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Under the Moonlight [Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Under the Moonlight [Makoto]

Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:46 pm
Wolves were intelligent creatures. Thw gaze in Yuri's blue eyes didn't show a hint of any lost intelligence in the process of her transformation. Yelping as she skids across the tiles and sheet metal of the roof, wooden shards and shattered glass embedded in the lupine back. Blood stains the matted fur as they turn back on to their feet during the slide. It became a drawn out at off as she just waited there. 

Slowly, she slinks forward on the roof. Approaching Makoto and keeping just out of effective range for their offense. Just enough space to respond if she attacks, a slight growl warbling with saliva that flies off as she bares her fangs. Pacing back and forth, as was natural for a predator hunting prey. Just wanting for that moment where they unthinkingly bare their neck.

WC: 3796
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Village : Kirigakure
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Under the Moonlight [Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Under the Moonlight [Makoto]

Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:20 am
Makoto circles around the wolf, making sure not to show her back. There is no need to rush. She is slower than the wolf- but she is sure that, like this, she is definitely stronger. She tightens her fists, trying to remember Yul's lessons. She straightens out her stance, trying to relax her body despite the pulsing pain emanating from her back.

"Just how much of you is in there, I wonder...?" If the issue had been the moon, then perhaps finding some way to hide her from it would help. Then again, perhaps it would not end till morning. She couldn't keep it up all night, so she'd regretfully have to commit to it.

And if someone had to die, she had too much on her shoulders for it to be her, didn't she? She was only beginning to understand just how much effort she had ahead of her. But, if several generations before her hadn't managed to make a scratch, then she'd just have to find a new way. And what stood in front of that..

"...The fur doesn't suit you at all." She mildly says, stepping forwards suddenly , her left fist feinting a low blow towards the stomach. Feint is, perhaps, the wrong thing to call a blow that could break through solid stone if not stopped, but it's nonetheless evident to a sufficiently keen eye that she's shifting her balance, pulling that blow as she prepares for another technique.

TWC 2613
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Under the Moonlight [Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Under the Moonlight [Makoto]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 2:52 am
Animalistic instincts where their primary means. She was strong and fast, but Makoto was more forceful, though not nearly as quick and after the first hit they didn't have any intentions to get caught again. Tilting to the left to dodge Makoto's blow as she does a jab, claws pointed straight ahead to puncture into Makoto's side, using Yuri's usual speed. It was an odd, almost silly image in a way. Despite becoming a wolf beast they were the one fighting using speed and grace as opposed to brute force Makoto comfortably relied upon. 

In the thick of the fight there wasn't any growling from the wolf. Just an unsettling silence and startling level of.claroty in their blue eyes. It was still debatable if she could hear anything anyone was saying, but she wasn't blinded by her condition when it came to fighting instincts.

WC: 3940
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6500

Under the Moonlight [Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Under the Moonlight [Makoto]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 3:05 am
The blow digs into their left side, splashing blood over the roof tilings. It smells foul, red mixed with black that seeps between the tiles with an acidic sizzling sound. The feeling of the claws sinking in staggers her out of the technique, pain lancing through her body. Bile rises to her mouth, the same filthy black. Pushing through it, she steadies her footing, dragging her foot back through the tiles hard enough several crack from the strength exerted, sending debris flying. Her body tenses, the claws snagging on her flesh.

Her entire body is burning, chakra rushing through it like a river, the pain only seeming to increase with the exertion of maintaining her technique. Makoto's eyes narrow, her left arm shooting out to grab the werewolf's arm with crushing force. Yuri still seemed to have her wits about her, even if they seemed focused on killing her. Such a graceful way to hunt was almost enviable, for someone who'd refused to become better at killing despite knowing she needed to. It was perhaps time to lose those compunctions. She was sure, either way, that Yuri would appreciate it once she'd beaten sense back into her.

Her other arm surges forth towards the caught arm's elbow, the air letting out a whine as Makoto twists her whole body with the motion, pulling the werewolf closer as she brings down her palm towards the bone with the full intent to shatter the entire arm.

TWC 2884
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Under the Moonlight [Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Under the Moonlight [Makoto]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 4:19 am
In an attempt to take down the enemy at close range, one would invariably leave themselves open. With the deafening pulse of their own heart beat the wolf felt Makoto grip their arm, watching as their palm came down. Their arm was going to get broken, the grip was too tight to just snap out of but she was at least going to give as good as she got. An animal was most ferocious when cornered. 

