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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Sun Oct 17, 2021 9:49 pm
"Hey uh. Sorry to interupt. I don't mean to be a bother but I thought I would inquire.... Why, in a convorsation about weaponry wouldn't you bring up the chakra infusion ability? It's not the hardest thing to figure out once you know how elemental chakra works, and I believe it's a basis for alot of weaponry jutsus. I'm no weaponry expert, of course. I use puppetry and ninjutsu BUT my teammate pinochio seems to be pretty handy with the style. I still learned a while ago how to infuse chakra so that I could use it in a few niche ninjutsu that i'd learned. It's so simple. All you have to do is focus on the way you would cast a ninjutsu right, Especially one that you would spawn from your body like a stream of water or lightning or something, and then intead of creating a stream of the effect, you imagine your weapon as an extension of your hand, or in my case my puppets connected to chakra threads. Then you can flow the chakra through the weapon in order to infuse it with a bit of extra power. I feel like theres a whole ton of jutsus that use that base ability in order to make your weaponry combat stronger, but again I really can't be sure since I'm not exactly a weaponry user. I shouldn't have butted in. I'm sorry. Please continue your lesson. " She felt awkward trying to thrust herself into the situation. Were it Saya, she would have cut them off immediately and shared everything that she knew about the specialization, but Ai wasn't as much a fan of taking up space.

And so she'd leave the two to focus on their training, trying to figure out what exactly they were supposed to do, or where they were supposed to go. She'd noticed when they were outside that this tower was large, but she wasn't at all prepared for just how large the place was on the inside. There were so many doors. Should she check them one by one? What if there were people having important convorsations in there? What if the cultists had a break room and there were a few relaxing in there? She would totally interupt their break, and that would be so incredibly rude. No. She would try first to figure out which door was the correct one from the outside. She passed door after door, struggling internally with the center point where her ninja instinct to check things out met her intense need not to be a bother. Oddly every one of the doors looked the same. Tall, Almost white looking wood, brass handle, she couldn't find any differences between one portal and the next except for the door that Mac had entered until she got to the very end of the hall. There, she noticed the door to the ritual room, though she had no clue at this point what was in it.

"So.. It looks like the two doors that are different are the changing room you found and that one at the end. Yanno the one with the symbol of jashin painted on the door in blood. It has like five signs on it that all have some variation of 'do not enter'. The last one says something about inevitable doom? I feel like it would be kind of rude to ignore the signs, but also this is probably where we need to go. I didn't check any of the other doors because I was worried I might run into someone and interupt what they were doing. Also there was the chance of us getting caught and getting in trouble for being dressed as cultist." It hadn't even occured to her as she debated entering each door one by one, but they were actually dressed the part. THe chances of them getting stopped had they run into someone was fairly low given they would just look like your run of the mill person who belonged here. Still it would be rude to just walk in on someone if they were busy relaxing or working on something important. At the end of the day she was certain that she made the right call.

They had, in fact followed yuri's suggestion, and standing in front of the final door that was clearly not meant to be entered she wondered if maybe she was right. "So... Should we like. Knock or...Oh. We're just walking in. SORRY IF WE ARE INTERUPTING WE DIDN'T MEAN IT!!" Even as she yelled out appologies, her quiet voice was hard to hear over...rhythmic ritual chanting?

(TWC 2349 first mision done(1k) second mission done(1334) 15 towards 3rd mission)
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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:10 am
It was only here in a place like this that the true nature of Karuma could be revealed. A dark miasma clinging to the sword, an umbral read slowly wafting off like smoke. Negative emotion was swirling around Karuma as Yuri draws it from the scabbard. It was only here that its past could be reawakened. Those sins, or lamentations of the deceased, more importantly though were the lingering emotions. It felt like a monster was slowly taking hold of her, but the worst part was that the monster didn't feel unfamiliar.

