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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

meetup with the new blood?!(missions) Empty meetup with the new blood?!(missions)

Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:42 pm
mission details 1:

mission details 2:

Two things made it immediately clear to Ai that this wasn't actually a dream. First was the chill that easily pierced the thin veil of clothing clinging tightly to her skin. The second was the scent flowing gently on the wind. At first it seemed the start of a fall rain, but behind the gentle sweetness of mist there was something else. A twinge of copper, unnatural warmth, fear. The taste of blood still hung in her throat as she rushed through the forrest, hoping there would be someone there to help her. Someone had to be in this goddess forsaken village right?!

The mission seemed easy enough at first. All she needed to do was figure out why villagers seemed to be disappearing at night. At first, it was livestock stolen at midnight. Then the town drunk never showed after last call. A man in the village told the girl that since that day, two people disappeared like clockwork at around twelve fifteen nightly. The time was twelve o seven.

'Shit. Okay. Keep your head on AI. We have this. Someone is going to show up to help out. They said there were two on this mission. I just need to figure out what's killing the villagers. The mayor said something about a wolf somewhere? A somewolf where? Werewolf? It was one of those. So we just need to Find it and stop it." As always, she carried her puppets with her. The Saya puppet rushed about five meters ahead of her, one meter to her right to stop any danger ahead. The coach puppet followed the same distance of five meters behind her, one meter to her left in case of an attack from behind. Her mobile set up was specialized for threats that she wasn't aware of. It allowed for a quick shift in position to place the combatant most effective against their opponent quickly into position, while keeping the puppeteer safe from harm. Once the threat was realized, She would shift to the triangle defense taught to her by her sister.

Unfortunately she wouldn't have to wait long. About fifty meters ahead she heard a great howl as a figure far too tall to be human thrashed about with something in it's great maw.

"oh. Oh no. They meant a werewolf werewolf. THis is... This is decidedly not good." Her group stopped, Ai dropping low in her stance to watch what happened. She needed to gather info while she waited for her team. Attacking that thing head on was a bad decision she may not live to regret.

Mentally, she went through the list of techniques at her disposal. She had plenty free manipulation jutsu between the Saya puppet and Water dragon whip. For area effect and area of denial she was covered too. The power of the senju clan flowed through her veins, threatening to seep out as her heart pounded. She was prepared, but would it actually be enough to still the danger ahead of her?

(TWC 502/1k)
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
Stat Page : Hafuma Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

meetup with the new blood?!(missions) Empty Re: meetup with the new blood?!(missions)

Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:49 am
Hafuma couldn't even tell if this was reality or perhaps some far twisted dream, the bottom of his pants lightly cased in mud that had hardened as a gentle windy breeze passed through the area, a perpetual mist that blocked his ability to see further ahead leaving him on edge. Whatever was happening to him he seemed to always return back to Yugakure no Sato, it was always the same beginning details, heavy fog or mist, villagers almost paralyzed or crippled in fear of some almost unexplainable creature attacking them, well attack told what these creatures did no justice as civilians were eaten alive, limbs rippled clean from their sockets..perhaps it was because he had seen it multiple times that he was a bit more desensitized.

Hafuma himself woke up in some hole in a tree not more than a few minutes ago, stepping out and observing the forest around him, vague memories of one of the villagers begging him to do something about some creature boasting features of a wolf to an unnatural level. Normally, Hafuma would have been rejected right away. This was not his village and he was indebted only to Kirigakure, if a monster wanted to eat these people whole it was of no consequence to him.

However, be that as it may he did not prefer to be stalked into a corner by some creature only to be ripped to shreds by the claws and maw of some supernatural force behind his comprehension, if it was going to come after him eventually, he was going to try and kill it first..

His mind was set, however things were easier said than done. Checking his weapon pouch Hafuma didn't have much, both in items and in experience in combat if such a thing were to happen which was feeling like a natural progression of the situation. He had five shuriken and five kunai he could use to fight with, two explosive tags he could use to set a trap, and two smoke bombs to bail out if things got too heated, it wasn't much but it was far better than nothing and he could make due with it. 

