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Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

It's all fun and games. Empty It's all fun and games.

Sun Oct 24, 2021 3:45 pm
Splatter Puzzle (C):

Kota woke up in a fog. He tried to move his arms but found himself strapped down to a table, his legs suffered a similar fate. The lack of movement gave him two thoughts. He either had a lot of fun that went eight levels of wild, or someone was after his kidney. He had one of the hardest working kidneys in Suna. The amount of alcohol it would keep from killing Kota, could kill an elephant with ease. If the people tying him up took his hard worked liver, who knew when he could get an equally as useful one. The fact that his liver could possibly get jacked did not phase him. He was from Suna. Organ trading was commonplace, and as long as he lived he would be able to fix himself up.

“Oh, god! Where are we?!” It was the first time Kota noticed the presence of seven other people tied up in similar ways as himself. Certain people are more aware and up compared to others. The screaming banshee was a woman of a darker complexion wearing a Konoha headband. “I need to get out of here.” The lady was in distress. Completely losing her wits and making herself look messy.

Kota decided to ignore her. Wasting his energy to comfort would be pointless. If this many shinobi could go missing then he had to assume he was in for a fight. No one kidnapped a group of people to give them a good time. He had a higher chance of being one of those secret mythical Jinchūriki. All Kota believed he could do was wait and check out his physical condition. Looking for any pain that could indicate tampering with his body.

A sound of static could be heard momentarily. Before a voice came out of the air “Glad to see that you can all finally wake up. My precious volunteers.” Kota could not help the thought that flashed through his head, precious volunteers my left cheek. He focused to listen back in on the voice. “Do not worry. You are all in good hands. This is a time for fun and games! Everyone loves games.” The voice sounded like a chipper young man that only sounded a little nuts. “Anyway, as long as you play the games and win. You can move on and get some great prizes. Try to escape, lose, or kill your fellow players and it is game over. Game Over means death for you slower ones. Now without further ado let’s get to playing. The first game is called falling star. All you have to do is use the provided Shuriken to hit one of the targets before time ends.”

The voice ended and Kota could feel his straps loosen up, his body regaining it’s mobility. Kota did not feel up to looking around. As a hunter and someone that used weapons more often than he spoke to other people. He felt taking a closer look at the tools to be better. Kota was so busy looking at the provided shuriken he did not see the woman from earlier burst into blue flames, then scattering into ashes. She had tried to escape by teleporting out. It was a shame it did not work for her, leaving only six survivors.

Kota picked up a shuriken and threw it. It sailed through the air before hitting the target. “Target Kota has completed the level.” A womanly voice rang out as Kota hit the target. He moved back to his bed to take a seat. Letting the time pass before the game would end. An elderly man did not finish the game and was provided a game over. He burst into the same flames. This time with Kota seeing it. Kota would wait to convene with the survivors from the first round.

“Anyone have any idea on what is going on?” As they had a moment of respite, Kota figured now would be a time to talk.

WC: 665
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

It's all fun and games. Empty Re: It's all fun and games.

Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:14 am
There was a sharp persisting pain in Ita’s back which caused him to suddenly awake. The Uchiha’s crimson eyes opened slowly, blinking to adjust to the room’s dim lighting. The room that he found himself in was cold and the air was stagnant and musty. The source of the pain in his back was caused by a rusty pipe he was sitting against that he found himself chained to by the ankle. “What is this place…” The Uchiha did not bother to try and break free from his confinement yet, but instead chose to examine the room for clues as to where he was or what exactly was going on.
His sharingan cut through the room and Ita took in the appearances of the others that found themselves in a similar situation as himself, chained to various stationary objects around the perimeter of the room. A woman bearing a Konoha headband let out a shriek of terror upon coming to her senses- realizing that she had been kidnapped. Once the remainding prisoners came to, an audible sound of static would fill the room, signifying that someone was about to speak over some sort of intercom system. The unstable and maniacal voice of a young man addressed the room, informing the prisoners that they had become contestants on some sort of sick game show. Play the games and win prizes, or escape, lose, or kill a fellow player and die.
The first game was called ‘Falling Star’ and the objective was simple. Hit one of the moving targets with a shuriken and pass. Besides each player was a singular shuriken. Ita remained calm, composed, and very still as if invisible. Instead of reacting, he chose to gather information from the other contestants before proceeding. The chains which ensnared the contestants unlatched, allowing them to now move.
Now free, the Konoha Kunoichi from earlier had found new confidence and declared that she would escape using a Space-Time Jutsu. “There’s nothing stopping me from Teleporting out of here!” She yelled confidently, the expression on her face determined to abandon the rest of the participants. Upon completing a set of hand seals, her body would burst into blue flames, her body reducing to ashes in an unnaturally quick manner. A feeling of relief washed over Ita. If he had attempted to teleport out of this place using Kamui before analyzing the situation, he too would have succumbed to the same fate. 