It was a demon, yes, but in a way it reminded her of someone she knew, even though at the same time she was sure she'd never met such a person.[/size]

Another bit of wisdom, or maybe it was just the ruminations of an old man, isolated from the rest of the world due to the sins of their parent. Words he said casually in passing, working over the fires of a forge long into cold nights. 'A demon cannot sculpt the face of enlightenment.' was what he said. At the time she didn't understand what he meant. It was kind of an odd saying. He mentioned enlightenment often, but never said what enlightenment even was. Everytime she tried to ask he'd tighten his lips and keep it to himself. It became a sort of game of itself, her constant attempts to get answers out of him. Maybe he just enjoyed being cryptic, but that never really felt like the answer.

Every single time she got closer to the topic the response would always be the same sevenish words repeated so often she almost felt like they were etched inside her brain right along weapon play.

'You'll understand in your own way eventually.'

She understood the first bit at least. With the amount of resentment coming off her sword, whatever was tied to this would never be able to find peace. Not on its own. It was laden with too much regret, too much anguish. A mountain full of emotions that felt like it could never be satisfied were piling on top of her, but the more it weighed down on her the less overwhelmed she felt. In fact she could say she felt less in general. Nothing but a sickness right down to her core. She could almost feel it talking to her, telling her what to do next. That was the only comforting part of it, some kind of guidance or idea of what to do next. Experience, especially familiar in the ways she was taught to do things.

Her pulse was quickening, as the first of the cultists in the room began to take notice of them. She wasn't sure what she was doing as she brought out Karuma. Her body moving on its own as she goes past her comrades, right for the group. The instinctive motions brought a nauseating feeling to her body. She wasn't sure if this was something entirely innate to Karuma, or if this was some twisted perversion brought on by the weird ritual these cultists we're doing.

She rushes at the trio, the blade pierces through the back of the cultist with their back turned directly to them, puncturing directly through the heart. Killing intent billowing off Yuri like a smokestack as she raises the blade still embedded in the body. It forces the cultist to a stand as blood starts to seep into the floor. Then almost like a nightmare Yuri rips the blade up and out of the body. It tore a straight line through the upper torso, the shoulder and the vital artery in the neck. Flecks of blood fly everywhere, giving the air a rich iron scent, even a taste to those who had their mouth open.

Yuri took a deep breathe with her mouth, the metallic taste filling it up. During the moment of a kill, there was a brief second as the blade penetrates where one can catch a single breath. A short reprieve before continuing to kill. It was brief, and it was only a second. If there was any shock or desire to mourn their comrade, the other cultists probably wouldn't show it. It wouldn't be long before they quickly moved into combat. Yuri took a step back, a stony look on her face as she gets ready for the real fight. That evil feeling aura still clinging to Karuma.

"I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but for some reason my weapon's acting crazy from their presence. I'm not entirely sure what's going on but-"

The scent of blood in the air was saddening yet unfamiliar. It was that feeling of Deja Vu for something she'd never experienced before returning. Cleaning the blood off Karuma using her sleeve, Yuri shakes her head once again.

"I'm almost absolutely sure that the deaths that happened recently, are connected to these guys. Sorry for jumping ahead like that though."

She couldn't say she wasn't entirely in control of herself though, that'd probably just concern them. Getting back into a ready stance with her sword, Yuri appraises the other two enemies. Both had gotten up and it was hard to really make out their features under all the face paint. She had a strong feeling that once this was all said and done with she'd have a really strong dislike of cults, and robes, and face paint, and really all the things that were involved with this place. There wasn't much time for idle thinking though, as she watches the one to her right back up and try to gain some distance before they'd likely start weaving handseals.

The one at her left withdrew a long needle from the sleeve of their robes, going straight out for Yuri's blood. Yuri taking a quick step forward, raising her sword to meet them.

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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Wed Oct 20, 2021 10:24 am
"Oh, that makes sense, you use this chakra stuff to make it more powerful? Still have to admit having access to literal magic here is a bit jarring coming from a world were people like you guys were seen as old wives' tales, that you were just killers, not people able to literally imbue your weapons and armor with a bit of yourself, and there is still so much more I have to learn, thank you for helping me learn the both of you, now let's go in there and shut this dream down, it’s stale and I think it's about time we expire it,” Mac would say, looking towards both of the and giving a nod to show his thanks, his pride and fragile sense of masculinity getting in the way of him thanking them in any more advanced way, but he was truly very grateful of all the work the others put in in order to teach him this rather basic stuff, despite how thick headed he tended to be, a real kick in the ass to all his teachers through school, but for some reason these magical fucking ninjas managed to get through to him better than Mrs. Johnson’s history class ever could.