Remembering the feel of each item Hafuma began to put them back into his pouch one by one, memorizing the feel so he could simply put his hand in his pouch and feel for exactly the item he wanted without looking away from his opponent, it could quite literally be a life or death situation. Feeling ready for the tedious and possible deadly task ahead Hafuma feet lit up with the familiar blue aura of his chakra as he ran up a tree in a upward spiral fashion stepping onto a branch and then leaping several meters to another thick tree branch as he made his way through the forest. 

Since he was told almost nothing of the beast he couldn't even be sure if it was tracking him right now, left hand buried in his pouch as he kept moving forward through the misty forests eyes peering out for any incoming attacks from directions he could see. It was just as he was mid leap he heard a terrifying beastly howl, Hafuma guard tightening as he backed into the tree to protect his back as he looked in every which direction. "Where are you, you beast.."

WC: 560/1,500
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

meetup with the new blood?!(missions) Empty Re: meetup with the new blood?!(missions)

Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:35 pm
The beast let out a blood curdling howl. THe beast let out a blood curdling scream and glanced off into the forrest Ai's direction. THe beast let out a blood curdling scream and--oh. oh no. He wasn't looking her direction randomly. It took a few moments for the senju girl to realize that he was looking DIRECTLY at her. All hope that her position was still hidden, making this happenstance, was lost when he started towards her with terrifying speed. Of course the werewolf is a taijutsu user. She shifted backwards, pushing her puppets into the triangular position she knew would provide the best protection. Then she heard something behind her.

"Shit. Are there two of them?!" Glancing back, she barelly had time to react to the tree she had inadvertantly walked directly into, but as her back slammed against the trunk the rustling sound continued. By sheer happenstance, she'd backed herself into the exact tree where another person was hiding from the beast now rushing towards them. Convenient. It took her a moment to take in the information, but then she noticed some small similarities between this boy and someone she'd met before.

"Hey. You're that boy from the zombie town right?! Are you also here to kill the werewolf? Cuz I have some very important info if you are. First, he kind of looks like he's going to be proficient with taijutsu. Also he's very fast. Second I might have walked out into the open while he was feasting on something or someone and he's running towards us very quickly. Did I mention he was fast?! He's like really really quickly running directly towards us. " Her hands flashed through hand seals in preparation for the upcoming fight. There was no way she could outrun this thing, but she could fight. She would have to.

TIger. Boar. Dog. Rat.

She could feel the power of the ninjutsu amplification take hold on her body as she drew her free palm across the senbon located in her wrist band. THe now bleeding hand formed the seals for the summoning jutsu, and as she leaned downwards to press the sacrifice against the cold earth she cringed at just how moist the undergrowth was. There was a puff of smoke directly to her left, between herself and the coach puppet. As the smoke cleared, Her technique was revealed. It was an otter!!

Ragnar Otterbrook, head of the combat division of the otterbrook clan answered her call. It took him moments to glance between Ai and the beast rushing towards them before he nodded in understanding.

"Ragnar we might be in some trouble. Just the two of us, you and my puppets. Werewolf coming at us fast. Kid, If you have any fight in you We could use your help too. I don't know if I can take this thing by myself. " 'by herself' she says, standing behind a wall of puppets with a powerful otter sage standing as a second line of offense.

(TWC 1002/1500)
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
Stat Page : Hafuma Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

meetup with the new blood?!(missions) Empty Re: meetup with the new blood?!(missions)

Sat Oct 23, 2021 3:44 pm
What little equipment he had on him in his weapon pouch, hand also inside ready to grab anything at a moments notice, pulse heightened along with his guard as leapt from tree to tree, a barrage of recurring nightmares that plagued him, he kept returning to the same place Yugakure yet the situation slightly differed with each instance, the last time it was a army of unthinking killers, Hafuma and a girl named Ai, Senju that controlled things called puppets with chakra he meant, he never knew if she was a phantom of a nightmare or a real Shinobi since in his waking moments or atleast what he thought was reality, everything mixed together now. 

Thoughts aside Hafuma traveled through the dense forest, mist hindering vision as each leap to a branch was made in unison with looking around to not get ambushed by unsuspecting company of the supernatural kind.

