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Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Recurring Nightmares Empty Recurring Nightmares

Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:22 am
mission details:

Hafuma sees nothing but darkness, a perpetual darkness that lead Hafuma to believe he had died, yet as he thinks that he mentally swallows his words as he feels his heart beating, hsi heart continues beating slowly at first but with the realization he is somehow stuck it begins to race ever so quicker reacting to his increasing fear of being paralyzed, forever locked in whatever state he found himself in. 

"HGhaaaa!!" His eyes finally open after his mental struggle, his eyes opening accompanied by the gasp of air he sucked in as he seemingly came to life again, immediately trying to get up but his legs numb as he could only manage to tilt his body onto his left side, eyes blurry and breathing still irregular from his fearful state. Knowing he was indeed alive and not paralyzed made him much calmer than he was moments before as he allowed himself to simply breathe. 

Every second of inhaling and exhaling air out his body returned his senses back to him one by one, his ears that had a dull ring in them grew silent as he could hear his own breathing and the shuffling of his body across some type of wooden floor, his eyes that had been blurry clearing to see he was in a empty room, well almost empty beside some child's toy facing him, his strength slowly returned to him as he began to put strength in his legs, beginning to try and Stand albeit slow as he tried to make sense of where he was 

Senses returned in full force Hafuma looked around the room he was in, devoid of any real color, furniture, and people. Peering his head around corners Hafuma who seemed to be stuck in a multitude of nightmares began to walk around the room for the exit, finding a door that was ever so cracked open. Walking to the door Hafuma swung it open and took a step outside.

Immediately he was hit with the heavy humidity of the air around him, a deep fog heading over the village clouding anything too far ahead or anything too far behind for that matter. Lost and confused Hafuma began to walk through the village streets, while the room he was in seemed to be open he could see the windows and doors of other homes had been boarded shut, keeping a steady pace anyone he saw was finishing up boarding their own home, immediately looking at him they seemed to rush faster to get their homes secured, but from what Hafuma wondered, he still didn't know where he was. 

Continuing his stroll he eventually came up to an apple stall, his stomach growling in anticipation of some food, Hafuma grabbing and apple and leaving the basic market value for an apple on the stall for compensation as he rose the apple to his mouth taking a decent bite as he simply kept observing the village hiding in their boarded homes. 

Since he had been walking a decent distance Hafuma chakra shifted to his feet as he walked up the side of a building to the roof, taking a seat looking out to a few empty streets as he finished his apple, he could at least guess the village was afraid of something, he just didn't know what. Eating his apple Hafuma tried to enjoy the dreary scene to some degree and it was at that moment he noticed a particular shops name that read "Yugakure" and Hafuma didn't really bother to read the rest as he realized he was no longer in Kirigakure and somehow got to Yugakure overnight

WC 606
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Recurring Nightmares Empty Re: Recurring Nightmares

Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:50 am
"You don't actually need to pay for that yanno. I watched the owner of that apple cart die about fifteen minutes ago so like. He won't be back to collect the money." Ai had watched the boy walking purposelessly through the streets. It had been the end of a lovely day when she finally laid down, sinking deeply into the soft matress that set against the wall only feet from her little sister's bed. After what seemed like seconds, Her eyes opened again, and she was back in this hellscape. She really was starting to hate this. UNlike Hafuma, She hadn't been spawned in a place so lucky. The moment she took inventory of her own surroundings she found herself in a desperate bout for survival that ended with each of her puppets dripping gore.

The enemy were mindless killing machines. They weren't terribly fast, but she'd learned quickly that removing limbs and stabbing them in most places did absolutely nothing. Thanks to her quick mind, She'd found a solution to the problem, even if temporarily. Using the surface walking technique she'd allow a blue glow to coat her feet as she walked up the wall of a tall building just outside of where a man hid beneath an apple cart. From her new vantage point, she could see the sea of undead shambling about the town.She'd been in this position for about half an hour, hoping to either ride out this dream or meet up with a team that could help her take care of the problem when she noticed the boy shambling aimlessly.

