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Goro Tanaka
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Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac) Empty Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac)

Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:54 am
Mission: Do the Mash:

"I like your mad scientist costume." 

Goro blinked awake to the sounds of loud music and the odd feeling of being amidst a crowd he didn't recognize. Various creatures- for surely not all of them could be called human- seemed to move erratically, and it took him a moment to realize that it was in time to the songs in the background. Were they... dancing? He looked down at himself. He wasn't wearing anything special- just his standard lab attire- but apparently it counted as eccentric enough to fit in with the crowd. A dull awareness that he was dreaming lingered at the back of his mind.

Honestly, if it wasn't so loud and crowded, he would've liked to get to know them better. Surely they had some interesting information to make for a study, or whatever he could convince Kiri to give him in terms of funding. 

"Are you even paying attention?" He blinked back into awareness at the monster- a human(?) skeleton wearing an overly exaggerated Akatsuki cloak- before nodding. 

"I, uh. Thank you! It's. Hard to hear," he replied, not waiting for a response as he looked around further. As time passed, oddly enough, it seemed to grow louder. Ugh. If this thing continued, he'd wake up with an awful migraine... Maybe a way to make them stop?

He didn't have much in the way of jutsu, though, and the thought of potentially aggravating an entire mosh pit seemed like a bad idea. Score one for common sense. He needed to take a step back and observe the situation further- but as the music pounded exponentially louder, it became harder and harder to concentrate. Fuck. 

He looked around for a familiar face- or anyone with a Kirigakure headband. Surely they'd be able to help, right? The thought of doing this alone was daunting...

WC: 306
Total WC: 306
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Ryo : 36300

Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac) Empty Re: Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac)

Wed Oct 06, 2021 11:27 am
Opening his eyes, Mac felt himself transported from the office he was taking a nap into what felt like a cushioned box. Pushing at the sides at first, then at the top, his search for an exit was answered as in two separate segments the top came up. Just as the seal of air came through, so did the noise, a thumping headache echoing and ringing in the detective’s ears that caused him initially to allow the lid to close again, before composing himself and attempting to exit his box. Removing both sections of the lid, Mac rose his torso and body up like a sit up, gazing around at all the onlookers, those who looked from afar to be people in really good costumes. Removing himself from his container, it was revealed to him to be a coffin, slept in worse, Mac thought to himself, before beginning to scan the party, at first looking for an exit, or at least someone to ask in order to get this information.

Approaching someone he thought was in a convincing zombie costume, but as he got closer the smell and the appearance hit a height more than a simple costume, attempting to communicate with the beast confirmed it, this was a zombie, albeit not a hostile one. Looking around he saw werewolves and vampires and skeletons, oh my, all he had thought were part of a simple costume party now confirmed to be a full on spook fest. Knowing the potential destructive nature of how these kinds of parties end, with drugged and drunk people fighting, often putting the lives of many within and without the party itself, enhanced with the destructive nature of these kinds of beings, he knew before it got too bad, he would have to shut it down. Scanning the crowd for anyone breathing among the crowds of undead. Seeing a boy with green hair and familiar kirigakure fatigues, Mac approached them and, knowing the music would drown out most conversation, opened his coat a slight big revealing the kiri headband embedded on his shirt just over his heart from afar, attempting to indicate he was no threat before getting close, knowing he would be potentially paranoid should some random person twice his age start approaching him in the middle of a party of ghouls. 

“Hey,” Mac would say after approaching somewhat of an auditory range, “You know anything about this party? Seems like it might end up dangerous, might have to shut it down. What’s your opinion on the matter?”

Taking a moment to allow the younger boy to respond, should they agree it must be shut down, Mac would offer his hands out before starting, “I think I got a solution, but you’re going to have to trust me, I used to have to bust up ragers all the time when I was on the beat, just got to get a group of maybe three people together? Oh and you’ll probably want a hat to add to our authenticity.” 

Mac would then join Goro in searching, adding on to the end as almost a second thought, “You got a name by the way, don’t think I’ve seen you around the village?”

WC: 535
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac) Empty Re: Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac)

Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:21 pm
Weapon. Check. Super bad ass modified armor. Check. Rediculous armadillo cosplay seven floors down from my room. Check. Barrel filled with wood that is actively on fire. Check. Rediculous armadillo costume in barrel. Check. Waited to ensure all traces of rediculous armadillo costume were gone. Check. Ok. Pinochio finally headed towards his bed, confident finally that if he woke up in the wierd dream place there was no possible way he would find himself in the Ramkage haloween costume Saya had convinced him to wear trick or treating. He was a serious shinobi, and so far his interactions with villagers he hadn't met yet was less than positive because he was dressed up as an armadillo mizukage. That ends today.

Damn it.

He would appear behind the pair, listening in as mac suggested that they needed to shut down some sort of party. Of course he was wearing the ramkage outfit, with the oversized armadillo head sitting just past his eyebrows.