Sweat dripping Hafumi's body twitched with his nerves firing off on all signals, "Danger." Feeling as if he was being stalked Hafuma put his back into a branch, a familiar voice ringing in his ear , peering around the tree Hafuma would once again be meet face to face with Ai, Senju for the second time, "I don't know why I'm here, same as last time!" Hafuma spat quickly only for the girl to tell him the very werewolf he was preparing himself to face was heading right for them , "What!?" 

Hafuma said looking in another direction and seeing something dart quickly through the forest, "Shit, guess we will fight it here..!" Hafuma said as his voice cracked from pure nerves as he fell down to a weaker branch below, taking out a kunai as he swung it widely to cut the branch off from the tree. "I'll create a decoy, hammer it with everything you got!" Hafuma said as his hands rose as his finger slid into different motions of muscle memory. Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, and lastly Snake as he chose the detached branch that transformed into him, "HEY YOU STUPID MUTT, COME AND GET ME!" His substitution yelled while holding a replicated version of his kunai in defense. 

Meanwhile, as his substitution yelled, Hafuma got back up to Ai's side, looking in her direction with a nod as he held his kunai ready for a fight. Hafuma even know had no idea why he was here or why this kept happening to him but to survive this barrage of recurring nightmares it seemed he was going to have to fight this time. 

WC: 450
TWC: 1,010
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

meetup with the new blood?!(missions) Empty Re: meetup with the new blood?!(missions)

Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:39 am
Okay. This was fine. SHe nodded to the boy, listening to his story and recognizing that unfortunately he was as unsure why the actual heck he was here as she was. There was solidarity in their situations at least. 

"Right. Yea that kind of checks out. Seems like something that's been happening alot lately. I really wish it wasn't though. It's been exceedingly unfortunate. You create a decoy and i'll hammer it with everything i've got. " It was impressive, the way the two would say the last phrase in perfect unison. maybe their teamwork in the last mission had helped them get on the same page? It was probably more the understanding that Hafuma was still a quite new ninja, and Ai was both well trained and properly prepared. 

She shifted back and to the side, Waiting for the perfect noment... And then Her teammate turned himself into a stick. She couldn't help but laugh at the situation. It was so utterly rediculous it couldn't possibly--how was this working. Sure enough the Werewolf lost all thoughts of attacking Ai, bee lining directly towards Hafuma. Well. that gave her some space to work. 

She shifted her puppets, spreading them farther apart and preparing for what she hoped would be an easy counter to their opponent. She wasn't sure exactly how strong he was, but she knew the power of her Puppetry jutsu. 

She would wait until the last possible moment. The breath of the great beast beat down on them as he continued closer and closer. Five meters. four. Three meters. Two... .One.... And then he just stopped. THe blue threads of her puppets glowed as the Coach puppet fell to the ground. WIth the werewolf touching her threads, She would activate the skillful achievement with a human body technique, and hold his body tightly in place. 

"Ai.. It kind of seems like you didn't need me after all. Why wouldn't you just do that in the first place! It's like that battle you called me into against... What was his name? Cold taco? Whatever. You called me for a glorious bout and then just captured him in your threads and threatened to remove his head if he didn't give up. THough... There isn't really anything to take off his head this time? I guess I could help with that." Ragnar went into a long speech about why she shouldn't just call him for any litle thing. It was a given that the combat looked exceedingly more dangerous than it actually was, with the dumb mutt walking into her threads. That wasn't at all fair though. Too many people have walked into chakra threads for it to be a big thing to talk about. 

"Right. Hafuma. He can't move as long as I hold him. You wanna take care of this problem for me? it's kind of dificult to fight and hold him in place. He's kinda strong. " She would give her teammate a nod. It was easy to finish the beast with their setup, and then it was on to the next thing. 

(TWC 1515 first mission done, 15 towards second! )
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
Stat Page : Hafuma Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

meetup with the new blood?!(missions) Empty Re: meetup with the new blood?!(missions)

Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:11 pm
Hearing the piercing howl of some supernatural beast he was on a mission to fight yet had no recollection of why or how he even got into Yugakure, knowing he wasn't exactly fit for combat echoed a sense of fear in him yet he was definitely trained for a shinobi life style so he took up a fierce guard putting back to tree only for Ai Senju to appear before him once more, a recurring person in the nightmares of his.