Jumping back to the time when the door was revealed, Mac snapping back into himself after his not so pleasant run in with a human clock, steeled himself for battle. Taking into view the multiple actors to the sides, with the three main members in the middle, Mac would begin to plan who to take out first, thinking if he took out one side before the middle he would prevent a flank, maybe, even, he’d be able to improve his positioning and increase his chance at defeating one of the cultists up front. He then became lost in thought as his head bounced from deciding from going from one side to the other, should he approach from the left, a side that had many of those pale faces that guarded the stairs, or should he head to the right, a side decorated with plentiful man-beasts of different shapes, all somewhat reminiscent of an additive mix of wolf and man into a huge creature. As Mac looked deeper into the shadows behind the large beasts to the right, he saw deeper in the shadows more and more sets of eyes, a collage of monstrous beasts Mac couldn’t even imagine he figured, looking quickly to his left he would see those similar but different sets of eyes decorating the dark beyond Mac’s vision, waiting to pounce.

Mac thought and he thought about how exactly he wanted to approach this, and as he was quickly attempting to think, he noticed the one who taught him how to properly use his sword dash out ahead of everyone, seemingly being pulled by their sword at an extreme speed and piercing the back of the first cultist in the middle all the way through like a kabob, before splitting the blade out and sending a geyser of blood about the place. Mac watched as Yuri cleaned their blade before springing off to the one to the left, seeing the intent of murder in their eyes. Reaching them as they were about to thrust a needle into the throat of his fellow genin, Mac grabbed the needle arm of the cultist and put it to the side while at the same time, with his other and dominant hand, stabbing through the cultists with his sword from the dream, piercing the gut and raising it up to spill a sausage link like array of intestines across the floor.

“Watch your hide Yuri, we are in the thick of it now and not sure we have time to talk and explain our actions, we just have to act, and take out all these cultists,” Mac would say, turning himself directly to Yuri and blinding himself to the third ritualist, who would retrieve a scythe from deep within their cloak, a dark and deep red color along the wood of the handle with a jet black blade, the cultist of Jashin would raise it with the intent to kill Mac, prepared to end the detective’s life. How could he get out of this one? Check out the next post, same bat-thread, different bat-time.

WC 719 TWC4860
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Wed Oct 20, 2021 8:57 pm
She shifted silently through the doorway. Unlike her two teammates, fresh faced and still learning the arts, Ai was practiced perfection confident in her own techiques and ready to showcase the power of senju blood. Taking a moment in time, paused to understand the state of battle one could see three entirely separate souls preparing for war. Unbridled chaos, Confusion, and resolve worked in tandem to tear through the battle field and provide an answer to the problem faced. Even as she foud herself taking inventory of the dangers surrounding them, she couldn't help but allow her mind to drift, finding flagrant fancification overwheling her mind as yuri's blade went snicker snack. 

"Twas brillig. the slighy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe." The fresh scent of blood Drew a pulse of adrenaline from the small living clone. FIngertips twitched and shifted, bringing Saya into the battle. There was an audible click as pale hands released, floating to the aid of their companions, but too late. The needle that saught to end it's assailant was thrust away, and a blade found its way inside in response. The hands wove of their own accord up and over the man, and as the guts spilled and the palm disappeared around the back of the cultists head his body seemed to split, pasta dropped into boiling water. Remains curled and wrapped about themselves as the razor wire that controled the Saya puppet's hands easily dealt with what was left of the enemy. There was no suffering. 

"All mymsi were the borogroves... And the mome wraths outgrabe." It was jibberish. No. It was jabberish? She wasn't sure where the words came from but she felt them so sincerely in this moment that she found her actions following not the rhythmic tap of toe tips turning to adress her team as threat, but the feet bouncing to meter in her mind. Was this what Saya felt all the time? Was this her own slice of eccentrictity being baked in the forge of combat? Had she truely gone mad?!

