the room to anticipate the cultists' movements now that they became aware of Kumogakure's presence. With their lower numbers as a disadvantage Ichigo figured to use the momentum of surprise as an advantage, creating chaos and terror to those worshipping Jashin. Four of them and at least fifteen opponents whose skills were still a hidden factor, the fight wouldn't be pretty but in reality those were the most enjoyable ones as well. The Deputy was aware how dangerous it could be if they underestimated the enemy, especially when not knowing what they would be capable of. All the more reason for them to go all out from the start.

Rat - Ox - Tiger - Hare - Dragon - Snake. Once the hand seals were complete the Drunk activated one of his techniques with himself as the centerpoint. As a result a field made out of Quake Release chakra would begin to expand outwards in all directions with those caught by the technique suddenly finding it harder to move when simply in reality Ichigo caused both their speed and strength to decrease. By doing so the Deputy and his friends would have it easier to combat the enemy while in return their opponents would have a harder time putting up an equal fight. "Don't hold back". The battle had only begun but it wouldn't hurt shifting it in their favor early on.

Even though they might not need it the deputy's job was still to protect his Kage and fellow comrades, which is why Ichigo's role was decided the second he gave the sign to engage, divide and conquer. Concentrating extreme amounts of power into his muscles the man crashed through some of the cultists, separating them from each other, allowing the Kumo group to fight on equal grounds. A couple of masked individuals found themselves launched into the walls due to the sheer force Ichigo used to slam into them, the weaker ones immediately knocked out, unable to handle the pressure behind the attack. "I'm not even warmed up yet. Come". His voice as heavy as the chakra inside the room the man dared his opponents to come at him.

Using the Jugo DNA he acquired the blacksmit's son formed what resembled an axe on his left arm, slashing the throats of those foolish enough to run up at him. Easily blocking their attacks while the blade toar through their flesh without any trouble, blood spilled and landing on both floor and walls. After striking the ground with his newly created weapon a ripple of force began spreading out from his position with a miniature earthquake as the result. Those caught within range would find themselves launched into the air, becoming easy pickings in the process. Immune to its effects Ichigo launched himself at them, cutting and slashing away at his opponents.

Showing the power of Kumogakure the Deputy wrapped his body in a layer of lightning chakra, pushing his physique to the absolute limit. Surrounding himself with an additional cloak he was now protected from most damage done to him, effectively mitigating it. Staying dedicated to the lightning theme he currently was running the man sent out a high voltage shockwave. Those caught in the blast radius would be receiving severe electric burns and the weaker ones possibly even losing their lives with their nerves and brain completely fried in the end. Absorbed in the battle he could only hope his fellow companions were having as much fun as he was having destroying the cult.

Assuming the Raikage had taken care of the main vampire in the center their fight should be coming to a close. In case any of the Kumogakure party got injured during combat the Drunk would tend to their injuries. Although he now held the role of Deputy, he was still a doctor in the first place. His hands would glow a special type of blue, increasing the healing speed. Once the battle finished and no more vampires were left Ichigo figured it wouldn't be much longer until their nightmare finally ended, hopefully bringing them back home to the beautiful village that is known as Kumogakure. All that was missing now were a couple of glasses and some alcohol.


(TWC: 2250)
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Kumo Escape Room Empty Re: Kumo Escape Room

Sun Oct 31, 2021 6:45 am
The team came into action in tandem with Ichigo and the Raikage, and for a beautiful moment, his swirling sharingan was able to take in the action as it took place, as if in slow motion, beautiful displays of strength and speed, of violence and an alienation towards human life that only a seasoned veteran could display with such ease. Yet, these Jashin Cultists had brought this upon themselves; to ritualistically occupy a place where so much blood had been drawn, and associating themselves with creatures as vile as vampires, their lives had been forfeited, and the Kumogakure force was here to collect.

Expanding his life force within, the Gate of Pain opened and the Raikage shot forwards towards the barrier. The Vampires within, startled alongside the cultists, saw how the three other members handled the baser ranks, but their eyes soon locked on the redheaded menace charging towards them, the gap closing before their eyes could even process the totality of their newfound reality. Standing up, they all came together to create a barrier between themselves and Noboru, who threw a punch as brutal as he could. The effect was lackluster, yet, a singular crack spread across the barrier as the four vampires held their hands forward. They grinned. Noboru grinned. They grimaced. One, two, three, a flurry of punches grew in number and speed, until it became a blur of strikes against the barrier they held up. The cracks became more prominent, shatterpoints that the vampire’s technique could not mend fast enough. With a visceral scream, Noboru’s rage was imparted onto the barrier, and just as the vampires realized it was no use to keep it up anymore, it exploded in a thousand shards of red energy.

Grabbing daggers at their waist, the vampires shot forward through the dispelled barrier to aim at Noboru’s vital organs. The first stab was aimed at his midsection, but Noboru took a short back step and grabbed at the right wrist of the vampire holding the knife, pushing it backwards with with before he spread the arm across his chest and pulling between shoulder and wrist, cracking the arm at the elbow. With the Vampire’s body to his left, two of the other vampires were no issue, but the third towards his right aimed at him a stab; using the wrist still on his right hand while his left arm circled and jerked the neck of the vampire on his hold, Noboru allowed the dagger to pierce the hand of the broken neck vampire before taking another step forwards towards this striking vampire and sinking a knee onto his stomach, releasing one vampire to grab the other by the neck and waistband, lifting him off the ground and driving him back down with all this might head first to create a reverse vampire plant; the wood shook as the vampire’s head sunk through it, and he awkwardly stood there for a hot second before becoming limp. The two vampires circled their downed friend with daggers aimed at Noboru, chest height, but Noboru simply uncorked the sake bottle at his own waist and allowed the fire chakra to shoot forwards; the surprise attack worked and one of the vampires was impaled through their chest, becoming a ragdoll as the sake retreated and falling to the ground. The last vampire now stood between Noboru and the cultist.

Noboru’s Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan looked deep into the scarlet eyes of the vampire. He made a grabbing motion towards the vampire, one that would fail due to their distance, however, what the vampire did not anticipate was a ghostly three meter arm grabbing their head. Noboru squeezed his hand, and blood splattered onto his dark armor.

The last man in the middle remained, drawing foul chakra onto themselves. How to contain it… perhaps…

Uncorking his Sakegari no Tachi once more, Noboru stabbed the man in the heart, and once impaled by the fiery chakra blade, his eyes opened with a drawing last breath as he gazed into his murderer’s eyes. Their soul and chakra now seeped onto the Sakegari no Tachi, and the foul chakra, now dwindling without a vessel, was absorbed with it, and the ritual stopped. Drawing in the blade once more, he took the gourd to his nose and smelled. The liquid within was foul. With the nightmare resolved, he looked around at the massacre his ninja brought forward, and the nightmare became blurry as they sunk into a regular sleep.

WC: 747
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Kumo Escape Room Empty Re: Kumo Escape Room

Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:50 pm
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