"I'm a third person. Got an official looking hat too. " He wasn't sure how long they'd been talking, and really hoped that his entrance into the world standing just out of line of sight wouldn't make the sudden vocal addition too awkward. Either way it was done now.

"Say the word and I'll punch them real real hard. Well. Moderately hard. Im fairly strong in my humble opinion" He glanced about, trying to figure out what the hell they were even talking about. It would seem that there were a bunch of people in costumes(or honestly just various creatures given the oddity of the village he kept finding himself in) doing a monster mash. Giving it a few minutes to take inventory of the situation he determined definitively that it was not a graveyard smash.

"I'm pinochio pinochio. I dunno if you were talking to me to, sorry for the whole suddenly showing up thing. Didn't mean to, couldn't help it. Maybe we could just turn off the music?"

(TWC 330)
Goro Tanaka
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Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac) Empty Re: Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac)

Fri Oct 08, 2021 5:54 pm
Goro hadn't seen these people around the village, though that could just as easily be attributed to his inherent inattentiveness, the fact that he usually spent time at Research and Development, or the fact that he didn't frequently associate with the higher ranks (apart from perhaps Murata). "I don't have a hat! In theory, I could transform into myself WEARING a hat, but I'm not sure if that would count? We could just pretend that we're here to break the party up, but-" he paused, realizing that the stranger was still talking to him. Whoops.

"Goro Tanaka! Leading intern at the R&D department's research team on penguin training!" It would likely be easy for Mac to tell that not only was this completely unimpressive but also not particularly important, either- perhaps Goro was assigned this on the fly to keep him away from more delicate experiments. "Who're you?" he added after a moment, remembering that manners were important. After a second's hesitation, he went through the hand seals for the E-rank transformation- though the only thing about his appearance was the presence of a hat. 

After a few moments, Goro blinked at the arrival of the third person. The Mizukage hat was something anyone could wear, in theory, but the Ram thing was less well known, so... Maybe they were a Kirigakuran, too? He looked at Mac awkwardly, giving a noncommital hum.

"Maybe the music being turned off will help. I can't guarantee anything until we try it. Have I met you before, by the way? I like your Ram cosplay. I haven't seen Ram recently. Do you know what happened to him?" evidently, he was out of the loop- though whether it was intentional or he was just oblivious was left unspoken. "What do you think we should do? Other than, like. Turning the music off. Do you like my hat?" 

WC: 312
Total WC: 618
Stat Page : The Logs
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36300

Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac) Empty Re: Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac)

Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:23 am
Starting to swirl around to the voice behind him, Mac would start shifting towards Pinocchio while saying, "Oh hello, looks like we got a good number of people going here. One person is an annoyance, two a disturbance, having a good three people here should be able to shut this party down before it gets too wild," Mac would state, assuming somewhat of a leadership position for the time being, given he had the most experience busting up parties in the like. Not noticing the armadillo man's costume before turning around and taking in a full sight of them, He was in for a surprise "Well Pinocchio squared, given your costume more so is in fitting with the whole monster aesthetic as opposed to my detective and the mad scientist here, would you mind breaking into the music area and using that strength of yours to bust up all the equipment? That should allow me and Goro here to command the attention and bust this joint up."

Now at a midpoint between the two, Mac would position his shoulders to be perpendicular with the scientist and the ram-reminiscent boy, "Name is Duncan McNally, but you guys can call me Mac," he would state slyly, extending a hand on either side of himself, his left to Goro, and his right to Pinocchio, he would offer them both a hand shake. Pending the acceptance of the handshake, Mac would give a nod to Pinocchio and state, "I think its best you go and shut down the music while I brief Goro here on the plan for crowd control. And Goro I don't know what's happened to Ram, or what the fuck a ram is, are you talking about the goat things or some sort of armadillo? I'm still getting used to the village, don't go outside often."

Now shifting his entire body towards Goro, "You said you manage Penguins right? I can work with that," Mac would think out loud, before taking a second to ponder the right words for his explanation, "You know how sometimes the penguins you are studying and or training may have something they aren't supposed to have? and how when they have it calling em out for it tends to spread them all out like a diaspora trying to avoid guilt? If so then you have the perfect insight into what exactly we are doing here, if not, or if that's not what penguins do, I guess the metaphor is kinda fucked, but you get the point. Just like when someone yells fire, everyone runs away, claiming that someone has something they aren't supposed to tends to get everyone to get the hell out of dodge. Do you catch where I'm going with this?" Mac would ask. "When it comes time and that music goes out, we are going to look as official as possible and start yelling that we found a source of drugs here and we'll have to search every member. With the music out the monsters will have no reason to keep on mashing, and with the threat of a police search, they should all disperse, just like the penguins," Mac would explain, continuing with, "When I give the symbol, serious faces we can get this done easily. Oh and before I forget, I do like your hat, sir."