"There are now six participants remaining." 
Next, a male opposite of the woman who had bursted into flames secured their shuriken and struck the target with ease. “Target Kota has completed the level.” A voice of a robotic woman declared over the intercom system. Ita was perplexed how a shinobi of his level could have found himself in this situation.
Ita shifted his seated position, so he was no longer sitting against the rusted pipe, but against a flat part of the wall. With his right hand, he would secure the shuriken on the floor next to him and with his sharingan, he would locate a target and strike it with ease. The robotic voice spoke over the intercom system once more, “Target Ita Uchiha has completed the level.” Five other participants in the room complete the task baring an older man who failed to complete the first game, resulting in his body combusting into blue flames just as the Konoha Kunoichi from earlier. Ita did not want to participate in the games and enable his captors, but currently saw no alternative option. For now, Ita would participate in this little game, but once he had an opportunity to escape or deliver justice to his captor, he would take it.
The first participant to successfully complete the task would address the remaining participants, inquiring if anyone knew what was going on. Wasn’t it obvious? They had been kidnapped by some freak and were now being forced to play a game for their lives- although he couldn’t explain what was preventing them for leaving or killing the participants who failed to complete the challenge. Ita remained silent and instead, kept a watchful eye on the other participants and for an opportunity to escape, or a clue as to where their captor was hiding. For all Ita knew, their captor could be disguised as one of the other participants.
For anyone who observed the Uchiha, they would notice he appeared to be in his mid-twenties and had a pale complexion and lines underneath his eyes representing his lack of quality sleep. He had jet black hair that was shoulder length and upon his forehead was a Konoha headband with a line through the village’s insignia suggesting that he was a rogue ninja.
WC: 788
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It's all fun and games. Empty Re: It's all fun and games.

Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:22 pm


Where there is no imagination
Trick or T r e a t

It wasn’t the pain, or the coldness of the room that cause Suika to wake, it was the sound of people around her waking that caused her to stir, she stayed laying low to the ground as she looked around at her surroundings; she was chained up; the room was dark, but dimly lit enough to make out the others surrounding her. She tried to make note of who they were but couldn’t exactly tell; Suika noticed that she was still in some form of a Halloween costume, a sheer dress, her hair white hair almost silver once more; but much longer, she had… Fangs? What was this costume… A vampire? She groaned as she groggily stood up, her back against the wall as she did; in front of her was a table, and there sat a single shuriken; her eyes darted across the room as a voice came blaring through it – this obviously insane man wanted everyone chained up to play a game? Suika was trying to determine where exactly that voice was coming from – she noticed several small speakers… It was possible the owner of this voice was not at all near the area or even location that they were… But he had to be close – she tried to focus down on the chakra signatures, but everything seemed like a blur. Nothing made sense in this room; everything was fuzzy and off.

Suika pressed her lips tightly together as a woman who was screaming turned into flames then ash; her eyes widened… How… How did that happen? There was no escape. No way out… She was thoroughly confused about the situation at hand, then it went down the line, the next person; obviously choose to play this sick game, as the voice spoke – “Target Kota has completed the level.” The next in line was what it seemed to be an elderly man, he was unable to complete, and  subsequently burst into flames then ash. Suika waited, turned out she was the last of the ‘targets’ to play this game, she listed as each person passed or failed, a name rang through… A name that caught her by some familiarity – ‘Uchiha…’ She knew the last name well… They were the ones with eyes similar to that of Shoji’s… Depending on these games and how things would end up going; it could be a fight to the death and he would undeniably be one she would need to watch for. Those eyes were dangerous, and could end up being extremely deadly.

