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Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 99906

Break Into the Temple - Page 2 Empty Re: Break Into the Temple

Sat Oct 30, 2021 6:25 pm
Youta who saw Sabastian transform into a priest from town. The priesthood never really liked Youta or the Shinkou in general because of the rumors and falsehoods that they all worship demons. This always made Youta a little angry at them because it is not true. The Yuumei is not a demon but instead dark energy or something it was all a little complicated to Youta. So he was weirded out for a minute then he focused on mission at hand and decided to not worry about the priest or the vampires and kill whatever or whoever he has to to make this nightmare end and so he could get back to his normal everyday life with his adoptive parents and his team doing normal missions and not this crazy, scary and weird missions. He want to go home and wake up from this nightmare so bad that he would have done anything so that he could wake up and finally move on with his life. He was so done dealing with vampires and cultist.

Sabastian bragged about his strength and Youta knew he was strong but this did not really relieve his nerves much since it was still vampires that the team would be fighting at least. The team leader Akabayashi saying he would melt them kind of intrigued Youta a little bit but they would travel further into this place dodging more vampires but they made it. More crashes and loud noises would echo throughout the building and which Youta thought was very fortuatice and lucky because it seemed to be a great distraction.

Akabayashi Tarumi would switch back into his normal form and Start to open this door which was adorned by a bunch of symbols made out of what was the consistency and color of dried old blood. This whole scene made Youta nervous and kind of grossed out by the whole blood obsession that this cult seems to have. They were also obsessed with killing innocents and destroying not only Hoshikagure but what seems like most of the civilized world. The door was pushed open by our team leader and Youta would activate his Meigan right away. Looking around he saw the weird aura of the vampires and the weird chakra that they gave off. Saw a painting made of more blood and he also saw normal people with minimal chakra and other creatures all surrounding a man. This man had normal chakra but also seemed to have something similar to the Yuumei in him. Not like a Shinkou though it was darker more evil then normal Yuumei. You could just sense the hate and pain in this other element or energy that was in this man. Youta knew this had to be the cult leader. All the chanting and prayers to Jashin seemed to get louder and louder when they entered these chambers. The cultist began moving around and the cultist leader who had these black eyes darker then oil, could sense Youta’s fear and uneasiness. He would say “Vampires frighten you? Don't fear one drink and you can join us.” to which Youta would just reply “I am good.I would never betray my family, my clan and my village especially forsomething as dumb as power and eternal life. Who would want to live forever knowing that they are evil and that they cannot be let into normal civilization.” The man who seemed to have locked eyes on to Youta. This man was different from the other vampires both externally and internally. The man was bigger and looked stronger than the others there.

Youta started to form seals because he thought he would be under attack and a few cultist and vampires started to charge him.Before he could finish Akabayashi let loose whatever chakra he usually uses and it had a corrosive effect on everyone there except his team. When he finished his seals everyone saw this black energy darker than anything they have seen before start to surround him and swirl around him. As some of the cultist and vampires surround him he unleashes this energy and it throws all those on him away from Youta. This is probably the first time any of his teammates have seen him use his clan’s gift because he is not one to use it all Willy nilly witout a very good reason to have to. He always tries to hide his clients ability because it not only scares him but he is afraid it will scare those around him. After he lets his technique go everyone in his area feels more tired and like some of their energy has been drained from them. They killed a few of the cultist and vampires who were attacking him. Sabastian with his em Mende speed and strength would go straight for the leader killing everyone with his claws and ripping through anyone in his way. He would then proceed to rip out the cultists leaders heart but that did not seem to have killed him. Akabayashi techinique was a great distraction and Youta would form more handsigns and whips of fire would spring from his hands and he would be attacking everyone he could with that. It would be a cultist here and a cultist there. All getting burned and eventually dying. Sabastian was getting hurt and there was a lot going on and cultist and vampires were attacking and dying all around. The Team leaders techniques killed a vast majority of them with the weird fog that he was producing. Now his eyes which he did not notice before were bright red. Youta would try to reach the main cultist with a flame whip but Sabastian would beat him there and the man would fall into the branches and finally die. You could tell the man said something disrespectful and insulting to Sebastian. Sebastian would continue to attack and bite the mans head off. Youta quickly would pull his fire whip away making sure not to hit his teammate and with the death of the main leader. Youta and Akabayashi would clean up any stragglers and vampires. He would start to say “thank all things that are holy that all the vampires and cultist are gone. This mission I have to say was the wor-“ he would then be forced and shaken awake by his parents and they would say to him. “Youta, Youta what is wrong why are you acting like this? Youta are you ok.”

Youta would then try to explain everything that had happened to them. He pulls explain about the vampires and the cult and the castle/ temple/ church he was not sure what. He would try to find his team after he took a nap and he did not get a good nights sleep. But he was not able to find anyone that he was in the nightmare with and he was not able to confront anyone and talk to them about what happened to them while they were in that dream land. He would try to explain the nightmare to his family and talked about the man and his very weird chakra and how he tried to entice him to join them. His father would talk to him and say in a very reassuring voice and said “see nothing not the Shinkou, not the Yuumei and definitely not the Jashin and all those scary vampires were able to get you away from us and our family. As long as you grow in power and for the village you will be able to accomplish anything that you want in life.

WC 1269

Will make claims later but definitely claiming all the mission claims.
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 99906

Break Into the Temple - Page 2 Empty Re: Break Into the Temple

Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:16 am

6000 ryo, 30AP, and 8 event tickets from The Truth Part 1, 
10,000 ryo, 50AP, and 10 event tickets from The Truth Part 2, 
12,500 ryo, 63AP, 12 event tickets, and 1 Golden Ticket from The Truth Part 3.

TWC 3036

Dark whip 451+[url=]2149[/url]=2500/2500for rank A

binding of Yuumei1000/1000 for rank C

Phantom kite1500/1500 for rank B

[url=]Embracing the shadows[/url]

30 stats
12 vigor
10 speed.
8 chakra

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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Break Into the Temple - Page 2 Empty Re: Break Into the Temple

Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:03 pm
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