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Stat Page : Takashi's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 56000

Reunion [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Reunion [P]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:45 pm
Takashi simply nodded along to what Koutaku was saying, opting not to say much but accepting the key from him and wrapping him in a tight hug. As they released from the embrace she mumbled something about him leaving her another note when he next wanted to train and how she’d had a good time today. Of course, he knew that he could simply stop by the Yuganori clan compound (or vice versa, though the various security measures practiced by the Iouchiryo made it significantly more annoying to get into than her home, and for that reason they often congregated at her family’s place of residence) whenever he liked so she was quite certain they’d see one another soon without the need to make concrete plans. She took a few deep breaths while alone to get herself into a more studious mood, and began her preparations to do a little training on her own.

Takashi then set her focus to learning one of the more advanced weaponry techniques her clan had to offer--Yokoito Sōsa. It was simple enough in theory, requiring only that the user know how to manipulate individual threads with so much as a thought or a natural instinct--which, when one considered that the technique was created by a clan of particularly prodigious weavers, was actually quite simple a requirement. The main difficulty that most members of the clan faced when trying to learn it was simply a dissonance between body and mind. In order to manipulate something with the power of thought and not one’s body it took a great deal of understanding of the relationship between those two things, and many ninja lacked that fundamental harmony as the power offered by singular focus was often too tempting to pass up. The Yuganori had been like this back in Amegakure, though in truth they’d failed even at that shallow attempt at power beyond their grasp--it had only been Kinuko’s unlocking of the lost Oriton, her mastery of the fabled sword Hanashi, and her ability to unravel and decipher the sacred Silken Scrolls that had lent any air of legitimacy to them whatsoever. In Kirigakure, however, they’d started anew--they did live and train according to those ancient principles, with new techniques or skills being created or discovered even to the present day. Many of the clan were now harmonious enough to glean some of the fundamental nature of the ancient texts, and through the wisdom of eld were able to catalyse their transformations into ninjas worthy of the respect they’d had many years prior. This dedication was what allowed Takashi to understand the secrets of the technique on an instinctual level, though as always the implementation of this sort of thing required a building up of muscle memory and a certain familiarity with the pattern of the chakra required, as well as how one would manipulate the item in question mentally.

She went through the motions many times, weaving the handseals over and over to be able to feel how the chakra kneaded itself inside her at her direction. The handseals alone were not enough, however, she realised after the fourth attempt--she needed her mind to do the majority of the work if she was to be able to use this technique in combat. She needed it to be as simple as breathing, as focused as meditation--and so she tried again and again, this time stopping after each step in order to concentrate on the sensation of the chakra within her. Each handseal made changed the mass of kneaded chakra within her slightly and in a completely distinct way from before, and as she strung them together she made sure to connect those individual threads into a single cohesive weave within her mind. After a few moments more she was able to produce the thin, glowing threads of white chakra from her silk glands and manoeuvre them into her scarf, but getting them to weave themselves into the actual structure was more problematic than she initially imagined. Again she decided to take it back to the basics, concentrating on each individual step in order to fully understand it as an individual component before she wove it together with the rest to create the final product. She closed her eyes and extended her chakra senses out, guiding herself with the familiar feel of her scarf’s uniquely interlocking pattern of threads. Given that she wove the thing herself she was more than familiar with its little nooks and crannies, and soon found that she was able to draw upon the mental image of the schematic or blueprint for the weapon in order to mentally guide the threads of the technique through it.

It took only another two attempts (barring one failure where she was briefly overcome by the red mist of rage as she remembered the patterns for Lady Chiyoko’s kimono) before she was able to execute the technique flawlessly, causing her scarf to tie itself back around her neck in that same familiar knot while her hands gathered up the rest of her belongings and made sure that everything was in its proper place before she turned to leave the training facility, locking up behind her and returning all relevant items to the receptionist with a friendly smile and a wave.

She made her way home shortly thereafter, a little skip in her step as she reveled in the breadth of new experience she’d gained in only a single day’s training. A few more days like that and she’d be able to compete with the best of her peers, no problem. The mere thought of it warmed her heart and set in her a fire that would drive her to succeed… or be consumed by it entirely.

Stat Page : Stats Yo
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 30650

Reunion [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Reunion [P]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 11:58 pm
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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Reunion [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Reunion [P]

Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:52 am
Stat Page : Takashi's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 56000

Reunion [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Reunion [P]

Wed Oct 27, 2021 8:45 am
Fixing Claim::
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Reunion [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Reunion [P]

Wed Oct 27, 2021 7:43 pm
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