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The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon Empty The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon

Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:35 pm
Gonk will wake up to find a pale hawk at his window bearing a notice of invitation to the Mizukage's estate. As a Jounin, he's also been recently informed that Murata will be leaving the village for a short time to attend a diplomatic summit.

If he accepts the invitations he will find the estate a flurry of activity. Murata invites him to her office, at which point she presents him with an important-looking scroll. 

"I'm relying on you," Murata says to him, herself breezing through last-minute paperwork. "That's the Great Water Shark Bullet. Suits you, right? The scroll won't leave this room, but that jutsu will, and I need you to take good care of it. It's our most precious secret technique."
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon Empty Re: The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon

Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:21 am
The first sight to greet bleary eyed Gonk in the morning was a pure white hawk perched on his windowsill. 
“Huh, must be important if it was brought by a bird and not just dropped off,” Gonk thought as he quickly rose out of bed and walked over to the window. As he unfurled the note attached to the hawk's leg, Gonk’s eyebrows raised in surprise as he read the contents. It was an official summons to the Mizukage’s chamber. Gonk realized that this would actually be his first time seeing his friend since she became the Mizukage. He had also been informed that she was leaving the village soon for a diplomatic meeting. 
“I wonder if this has something to do with her trip,” Gonk thought as he got dressed. A few minutes later, Gonk was done and began walking down the streets of Kirigakure towards the Mizukage estate. 

When he got there, the building was bustling with activity, various administrators hurrying back and forth, arms full of paperwork. Gonk wove his way through these harried looking individuals until he reached the Mizukage’s office. Upon being invited in by Murata, Gonk walked inside and bowed, before taking the scroll that was offered to him.
“Great Water Shark Bullet?” Gonk wondered in amazement. He had heard stories of the powerful secret jutsu of Kirigakure that went by that name, and now he had permission to learn it!
“I won’t let you down,” Gonk told Murata as he unrolled the scroll. “Oh congratulations on becoming Mizukage by the way. I don’t think I’ve had the chance to tell you yet.”

Gonk looked back down at the scroll and carefully read each line written on it. 
He then ran through each of the hand seals several times, saying the names out loud as he did so. However, for obvious reasons he didn’t cast the technique. It definitely wouldn’t be a good idea to destroy the new mizukage’s office. 
After he had the fundamentals of the technique down, Gonk resealed the scroll and placed it on Murata’s desk.
“Is there anything else you need?” Gonk asked Murata, who appeared to be doing paperwork of some kind.
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The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon Empty Re: The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon

Sun Oct 31, 2021 2:47 am
"Just one thing," Murata says, bringing her attention back up to Gonk from her papers. Seeing him run through those seals reminds her that she's inadvertently taught Saya the same technique, and she cringes at the memory of her office nearly being blown up. She takes the scroll and places it safely back in its place. "Concerning your Curse Mark. What exactly happened between you and Akabayashi Terumi when he applied those seals to you and Kita, and what is your impression of the man?"
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon Empty Re: The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon

Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:08 pm
“Akabayashi huh,” Gonk thought, his hand unconsciously reaching to his neck where the curse mark had been placed on him. 
“Well, by sheer chance, me and Kita found each other that day at Dave’s shop. Kita was there to get his Jugo organ removed and I was there because I was just kind of wandering around. I didn’t really have much to do while I was in Hoshi because they weren’t exactly speedy about the release process. Either way I was going to wait outside for the surgery to be done because Akabayashi told me Kita was free to go after this. However he told me I should go in, and persuaded both me and Kita to get these curse marks. He promised us all of the powers of the Jugo bloodline without even needing a transplant. Naturally with that kind of sales pitch we accepted. Before the operation, he warned us that death was a possibility, however he assured us he could easily bring us back to life. He then proceeded to knock us out and perform the operations.”

Gonk paused. 

“Wait a minute,” Gonk thought, his mind racing. “Does she know that we died yet? I didn’t tell her, but did Kita?” 
"After that, we woke up, and uh, he kinda told us that we died.”

Gonk paused here, waiting to see Murata’s reaction. After a moment, Gonk continued.