Claws flash, glinting in the moonlight, as at the same time the no in their left arm cracks that with the jab of their other hand going right for their gut. The feeling of sharp claws tearing through abdominal flesh. The scent of blood, and the patter as it drips on to the roof plating. They growl as they feel their left arm shatter. Bone peeking out through the skin and for, blood red and bone white exposed to moon light. The wolfish grimace of pain with teeth slightly bare mixed with the hunger that came from the smell of the blood of others.

Opening their maw wide, they go for a finishing blow, leaning forward  to clamp down on Makoto's breathe. A gaping wife jaw full of razor teeth, strong enough to crush a skull, was rapidly approaching Makoto's head with a familiar killing intent.

WC: 4162
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Kirigakure
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Under the Moonlight [Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Under the Moonlight [Makoto]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 5:04 am
Blood and filth drip from the priestess's body onto the roof, flowing like stagnant water now freed. The feeling of bone breaking under her hand makes her a twisted sort of relieved, that she at least managed something before her stomach was eviscerated.

Was it a mistake to not go for the head?

If her intent was to kill, yes. But her killing intent hadn't been strong enough. They hadn't been friends for long, but to kill a friend was not something Makoto had been willing to do. No, perhaps, she couldn't bring herself to regret refusing to kill someone she cared for. After all, the kind of world where shinobi have to kill their dear friends was the kind of world she wanted to kill. To fall because of this was as natural as anything else, so how could regrets arise? This was simply a fault of strength and skill, which she'd rejected out of fear. In the end, it was just the accumulation of past mistakes that'd led to this. Even if death is invitable, she thrusts her right hand into the wolf's abdomen in turn, one last blow hoping to stop the night's rampage by incapacitating the beast. Is the blood on her hand hers, or...?

No. It doesn't matter. She has done what she can, and Yul will survive, certainly. Then, she will have a successor- a bittersweet thought, when she'd barely even begun to learn how much work was to be done

As the jaws close down, Makoto closes her eyes. Her boady is soaked in blood and pain. She is alone.Perhaps the first clan head of the Yoshida to die alone in the clan's history.

Perhaps, her successor would learn from her mistakes.

"Yul... Then, even if my legacy is short, tell whoever comes after that..."

And then everything is very, very cold.

Cold sweat clings to her body as she wakes up on her bed, blankets sticking to her body. She lets out an agonized groan, scrunching her eyes closed and muffling it with her pillow. She feels sick, her stomach hurts like hell, and she's got a migraine. It really hasn't felt this bad since her training to host Yul, back when they had her drinking poisons- All she can do for a few moments is grit her teeth and bear it until whatever nightmarish phantom pain decides to stop haunting her. She feels the already-awake deity stir within her body, crawling down to her stomach to examine it and finding nothing amiss. It pushes against it slightly, the jolt making her open her eyes.

]"Nothing wrong down there, Makoto. Had a nightmare?

She grumbles, sitting upright while still clutching her stomach. What was the dream even about? All she remembers is...

...broken bones. A failed mission. The need to grow stronger. That the world can only be fixed if she's willing to break it.

She shakes her head, disturbed, and goes to open the window, shoving her head out of it and taking deep lungfuls of cold air. "First nightmare in a long while, wasn't it?"

"The first I've also had in recent memory"

"How odd... then, I guess, you wouldn't think it weird if I ask you to teach me the techniques of my predecessors?"


She shakes her head. "You don't need to coddle me. I know... I've rejected it, for so long, and shirked my duties. But..."

Looking over the lake, she forces a small smile. "...I think it's enough time. I can heal well enough. Let's see about defending myself, as well."


"That cheeriness you said it with is unnerving!" She looks down at the centipede "I was having a dramatic moment!"

"I'm just happy! You've been worrying me so much, you know? If I get to help you more, then by all means. I will teach you all they knew"

It was bound to be long and arduous training...

TWC 3554
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Under the Moonlight [Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Under the Moonlight [Makoto]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:21 am
As the wolf's jaws clenched down for a killing blow they felt the white hot flash of pain following a body chilling cold. The relief as Makoto goes still ignored in place of the sting from their final attack, and the swimming vision from their accumulated injuries. It was finally time... 


Yuri wakes up in bed with a start, their stomach tight with pain as it growls maliciously. Just her luck to go to bed hungry. The smell of blood was thick in her mouth, making her wonder if she bit her tongue as she slid out of bed. First things first to start the day was breakfast, and as the sun peeks through her curtains she had a bit of a need for something with alot of meat.

WC: 4291


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Under the Moonlight [Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Under the Moonlight [Makoto]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 4:33 pm
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