As Suika stood up, she felt her body shaking; not from the cold as she herself as a Yuki couldn’t feel cold… But from some form of fear; what if her entire life was a waste due to this exact moment? If she didn’t past… She would burst into flames just like the rest of the failed targets in this sick game. She shook her head, picking up the shuriken, focusing in on her surroundings; waiting as she counted the time it took the moving target to go left, then right – She knew if timed correctly, she couldn’t possibly miss the target.

A deep breath, a steady hand; in a low almost whisper tone she spoke, “One… Two… Three…” She threw the shuriken, with as much force as she could, a few seconds that felt like hours passed before a loud thud rang through her ears, as just as quick as that the voice came back, “Target Suika Yuki has completed the level. All remaining targets can now move to the next level.” Suika let a deep breath escape her lips, she then heard the voice of the second contestant; “Anyone have any idea on what is going on?” This mans name was Kota – She paused; her thoughts on if she should answer or not… She decided to answer, “I’m not sure… But we need to figure this situation out as quickly as possible… If we stay here then we will sure end up in a similar fate as the others who have already fallen.

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 100
  • Vigor 75
  • Speed 90
  • Strength 10
  • A P 750/750
    Total Post WC 676
    Total WC 676
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  • 676/2000

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    Splatter Puzzle (C):

  • Tagged
    @Kota Apollon && @Ita
There is no Horror
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

It's all fun and games. Empty Re: It's all fun and games.

Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:09 pm
“Probably. We should play till we find a way out. It may be the only chance we have to survive.” Kota spoke to the only girl that bothered to answer him. If he was not mistaken her name should have been Suika or Yuki. “For now we should try to work together. It will increase all our odds.” The last part was for the other four remaining people.

As the game was over. A large door formed in one of the walls. Kota walked through it casually as if he was just entering his own home. This room was a lot bigger. A large sculpture stood in the center. It was teen feet tall overall, with four circular blocks two feet tall each, and the head of a man at the top.

“This fun game for all to play is my favorite childhood game. As my mood is good. As long as you all beat it you will live. If one of you loses it will only be a game over for them.” The male voice was back. This time it sounded a lot closer, it was a shame that Kota was unable to pinpoint as to where. The falling Buddha game was a game he was used to. It had been a bit since he last played but he generally enjoyed it.

“I may as well go first. We can try to get this game over with. As long as the head reaches the bottom then we all live. At least the game is not 100% unfair.” Kota was taking himself as the de facto leader of the group. Going first and paving the way came naturally to him. As long as he was calm and saved everyone. He could get some cool rewards from the grateful people.

As Kota swung the hammer he was already wincing. After the impact he felt that his aim was off. He hit the top of the bottom disc, destabilizing the structure, making, the giant Daruma head at the stop of the stack tumble over. Signifying the very quick end of the game.

“Target Kota has achieved a game over.” 

The announcement of his loss did not phase him. He waited for the flames that never came. What greeted him was a bolt of lightning, as the electricity arced around his body. Kota had his whole body stiffen. His muscles tightened as he lost control of his body. From the outside it would look like Kota was swallowed in lightning. It was as if the sky said screw this guy mainly, then proceeded to drop a heavenly lightning tribulation jutsu. Kota could not even scream as an unimaginable pain travelled through him. He was saddened by the fact that he did not make up with his mom before he died. It was the last thought as he surrendered his consciousness to the encroaching darkness. As he was dead he could no longer participate. His guiding light of a personality being lost to them all.

Kota awoke with a yelp. An expression of fear and pain across his body. He barely held himself together as he shivered in his bed. He had a metallic taste in his mouth. Kota swirled his tongue in his mouth and realized he was tasting blood. As he got out of bed the bottle of vodka hit the floor startling him. “That is it. I am not drinking more of this vodka before bed. I cannot believe I had to play games till I died. If only I let one of the others go first.” Kota developed a weird facial expression. He could no longer remember the face or the people. The dreamlike memories blurred faster than he could think about it. He shook his head like a rattle to shake off the fog before laying back down. This time he hoped for a better sleep.