"Take you vorpal sword in hand! Long time the manxome foe you saught, Don't rest thee by the TumTum tree, it's not the time for thought." The coach puppet found itself at the doorway they'd entered to Engage the threat before. Was this. No. There was no tree. These words without meaning hold no weight to the wooden form of her her puppets, but still. Coach found his chest cavity opening, Long lines of brilliantly stained wood laying down to create a step to move past at the doorway. A great commotion found itself at the doorway. Fresh faces forced their way through too tight thoroughfare. Up and over the stepping stones the rushed and none found footing on the other side. With a pleasant SNAP the trap tripped, slipping around the bodies of five men, and with a hiss they found pomp and circumstance too much to handle, their last sight being the flizzled flash of fireworks. 

"SNICKER SNAK! SNICKER SNAK! Hold that vorpal blade up high. " Forming seals quickly she adressed the second half of the group. Four approached from the other side of the room, having found a hidden door that offered entry to the undesired. A flow of water met their entrance, threatening to exstinguish their flames, but fell too short. An audible click, the sleek shift of palms sliding against one another, a breath of resolve and subtle nod. Before the four could find joy in a missed attack, the suiton swirled about their bodies, A vast network of sharpened shapes flinging blood soaked corpes across the battle field. 

(TWC 2957 wc: 623/1667)
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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Wed Oct 20, 2021 11:14 pm

Yuri pouts. Of all the things she was getting a lecture from this guy in the middle of a fight about not talking in the middle of a fight. It was almost ironic how just after saving her he was about to get cut open like that. Despite the resentment from her sword though, she wasn't the type to immerse herself in schadenfreude from the suffering of others. Mac would see her let out a slow breathe and tense up as he spoke. Anyone mistaken could think that she was a moment away from cutting him down for lecturing her, but the cultist behind Mac could entirely read where her killing intent was directed at.

Less than a meter of space, she was fast enough, she just had to do this right. The moment when someone goes for the kill is always a perfect time for counterplay, if you can manage it. With a short side hop to the left she clears the space ahead of her and moves past Mac and the cultist, stopping right behind the latter. The cultist had two options, commit to trying to kill her friend, or turn around to try and stop her. Like those who clung to life, they chose the latter. Move quickly, breathe, turning on the heel of her foot, she draws her sword just as they were half way between facing Mac and Yuri, staring at the wall to Mac's right. 

He screams as during the spin, with his arms raised, Yuri severs his right arm in a diagonal swing, the limb awkwardly flying through the air as blood spurts out of the empty socket. Her eyes trained on his feet as she watches him begin just barely to try and scramble backwards. She felt her blood thrum as the opening made itself obvious, adjusting the sword in her hand. The bloodslicked sword catches the supple neck flesh in a horizontal swing, going from Yuri's left to her right. Blood spurting from his neck in a slight fountain that would probably catch her and Mac with the staining scarlet. Shaking her head at him. 

"Don't know why you felt the need but we're in the middle of a fight, it's not a good idea to talk and try to lecture people on their actions during it. All we need to do is take down the enemy. Now come on and focus, we don't have time for messing around." 

She does a flourish with the sword, unable to help the smug expression on her face, flicking the blood off as Karuma's edge taps the ritual circle. The miasma amplifying as it had a resonance with the circle. Though not in the way anyone would hope really. The circle took on the same hue as the dark violet miasma, and the ground around it starts to crack and crumble catching even Yuri off guard. At the sudden reaction between her treasured family heirloom and the strange occult symbol marked on to the stone.


Nodding at Mac, she starts to talk quickly.

"Anyways, we need to get out of here as soon as possible. That was the last ritualist, any options for exits?" 

Turning her back to him her eyes drift over to the secret floor hatch where some more of the cult members had come out of. At first she was just making sure there weren't more coming, but maybe it could be another escape route? Even so, it seemed like two more cultists were coming out, but if they wanted to escape it was a pretty good option.

