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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo) Empty They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo)

Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:39 pm
Mission Details:

It was the middle of the night, and Ise was confused why he himself was not in bed at this hour. What’s more is that Ise honestly had no idea where he was. “Where am I again!?” He thought to himself. Unfortunately he couldn’t come up with an answer, let alone an explanation as to why he was out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. It was also cold, and despite wearing some decent clothing, it did very little to keep him warm. However, the cold was not what had bothered him. It was this place. There was a fog that covered the entire vicinity around him. Ise believed that it was so thick that it could practically be cut with a Kunai knife. 

As the young Uchiha continued to walk through the thick fog in the cold, he heard something in the distance as he walked. He could have swore that it was someone laughing … and music? Just the sound of the music made him stop in his tracks, completely and utterly confused. “Why would someone be playing music out in the middle of nowhere? Especially at this hour,” The young Uchiha said aloud, bringing a hand to his chin, trying to make sense of it all. However, just like how he couldn’t think of why he himself was out here, he also couldn’t understand why anyone else would be out at this hour either. With a shrug, Isemori decided to head towards the source of the music and investigate. Something told him though that investigating this all by himself  was more than likely a bad idea … 

However, he was shinobi of Hoshigakure, and since he was already out here, for whatever reason, he had no choice but to look into it on his own. The music had gotten louder and louder, along with other … distinct sounds. Laughter, screaming even … and … howling? Once the young Uchiha stopped in front of a pair of bushes, he peaked through them, only for his eyes to widen at the sight that he was seeing. There were walking-talking skeletons, ghosts that were both male and female, vampires with razor sharp fangs, and even Werewolves. What’s more is that it appeared to be in the middle of some sort of graveyard, with all the tombstones poking out of the ground left and right. That however, wasn’t the weirdest part out of it all. They were all … dancing. And drinking. Ise moved away from the bushes slightly, blinking as if he still couldn’t believe what he had just seen. 

Even though Ise didn’t want to, he peeked through the bushes once more, deciding to take a better look of the area. That was when he had noticed that there was a Skeleton standing on what appeared to be a stage that had two massive speakers, and on the very center of their make-shift stage was what appeared to be a … turntable? “Okay, either I am asleep and ate something that had gone bad and is giving me one hell of a nightmare, or monsters are real, and I really just walked into the middle of a monster mash party,” Ise whispered to himself, trying to not seem scared, although it was clear that he was scared out of his mind.

WC: 557
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo) Empty Re: They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo)

Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:45 pm
Ise took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply for a good five minutes trying to calm himself. “At least I hadn’t been spotted yet,” The young Uchiha thought to himself, which was a huge relief. Chances were that if he did manage to get caught by the massive horde of creatures surrounding the graveyard, that they’d more than likely either kill him, or turn him into one of them… It was hard for the young Uchiha to be optimistic when the odds were greatly against him. “I have to do something though! Think, Ise, Think! There has to be a way to shut down this party without getting caught and also not having to engage with a bunch of monsters that can rip you to shreds,” Ise thought to himself, trying to think of a game plan. 

Judging by the size of the graveyard, Ise could possibly make his way around towards the stage, but not getting caught was a whole other story. A small drop of sweat dropped from his forehead, probably from being scared more than likely, but since it was only him, he couldn’t bow out now. If he did, then how could he call himself a shinobi? No, despite it not being the wisest choice, there was only one thing that Ise had to do, and that was stop this party … without getting caught. Ise decided that he would sneak his away around to the back of the stage, and find a way to shut off the speakers and the turntable. If he could manage that without getting caught then hopefully the monsters will clear out. 

Ise crept his way behind one bush after the other, using his sharingan to see anything moving. “It’s a good thing I have my Sharingan. Otherwise, I’d never be able to get past these goons,” The young Uchiha thought to himself, as he passed a few animated skeletons that were drinking. How did that even work anyway!? Weren’t they dead? How could they taste anything, let alone get drunk? What’s more was that Ise couldn’t help but make a grossed out face as he saw the alcohol just poured out of the skeletons as they ‘consumed’ it.  Luckily for him though, he didn’t seem to notice Ise as he slowly crept past them. There was also something even more troublesome that was in Ise’s way towards where he was headed. There was a werewolf standing there, eyeing the Skeletons from a distance. If Ise got closer, the Werewolf would be able to catch his scent and turn him into it’s very own personal chew toy. 

That was when Ise had a rather clever idea. After all, Werewolves were still dogs to an extent, right? And since he seemed to be preoccupied with the walking bag of bones Ise just passed, Ise believed that he could cause the monstrous canine and the skeletons to get into an altercation of sorts… poor skeletons. Ise found a rock by his foot, and with a smirk, he picked it up, and quickly chucked it at the back of one of the skeleton’s skulls before ducking down into the bushes, avoiding being seen. This in turn would have the skeleton think that it was more than likely the Werewolf’s doing, which is exactly what happened.