"I'm Ai senju, and you should probably keep to the high ground. Dunno how, but theres a huge group of what seem to be unthinking monsters attacking anyone and everyone on the ground. I watched them tear the brains from that apple cart merchants skull and start gnawing on them. I may be scarred for life. " She was pleasant enough. She was at least as pleasant as possible given the situation. Things seemed quite dire, but she put on a bright smile as she gave the horizontal boy a wave.

"So. Seem like we have two choices. We can either hang out up here until we wake up, or we can try to kill all the things on the ground. Could probably do a little bit of both, but i'm not gonna lie: I can't garantee I have the chakra for a prolonged fight. Theres at least a hundred or so that i've seen walking about the village. Everyone who is still alive is probably borded up in the buildings on the north, but I wouldn't go seek them out. I'd bet someone in those hideouts has been bitten, and i've seen enough zombie movies to know that boarding myself into a building with a ticking time bomb Is a pretty bad idea." She took a moment to consider her next words. What did she actually need to know about this newcomer? He could probably fight, and thats what was important right? In the end, she determined it was best to give him a moment to process and stood silently.

(TWC 525)
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Recurring Nightmares Empty Re: Recurring Nightmares

Sat Oct 23, 2021 12:03 am
Just as he was about to pay for the apple he took a voice shocked him, turning around to see a fellow Shinobi wearing Kirigakure headband, perhaps he would have been more talkative had not some wooden entity standing upright it seemed was dripping some amount of what Hafuma could only describe as flesh blood, but whose? Some of it was even older suggesting this thing killed quite a few. 

Mentally Hafuma room a second to even register that the girl said the cart owner already died fifteen minutes ago. "Right.." Hafuma said clearly, staring at the bloody creature as he simply took back the money he was going to use to pay. Although he took a few bites only to lose his appetite as she began walking up the building, Hafuma did the same in which he realized where they were , Yugakure.

Fog heavy Hafuma couldn't see anything but he wouldn't have to as the girl in question told him her name Ai, Senju. As far as Hafuma knew the Senju we're in Konoha or atleast the records say. Was she real or just part of the nightmare, the bloody wooden creature was pretty nightmarish. Unfortunately it seemed in the places he couldn't see was a sea of non-intelligent beasts that were killing the villagers, the apple cart owner she referred to earlier having his brains eaten. 

Ai seemed to be trying to make the situation far better than she was or perhaps she was really that kind but being told the town is infested with deadly creatures that have an appetite for the flesh wasn't an exactly smiling matter. "I'm Hafuma, Pendragon." He answered back out of politeness.

From that moment, Ai tried to devise a plan. Basically their options were to fight and try to wipe out the monsters or try to wait it out, while Hafuma listened, his mind was pretty made up already. "We wait out, this is Yugakure..or at least I think it is.. so we have no reason to stick out our necks here unless we have too. If what you say is true we would have to wipe out the food population of Yugakure as outsiders in which some may take offense. Secondly if what you say is true each villager we fail to save since we cant be everywhere will only turn and make more. My heart goes out to Yugakure but we need to survive ourselves..although it looks like you're..friends could do just fine." Hafuma said, giving the bloody wooden entity a side glance.

"Thirdly, I'm not that strong, nor do I have abundant or even adequate level of chakra do deal with this situation. It's a lose lose situation for me to try and fight this.

TWC: 1,114/2000
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Recurring Nightmares Empty Re: Recurring Nightmares

Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:53 am
To perfectly emphasize the brutal scene, THe saya puppet simply gave Haf a peace sign. The coach puppet unzipped the backpack on his back, setting it on the ground and rummaging for several moments. Finally he pulled out what seemed to be a white sign or bilboard of some sort. On it was written the phrase 'no worries. we're completely harmless and just an extension of our puppet user's power. Ignore the blood, its bad blood not like ninja blood or something.' He would move towards Haf A few steps, giving him the chance to be able to see the sign a bit more clearly. The one meter by one meter sign was written in quite clean hand writing, but in order to fit the large volume of text, the kanji was written quite small. He wanted to make sure it was clear and legible. Good ole Coach thinking about other people. 