Asking why he was here he told her the truth and that he had absolutely no idea why he was here in the first place, while the situation was already tense the girl quickly told him about the werewolf, Hafuma peering around to see it was true as she said this really did suck while he was freaking out, while their mindsets worked a little differently Hafuma found that they said the same thing more or less at the same time, "Are we bonding in a nightmare, how can this suck and be awesome at the same time.." Hafuma said moving to do as he planned to set up the situation nicely for his partner, turning a tree branch into a substitution and using it to lure the beast right to him as Ai moved into position.

Just like the zombies Hafuma was thankful for the nature of this supposed killing machine, despite So giving away her position by laughing at what he had to assume was his choice of a substitution considering the werewolf was some type of canine Hafuma was still pretty surprised that while she did that she spread out as Hafuma could hear the increasing pace of leaves being rustled as something darted through the mist covered forest directly to their position. 

Hafuma immediately chuckled as the situation rapidly deescalated humorously so as the beast in question ran right into the strings of one of Ai puppets, the puppet descending with an almost deadly quickness as it wrapped itself around the werewolf licking it down so it couldn't move. To make the situation that much funnier Ai summoned began to berate her for summoning her for a job that she basically handed herself without his help essentially wasting his time, Hafuma sliding out of the picture as he walked toward the wild beast growling at him even now fangs bared, Hafuma raising a kunai as if it was some surgical knife as the realization of what he would need to do now came to light as Ai also hinted at what he needed to do.


Hafuma said looking at the creature,

 "Sorry but the people..or perhaps this nightmare demands your death.." 

Hafuma said as his hand quickly darted from the left to the right directly lined with the beasts neck creating a clean cut, blood splattering a moment after as the beast fell limp against the chakra strings, blood leaking through its fur, hitting the forest ground below. Hafuma stared at the first thing he killed in his mission, taking a deep breath and then turning to Ai,

 "It's done."

 But just as he turned to her the world went fuzzy and he felt himself falling.. and then darkness…

TWC: 1,546

15 stat points: 7 chakra / 8 speed
Earth Flow Spears:  400/1000+600 WC = 1000/1000(C-rank)
[url=]Lightness skill:[/url] 900/1000
Mission Complete: 1,500/1,500 = 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP / 8 Tickets
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

meetup with the new blood?!(missions) Empty Re: meetup with the new blood?!(missions)

Mon Oct 25, 2021 3:12 pm
It took moments for two things to happen in quick succession. First, The wolf breathed its last breath, falling to the ground in an unmoving pile. Second A faint wisp of something green floated past the pair. Before Ai could even realize what was going on, the world faded to black and her body hit the ground. 

"Uh. Wh." Eyelids fluttered open to find them both chained to a wall in a dark stone room. Beside her laid her summon, curled up in a ball snoring softly. 

"Hello children. I'd like to play a game. Before you are a series of tests that would determine how much you actually want to live. The first is a simple box. Putting your hands into it will allow you to open the door for your partner, but theres a catch. The box is set to draw the chakra from your body, and you'll find once you place your hands in it it will be impossible to remove. Beyond the door Is a set of traps. A steady eye could cut the chords on each, but be careful. If you choose the wrong one a blade will fall and impale you....TO DEATH!!!!! Think quickly children. Your time starts now. " 

Ai glanced about. Where was that voice coming from? Were that in like. A bootleg saw movie?! No. It was just some freak trying to screw with them. There was no way any of this was real. She sat up, focusing her power fo spray a focused torent of water that quickly formed into a ball as she formed two sets of seals. Her water dragon whip easily cut the chains off the pair, allowing them to stand and move around, assuming Hafu hadn't already taken care of his own set of chains. 

"Ok. So listen. One of us has to open the door and the other has to get through the second room. You have weapons right?! You can probably take care of the second part pretty easily?" She was already up and moving towards the doorway. Thankfully there was a plot convenient window that would allow them to see into the room before them. She studied the strings on the wall, trying to decypher which ones were safe and in what order. The large blades hanging from the ceiling made it seem pretty easy. Also the nummbers on each blade. Had they meant to keep those on there or did they forget to paint over them?! It would make some sene that they'd have to make sure the blades were in order. That meant they would need to be marked for the initial placement, but what kind of an idiot doesn't remove the markings when they set the trap?!