"Nevermind, just follow me. I think this could work" 

It was only in retrospect she finally realized she was starting to understand what her father meant by a third eye. Unconcerned with life or death, and understanding her enemies, was what it meant. Even when the path was obscured. So the light was simply that kind of enlightenment that came from disentanglement from her own obsessions. Watching the first of the three, bearing only his fists as they body flickered at her. They were going to stop short before rushing her, with a quick step forward she got into his face directing her blade to jab into where his heart should be. It slides in neatly, a pleasantly wet sound as she punctures his heart. 

Shoving the body away, the blade slides out and crumples on the floor in an undignified heap. The smell of blood and viscera was getting richer and richer in the air. The scent in the room was going to quickly become unbearable for most reasonable people at this rate. Though now one of the two was missing, there was a moment of confusion before her hand instinctively reverses the grip on her sword before stabbing directly behind her. 

At the same moment a cultist materializes in the space there, letting out a choked gasp. Part in surprise and part in pain as in another spin Yuri decapitates him, the headless corpse dropping on top of its comrade as its head went flying, it was almost unsettling how many there were, eyes still open with their last expressions on their faces. This was the point where she was confident the moves she was making weren't here own, but with the ground on this floor or the tower starting to crumble there wasn't any room to worry about it. 

"Let's get out of here as soon as we can everyone." 

Motioning for Mac to follow her to the passage as she hops into the secret path. With any look it'd take them to somewhere they can escape quickly, and hopefully in the tight quarters they can keep the fight under control. A smile forming on her face, honestly she wasn't particularly fond of killing, but she couldn't deny that finally understanding what dad meant put a smile on her face. Even if this was the worst time to feel something like that.

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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Thu Oct 21, 2021 12:06 am
Mac's eyes would follow the blade of his young teacher as it nicked off a single hair of his sideburns, but more importantly stabbed the looming threat of the cultist behind him, Mac's eyes meeting with the dead cultist. "Nice catch, Yuri, seems like a great example to show you of the negative side effects of not paying attention in combat. That said," Mac would be cut off as he was forced to duck an incoming axe launched his way, a feat he did without seemingly having to use his eyes, but his ears noticeably twitching, "Just because someone seems unaware, doesn't necessarily mean they are helpless," he would finish off, grabbing the axe and launching it back in its originating direction, stopping before throwing it to add, "Did you see this thing, it almost killed me, jesus! You could have maybe told me to duck or something" something that may have obscured his point. Something that may have strengthened that Mac would forget to point out, having lost himself in his own lecture, that his hand was planted firmly near the groin of his enemy, a dirty move he picked up in his many bar fights for when someone comes in behind you he luckily didn't have to implement, but a pertinent point ignored as Mac moved on along with Yuri to attempting to escape this hell scape.

About to open his mouth up again to go on yet another tangent, Yuri was smart to cut him off before he would start one of his long speeches once again, leaving him to say a simple, "Alright," as he rushed to keep up with Yuri. Seeing the young and deadly Genin dispatch of all the cultists so quickly, Mac's focus would shift to Ai, "Hold on Yuri, let's make sure we are all getting out of here alive, we aren't going to leave Ai behind to get swarmed here, you make sure the way below is clear, I'm going to be taking out as many of these bastards as I can to clear a line for Ai, even though it looks like she has more than a handle on herself, would hate her to miss this door," Mac would say at a normal volume, before shouting out towards Ai, "Thread-Spinner, we are leaving!" raising his sword, and stepping into a horde of beasts and cultists to cut trough them, a task which felt oddly like cutting through paper as he noticed, with the three ritual casters taken out, was incredibly easy, like they had some of their strength sapped. Cutting through them like paper, his suspicions of Ai being able to defend herself was proven true, but that she was incanting a seemingly familiar set of gibberish. Mac would lift out a pocket watch, point first to the time which, being that this was a dream, went in all sorts of odd directions, before it would rotate a bit, revealing the gold side to bear an etched symbol of a white rabbit. "It is time we get going Ai, we need to get out of here, follow me down the rabbit hole, we'll get out of this dream and back into reality, or at least a different, slightly less murderous reality than this one," Mac would state, extending his hand to the murderous Ai, being sure to keep his distance as not to incur any bit of the wrath. 

Should Ai join himself and Yuri, the group would all flee through the trap door, hopefully on the road to escape from this place, to find a solution to this nightmare once and for all, Mac would think to himself, running.