"....Stop that. Stop trying to talk to people. Why did I choose right now to start going insane..." She shook her head, ignoring for now the fact that she had just yelled at a wooden creation of her little sisters. There as time for that later. 

"Nice to meet you Hafuma. Yea it seems like a pretty unfortunate situation. There are some plusses though. The creatures that i've decided to name zombies are extremely slow and not very bright. I walked one into a wall earlier. Theres a lot of them though. I think i've killed a hundred or so and the number just seems to be going up. Most of the villagers are holed up somewhere, but honestly. This isn't our village. I think you have a point. We should just hang out and try not to die. maybe when the sun rises we'll wake up back in our bed safe and sound?" This was absolutely not how she wanted to spend her night. A soft hand was placed on her shoulder. Looking over, she noticed it was the Saya puppet trying her best to comfort Ai in this time of need. That didn't really help at all. She'd initially assumed that it was just Saya's history that had caused her to begin personifying puppets. Maybe though it was the act of creation and use of the techniques that created a bond so strong that you forgot they weren't actually real? She would really need to do some studying when she woke up. 

"Yea. My puppets are made of wood, despite Saya not looking it. Her skin is actually silicone, and the facial features moving like a human is all controled by my threads. It's an impressive design but still artificial." THe kid definitely seemed green, but he was smart. He recognized his power, and didn't want to overstep that. 

"No worries. I have some really powerful ninjutsu at my disposal. Worst case I'll pop something really big to give us time to get out. Also I can bring some summons onto the field if things get a bit too hairy. "

(TWC 1029/2k)
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Recurring Nightmares Empty Re: Recurring Nightmares

Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:48 am
Naturally seeing what appeared to be some wooden entity standing upright covered in blood made Hafuma hesitate to engage with this stranger, as if sensing his apprehension towards them one of the puppets out their hands up in a peace sign, emphasizing this more a secondary entity rummaged through a travel bag pulling out some type of board with writing on it, reading it as the entity came forward making the small lettering easier to see as the writing explained that these entities we're what people referred to as puppets running on Ai chakra and the blood was in fact not of any Shinobi and Hafuma easily guessed they had to deal with a hoard of monsters and that explained quite a bit. 

For a moment Hafuma wondered if Ai was a bit crazy as she seemed to not approve of her puppets reactions to him, almost appearing a bit shaken by it which brought Haruma right eyebrow to rise in curiosity of what that actually could entail but simply left it alone 

In either case Ai presented the situation giving him two choices that seemed viable for them at the moment compared to any other decision, usually a thinker Hafuma was quick to choose his own survival over another villages, it was overrun by what  she described as something called a zombie that ate the population, than that same population turned to more zombies. Hafuma really did hope this was just a nightmare.

Ai rounded up the situation to basically being unfortunate for the village and that she didn't really want to spend her night like this, "Agreed" Hafuma said quickly. Ai did reveal that these zombies were slow and not very bright, he didn't make any expression but he did think about what that meant.

Hafuma took mental note of hee puppets being mostly wooden except one that was made of silicone, "That's quite the material." Hafuma said as he perked up as he saw a group of several villagers running away from a large cut off group of zombies just as Ai tried to argue that she had plenty of Ninjutsu she could use and even use a bigger one to escape.

Mentally it was easier said than done for him to dismiss others' lives to save his own, logically he also knew he owned Yugakure no favors nor did Ai he assumed. But as another human being a Shinobi.. Hafuma job was to protect the village, such a duty brought about a certain emotion deep within him, a need to protect the people which brought some level of confliction with both his logical and mental reasoning but again, it was  far easier to say and think such things when it wasn't in front of you, seeing villagers run and panic to survive and knowing the bloodshed to follow if nobody did anything was something that was beginning to drive him to take action against his own thoughts. 

"Fine, instead of wiping them out it would make more sense to gather the live ones out already in the streets that we can see, we can try to rescue small groups and your puppets could put them on the rooftops..if we can't save the village we can at least prevent its total population from dropping to absolutely zero..fucking hate this nightmare.." Hafuma said thoughts trailing off as he pointed to the direction of the villagers getting chased, "Shall we?"