"Looks like each of the blades are marked. You just have to use your weaponry skill to hit the strings in the order it says, and then your'e home free. I'll try and send my puppets through with you. Ragnar. RAGNAR!!!' Bending down, she would shake the small creature quickly, trying her best to jostle it awake. 

"Not now Largetha... It's sleepy time and I've been up so.. So.." He let out another loud snore before Ai shook him agian, finally bringing him back to the world of the living. "What's going on. Weren't we in a forrest?!" 

"sorry about this Lord Otterbrook, but it looks like you're help isn't needed anymore. We're in some sort of wierd puzzle place where doing the puzzle incorrectly ends in death. I think we've got it from here though. You go ahead and head back home and take a nap. Thank you for all your help. " He gave a nod, tipping a hat that he wasn't actually wearing, and then there was a poof of smoke. When the smoke cleared, there was no otter. Back in the otter homeland he curled into his bed, comfy and ready for a long nights slumber. 

"Alright kid. I don't know if this will actually kill me, but from what i've heard we can't actually die in this world. My family has died a few times--well. My teammate pinochio has died on every single mission he's had to do in here. THe point is he always just wakes up back in his bed at home. So i'm going to put my hands in this questionable box, and assuming the door opens as the creepy disconected voice says, I want you to go through and take care of the puzzle okay? I trust in your ability to get to safety. See you on the other side. " She hated absolutely everything about this. Why did they have to put themselves into danger to get out?! She was used to having to find danger in combat, but this just seemed excessive. Were there actually people who liked this kinda stuff?!

Before she started, she had a thought. Using her chakra threads, she slid the Saya puppets hands into the box. The puppet immediately went limp as a surge of pain shot thorugh the threads and into her body. White hot fire seemed to fill her veins, dropping her to the ground in agony. 

"That.... That didn't work at all." Pushing up from her position, she pushed through the pain and stood up. Her hands slid into the open side of the box, and for a moment the pain was gone. There seemed to be a fail safe with the trap that caused pain specifically if a puppet put their hands in instead of the puppet user. That was quite plot convenient. 

When her wrists slid into the opening, A wall of suiton closed around them, locking her arms in place. Shit. That wasn't good. 

ONce again she felt a creeping pain, but this time it was less like she was being stabbed. Instead, it felt like someone was pulling the blood through her skin with a vacuum. She felt the strength leave her body little by little, and after about a minute, the latch to the door opened. 

"Go. I'll be okay. See you back in the village okay?" With the door open, SHe felt the draw get heavier, and found herself passing out. 

(TWC 2545 both missions complete! ai taking the death on splatter and waking back in her bed

claiming 6100 ryo, 30 ap, and 8 tickets for one mission and 4100 ryo 20 ap and 6 tickets for the second
Total: 10200 ryo, 50 ap, 14 tickets

putting 2k towards vocal chord engagement (2k/2k) and 545 towards chakra sensory (545/2k) also claiming 50 additional ap exit, topic closed after hafu)
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
Stat Page : Hafuma Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

meetup with the new blood?!(missions) Empty Re: meetup with the new blood?!(missions)

Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:13 pm
Hafuma had stared at the werewolf limp body for a few moments taking in his first ever kill, however Hafuma eyes widened as he watched the creature morph back slowly into a human, the weight of the fact he might have just killed some possessed villager, however as quickly as his eyes rose in surprise the fell back to being Hafuma usually relaxed expression, while it had surprised him he imagined he would have to kill many of shinobi during his time in service which was looking to be a lifetime, he felt sorry but this thing was definitely going to kill them so rather it than them. 

Turning around to Ai to say it was done his vision went blurry, seeing her fall to the ground as he tried to stagger and stay up, falling to his knees, "Argh.." Hafuma said, dropping to the ground and passing out. Within another cold darkness Hafuma simply thought he just left one nightmare and entered another as felt a cold wet sensation hit the top of his head every few seconds causing him to stir in his unconscious state. Opening his eyes Hafuma looked at Ai first seeing her chained, her summon sleeping beside her, seeing this snapping him to attention only to realize he was also in chains.