WC: 627   TWC: 1,292

My skill beloved presence doubles mission rewards. 8,200 (8,000 for mission and 200 for genin bonus) and 40 AP rewarded. As my ap is full I am converting it to ryo. AP becomes 2,000. New total comes out to 10,200 Ryo earned.

6 Tickets

Using the 1,000 to learn Chakra Absorption
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

It's all fun and games. Empty Re: It's all fun and games.

Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:50 am
A large door formed in one of the walls and the boy who had won the first match proceeded through carelessly. Ita wondered if he had any knowledge about the game, but instead decided to keep a close eye on him for now. The remaining members entered through the doorway after him once establishing it was safe to enter and once again, a voice appeared over the intercom system.
The same boy who won the first game and entered the new room first offered himself up to go first which Ita was not planning to object to. He walked up to the game, picked up a hammer, and swung it. Unlucky. His aim was off and he hit the top of the bottom disc, causing the structure to shake and the gian Daruma head at the top of the stack to topple over.
“Target Kota has achieved a game over.”
For a moment there was nothing as the group anticipated for Kota to spontaneously combust. However, that did not end up being the case. Instead- he would be struck by a bolt of lightning that had generated from somewhere above in the large room they found themselves in. The lightning bolt completely fried Kota and it appeared as his body had been consumed. Once the lightning dissipated, Kota was gone.
Up until now, Ita had witnessed several things that were not explainable in the realm of the living. He had a hunch that whatever was going on wasn’t real, but if that was the case, why couldn’t he discern it with his Sharingan? Either way, Ita was growing sick of these games. Ita picked up the hammer, gave it an honest go, and failed.
“Target Ita Uchiha achieved a game over.” Ita closed his eyes. It this was it for him, he hoped it would be quick. The lightning spawned one more and consumed the Uchiha, resulting in a game over. Ita opened his eyes, he was laying in his pajamas in bed and the room was filled with moonlight. “What a strange dream…”
[Exit/Mission Complete]

WC: 344
TWC: 1132

8000 Ryo = New Total 24450
40 Mission AP = New Total 80
22 Bonus AP = New Total 161

Sharingan: Copy Cat 1132/1500 B-Rank
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Ryo : 0

It's all fun and games. Empty Re: It's all fun and games.

Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:42 pm


Where there is no imagination
Trick or T r e a t

Suika waited for the response from Kota, he agreed with them needing to figure out the situation at hand; but also made mention that they should just continue the games, but attempt to work together… She snorted at the thought of the group working together… She had a strange feeling that other members wouldn’t want to attempt to work together… And she had the strangest feeling, that the next game would determine the factors on ‘working together’. Suika went to speak once more; but before she could a strange sound began to happen, her eyes darted across the room only to make note of a wall changing.

As the large door appeared almost from thin air; Suika watched – the other ‘targets’ choose to walk through it… She scoffed at the situation, this person controlling them truly was a puppet master. She found the entirety of the situation at hand; quite pathetic. With slightly hesitation she decided it was best to continue to play this silly game… She walked through the door into a slightly lighter room, a large sculpture stood in the center; she scanned the rest of the room before her eyes landed on top of the sculpture; if this was another game she was unfamiliar with it. The sculpture was overall approximately ten feet tall; she made note of the four circular blocks… They took up much of the height in this creation… But the strangest part for her had to be the head at the top of it… She made note of the masculine features; finally the voice spoke again… This time he sounded far closer to the group then he once had before.

Suika quickly scanned the room as the voice spoke, trying to make note of anything that changed in the room… But to no avail; just like the first room, speakers, this time much louder were the only things that seemed to appear from no where… Suika listened to the rest of the directions, as well as the name of the game, ‘Falling Buddha’ it was called; Suika had never played this game… Let alone heard of it before this moment. She watched as the man noted as Kota decided he would go first, she watched him carefully; making note of the fact that he seemed to know what he needed to do as if he had played this game before. As quickly as his confidence reined through the other plays, it was dismissed, he failed; Suika took note of the failure before it had actually happened; a small movement – unnoticeable if one were not paying attention like she was; a small wince, the pain… He moved himself the wrong way; and as quickly as the hammer came down so too did the lightning. The large strike didn’t give any way as it struck his body, the brightness filled the room, and the smell of burnt flesh filled the nostrils of those surrounding him. It was only a matter of seconds before his body was completely gone, scorch marks and a small amount of dust left where he once stood. She couldn’t help but laugh in her mind; he was the once who wanted them all to work together, then decided he would go about it alone without even communicating with the rest of the group before failing his task. She couldn’t help but find it slightly funny but also… Sickening.