WC: 610, TWC 5470
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:52 pm
Ai watched the carnage as war raged about her form. Weirdly it seemed so quiet in her little bubble. As metal clashed and ninjutsu poured across the battlefield she found a stillness in the zone of safety set between herself and her two puppets. This is why Saya created her formation. Even with the two puppets extended to opposite sides of the room, Set in a strait line defensive position, there was a great margin of error for the pupeteer. How could any of these cultist harm her if their paths were blocked by powerful constructs?

"One two one two and through and through.... The vorpal blade went snicker snack. " With the orb of her Water dragon whip blocking off the space between herself and the Saya puppet she only had to watch as the flow of people ebbed. Many found their form checkerboarded by the razor wire of her puppet. Those who found a path past the Saya puppet met a gruesome end at the point of her suiton tendrils. It was a beautiful chaos.

"And as in uffish thought he stood, the jabberwock, with eyes of flame, came whiffling through the tulgey wood." Two made it past the Saya puppet. They'd barelly ducked the wire that threatened their life, leaning wide of the zone being protected by her suiton. They stopped just two meters into their point of safety. Their position made intention clear: They'd found a path they thought would lead them to the puppet master. A path that would lead them to Ai, but they hadn't counted on one thing.

"So much depends on a single strand.... Sat lazily in the air." Chakra threads lashed around their forms. The two impaled one another on their own weapons, now limp bodies cutting each other asunder as brilliant blue threads stretched back to grip the puppets they once wielded.

"Came whiffling through the tulgey wood and burbled as it came...." She felt power in the words. It was amazing how something so simple could bring such strength of character. These pieces which had been nothing more than bedtime reading ressonated through her mind with every strike she threw. The mirrored surface of her suiton seemed to float with a small leather bound diary, the relic of so many long lost minds. Across the bindings edge was written simply 'keats'. As quickly as the image appeared, it would fade in ripples, a stones throw erasure of a personal portrait in the lake.

She heard the call to retreat even as more minions climbed the ladder leading to their room. Glancing back she would watch as Mac approached, trying to draw her from the battle. The Saya puppet recoiled. She found her puppet now standing at her side, Razor wire arms floating in preparation to defend the puppeteer, but stil Ai waited.

"Wait...." Three men rushed towards Mac and Saya. Five. Eleven. Black cloaks formed a sea with one intention: to end the fight here and now with overwhelming numbers. They made it to the center point of the room, just two meters from the space Ai occupied before she began her seals. She formed the jutsu quickly, whispered words carrying the true intention behind her actions. At the one meter mark A great stream of suiton flowed form her lips. It stretched out to fill the room, now unoccupied by allies, and swept up any remaining resitance. Twenty two. Twenty two was the number of men who dared to challenge the final stand of Ai's team, and twenty two found themselves swept away in a stream that shifted at the thirty meter mark. THe sound of flesh torn asunder ressonated through the room As Ai gave a nod, heading towards the door. As the two orbs of rotating suiton shifted from clear blue to red, She left the room, following Yuri's lead.

(TWC 3600 1266/1667 for final mision completion)
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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:49 pm

All she needed was to give a single thumbs up before heading down into the secret passage. She wasn't going to lie and say the idea of getting out of this place faster wasn't extremely appealing to her, but she didn't just go forward without a hesitation to get out. She had a strong confidence these two could handle themselves. Especially that weird puppet user. There was something cramped about the corridors of the secret passage between the walls that pressed her thoughts together.

Then she realizes she'd forgotten the puppet users name. Smacking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, she shakes her head. She'd have to ask again later. Screams of cultists coming out from where Yuri had entered the passageway as she finally starts to meet resistance for the first time. The slight crumble of stone was enough encouragement to rush.

WC: 4162
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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:32 pm
Seeing that Ai was preparing some sort of large attack to sweep through the room, Mac made like a rabbit and fucked off down a hole, joining Yuri in what had been somewhat cramped for the smaller youngin, proved almost asphyxiating for Mac as he, in order to get through, lowered himself to an army crawl and started pulling himself to freedom.