Mere seconds later a  voice with an almost sinister tone to its voice, Hafums instantly disliked this situation for them both, a series of tests to see how strong their will to live was, who the hell gave them the right to decide such a profound thing for them. Nightmare or not this offended him greatly. The situation was like this, one of  them had to put their hands in some box that would drain the user of the hands chakra and it was impossible to take it back out, how much was left unclarified causing Hafuma eyes to frown as he tried to use his strength to break the chains, low grunts Ai would hear as she was close by.

Even more than that beyond this door was more traps, chords you could cut but not paying close enough attention you might cut the wrong chord and then a trap was going to activate, death by being impaled, more of the common Shinobi deaths Hafuma supposed. Hafuma attempted to remember this was some fake nightmare he was having because if it wasn't he was going to kill this person indefinitely but this was definitely more of the twisted nightmares, captured by a deranged Shinobi?Villager? Fucks sake.

Suddenly Ai got up, a water whip lashing at the chains splitting them enough to take them off, 

"Thanks, this is by far the most fucked up nightmare yet " 

Hafuma said seemingly stretching as if he was about to run, Hafuma was about to suggest just destroying the place but Ai suddenly ran her mouth about actually doing what that guy said, suggesting he used his weapons to cut the strings.

 "Why are we going with the option he gave us? Surely us two could take this guy down..unless this is the only way to end the nightmare." 

Hafuma palmed his face, of course it was, they been doing whatever little thing pops into their head in these things naturally this one was the same thing , they would be forced to play along until death do them part, this reached another level of fucked Letting Ai talk she realized something and that the blades were actually marked and numbered and then Hafuma face died as he felt massively fucked with, this nightmare could eat rocks and everything far worse in between. 

Waking up her otter summon the creature stirred not wanting to wake and Hafuma felt jealous, must be nice to not worry about someone dying in this situation eh? Anyway Ai thanked it for responding to her summon and said her goodbyes saying she will see it later. So far death In the nightmares didn't lead to actually dying so Hafuma supposed this was an acceptable outcome although it left a terrible feeling in his heart.  

With them two and her puppets Hafuma was called a kid as she reminded him that they didn't really die in the nightmare world and give an example of her family dying in here but being fine back in the real world so there was nothing to worry about in terms of  putting her hand inside the box. Hafuma huffed as she left it to him to get through the puzzle,

 "I hate how cool you are on this even with the security blanket of not actually dying if you get all your chakra drained, I know we're Shinobi but have a little sense of your mortality.. anyway you bet I will meet you in the actual village."

Hafuma turned his back nearing the door, he wouldn't know but Ai hated this as much as he did so instead of looking back he reached into his pouch grabbing his shuriken in preparation refusing to look back at Ai as she slipped her hands into the box, it draining her and him hearing her say something before the door opens. While Hafuma intended to ignore her the exhausted voice of her telling him to go now and that she would be okay, saying she meet him back in the village hit hard.

"Mhm, that's a promise." 

Hafuma said back as he began dashing to the traps , running a path that seemed to spiral upwards, reaching the first blade, tracing the heavy duty rope holding it, with a quick flick of his wrist he sent his shuriken flying , the shuriken hitting dead center cutting the rope causing the blade to fall before Hafuma reached it, the young Pendragon using it as a leaping point and running alongside the wall as he approached the second trap disabling it all the same, and then a third and then a fourth and finally he reached a darkened corridor, slowing down he walked up a straight path of steps that lead to a similar door, approaching it the door was open and immediately doing so a burst of light blinded him as he looked out into the sky,  stepping out he was on a roof and then everything seemed to fade as the nightmare disappeared, Hafuma closing his eyes to return peacefully to reality. 

10 stat points: 5 vigor / 5 speed
Lightness Skill:  900/1000 + 100 WC = 1000/1000
Shadow Clone Jutsu: 900/1500
Mission Complete: 1000/1000 = 4100 ryo,20 ap,  and 6 tickets 
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

meetup with the new blood?!(missions) Empty Re: meetup with the new blood?!(missions)

Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:04 pm
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