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Recurring Nightmares Empty Re: Recurring Nightmares

Mon Oct 25, 2021 3:25 pm
"Yea. I can't take like. Any of the credit though. My little sister made them all. It The Saya puppet was a gift for me learning to control puppets and I only have the coach puppet because I had to borrow him for a tournament. One of these days I'm going to stop goofing around and actually make some puppets of my own, but  the puppet of my sister i'll probably keep. We each have one that looks like the other so we're never apart. " She would motion first to the puppet that looked exactly like herself, but with blonde  hair. Then she would motion to the puppet that was obviously coach. He looked exactly like a rotund gym coach one would see in a high school. 

She also watched as a group of people ran away from what was an obnoxiously large group of zombies. Mentally she did the calculations, and found that even with the size of her biggest aoe there would still be some left over. There had to be at least two hundred. "Yea...We should probably save them. Thats alot of them though. I'll need you to back me up. I'll take the one hundred and seventy on the left, you take the thirty or so on the right?" She would need to be careful here. THere wasn't much space between the innocent villagers and the horde, and once she dropped down to ground level she was open to threats in the area. She glanced back and forth, recieving a nod from her puppets  before leaping down off the building. Her body went horizontal as she floated through the air. Strong wrists hit the awning about fifteen feet below, swinging her body in a cat pass that helped her clear the distance and rush towards the targets in one fell swoop. Nearing the ground her head tucked in, and her back rolled against the ground before she found herself running across the paved road towards the villagers. There was a flash of fingers shifting as she formed the seals for her technique. Three meters. Two meters. One. The terrified villagers rushed past her, fleeing for their lives, and then a torrent of water flowed from her lips at the final command. 

"Whirling waters of wowness." That was all she would need. This jutsu provided the greatest level of protection in her kit, save for the starch syrup capture field maybe. THe flow of water was split, though it wouldn't seem it at first. At least a hundred of the zombies were swept up in the flow of water, rushing towards the other side of the village right up to the point when the waters shifted drastically. Before her would be two rotating orbs of water that swept the zombies around in their flow until the right orb shifted, going the opposite direction of the left. In the center point between the two the sound of rending flesh and snapping bones rang out. With the two flowing currents finding opposition at the point between them, anythign within the jutsu was torn asunder. 

(TWC 1244/2k)
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Recurring Nightmares Empty Re: Recurring Nightmares

Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:42 pm
Hesitant to help the villagers of Yugakure due to trying to do just that would put his life into danger although he wasn't sure if this was reality or not and he has vague memories of meeting Ai before. In either case she agreed with her plan but it was too much for her to handle alone and she inquired for his help. Naturally it was his plan so he had already included being in it, returning the Ai statement with a nod. 

While Ai was preparing Hafuma ran all the way to the other side of the building they had been on, Ai going down first as Hafuma ran and then leapt off the building from several meters in the air doing a front flip as his boys curled inward, body lightened to a far degree, momentum carrying him forward through the air as his fingers moved to form  Ox-Tiger-Ram in continuously as he landed while holding the Ram sign, five large stalagmites rising in place out of the ground a few meters apart stretching nearly entire twenty meters of distance, the scene to come was perhaps good to the live villagers and himself but was a bit hard to watch as the stalagmites rose and impaled through more than just the thirty seven zombies, freshly created earth spheres dripping a liquid crimson red.

However Hafuma wasn't done, creating those stalagmites split the zombie horde into two, so now was the best time to get the civilians leaping into the air Hafuma once again used Lightness, allowing him to use the tip of his own stalagmites to travel up towards the civilians avoiding the majority of the zombies scratching and fighting each other for their next meal. Hafuma landing, "What are you waiting for, if you stay here you will  get eaten to death. Move it to another safe location, hurry! 

Before Hufuma knew it he woke in his bed again back in reality. 


