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Mikazuki Tokito
Mikazuki Tokito
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 104400

Phantom Disco [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Phantom Disco [IO]

Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:52 pm
As the sounds of music and dancing rang out around him on the graveyard, the not warrior relaxed in his black uniform with long sleeves. His misty eyes enjoyed the show, and his black-green hair rested over his pale face. 

While he stood there, the sounds slowly began to silence, and his thoughts drifted away as he began to contemplate as he often did. Tokito wished he could be the type of shinobi that just cleared their thoughts and found peace for a moment, but he never could, always a victim to his obsessive thinking. The river orphan had gotten much stronger since his training under the Old Man that he viewed as a surrogate father. But he still had barely made any progress towards his goal. He desired vengeance against those who had wronged him and to make River it to the idealized version of a shinobi village from the stories his mother used to read him in childhood. But he was still just a nobody, and he still knew hardly anything about the power landscape of the shinobi world or who the critical players were besides these illustrious Kage of the Five Great Villages. Tokito needed more power, that more than anything else. He sighed.

"How can I impact if I don't even know my competition? How can I do that while I'm caught in whatever this place is."

His ruminations turned into anger, and Tokito snapped back into the present in flashes. Tokito grabbed the hilt of his katana, his eyes shifting from a green to red, burning in the darkness like a pool of red. He moved as if he were into his dance, making his way to the source of all the sound. A jukebox, he had seen that device in multiple alehouses. But none of them made the dead come to life and dance in the moonlight.

"I know what to do. And if the others had half the wits, the gods gave the goose; they would know to do the same." Three were his siblings, four with Tokito, each for every music box in the cemetery. Jiro Joski, one of his brothers, was missing from this sequence, having left on an adventure over a year ago. In his place, some cleric boy was present. He looked friendly, and in his forehead, half-healed scars painted a seven-pointed star.

Taking his sword stance, he raised it over his head and charged for a downward swing with all his might. The air exploded into splinters when the steel of his katana made the wood, his physical strength tearing through the music box like a hot knife through butter. 

The thick mist returned. This time from inside the jukeboxes, it absorbed Tokito into the belly of the beast.  It had to be hours later, or perhaps seconds that felt like a lifetime. When he woke in that dark, dim-lit warehouse in Falhalt, his brothers sleeping next to him.


WC: 518 
TWC: 863

863 to Whistle Trigger with 25% Max stat discount [863/1500]

6,000 Ryo + 6,000 Ryo (Benevolent Presence Skill) 
400 Ryo Bonus
60 AP from missions
No Ticket Claims as the event that issued them is over :[
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Phantom Disco [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Phantom Disco [IO]

Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:53 pm
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