Suika felt nauseous at this point… A new way for them to die… Would it change each room? How exactly would this work? As each person failed; their attempts of escape became even more sad… The final player before Suika seemed to take the failure in a different way… She watched as he simply, accepted it. No fight, or screaming… She narrowed her eyes at this scene… Something at this point told her that the lightning was in fact not painful at all… The voice once again rang through this time with a different tune; “Target Ita Uchiha achieved a game over.” Once the body of Ita was no longer there, and all that was left was a small pile of dust and scorch marks the voice spoke again, “Target Suika Yuki is last man standing. Target has achieved game win.

Suika figured she would have to at least play this second game… But as everyone before her had died, she won by default? She wanted nothing more than to find this jokester and rip his throat out – “Well wait a freaking minute here!” She shouted, as a door appeared before her, she began to walk towards it assume it was going to lead her to the master mind behind the nightmare… She felt eyes on her, almost the entire time as she moved towards that door; she knew there was something more than what the room around her gave way; there had to be several people watching… perhaps the walls were not really walls… perhaps they were in fact a one sided mirror… They could see them, but the ‘targets’ couldn’t see who was watching… She wasn’t sure; she knew but the tingling sensation, the hairs standing on end once she was the last person that all eyes were on her… Were they expecting her to preform for them? She shook her head, these weren’t thoughts she needed to worry about now… She needed to get to that door as quickly as possible.

Instead, as the door opened and gas busted through, Suika’s eyes widened as she quickly tried to turn heel and run towards the other door; she needed to get away from that gas but as she turned she came face to face with no door, and a man – “Thank you for playing. We can’t wait to see you again.” The man spoke to her, an evil grin… sickening. Suika went to grab a hold of his neck; but was greeted with nothingness. As she felt the panic rise, the gas reached her, engulfing her body as she began to cough and choke; she became dizzy and ended up falling onto the hard ground, with a loud ‘thud’. Her body riddled with pain, the gas wasn’t just a sleeping gas… it was poison… The pain shot through her body; her hands ripping at her own throat, trying to claw at it; the attempting to rip it out to elevate some of the pain… Didn’t she just think about doing this to game master? Her vision, already blurred began to darken, the poison taking over… The pain beginning to dull.

Suika shot straight out of her bed, clawing once more at her neck; the dull pain still formulating around her throat; as her eye sight began to slowly return, she was greeted by the darkness of her tent, and the calming sounds of The Grove of Sunagakure… A sigh of relief, “What a dream…” She muttered, she tried to remember the faces and the names of those who participated in the games… but everything seemed blurry… Nothing made any sense anymore, she was sure they seemed like real people… But without knowing names… let alone what they looked like anymore she would never know the truth… “Just a dream.” Suika sighed, leaving her tent to take in some of the fresh air, she surely couldn’t believe it was a dream… Her mind raced trying to think of those people she encountered… No matter how hard she tried; it kept coming up empty… No memory of names, and their faces… just blurred out… Whoever created that game… Who ever created that world certainly wanted to make sure that they wouldn’t be able to be tracked once the game was over…

As Suika sat in the night, looking towards the sky, the stars were out; thousands of small twinkling light lit up the often times dark nights she felt a tingling sensation, as if something, or someone was watching her… She grabbed a hold of one of the kunai that she usually had wrapped up on her leg, holding the handle quite tightly as she scanned the area… She couldn’t see anything, or make out any chakra signatures… But something was definitely watching her… Perhaps these games were quite over as she thought they were.

  • Health 300
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  • A P 750/750
    Total Post WC 1372
    Total WC 2048
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  • 2048/2000

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    Skill: Beloved Presence X2 Rewards.

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    Splatter Puzzle (C):

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    @Kota Apollon && @Ita
There is no Horror
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Ryo : 0

It's all fun and games. Empty Re: It's all fun and games.

Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:27 pm
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