Waiting for the pending cut off of the music, assuming all were agreed with his plan Mac would ready himself mentally, before giving the symbol, a nod and two snaps of the left hand to Goro before shouting in the recently silenced crowd, "POLICE! GOT WORD OF DRUG POSSESSION AND DISTRIBUTION IN THE AREA! WE ASK YOU ALL STAY STILL AS WE GO THROUGH A SEARCH OF EVERYONE'S PERSON, AND PLEASE DON'T RUN AWAY!" 

WC: 633 TWC 1168
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac) Empty Re: Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac)

Sat Oct 09, 2021 7:04 pm
"Wait wait wait..... YOU GET TO WORK WITH PENGUINS?! that means theres penguins in kiri and they're being trained as hecking ninjas?! thats actually the coolest thing i've heard my entire life!!!" There were a few things wrong with that statement. first was just the general way he reacted to the news. He realized immediately after that he had taken a page directly from Saya's book. Of course these were serious combat creatures not like...cute otters, so it was a bit different, still, having a reaction so similar to his "creator" was enough to leave a bit of a bad taste in his mouth. Second, while his statement that he'd not heard anything cooler was true, there was a dissonance between the faux 22 years of life that his body suggested he held versus the actual three or so months he'd been alive. It was much less impressive of a feat when one realized he hadn't actually been around for even a year yet. Either way, he took a step back after his outburst, claming himself and refocusing on the task at hand.

"Pinochio Pinochio is the name. Punching stuff real hard is the game. " Had he already said that? Eh. It didn't matter. A name as cool as pinochio pinochio was worth saying twice--well four times technically. OK. So the prime goal was to destroy the music using his fantastical taijutsu prowess. It looks like time for THAT technique.

"Actually. I can do you one better. Watch this, and try not to be jealous of my super sweet fighting moves and mostly unmatched physical skill." He had to add mostly because yanno. Gonk exists. Dang sharks and their generally useless 150 strength. Taking a deep breath, he'd begin by activating his most subtle technique.

"FIRST GATE OF OPENING OOOOPPPEEEEEENNNNNN" Muscles bulged with the added mass, bringing his strength up over one hundred. He brought his palm in front of his face, pointed towards the area where a witch with the steriotypical pointed black hat was spinning records at some sort of a dj booth kind of situation. Drawing his power, he'd tap the back of his palm with a fist. That's when the magic happened.

A great gout of air pressure poured from his fist, creating a solid white tiger's head. It zoomed at incredible speed the entire fifty meter distance to rip trough the booth, destroying everything and stopping the music in its tracks. Unfortunately, it also ripped through about twenty or so party goers. They really didn't stand a chance. The teeth bore down on a frankenstein monster, tearing it sunder as it rushed to its final destination, ensuring his part of the mission was finished post haste. Then the fun begain.

He hadn't actually paid attention to what the rest were supposed to do, so while he waited for the others.... He beat the ever living crap out of anyone and everyone in range that wasn't a kiri shinobi. Were talking body parts FLYING as a three and a half foot taijutsu user in an armadillo costume rushed through the field.

(TWC 845 my portion of the mission done! claiming 4k ryo, 20 ap, and 6 tickets then putting 845 towards twin rising dragons (2098/2750) previous training exit topic closed after the other two)
Goro Tanaka
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Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac) Empty Re: Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac)

Sun Oct 10, 2021 8:25 am
Goro nodded at the strangers words, before pausing and shaking his head vigorously. "Nope! They're entirely normal penguins! They like tater tots!" good job. Nonetheless, he'd follow his seniors' lead. 

The instant Pinochio began Smashing Stuff, he'd raise his arms and start yelling in response to Mac's yelled statements. "YEAH! DRUGS! WOOOOO!" 

It's possible he missed the point of the exercise altogether. Nonetheless, he made up for it with boundless enthusiasm and a questionable work ethic. 

Trial and error was the name of the game.

WC: 85
Total WC: 703

(Exit, mission complete)

((Sorry for short post, Feeling like shit irl but i don't wanna hold yall up))

+7 stats
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Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac) Empty Re: Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac)

Sun Oct 10, 2021 9:13 pm
Seeing his plan... fall apart but ultimately work out in the end, Mac was satisfied with getting the job done, clearing out this party before it got too violent, excusing the eccentricities of the obviously younger groupmates. Letting out a sigh of relief, he let his eyes close, and opened them to reveal his office, Vera standing across from him with an annoyed look. She lectured at him, "So this is how you spend your working hours when you aren't drinking? Sleeping off the hangover?"

WC: 85, TWC: 1,253

+12 Stats
+4.1k ryo
+20 AP
+6 Tickets
+Hiding with Camouflage [v7] - Sensory 1.5/1.5k B Rank continuing from Here
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Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac) Empty Re: Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (Saya/Mac)

Sun Oct 10, 2021 9:48 pm
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