"You see some sort of exit up ahead Yuri? I am getting awful tired and feel like a dirt nap might be inadvisable given company upstairs. Our aescendent neighbors might get the bright idea to plug up their holes and we'll be stuck with no oxygen to boot," Mac would bring up, a smile to offset the urgency, "As soon as Ai gets down here, I suggest we get the hell out of dodge, think I heard her washing out whatever was left up there, probably that will clean up the rest of the ritual, and we can tunnel our way out of here, digging, scratching, and all. That is, assuming Ai is still herself when she comes down here, she was going into some crazy berserker rage when I was up there, droning on about something I couldn't understand at all, I managed to break her out of it a moment, but I suggest some caution when dealing with her in high stress situations, looks like it induced some psychosis, but I ain't no shrink so I would not be the best to give any sort of expert analysis or advice on the matter, main word of the wise is to steer clear of her when she's feeling violent, and to not make her feel violent,"
Mac would warn, shrinking down as he tried to make some progress down the tunnel.

Mac would shout out again, this time from within the tunnel, "Ay Ai, we gotta get out of here as soon as you can, it doesn't matter about the other cultists, I think we should cut while the getting is good and not risk an all out clash with all the cultists, you may be well equipped for that, but I don't know how me and Yuri would shape up against them. We can get out of here without that risk but I need you to come with us, we have disrupted the ritual, lets leave while we are ahead," Mac would hope this isn't taken too bad, he wasn't trying to criticize Ai, merely he was getting a bit claustrophobic and wanted to try his hardest to rush things along and get his ass back home.

WC: 431, TWC: 5,901
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Nightmare Solution - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nightmare Solution

Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:59 pm
She made it to the tunnel with plenty of time to spare. The good part of having destroyed the entirety of the opposition that threatened your existance was that it gave you a moment to breathe. Looking down the long corridor she imagined all the ways this could end badly. Thankfully she had contingencies. She approached just in time to hear something about psychosis. Were they talking about her? It actually brought her back to discussions Saya had passed to her from childhood. There were so many times when someone would call the small child crazy, watching her play pretend with wooden dolls or zip off to do what she wanted in the middle of lessons. It was eccentricity at best, but the world would never understand that.

"Not crazy, It's a puppet thing. Or a Senju thing. Only really know one or two of each so I couldn't really say for sure. Either way I have another plan. Push through to the doorway leading out. If something happens pull back and I'll solve the problem. I have a jutsu that will make sure the way stays clear. Just... If I have to use it stay behind me and climb onto the coach puppet. He's more than big enough to be able to carry the two of you, and it'll protect you from the jutsu effects. " With her plan in place, she would push foward. Everything in her head screamed it couldn't be this easy, and as she rounded the first corner to a long hallway leading to the outside, she was proven right.

Hands flashed in tandem through two sets of seals. The first was the ninjutsu amplifier. She needed there to be no question that they would be safe, so she was willing to burn the last of her power to get them out. As her left hand sealed the boosting technique, her right formed the seals for a jutsu they'd seen before. Sarch syrup capture field. A brilliant blue glow flowed across her body as her enhancer activated, and a sea of sticky yellow fluid poured from her lips. It coated the final line of defense, six cultists holding wicked chained weapons. In moments they and the entire hall was coated in syrup the spread out down the hallway towards both the door and her team. if her allies strength was high enough, which for the purposes of a combat thread we can say it might be, they would easily be able to walk through the door, out the building and to safety. Otherwise coach would be there and ready to cart them home.

As she met fresh air for the first time the pounding in her heart stopped. They'd done it. They saved the village.

Mission complete.

(TWC 4061 WC:1727 all missions complete.
claims:6100 ryo 30 ap and 8 tickets for part 1, 10100 ryo 50 ap and 10 tickets for part 2 and 12600 ryo 63 ap and 12 tickets + 1 golden ticket for part three for a total of
28800 ryo, 30 tickets and 1 golden ticket

4061 wc putting 1500 towards pup amplifier(b rank) 1500/1500) 2500 towards largetha otterbrook(2500/2500) and 80 additional ap for wc with no wc reduction. exit topic closed after the other two! )
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