WC: 552
TWC: 1109
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo) Empty Re: They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo)

Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:46 pm
Ise couldn’t help but mentally snicker as he passed by the Werewolf and the two Skeletons that were now going at. From the sounds of it, some of the other creatures helped try to dissolve the conflict between them, which had given Ise a better chance at getting towards the stage, although there were still quite a few banshees that he needed to get past, as well as some Vampires that all seemed to be hanging over near the concessions table, which had a very … unique arrangements of snacks. There was some kind of fountain type thing that had blood coming out of it instead of chocolate, cut off hands that belonged only god knew who, as well as a bunch of other things that the young Uchiha tried his best to not look at them, knowing that if he did, it would more than likely make him gag reflexively. 

“How in the world can these guys eat this stuff!? Ugh, god … I think I’m gonna be sick,” Ise thought, trying to hold his breath so that way he wouldn’t smell all of the monster’s nasty food. Ise passed through the other side of the concessions table, there was a Banshee, dancing in between the table, phasing through it. Ise’s eyes began to twitch, while making sure that he slowly passed on; not out of irritation, but concern rather. The graveyard, despite the Uchiha having slipped by a good number of them, was still crawling with monsters, so he was very far from it being ‘safe’ yet. Just as Ise was about to continue onward, he froze in place when another Banshee flew over to his side of the table. She however, still failed to notice that Ise was there, which was a good thing, however, the Uchiha was caught off guard for a split second there. 

“Sylvia! You know you’re not supposed to be on that side of the table! You’re phasing through all of the good snacks! Stop that!” One of the other ghosts called out the one who had phased through to his side of the table. The young Uchiha slipped through underneath the table before the Banshee phased through the table once more, only causing the argument between the ghosts, as well as the other monsters while leaving Ise go unnoticed once more. “How I’m managing to not get noticed is far beyond me. You’d think that these monsters would be hell of a lot smarter than me. Sheesh,” Ise thought to himself, now his eyebrows twitching with annoyance. However, his expression was brief when he had finally managed to make it underneath the stage. The reason being was because he had noticed electric cords going underneath the stage, which led Ise to believe that was where the speakers and the turntable were plugged in at.

WC: 472
TWC: 1581
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo) Empty Re: They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo)

Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:53 pm
Since Ise was right underneath the source of the loud music, it invaded his eardrums more distinctly than when he was trying to maneuver himself around the graveyard past all the monsters. The moment he had made it underneath the makeshift stage, he noticed a peculiar light emanating from the center right in front of him. It almost seemed like it was pulsing, as if it were alive. Seriously!? Is nothing normal about these guys!? Even just a little!?” Ise thought to himself. Once he had gotten closer, Ise definitely noticed that this electric outlet was definitely far from normal. Ise couldn’t believe that they had managed to use ordinary electrical devices for whatever this thing was. 

Ise had adjusted himself accordingly so that he could pull out a Kunai knife. He thought at first that he’d just cut the wires from the thing itself, but then he thought to himself, “But wait … wouldn’t it electrocute me if I do that? … On second thought … I’ll go ahead and unplug them all, quickly cut them and get the hello out of here before they realize they had an uninvited guest at their monster mash,” The young Uchiha thought to himself with a slight smirk. He quickly began to unplug each of the cords out from their wicked electrical outlet thingy. Ise knew that once he started unplugging things, the monsters would notice right away, sending them all in an uproar. 

Even though there were multiple sounds coming from all around him, Ise still managed to keep his cool, cutting the cords with his Kunai knife with a swift slice. “Alright! I did it!” Ise thought to himself, and then shortly after that, he quickly began weaving hand signs for the body flicker technique. A cloud of smoke surrounded him, and then within a few seconds later, Ise appeared where he had started, coming from another puff of smoke. “From the looks of things, they still haven’t caught on to the fact that it was me.” Ise said, which prompted him to make his escape. 

Ise, despite having accomplished what he had done successfully by himself, he was still needless to say, scared out of his wits. After a few minutes of making his escape, he ran through the thick fog, he could still hear the monsters, wailing and howling in anger, now finally figuring out that he was responsible for ruining their monster party. “I am never doing something like this by myself ever, and I mean EVER, again! I was lucky I managed to make it out of there alive!” The young Uchiha thought to himself, only daring of thinking about what would have happened to him if he did get caught back there.

WC: 457
TWC: 2038

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They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo) Empty Re: They took the G out of 'Graveyard'(Mission/Solo)

Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:19 pm
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