“Kita was pretty distressed about this, and Akabayashi didn’t really do much to reassure him. I was able to calm him down a bit, but I think that experience was part of the reason Kita’s kinda fucked up right now. Either way, it seems that when we died, Akabayashi revived both of us using a jutsu he called the Lazarus Pit. The jutsu basically created a hot spring from a pre-existing water source. The pit was able to both resurrect people and heal normal wounds. Overall seemed like a very powerful jutsu. Oh yeah, as a side effect it replaced our blood with hot water.” 

As he said this, Gonk pulled out a kunai and cut his palm, clear fluid leaking out of the injury. “Overall I’m not sure I really trust him,” Gonk said as he put the kunai away. “He promised to try to free Kita, yet it still took months. The fact that he gave us the curse marks is a bit suspicious as well, but this isn’t founded on any sort of evidence. So overall, I’m a bit wary of him, and I definitely wouldn’t trust him, but I’m not sure he poses an immediate threat. Oh yeah, he also gave me several messages for Aloide on two separate occasions. The first one was a verbal message that made it seem like he was looking into something for Aloide. The second and third were letters, I’m not sure what they said.”

Finished speaking, Gonk would wait to see if Murata had anything to say, or any follow up questions.
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The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon Empty Re: The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon

Tue Nov 02, 2021 7:21 pm
Murata watches him closely throughout his explanation, expression grave. Her eyebrows subtly knit at his admission that they had died during the process, but she does not seem shocked, exactly. He demonstrates the exact same boiling blood that Kita had shown her.

"When you have an opportunity, I'd like you to bring Kita to have both of your seals looked at by Dreamer, and to have your blood analyzed at the hospital," she says. "We can't take it on faith that Akabayashi's techniques don't have other effects that we don't know about."

How interesting that a clearly lethal process to gain power is totally fine in Hoshigakure. In any case, this provides more context as to why Kita is so shaken.

"He was in communication with Aloide regarding research into a certain bloodline ability. I'll have to ask the Second about it when I see him next," Murata sighs. "I'm not sure his working relationship with Hoshigakure is that I'll be able to carry forward in good faith. Thank you for filling me in, Gonk."

Murata stands and walks to one of the shelves of the office, retrieving a bundle and placing it on the table - it appears to be a set of grey armour. She places a shining white ANBU mask on top, with narrow eyes and a blue-grey wave marking over the mouth, representing a shark in abstract.

"With Keita's departure, I have positions open in the ANBU," she says to him. "ANBU operative Mako. How does that sound?"

Whether he accepts or not, the work must continue. Murata will bid him farewell, with a congratulations to ANBU Mako if he accepts and a nod of understanding if he declines, and return to her last-minute arrangements.


Making claims later
Granting Gonk ANBU rank if accepted and permission to learn Great Water Shark Bullet
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The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon Empty Re: The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon

Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:22 am
On the surface, Murata seemed to take Gonk’s story surprisingly well, however Gonk had no way of knowing what she was really thinking. She also requested that he get his curse mark and blood checked out by the anbu dreamer, a smart choice. There was absolutely no guarantee that Akabayashi hadn’t placed any unwanted effects on him through the curse mark or resurrection jutsu. Murata would go on to tell Gonk about why The Second had been corresponding with Dave.
“Interesting,” he thought, though he only gave a slight inclination of his head. The prospect of ending the friendly relationship between Kiri and Hoshi at the Kage level was an interesting one.
But the most interesting part of the meeting was yet to come. 

Gonk watched with increasing curiosity as Murata brought a set of grey armor over from one of the shelves and placed it on her desk. 
“Is that Anbu armor?” Gonk wondered for a brief moment before his suspicion was confirmed by the mask that was placed atop the uniform.
Gonk stood in shocked silence for a moment, before responding. 
“I would be honored,” Gonk said, dropping onto one  kneel. After a few seconds Gonk stood back up and picked up the mask, examining the design. It was very simplistic, but was still clear that the animal it represented was a shark. 
Gonk grinned. 
“Mako huh,” Gonk said, testing out the name. “I like it.”
Gonk collected the rest of the uniform, and bid farewell to Murata, before exiting the office. Where Gonk Hoshigaki had gone in, ANBU operative Mako now exited, feeling ready to handle any challenges thrown his way.
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Village : Hoshigakure
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The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon Empty Re: The One VE Permission Aloide Would Approve Of [Gon

Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:15 pm
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