20 stat points: 10 speed /4 strength/ 6 vigor
Shadow Clone:900/1,500 + 600WC = 1,500/1,500
Dracosight: 1,400/2000 
Mission Complete: 2000/2000 = 8,000 Ryo/40 AP/ 10 tickets
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Ryo : 58600

Recurring Nightmares Empty Re: Recurring Nightmares

Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:32 pm
She watched as her teammate did a whole bunch of rediculous ninja stuff. Yanno. This boy would probably get along really well with Pinochio. He too likes to do over the top movements just to do basic combat. As Hafu rushed across various objects, Ai had blocked out a thirty meter section of zombies, easily over a hundred caught up in the force of her suiton. The scene would honestly be a bit funny. As the flow from her lips ended, There wouldbe two huge fifteen meter wide, long, and tall rotating spheres of suiton just teaming with a slew of zombies that swirled around the entirety of the spinning spheres. And then the right most sphere stopped. THere was a jerking of body parts as the water current shifted. All at once the horde of zombies would go from being drug clockwise to being drug counter clockwise right up to the point when they got to the center. That's where the magic happens. 

"I uh. I got this section covered no worries." She simply gave a motion from her standing position to the now red orbs of water. In the center point between the orbs, A mass of zombie ick that could no longer be called functional zombies was being turned into a fine paste that tainted the suiton from edge to edge. Fifty more rushed towards them... Well. Shambled very slowly towards them. Half of the daft buggers(As dana would say) just walked right into the huge orbs. Ai's whirling waters of wowness ensured they found the centerpoint also, meeting up with the remnants of their friends, and again they were ground into a fine paste. The rest just happened to be walking in a trajectory that didn't bring them into the flow of water. Ai had a solution for that. 

She simply took several steps to the left. The brainless monsters turned to adjust their path to beeline towards the small senju girl and... you guessed it. Walked into the edge of the whirling waters. Its so nice when you can find an eficient use for a jutsu. She followed this technique the other way, clearing the right path, and grinned at hafu. 

"Thanks little sis. You made a pretty effective jutsu." Saya wasn't here, but even across the world the girl would definitely sense some sort of apreciation of her work. At least thats what Ai hoped. 

In her time literally just hanging out while her jutsu did all the word for her, she hadn't realized that there were multiple angles that creepy zombies could come from. By this, of course, I mean from behind her also. There was a soft groaning sound from a few meters back as an equally large horde approached. 

"Oh. Yea. Maybe you were right. Check your back and stuff right?! I'm on it." She really was hoping she could solve this problem with just one technique, but these creatures were being a real pain. Simultaneously she would form the seals for two separate jutsu, one with each hand. 

Ram. Tiger. ox. Boar. Bird. Dog. 
Tiger. Ram. Hare. Monkey. Tiger. 

She felt the power of her suiton pulse as she formed her jutsus, and(this will surprise absolutely no one) A spray of water poured from her lips aimed directly in front of herself. Unlike the whirling waters, this water style was tinted a pale yellow that spread across the ground towards the horde. The idiots didn't think anything of it. They just kept walking towards waht they hoped was their next meal, and found the sticky starch syrup capture field made getting to her impossible. ANd then the second jutsu activated. 

An orb of yellow suiton rose directly in front of her, formed from the sticky syrup. Her water dragon whip clung closely to Ai as she simply walked towards the horde. What comes next was nothing short of a blood bath. With all the zombies stuck to the ground, and her water dragon whip stretching ten meters, She simply walked around the rapidly stretching field of sticky syrup, and the sharpened tendrils of her second jutsu stabbed the crap outta them. While she could probably have focused on headshots were she controling the jutsu, Water dragon whip was not so focused. It ripped every undead to shreds in a ten meter radius like they were made of paper. 

 "No worries, Everything under control" She glanced up, noticing a light on the horizon. THe sun was slowly rising up into the sky. They'd made it. They survived the night. 

(TWC 2002 

mission complete: 8100 ryo, 40 ap and 10 tickets

putting 1455 towards chakra sensory(2k/2k) previous training and the last 545 towards ninjutsu enhancement (545/2500)exit and topic closed! )
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Recurring Nightmares Empty Re: Recurring Nightmares

Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:42 pm
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Recurring Nightmares Empty Re: Recurring Nightmares

Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:43 am
adding 40 ap also cuz i forgot(from wc)
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